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Character Competitive Impressions

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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I'm not really sure how you didn't see the hype. They have gigantic hitboxes (likely with disjoints, uair and dair definitely have big disjoints) and are very strong. Her aerials are basically like Zelda's aerials, except way better.

Her ground normals are also great, her dash attack is easily one of the best in the game, utilt, ftilt, usmash, and fsmash are also very good, and she has solid throws. There's honestly just nothing too complicated here, she's a very solid character even without Luma. She's certainly not like the Ice Climbers, who have terrible range and a lot of startup on most of their normals.

And yes, Luma's easy to kill, the problem is that killing him confers no advantage because Rosalina is still really good without him and he comes back almost instantly. That's why I think the way to fix her as a character is to make her more dependent on Luma being alive and make him come back slower.

I just found her aerials difficult to hit with at first. They do take getting used to I feel. N-air, for example, juts out behind her immediately, and then circles clockwise at a moderate pace. It's an unorthodox way for an N-air to be, since hitting opponents in front of you with requires you trick them with it (or have Luma by your side, since his N-air starts at the front).
And I still have trouble incorporating F-air into her combos at ground level.

Her ground normals are very good for building damage but you have to be crafty to get a KO move in on a good few characters, mainly the other popular top-tier contenders (especially ZSS).

And even though some of her moves definitely have KO power alone, they are tricky to actually hit with against a half decent player, and require set-ups to a degree. A lot of the easy KO power requires Luma, IMO. I am admittedly basing this of FG though, so maybe it'll be easier offline, and on Wii U.

Rosalina is also dependent on Luma in that she can't perform those auto-cancelling shenanigans that are unique to her without him.

The only patch Rosalina warrants right now is how she completely invalidates Duck Hunt Duo as an opponent, since due to a bug, she can strip him of his projectiles for the entire match using Gravitational Pull. And projectiles are one of DHD's biggest strengths.
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Jun 8, 2009
I always wondered if buster art was considered "working as intended". The one of Shulk's

What is it suppose to do? Was it suppose to be a combo art?

Other than that, Shulk's "working as intended" but I'm still wondering about buster....

YEAH I KNOW. It's suppose to be for damage racking but the less knockback is a weird design choice. Why was it even reduced?
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I always wondered if buster art was considered "working as intended". The one of Shulk's

What is it suppose to do? Was it suppose to be a combo art?

Other than that, Shulk's "working as intended" but I'm still wondering about buster....
Buster increases Shulk's damage output, but decreases his launch power by quite a bit. So I would say it's working as intended.

I think it might also make him take more damage than usual but I might be wrong on that.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Her ground normals are very good for building damage but you have to be crafty to get a KO move in on a good few characters, mainly the other popular top-tier contenders (especially ZSS).
Eh, not really. Back throw off the stage / chase with Bair is pretty solid against anyone. Her great recovery allows her to go really deep offstage and still make it back easily. UpSmash and FSmash are also really solid kill moves, and you can steal kills with Luma by just doing upsmashes when people hit you (this is great against combo heavy characters like Sheik and ZSS)

Rosalina is also dependent on Luma in that she can't perform those auto-cancelling shenanigans that are unique to her without him.
Oh, there's no question that, used properly, Luma makes Rosalina even better. The problem is that without him, she's still probably a top 5 character, Luma just pushes her to another level above most of the other top tier contenders who aren't Sheik.
Jun 8, 2009
Buster increases Shulk's damage output, but decreases his launch power by quite a bit. So I would say it's working as intended.

I think it might also make him take more damage than usual but I might be wrong on that.
It does. That's actually why I never use it and I opt out to use jump or speed because dat mobility. Jump is ultra legit though for offensive and edgeguarding because you can go near the blast zone off screen and jump back safely like nothing happened

I still dunno. I think based on the trailer, it was supposed to be some sort of combo art. It was actually in our (Shulk mains pre-JP release) heads that this could be some sort of combo'ing art. The less knockback could help but unfortunately, the hitsun also is drastically reduced.

