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ChuDatz Presentz: ChuDat's dojo - Yellow Belt $300 Pot! - 6.27.09 - LIVESTREAM UP!


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
You think I have no idea?

Do you have any idea what it feels like to get infinited?

Your complaints match my complaints.

Tell me that this is fair.
i understand the concept if i get grabbed against ic then i lose a stock. I know me and lain dont really give a sh*t how gay you have to play against us to win because we can take stocks in a blink of an eye. Its just how brawl is. We dont like this game and we play for money. I mean i love it when i play ic LOL, but otherwise i find it boring. If people in midwest dont think its broken then why do you?

Your in the backroom now why dont u convince the community to get it banned chu. Then al accept it being banned permanently. You just have a nasty biased against me because you havent beat me in tourney in a while.

Its really hard to compare brawl ic to melee ic. Ic matches when played correctly in brawl are all high risk/high reward. A good example is when i played steve. He messed up he died. If i messed up my nana died. Ic speed up the boring process of how brawl should be played. Yah its broken, but its a different way of how brawl is approached. Its like when you have to play mk, you have to approach the match up completely different (camp excessively). Its just you havent found the best way to beat it. Everyone in my crew knows how to fight me so it is beatable. Even hovas random characters can beat me.

If you really want al just limit the grabs against u chu. The people who can beat me really dont care.

This just makes me not wanna go to your tournies. i have no idea if thats ur goal, but yah. I probably wouldnt be such a bish about it, but yah im the only ice climber player LOL. So i have to kinda defend the other few ice climbers out there because there are literally none. No one will feel inclined to learn them and i really want more people to play them even if i have to deal with lame ic dittos.

Sorry man i love you and all, but i cant help but feel personally attacked when i do lose in tourney to other people. Even greg and boss came close to beating me with last hit last stock.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Brawl johns up the ***.

I hate paying for people's meals that don't even appreciate the game that I actually do play for some fun.

*goes off and vainly practices*


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Chu, stick with backroom rules. I agree with Meep. The backroom banned Wobbling after they deemed it broken right? Let's go by those rules, since the backroom rules are what everyone else is using, and this is the DOJO for training to be better.

AT THE VERY WORST, we train ourselves to avoid getting grabbed. Even if it gets banned, we end up being better in the long run as we'll be better at avoiding grabs in general. And if it doesn't get banned, we learn how to fight it so that we can compete with other IC's like Lain and Ambrose and SK and others IC users like Bonk/Shinku who are just learning it.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Brawl johns up the ***.

I hate paying for people's meals that don't even appreciate the game that I actually do play for some fun.

*goes off and vainly practices*
Watch a lot of Anther videos and study your match-ups, mangz! Release your stored up potential! :psycho:

I don't have much to say about the IC's issue. I do fine against him using MK, DDD, Snake, and even Diddy. It really is about understanding the match-up and I don't think Chu fully comprehends it at the moment.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Chu, stick with backroom rules. I agree with Meep. The backroom banned Wobbling after they deemed it broken right? Let's go by those rules, since the backroom rules are what everyone else is using, and this is the DOJO for training to be better.
We have never played by SBR rules. Have you seen their stage list? It's ********.

Also, wobbling was not banned by the SBR, just certain TOs.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Hmm i see I don't understand the history of melee, obviously.

Yeah their stage list is retarted, I'm glad that a lot of respectable people got admitted into that, maybe it will change.

JCaesar my Wii is fully Brawl+ ready btw now, also with SNES/N64 emulator (N64 is hilarious, runs at like 10fps with glitches), although my NES wasn't working right, but oh well

Me and Waffle were splitting the day on sat. between brawl+ and brawl, waffle was putting together 9-11 hit combos for 70-80% with ZSS, and got me in a 0 to death in B+, he's obviously too good

Anyways, in melee, you can't plank as well (i.e. fly under the stage for 8 mins), but in this game you can, so I still support it being legal until it being illegal becomes the tourney standard.

