Not really. Only Ness I've fought in tournament was Lee Martin way back in the day, and that was before I realized how good trampoline is.I personally haven't fought that many high level Ness players, but there are people in the Pac-Man thread who have fought Ness in tourney and have found that he doesn't give us much trouble.
Trampoline is the key (lol) to this matchup. He's forced to approach us from the air while we chill on the ground. Our side B can stop PK Fire and we can shorten his recovery by letting him hit our pellet.
@BSP may be able to help more than me.
From a general standpoint, Ness doesn't scare me that much. What exactly is his neutral game plan when trampoline is involved? Ness isn't the most mobile of characters, so Pac-Man is at liberty to plant it all over. Ness doesn't want to sit back and let us set up things, but I don't think he prefers to come in from the air. His throws are scary, but Pac-Man's one of the best characters at avoiding grabs.
He's on the list of people that gets destroyed by trampoline on the ledge, isn't he? I'll have to look into that, because that would make grabbing the ledge = death.
Also, Pac-Man can very safely "body block" PKT2 with hydrant.
In addition to what Pacman9 said, Pac-Man has alternatives if he can't set the trampoline first. A properly jab launched hydrant right next to the ledge with a trampoline under it covers every ledge option except dropping down, which may require a fast fall or air dodge to avoid the hydrant. If you ledge drop -> double jump -> aerial the hydrant to cancel it, Pac-Man can most likely Fsmash or nail you with some fruit if he has one charged unless you go back to the ledge.Can you elaborate on this? This is the first time I've heard of the setup (and it definitely IS a setup, it woudntske some time to prepare) but sounds brutal. Where is the trampoline positioned exactly?
If you are forced to regrab the ledge, Pac-Man gets a free Bair stage spike if he doesn't have much time, which should let him set up again. If he's got time, he gets a partial - fully charged Side B. IDK about everyone else, but I haven't had much success teching stage spikes when I'm struck in ledge grab animation with no invincibility.
If Pac-Man has a bell charged and time, he can put a trampoline on the ledge -> throw the bell on top of it from BF -> SH over the trampoline and instant throw it back down, and then be ready to punish ledge drop or do nothing. It's a similar situation, with the Bell confirming into Side B if it connects.