Sarcasm, boy. C'mon now.Diddy is made up of like 6 people basically. I'm the 3rd biggest contributor and I basically haven't been to my usual 2-3 tournaments a month in Feb/Mar. Might explain about half of the drop.
Also my last tourney I was Diddy/Donkey...and will probably continue to represent the Donkey (so that is half the points for Diddy right?).
Wait, six people, and you're only getting that many points on the ranking?
You guys get stomped on by MKs pretty often, don't you?
Have the Meta Knights who place just been going to more tournaments recently? How about Snakes or Falcos, or anyone on that chart?
Just saying that I'd think you weren't the only player who's become less active in the past few months. Might explain ALL of the drops and rises.
In all seriousness though, it'd be neat to see the frequency of tournament activity among the characters' top players based on overall tournament results or somewhat.
I just like visual charts and whatnot.