And it reduces it by a lot :(

**** it. Shulk's awesome
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Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
My Shulk gameplan is as follows: Use Buster until they're at 80%. Switch to Smash for KO.

All his arts are really good though. I'm kinda interested in how Shulk would perform without any Arts.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Eh, not really. Back throw off the stage / chase with Bair is pretty solid against anyone. Her great recovery allows her to go really deep offstage and still make it back easily. UpSmash and FSmash are also really solid kill moves, and you can steal kills with Luma by just doing upsmashes when people hit you (this is great against combo heavy characters like Sheik and ZSS)

Oh, there's no question that, used properly, Luma makes Rosalina even better. The problem is that without him, she's still probably a top 5 character, Luma just pushes her to another level above most of the other top tier contenders who aren't Sheik.
I agree in that she is excellent at pushing people off stage, but against some characters, that in itself requires, again, precision.

However, I also think Rosalina is more than a match for Sheik (she gives me no trouble now that I've figured her weaknesses out), though, so I don't know.

Like I said in the "Is Rosalina the most broken character?" thread, I don't think she is right now, she's simply one of the best. However, I do see her BECOMING potentially broken, as people have been discovering all kinds of tech for her at a frightening rate. In the hands of a super vigilant player, who knows absolutely everything about how she plays, she could be unstoppable in the future.

It does. That's actually why I never use it and I opt out to use jump or speed because dat mobility. Jump is ultra legit though for offensive and edgeguarding because you can go near the blast zone off screen and jump back safely like nothing happened

I still dunno. I think based on the trailer, it was supposed to be some sort of combo art. It was actually in our (Shulk mains pre-JP release) heads that this could be some sort of combo'ing art. The less knockback could help but unfortunately, the hitsun also is drastically reduced.

And it reduces it by a lot :(

**** it. Shulk's awesome
I didn't know about it reducing hitstun. That could be annoying.

Personally though, I'm not too interested in Shulk right now. It's not that I think he's bad by any means, it's just that his playstyle is different to how I thought it would be and doesn't mesh with me so well right now. I like using him in friendlies though.
Jun 8, 2009
My Shulk gameplan is as follows: Use Buster until they're at 80%. Switch to Smash for KO.

All his arts are really good though. I'm kinda interested in how Shulk would perform without any Arts.
It's not that simple but it has worked for me. I took the mobility approach since it was way easier

Ultimately, Shulk plays depending on how you wanna play him. You wanna use buster/smash, prepare to play defensively. You wanna go for speed/jump, take advantage of your mobility and cover a ton of area. You wanna lame it out and laugh at damage, shield. For the whole match. Be lame. You can mix it up if you want to. If you don't wanna use any arts, stay in vanilla stance.

How viable is he? I don't know. He's usable. There's that. I only know like 3 good players as of now that uses him.
Personally though, I'm not too interested in Shulk right now. It's not that I think he's bad by any means, it's just that his playstyle is different to how I thought it would be and doesn't mesh with me so well right now. I like using him in friendlies though.
Using both Rosalina and Shulk is a massive headache. You probably know what I mean. Too much to remember
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Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
I'll be very extremely baffled (not to mention surprised and in need of a shoe to eat) if Zelda ends up in top 7 as the game stands.
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Jun 8, 2009
I'll be very extremely baffled (not to mention surprised and in need of a shoe to eat) if Zelda ends up in top 7 as the game stands.
For all you know, there might be a secret tech that makes her ultra OP but whatever. I suck with her but I use her because I thought using slow din's fire while keeping the fireball ON Zelda looked purty cool. My impressions are negative but I like the character anyway


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Like I said in the "Is Rosalina the most broken character?" thread, I don't think she is right now, she's simply one of the best. However, I do see her BECOMING potentially broken, as people have been discovering all kinds of tech for her at a frightening rate. In the hands of a super vigilant player, who knows absolutely everything about how she plays, she could be unstoppable in the future.
I definitely see the potential for her to become broken simply because she's already a super good character on her own, and she has the potential to counterattack even when you land a solid hit against her, which no one else can. God forbid if you could master all the Luma combos or whatever.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Using both Rosalina and Shulk is a massive headache. You probably know what I mean. Too much to remember
Rosalina meshes with me pretty well, and I feel she's extremely rewarding. So I love using her and never get bored of using her. Especially since people (including myself) are always making new discoveries about her.
She IS a headache when there is a surplus of input lag or frame stuttering online though.

