Smash Hater
Yep. Me and my gf have put in stupid amounts of hours into Mewtwo (its like 200 hours each since release) and fighting as and against him its definitely a case of putting up the wall of attacks and seeing if the enemy can even get through it. Either I take the enemy to like, 100% without getting touched once or roy takes me to 40% in one combo and I die to a countered fsmash from the middle of the stage... Yes when they get in it hurts Mewtwo far more than it should, but when Mewtwo spaces properly he can make life very difficult for the opponent.Actually, keeping people out is one of the things M2 is fairly good at. The problem is that he can't do **** once somebody has gotten close enough to him but characters that aren't patticularly good at approaching all have to ... actually deal with his moves that are legitimately good options [dtilt, ftilt, grab, side B, bair, ...]. For somebody like Fox or Falcon or Yoshi that may be a non-issue but characters like the sword users have to fight M2 on his terms for the most part and that's not quite as easy as some of M2's worse matchups make it look.
I doubt M2 is bottom 5. Zelda, Samus, Robin, WFT, 1111 Palutena and others are probably worse.
dtilt, confusion, shadowball and jab can honestly put up a really difficult wall to get through for a lot of characters with those 4 moves countering literally every single option that many characters have.
M2 is weakest vs characters who can break though that wall with the likes of SH nair to approach (fox), just brazenly dash through it (falcon) or just straight up outcamp him like sheik does to everyone. upsmash is a really good counter to aerial approaches but of course, doesnt work well vs non-committal approaches like sheik or yoshi.
When against even the likes of Luigi, or falco/ganon/wft/lucas/ryu there are a bunch of characters who have to guess right if they want to get through his wall of dtilt/confusion/shadowball/jab. A lot of people like to discount confusion because it doesnt combo. That is completely not the point of the attack though, its a reflector and as an approach stuffer will beat out even the strongest attacks. I've seen it stop wind kong in its tracks... thats saying something.
Allow me to reiterate that to other people in the thread.
Confusion overpowers DKs custom upb. No one cares that the move doesnt combo, its defeats almost every approach in the game and works in the air too. It might be hard to land but the point is he has an option to defeat the kong cyclone. How many other characters have even 1 single option to stop it?