Lain has been doing it for a lot longer and they still don't ban it in michigan. Lain also isn't only talented with IC's, much like meep, he has an alternate character as well.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
DDD should be allowed up to 5 grabs with his infinite as well IF we wanna be fair here.
lmao... EE is usually a big idiot, but he actually makes a really good point

if IC are allowed to infinite the entire cast, shouldn't DDD be allowed to infinite the few people he is capable of infiniting?

i understand that DDD is a better charatcer overall and is much easier to grab with, but an infinite is an infinite and DDD can only do it against a small portion of the cast. (I also get the whole you can gimp Nana to nulify the infinite)

i'm with EE on this one; one infinite grab is just as bad as the next. they should be all in or all out :chuckle:

i would also like to remind people that i'm always for banning MK and grab infinites

i'm better than all of you (except Omni & Azen), step it up


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006

It really is about understanding the match-up and I don't think Chu fully comprehends it at the moment.
And it's not even that hard to understand the match up, just don't get grabbed!

The first time I ever played Meep's Ice climbers, the only reason he won is because he ran the timer out on me. It was really close

I had no Iceclimbers Match Up experience. I just avoided being grabbed. He still grabbed me a few times. But out of those few I was able to break out a couple times. So why are people complaining?

And anyone who says Icies are gayer than MK are so full of it. If this was true than why haven't I seen one Icies player win a major tourney? IF his grab was Truly gayer thank MK as a character by himself it would definitely show in tourney results.

@ Meep: I'm picking up Icies again :) and I'll even deal with the 5 grab rule at Chu's tournies if I have to:urg:

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
I personally think that people should stop complaining about Meep's playstyle. I'm a bit sad that he plays Brawl even though he dislikes it.. it kinda puts down the players that actually enjoy brawl >.> but it's something he is good at. To even consider banning it because you can't figure out how to get around it is beyond me. This is why it is important to learn more than one character so when the time comes, you can pick another character to help you excel in your match up.

Meep did not get first at BMX's Tournament. It can be beat. Yes it will be stressful the second you get grabbed.. I know everyone felt the freezer burn once it happened to them.. that is why you must do your best to not get grabbed and separate the two IC's to stop it from happening. Don't John about peoples play styles just because your play style isn't as technical. I prefer mind games over tech, but there will always be the other styles that you must adjust to.. that is just Brawl. If you don't like it, go back to melee and play/host those tournaments.

No offense to you Chu, you know I'm tight with you.. and don't get me wrong.. once it happens to me in a tournament, I'll John my as$ off.. but you can't let Meep's or any IC Players infinites get to you. Just figure out a way around it or take it to the Backroom where it can be handled properly. If people see that you are banning play styles at your tournaments because you can't beat them.. then people will stop going. Metaknight players don't go to meta-banned tourneys.. IC's won't go to IC banned tourneys.

People that put all this effort into a character only to get it banned is stupid and sad. If Metaknight or IC's ever get banned, then whats next..? D3.. and the remainder of the top tier characters? Brawl is only so old, and these discoveries are only the begining.. wait until 2-3 years down the road when other characters are broken in.. then what? Ban them too? Thats when I will leave brawl and go back to crappy games like Halo 3.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Its really hard to compare brawl ic to melee ic. Ic matches when played correctly in brawl are all high risk/high reward. A good example is when i played steve. He messed up he died. If i messed up my nana died. Ic speed up the boring process of how brawl should be played. Yah its broken, but its a different way of how brawl is approached. Its like when you have to play mk, you have to approach the match up completely different (camp excessively). Its just you havent found the best way to beat it. Everyone in my crew knows how to fight me so it is beatable. Even hovas random characters can beat me.
exactly, ICs in Brawl aren't like they were in Melee, Nana can't die that easily from a mess up in Brawl. It was MUCH eaiser to take her out in Melee. Now in Brawl their upB acts as a tether recovery straight to a sweetspot (except when edgehogged), and Nana can teleport from FD all the way to Castle Siege if she wanted to when Popo calls her with upB. In the couple of tourney sets I had yesterday with an ICs main, he messed up, I started to gimp Nana, he was on stage on Smashville, not even right at ledge, about 3 Metric Marios in (lol, the horizontal length of Mario standing to have a standard measurement in Brawl for stages and stuff), and Nana was pretty much under Smashville. He used upB and she teleported all the way to him on stage.