As for Shulk, you pretty much described why I don't use him:

Ultimately, Shulk plays depending on how you wanna play him. You wanna use buster/smash, prepare to play defensively. You wanna go for speed/jump, take advantage of your mobility and cover a ton of area. You wanna lame it out and laugh at damage, shield. For the whole match. Be lame. You can mix it up if you want to. If you don't wanna use any arts, stay in vanilla stance.
There is absolutely nothing fundamentally flawed with this, and he's certainly viable in my eyes. But I would have much preferred if he wasn't committed to a Monado Art for what feels like 20 seconds. If he could switch between them on the fly, I think he woulld be a lot more fun, and would be so rewarding.

However, since Monado Arts just let me play Shulk based on preference, I would rather just use characters who already are developed with that preference in mind outright (e.g. I feel no need to play as a Speed Art Shulk when I already main Sonic).
Jun 8, 2009
Rosalina meshes with me pretty well, and I feel she's extremely rewarding. So I love using her and never get bored of using her. Especially since people (including myself) are always making new discoveries about her.
She IS a headache when there is a surplus of input lag or frame stuttering online though.

As for Shulk, you pretty much described why I don't use him:

There is absolutely nothing fundamentally flawed with this, and he's certainly viable in my eyes. But I would have much preferred if he wasn't committed to a Monado Art for what feels like 20 seconds. If he could switch between them on the fly, I think he woulld be a lot more fun, and would be so rewarding.

However, since Monado Arts just let me play Shulk based on preference, I would rather just use characters who already are developed with that preference in mind outright (e.g. I feel no need to play as a Speed Art Shulk when I already main Sonic).
Oh, you can actually switch on the fly, but anyway I respect your opinion


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
For all you know, there might be a secret tech that makes her ultra OP but whatever. I suck with her but I use her because I thought using slow din's fire while keeping the fireball ON Zelda looked purty cool. My impressions are negative but I like the character anyway
She has a really good roll cancel pivot grab, lol. That's probably going to be the single biggest tech that helps her more than most characters.

My impressions are a resounding "meh". She's certainly a lot better off than she's ever been for a number of reasons, as has been stated. Plus Phantom is surprisingly fun.
But I would have much preferred if he wasn't committed to a Monado Art for what feels like 20 seconds. If he could switch between them on the fly, I think he woulld be a lot more fun, and would be so rewarding.
If you press B twice, he gets out of an Art and can switch to any other.
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Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
There is absolutely nothing fundamentally flawed with this, and he's certainly viable in my eyes. But I would have much preferred if he wasn't committed to a Monado Art for what feels like 20 seconds. If he could switch between them on the fly, I think he woulld be a lot more fun, and would be so rewarding.
He can, kinda. You can cancel out an Art whenever you wish by pressing B twice while in the art, then go into another Art.

The 12 second-or-so downtime before you can go back to the art is still there, but he can switch between arts freely.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014

Well that changes a lot then. Thanks guys. I might actually play around with that now!


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Any love for Pit? Where do you think he'll place on the tier list?
My feeling is Mid (and ditto for Dark Pit, who is virtually identical). They're solid, but I don't see anything particularly dominant here. His whole moveset is just very by the book for a smash character.
Jun 8, 2009
She has a really good roll cancel pivot grab, lol

My impressions are a resounding "meh". She's certainly a lot better off than she's ever been for a number of reasons, as has been stated. Plus Phantom is surprisingly fun.
Wait what? Good roll cancel pivot grab? Is that the "tether grab" thing?

Not sure how to implement Phantom very well. Default Phantom is meh. I'm trying to grind for the CQC Phantom special

Well that changes a lot then. Thanks guys. I might actually play around with that now!
Pre-emptive warning.

