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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
My first break from Brawl did this for me, as did each of my breaks from Melee. I wouldn't recommend taking long breaks from melee due to tech skill, though. Before my first break from Brawl, I was average and had a lot of bad habits. Took a break, came back, bam, I was so much better. I had everything I had before except my bad habits. That's probably the best way possible to get rid of bad habits. If you don't want to stop playing, though, pick up a new character for a while, hell, play random for a while. It'll give you insights into new characters and help your ROB out by getting rid of bad habits.
if thats how its done then i am already there. besides one tourney i went to i have not played for about a month b/c of vacation and its true not playing has led me to see what my flaws were/are. Also i want to try to pick up pit as well so when i go back to school and meet up with my friends for some brawl i will just play pit to give rob some time off, or maybe we will just play some brawl+ and i will use zelda. ether way i agree not playing is like a detox were u can get rid of bad habits i just hope that when i start playing again i don't fall into bad habits again and that i can correct my flaws and replace them with better choices.

edit:^then lets get this ban mk trend started again


Smash Champion
Aug 28, 2009
Somewhere in the SubspaceEmissary(NC, Morrisville)
^^^^^^ Mass agreement here. Also ROB is too **** sexy for his own good. Pound 4 restored my faith in his playability.
It did? Only 1 ROB even made it out of pools...
LOL funny little story EdgetheDeathless :laugh:
But I think everyone knows that:
-ROB is playable
-"overrated" sometimez
-but still sucks

Also, everyone on the ROB boards doesn't care if he sucks.....we play him cause we <3 him.
Right guys? :)
May 3, 2009
Good God I wish I could've been at Pound. T^T ;-; Quequequequequeuquequequeuqueuqeuqeuqeuqeuqe

Stupid parents.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
If this **** with happened at Genesis instead of Pound, does anyone thing Mk would've been banned when the "final", official discussion occurred?


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i used rob and mk equally, i guess. used him in all of my round 1 pool matches except against nacker (<3 you though, i dont do rob dittos sorry :( they're dumber then melee jiggs dittos) and when armada picked mk on me.

round 2, my first set was against pride and I went all rob and almost lost (final set count was 2-1), i had no idea yoshi could be so good, I need to listen to sudai more :(. then i was like efff I'll use meta so I played MK against Koolaid (Pit) GIMR (ICs) and Ling Ling (DDD). then NL wanted to double blind and I had no idea who he'd go so I picked MK to be safe, he went diddy, i prompty lost and went ROB game 2 and lost again (though it was alot closer :))

then in brackets atomsk went mk so we mk dittoed (i lost 2-0...first match was last hit though, i was pretty proud of that lol, i was surprised I was doing so well on ****ING ATOMSK :O but then I got JV 2 stocked the 2nd match and got taken down to earth again :laugh:)...and against candy in losers I went all rob and just kinda blew it. I was pretty bored of brawl at that point, not gonna lie XD I was playing melee for most of monday

also I'm upset I didn't get to play + with anyone but I was kinda broke :( all well


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
shine combos Fushigi balls
ohhh sudai....yummz. Ben and jerry's halfbaked (cookie dough, brownie, vanilla/chocolate icecream)

OMG watching those jiggly dittos in WF and GF X_X. i closed the stream and played Demon's Soul


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Did Fishy make it to Pound?

You guys fail.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
mmm my second favorite next to CPB

OMG watching those jiggly dittos in WF and GF X_X. i closed the stream and played Demon's Soul
I'm not sure Melee finals have ever been so boring to watch. I miss the old days of Melee :( Brawl's influence has ruined it for everyone.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i enjoyed Melee WFs, I didn't see GFs :( are the vids up yet?

jiggs dittos aren't even really that boring, i dont get the hate


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
i enjoyed Melee WFs, I didn't see GFs :( are the vids up yet?

jiggs dittos aren't even really that boring, i dont get the hate
I think we all have much higher expectations when it comes to Melee. They're not as boring as typical Brawl matches but they're still pretty meh.

I like watching MK dittos more than MK dittos.

Chocolate Peanut Butter foo'!

I'm sad that I essentially ditched the ROBros :(

I was way too hyped and WAY too busy.

Forgive me?

Of course man. It was cool to see you again even if it wasn't for long.

So about HERB 3...