I personally see the IC's grab shenanigans in Brawl worse than they were in Melee, and in that game people eventually realized that something had to be done about it. Nowadays if someone says wobbling is banned, no one really questions it. So if the Brawl one is potentially more hazardous than the Melee one which got banned... You see where I'm going with that.

The main problem is IMO for banning it is that there are like 8 million different ways ICs can infinite, and it's tough to draw the line to make sure infinites don't happen, and ICs player dont try to bend the rules with some new crazy invention like hobbling or w/e its called that looks different but is essentially the same thing lol


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2006
hey hey is this dojo open to newcomers? im in baltimore looking for some better brawl players than my scrub friends. probably get my a$$ handed to me in a hurry, but its whatever. i honestly want to get wrecked, cause all i do is own all day all over my friends. ddd means death death death lol but for real i want to come and practice and improve

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
hey hey is this dojo open to newcomers? im in baltimore looking for some better brawl players than my scrub friends. probably get my a$$ handed to me in a hurry, but its whatever. i honestly want to get wrecked, cause all i do is own all day all over my friends. ddd means death death death lol but for real i want to come and practice and improve
Thats exactly the point of the Dojo egreene. You should come and learn some things. You will improve greatly, I'm sure of it.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
You can't plank the ledge for 8 minutes in melee either chibo, so as long as there is no ledge grab rule I'm fine.

If you enstate the ledge grab rule, well then you HAVE to ban IC's, no choice.

Wobbling was a glitch in melee, easy to ban that technique. IC's have so many infinites, you can't really ban them or even define them, so you would have to simply ban the character.

I took the last DOJO tourney to a new level of gay, it was worse than planking. Ask Chu and Deez. That was just the beginning. Prepare for the worst 16-24 minutes of your life.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
it sucks that the bad people in MD/VA are going to stay bad because they have no idea how this game works

people need to start using their heads and figure out why they consistently place outside of top 8


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
it sucks that the bad people in MD/VA are going to stay bad because they have no idea how this game works

people need to start using their heads and figure out why they consistently place outside of top 8
Do people understand that getting top7 or top10 is extremely unimpressive at the average tournament?

It's not about how you place, it's about who you beat down. People should stop being happy with 9th or 7th and try to crack top 4 at every single tourney
Now I'm confused :dizzy:


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2006
cool beans Bolt, i will go for sure. btw who's ddd's worst matchup? i guess mk is every characters destruction, but besides him who gives triple d the most trouble?


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
cool beans Bolt, i will go for sure. btw who's ddd's worst matchup? i guess mk is every characters destruction, but besides him who gives triple d the most trouble?
Falco wins by a small margin in my opinion (55:45) and a lot of D3's have trouble with Kirby, but in my opinion it's a 50:50 match there.

Just about everyone else D3 wins or runs even. Fox and Marth and even Sheik could provide unique trouble if you're not used to the matches, but once you learn them, they can be dealt with as well.

of the top tiers, i think it's

MK (60:40)
Snake (45:55)
Falco (55:45)
G&W (50:50)
DK (40:60)
Kirby (50:50)
Diddy (45:55)
Wario (40:60)
IC's (55:45)
Marth (45:55)

Luigi would probably do good if the infinite is banned.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
You can't plank the ledge for 8 minutes in melee either chibo, so as long as there is no ledge grab rule I'm fine.

If you enstate the ledge grab rule, well then you HAVE to ban IC's, no choice.

Wobbling was a glitch in melee, easy to ban that technique. IC's have so many infinites, you can't really ban them or even define them, so you would have to simply ban the character.

I took the last DOJO tourney to a new level of gay, it was worse than planking. Ask Chu and Deez. That was just the beginning. Prepare for the worst 16-24 minutes of your life.
There are multiple ledge stalls in Melee. You could if you wanted to.

I'll money match you in a camping match. Most people in PA call camping "Playing that Chibo game" or "Gettin' your Chibo on" lol

it sucks that the bad people in MD/VA are going to stay bad because they have no idea how this game works

people need to start using their heads and figure out why they consistently place outside of top 8


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
it sucks that the bad people in MD/VA are going to stay bad because they have no idea how this game works

people need to start using their heads and figure out why they consistently place outside of top 8
Hova, you have heavy opinions about these "bad players".

