Hmm list teim!?
No Weakness:

Mild Weakness, No intolerable match ups:

Abusive Strengths, Match Up Weakness (i.e. Diddy/Sheik Fodder):

Noticeably Strong, Meta Relevant Match up Strengths:

Underdeveloped / Bearable Meta Relevance:

I put my trust, in youuuuu, but in the end it
Doesn't Even Matter:



Customs off; I bothered to order things this time (bar Abraham Lincoln Tribute at the Park).
I may be overhyping Fox in customs off. I think he's probably a lot more readily abused than other characters, without the most versatile recovery and his neutral/zoning game not outdoing the more mobile characters. But his results don't lie. Third strongest character in the NA meta.
No, they don't necessarily lose to diddy and/or sheik. But that's likely a good reason they're being held back. I still maintain Pikachu is not that great, alphaomega headbutt given him reason to be used in the customs meta and people are appropriating him as great otherwise [again]. But eh. This character just doesn't seem worthwhile with Sheik around, has yet to prove it has anything but a disadvantage against both of those characters too although everyone here talks like he hard counters Diddy all the time :< Olimar may be better one tier down. He's a pretty common/popular character though; slight overhype there most likely.
Megaman, Mario, Rob; very good results exist for these characters. Pits not so much in NA but they're apparently very popular in Japan. Villager is rated relatively high by most people, not really having a break out in NA though; customs hype may be working against them having an accurate placing.
Yoshi/Wario are oft seen as high tier. You can play them and instantaneously see some of their strengths and go "wow". Very heavy characters with a lot of mobility. But they just don't seem to be able to fit into the meta in NA and we're probably about to observe more Yoshi nerfs due to Japan's rating of him and we're just going to sit here being like "what was good about him in the first place?" when it happens. Poor Yoshi mains :<
Rest of these characters have non-customs off results/strengths in some way (bar MK, depending on how you look at it). MK may be overrated or underrated, I'm not sure. He does seem to be a cut above a lot of others in terms of "theory", having all the specs you need to be top tier... and people proclaiming their top tier characters have disadvantages against him (lol) but I like MK and agree he's strong, just caught between not knowing how far the bias goes in our community for him.
I feel as if Palutena, Jigglypuff and Lucina are noticeably worse than everyone else. A complete lack of results ("even swordfighter has a tournament win!") and close to nothing going for them bar single moves; Palutena is bair, jigglypuff is nair and lucina is... fsmash? Either way none of these are even likely close to best in the game, but it's a lot of what they rely on, in an advantaged state they still have good things but I just don't see how they ever can achieve things in tournament settings. In my mind, clearly the worst characters in the game right now.