I did my shoutouts in the Brawl Pound 4 thread so go looksy, you're all prolly in there if you went. XD
Ugh please don't make me sift through that crap heap. Just repost the relevant ones here.


The Sultan of Smut
Dec 7, 2004
Winston-Salem, NC
yeah JC, they are doing Brawl+ at HERB3, I think. And, I *might*, *possibly*, *could be* helping out w/ the brawl side of it. Turns out the chick I rode with helped ran/ran the other two HERBs


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
JCz - Thank you SO much for everything you helped me with through the weekend, especially the driving me from hotel to venue thing. Sorry that you had to carry me during teams in Plus, though. :/ But g**** with the Plus event and getting 9th in singles! You da man <3

Dull - You're so cool. Sad that we didn't get to play any vBrawl though. =/ And yes, I'll try to BE LOUD. lolz

Buenob - Really cool ROBro, mang. Had fun talking to you, as well as the dub friendlies. We gotta fight off the Mk!

Stingers - Glad I talked to you....for like 5 secs LOL Hopefully I'll see you at Herb 3 if MD/VA goes.

Toasty - Thanks a lot for the hotel rooms, dude. I also love how hyped you get during Melee matches. "STACK IT UP!" lmao

Chibo - Fun dittos, you really need to learn the Snake matchup <_<


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
it was epic to make it out to meet you guys :) really, REALLY different styles of play between us (and we all use different colours)

I got keitaro to game3, KO %'s, and co18 beat me 2-0 but our 2nd game was that close too

then i lose to random MK :( not even out of first round pools, i was quite unhappy with that, but oh well... it was great to play chibs and razer and jj :) and i hope the lolimar challenge spreads

Darth Waffles

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orefield, PA
Recently it's been all about the Moose Tracks ice cream... good stuff

No I didn't make it to pound 4. As it turns out, it's a partially torn ligament in my right thumb, but i DON'T need surgery- just another 3-ish weeks before I'm supposed to be fine again (and another week or so before I'm up to Melee-playing speed *SNAP!*).

Results of the RRR? The RRRr? aRRRggh? Unless my thumb fails at life the week before Apex2 in August, I'll guarantee you all now that I'm going to that


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
LOL JJ you saw that, eh?

haha yeah dude I get MAAAD hyped for my NC bros...we go back a bit [at least L0ZR and I do] and I know they're hella unknown and underrated

but I'm pretty sure there's no doubt that they're amaaazing =D

also, I forgot to mention:
The Doug [old school Melee pro, and current resident of SoVa] challenged me to a high stakes Melee match.

He was honing his already-solid DK and training against 7 different Marths so he could beat up on my mediocre new one...

I agreed to his terms.

The Terms:

If I lost to him, 3 out of 5, DK Vs. Marth...I was never allowed to play Brawl ever again.

Not even in a friendly.

Granted I hadn't played Brawl in AGES but that's not the point.

The point is:

He beat me 3-1 at Pound 4.


Oh well...my terms were pretty sweet:

He will never be allowed to chaingrab my Ness or Pikachu in tourney/MMs/crews should we meet in those situations. [he's a Sheik player]


Vanilla ice cream with Reese's Cups mixed in will always ALWAYS be my favorite.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
well theres that one Mcdonalds
LOL JJ you saw that, eh?

haha yeah dude I get MAAAD hyped for my NC bros...we go back a bit [at least L0ZR and I do] and I know they're hella unknown and underrated

but I'm pretty sure there's no doubt that they're amaaazing =D

also, I forgot to mention:
The Doug [old school Melee pro, and current resident of SoVa] challenged me to a high stakes Melee match.

He was honing his already-solid DK and training against 7 different Marths so he could beat up on my mediocre new one...

I agreed to his terms.

The Terms:

If I lost to him, 3 out of 5, DK Vs. Marth...I was never allowed to play Brawl ever again.

Not even in a friendly.

Granted I hadn't played Brawl in AGES but that's not the point.

The point is:

He beat me 3-1 at Pound 4.


Oh well...my terms were pretty sweet:

He will never be allowed to chaingrab my Ness or Pikachu in tourney/MMs/crews should we meet in those situations. [he's a Sheik player]


Vanilla ice cream with Reese's Cups mixed in will always ALWAYS be my favorite.
My fliux capacitator skipped a beep when you told me this @ pound lol, we lost a ROBro.

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