Just let them be. Honestly, if they just wanna throw their money away without trying, then that's their problem.

You can't always have good players. There's gonna be players that don't know much and still lose pretty badly. They give their money out to top 3 anyway! lol


Banned via Warnings
Mar 14, 2008
Vienna, VA
There are multiple ledge stalls in Melee. You could if you wanted to.

I'll money match you in a camping match. Most people in PA call camping "Playing that Chibo game" or "Gettin' your Chibo on" lol

And all this time I thought "gettin your chibo on" meant hosting tourneys terribly.

Edit: Wow my sig is old........


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
hova is right though, bad people stay bad because they dont realize their mistakes, and they continue to make them every tournament losing to the same people. good people constantly change up their style, and have different strategies to use on their opponent, bad people for the most part do not.

most people who place good, do for a reason. they actively try to take their game to the next level, pinpointing specifics to improve upon, and developing new strategies. most of the community plays and tries to get better, but simply arent as serious, and the chances of someone like that randomly beating chu meep and omni all in a row in a tourney, are slim to none.

brawl is a campy game. chances are good people are camping you and you are just walking into their traps all match. gotta play more defensive, even while trying to attack. that doesnt mean trying to time out the clock, but just knowing your options and executing.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
hova is right though, bad people stay bad because they dont realize their mistakes, and they continue to make them every tournament losing to the same people. good people constantly change up their style, and have different strategies to use on their opponent, bad people for the most part do not.

most people who place good, do for a reason. they actively try to take their game to the next level, pinpointing specifics to improve upon, and developing new strategies. most of the community plays and tries to get better, but simply arent as serious, and the chances of someone like that randomly beating chu meep and omni all in a row in a tourney, are slim to none.

brawl is a campy game. chances are good people are camping you and you are just walking into their traps all match. gotta play more defensive, even while trying to attack. that doesnt mean trying to time out the clock, but just knowing your options and executing.
This dude has a point, and I do believe Hova is right. It's all about staying one step above the rest and if people aren't willing to improve their game in general, their tournement placings will definetly show. I'm constantly changing my playstyle so I can remain unpredictable and be above my opponent.

Basically, if you (yes the person reading this) want to get better, then you better practice your *** off.

I started AIB all over again so I can get better with DI, etc.


Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
lmao... EE is usually a big idiot, but he actually makes a really good point

if IC are allowed to infinite the entire cast, shouldn't DDD be allowed to infinite the few people he is capable of infiniting?

i understand that DDD is a better charatcer overall and is much easier to grab with, but an infinite is an infinite and DDD can only do it against a small portion of the cast. (I also get the whole you can gimp Nana to nulify the infinite)

i'm with EE on this one; one infinite grab is just as bad as the next. they should be all in or all out :chuckle:

i would also like to remind people that i'm always for banning MK and grab infinites

i'm better than all of you (except Omni & Azen), step it up
i mean...i understand what you're saying but you can't just ignore that D3 has around 4X the grab range of ICs and the different requirements(nana being present) to do the infinite. D3s infinite creates 100-0 unwinnable match-ups. They are not comparable


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
DDD vs MK (50:50)
DDD vs Snake (50:50) or (55:45 DDD)
DDD vs Falco (100:0 in Falco's favor in reality. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Falco)
DDD vs G&W (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs DK (55:45 DDD with the dumb CG its 100:0 DDD)
DDD vs Kirby (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Diddy (50:50)
DDD vs Wario (50:50)
DDD vs ICs (60:40 ICs)
DDD vs Marth (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Olimar (100:0 in Olimar's favor in reality. Sadly in the current metagame its 60:40 Olimar)
DDD vs Pikachu (100:0 in Pika's favor. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Pikachu)

So with all that said I <3 DDD

P.S. DDDs infinite should be banned


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
i mean...i understand what you're saying but you can't just ignore that D3 has around 4X the grab range of ICs and the different requirements(nana being present) to do the infinite. D3s infinite creates 100-0 unwinnable match-ups. They are not comparable

DDDs infinite doesn't create unwinnable match ups, all you have to do is not get grabbed

i'm sure Bowser and DK would have just as hard of a time against the IC infinite. there are also plenty of other characters with no projectiles and crappy range that make them easy to grab. DDD can't infinite most of them, but IC can

I think the two are definitely comparable in terms of shutting down characters; DDD is just a much more popular character and his match ups are more well known


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
DDDs CG cause it to be 100:0 vs DK.

