Many different things to talk about. @
Radical Larry, I am not trying to dissuade you from using your character, and I'm aware of his strengths (though I believe the jab infinite is gone); but what makes Link better than 30 other members of the cast? How is he in any way better than Ike? I don't see it. This is the character competitive impressions topic, so justification of your impression would be nice.
Completely disagree; I think default Wizkick is better in nearly all matchups. Imo you should rarely take Wizard's Dropkick. @
can offer more, perhaps.
Your assessment of Pikachu's MUs matches my own.
I think that he has an OK time vs. Sheik and Diddy. These matchups get increasingly easy for me as I play the game; a good, toned Sheik or a Zero-level Diddy is of course frightening, but I feel confident in saying that my character has the slight advantage vs. both, at worst even.
Meta Knight, I am definitely not so sure about. It's tough.
One thing you should start doing against grounded MKs though is SH autocanceled d-air. If you do it right in front of MK's face he'll think that he can grab you and you can jab before his grab comes out because of the autocancel, d-smash if roll. His best response to this is pivot grabbing you out of your d-air, but most MKs don't do this yet. If he starts doing that, you can pull it back a little and gain ground.
As a Pikachu main I can tell you from my first-hand experience that Pikachu vs. Ganon and other heavies is not free at all. It takes a lot of effort from the Pikachu to play it correctly and not mess up. You cannot ever get too predictable with your QA patterns, because then Ganon abuses you and destroys you.
I have a rather old video of my Pikachu vs. a Japanese Dedede online where he punished my shield patterns a few times (this was before I dropped shielding). I'll upload it today (I always forget to save replays, but luckily I saved this one).