I agree with Edrees. Also it could be due to the fact that there is not a person that great behind the character to show its true power. Like how people were going on about Zelda is this and that. But who has come to the top and has beasted with Zelda to show how great she is from what people are saying? From her tournament results, no one. Untill a Person Picks Zelda and beast with her in tournaments. She will not be seen as people want.
That's why I say tournaments matter. Tournaments matter cause the pressure is on, and you will be tested mentally as well as how you can handle yourself when things get tuff. And with Characters like Zelda its too hard. So that's why people go to characters like the high tiers. No one has took a stand with Zelda in tournaments to beast and get her records up.
Remember how it was with Peach back then? "Peach sucks, she got nerfed, I need my broken Dsmash or I can't win, can't kill, waa,waa,waa" All that crap and look at Peach now. Look at her rank. Edrees step it up and did not care about all those babies crying about Peach. He just Picked Peach and beasted in tournaments cause he is freaking smart and knows what to do. Thats how it should be with every good man behind each character if you wanna see what they can really do. if not its ether:
- The characters match ups are too much
- People behind them dont really know the character and/or thier match ups 100%
- Pick them cause they can spam or camp and think that will just get them the win.