Melee Gigabits 6/27 <-- SOMEONE PLEASE DO THIS ONE. TO was banned and its a fairly large tournament (mango, hbox, colbol, lucky, linguini & more in top 8). i need # entrants and characters from top 8
44 entrants
1. Mango (Falco/Fox/Falcon) (Did not lose a set)
2. Colbol (Fox) (Lost 1-2 to Mango's Fox/Falco in WB and 0-3 his Falco in GF)
3. Lucky (Fox) (Lost 2-3 to Mango's Fox in WF and 2-3 to me in LF) (5th match was hella crazy haha youll see)
4. Hungrybox (Jiggs) (Lost 0-2 to Mango's Falcon in WB and 0-2 to me in LB)
5. QDVS (Marth/Fox) (Lost 0-2 to Lucky in WB and 0-2 to me in LB)
5. Linguini (Ganon) (Lost 0-2 to Hungry in WB and LB)
7. DarkSonic (Marth) (Lost ?-2 to Chopz in WB and 0-2 to me in LB)
7. plup (Samus) (Lost ?-2 to Lucky in WB and ?-2 to Linguini in LB)
All quotes from the tourney thread.
I don't know which one of the three mango used more of, but I'm pretty confident it was the spacies. He was using Falco in Grand Finals against colbol.
Qdvs mains marth.