Fortress | Sveet
Alright guys, i'm helping Macman get started, but i'll write up this post to explain to everyone how to get started with it.
Things you will need:
Visual Studio. If you don't have a copy download VS2008 C# Express
.NET Framework 3.5. This comes with the above VS copy, but if you're running VS2005 or live in the stone age you will need to download this
Getting Started:
Step 1: Download all files above. Install them. You may need to restart your computer.
Step 2: Make a new folder somewhere where you will remember where it is. Name it whatever you like.
Step 3: Right Click the folder and click SVN Checkout
Step 4: For the URL put
Step 5: Make sure your checkout depth is fully recursive.
Step 6: Open the folder and click on TournamentIndex.sln. This will open visual studio.
Step 7: Go to Build and click Build Solution.
Step 8: Either go to ../TournamentIndex/bin/Release/ and open TournamentIndex.exe or inside Visual Studio press Debug->Start Without Debugging
Using the program:
I'm not really going to give instructions on this. I made it originally for my own use so some of the interface is for personal preference and efficiency of use. Its pretty straight forward, though. There shouldn't be any bugs, so let me know. Yes i know about it crashing if you put a non-int into entrants or non-numeric into entry fee, i didn't "fix" it because i didn't feel like wasting time protecting stupid users lol. If you accidentally do this, just press continue and nothing bad will happen (quit will close the program).
If you have questions feel free to IM me or PM me. I'd prefer not to fill this topic with questions about it.
Extra Links
SVN Site:
Cheater's Copy (Includes only the executable and my tournament index file with 56 tournaments pre-loaded):
Things you will need:
Visual Studio. If you don't have a copy download VS2008 C# Express
.NET Framework 3.5. This comes with the above VS copy, but if you're running VS2005 or live in the stone age you will need to download this
Getting Started:
Step 1: Download all files above. Install them. You may need to restart your computer.
Step 2: Make a new folder somewhere where you will remember where it is. Name it whatever you like.
Step 3: Right Click the folder and click SVN Checkout
Step 4: For the URL put
Step 5: Make sure your checkout depth is fully recursive.
Step 6: Open the folder and click on TournamentIndex.sln. This will open visual studio.
Step 7: Go to Build and click Build Solution.
Step 8: Either go to ../TournamentIndex/bin/Release/ and open TournamentIndex.exe or inside Visual Studio press Debug->Start Without Debugging
Using the program:
I'm not really going to give instructions on this. I made it originally for my own use so some of the interface is for personal preference and efficiency of use. Its pretty straight forward, though. There shouldn't be any bugs, so let me know. Yes i know about it crashing if you put a non-int into entrants or non-numeric into entry fee, i didn't "fix" it because i didn't feel like wasting time protecting stupid users lol. If you accidentally do this, just press continue and nothing bad will happen (quit will close the program).
If you have questions feel free to IM me or PM me. I'd prefer not to fill this topic with questions about it.
Extra Links
SVN Site:
Cheater's Copy (Includes only the executable and my tournament index file with 56 tournaments pre-loaded):