Looking at it now, I don't think the ICs CG should be banned :3. I'm just gonna camp meep like a super hardcore ******

Chu just learn a secondary to fight ICs, its not hard in this game to learn another character and have him at tourny level.....at least it won't be if you don't use marth XD


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
DDD vs MK (50:50)
DDD vs Snake (50:50) or (55:45 DDD)
DDD vs Falco (100:0 in Falco's favor in reality. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Falco)
DDD vs G&W (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs DK (55:45 DDD with the dumb CG its 100:0 DDD)
DDD vs Kirby (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Diddy (50:50)
DDD vs Wario (50:50)
DDD vs ICs (60:40 ICs)
DDD vs Marth (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Olimar (100:0 in Olimar's favor in reality. Sadly in the current metagame its 60:40 Olimar)
DDD vs Pikachu (100:0 in Pika's favor. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Pikachu)

So with all that said I <3 DDD

P.S. DDDs infinite should be banned
wow i thought kirby did good against DDD thats news to me.

hova u have to take into the account of longer grab range, better shield (nanas shield has a slight delay), and ddd lives like 200%+ with good di. And yah the obvious other reasons.

I get what ur saying ic infinite stays ddds infinite stays. I probably wouldnt care about the infinite if i had ddds grab range lol.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
DDD vs MK (50:50)
DDD vs Snake (50:50) or (55:45 DDD)
DDD vs Falco (100:0 in Falco's favor in reality. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Falco)
DDD vs G&W (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs DK (55:45 DDD with the dumb CG its 100:0 DDD)
DDD vs Kirby (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Diddy (50:50)
DDD vs Wario (50:50)
DDD vs ICs (60:40 ICs)
DDD vs Marth (60:40 DDD)
DDD vs Olimar (100:0 in Olimar's favor in reality. Sadly in the current metagame its 60:40 Olimar)
DDD vs Pikachu (100:0 in Pika's favor. Sadly, in the current metagame its 60:40 Pikachu)

So with all that said I <3 DDD

P.S. DDDs infinite should be banned
I agree with some but not all.

Diddy ***** DDD, and gnw beats DDD slightly, also mk ***** DDD. I think eventually snake will beat DDD but not right now. I agree with falco, olimar, and pika. I think IC's beat DDD a little harder then that too.

I also agree his infinites should be banned.

Just opinions, its whatever.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
DDD just has to wait + he out ranges him XD

will make a post later about his matches going to get mai hair cut XD


is being watched
Nov 24, 2006
Just outside the b&amp; hammer &lt;3
lmao... EE is usually a big idiot, but he actually makes a really good point

if IC are allowed to infinite the entire cast, shouldn't DDD be allowed to infinite the few people he is capable of infiniting?

i understand that DDD is a better charatcer overall and is much easier to grab with, but an infinite is an infinite and DDD can only do it against a small portion of the cast. (I also get the whole you can gimp Nana to nulify the infinite)

i'm with EE on this one; one infinite grab is just as bad as the next. they should be all in or all out :chuckle:
I think DDD's infinite should be allowed as well.
Sweet, I got the black vote.

dooo eeet Chu, just asking for 5 grabs like the ICies get, not unlimited ones


Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
DDDs infinite doesn't create unwinnable match ups, all you have to do is not get grabbed

i'm sure Bowser and DK would have just as hard of a time against the IC infinite. there are also plenty of other characters with no projectiles and crappy range that make them easy to grab. DDD can't infinite most of them, but IC can

I think the two are definitely comparable in terms of shutting down characters; DDD is just a much more popular character and his match ups are more well known
not getting grabbed by D3 at least once or twice a game is borderline impossible. not getting grabbed once or twice by ICs isn't
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