Rosalina, Diddy, DHD and Kirby are jerks

I feel ashamed as a Shulk main but, how do you make it a 2 button cancel? I usually press it three time

Edit: http://smashboards.com/threads/zeldas-roll-cancel-pivot-grab-approaching-melee-marth-levels.373339

Found it. Thanks though. I'm gonna take Zelda srsly this time.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Yeah, I know Shulk isn't great against Rosalina. I faced one a few times, and his Counter doesn't work that well on Rosalina, because of her disjointed hitboxes, and Luma. Because of that flashy but impractical AoE for a time slow effect it causes, Rosalina can use attacks that don't require she get into that AoE.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Sometimes it's 2, sometimes it's 3. It's really weird. Think it has something to do with the speed at which you press B.

At least you don't have to commit to the Arts. Wish the same could be said for Back Slash though. I feel so horribly constrained and confined when I try to use it. I think that will start seeing less usage once more people learn the range and the timing.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
It may actually be three times to cancel the Art. I usually just mash it.

Wait what? Good roll cancel pivot grab? Is that the "tether grab" thing?

Not sure how to implement Phantom very well. Default Phantom is meh. I'm trying to grind for the CQC Phantom special
Yeah. Beautiful!
credit to Rion

It's a pretty good edge guard option when kicks aren't wanted for whatever reason.
The customs are both better.
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Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Awesome probably top tier: :4sheik::4zss::4yoshi::rosalina:

Good: :4littlemac::4jigglypuff::4lucario::4rob::4villager::4diddy::4dedede::4bowser::4ness::4zelda::4mario::4pacman::4lucina::4marth::4tlink::4bowserjr::4duckhunt::4fox::4robinm::4robinm:

Meh: :4link::4dk::4palutena::4myfriends::4pikachu::4megaman::4shulk::4sonic:

Haven't seen enough to make a guess: Everyone else.

This is only based off For Glory opponents and my own time using these characters, I'm sure I'm way off, this is just what I see atm.
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Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
I always wondered if buster art was considered "working as intended". The one of Shulk's

What is it suppose to do? Was it suppose to be a combo art?

Other than that, Shulk's "working as intended" but I'm still wondering about buster....

YEAH I KNOW. It's suppose to be for damage racking but the less knockback is a weird design choice. Why was it even reduced?
Up-throw, u-tilt spam.
Try that on a heavy with buster at about 30% Before then you might as well stick with vanilla.
EZPZ - U-throw > utilt to 30+%, switch to buster as their KB gets too high in Vanilla/Speed and do it again.
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Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Wow Zelda's pivot grab is huge.
That's not a regular pivot grab, it's a roll cancel pivot. It causes some weird hitbox shifting that results in a larger grab range (though there's actually a deadzone right in front of Zelda because of it).

Everyone can do it, but Zelda seems to benefit the most.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2014
Diddy is still good even with Banana nerf! Yay! (Dash grab and down throw shenanigans ftw)

Jiggs is a good Diddy counter. Her general playstyle keeps her safe from bananas and monkey flip.

Rosalina is a good everything counter. I was playing an incredible Jiggs on for glory. Whoever it was beat my Diddy multiple times. I started experimenting with different characters and lost with all of my secondaries at the time... I tried Rosalina and won twice in a row thanks to her amazing spacing. Luma also offers great disjointed hitboxes when with you... An awesome distraction for when you're trying to recover, a safe way to follow people when THEY are trying to recover... Luma's usefulness knows no bounds. Combo potential, shield against projectiles, distant quick smash attacks, saving you from grabs and stuns...

Has anyone figured out a reliable counter for her? Characters with super armor like bowser maybe? After my jiggs encounter I'm happily adding her as a reliable secondary... I'm hoping she won't become OP when top players figure out how to master her.

Sheik seems good. nice and quick, good combo potential. I love bouncing fish... Get in quick right over horizontal projectiles.

Custom moves are going to make this metagame interesting. I love the idea of not knowing if the bowser your facing is going to have fireball projectiles or not. This could lead to people potentially holding off on using moves to surprise opponents with later. Plus they'll give certain characters much needed buffs, I'm totally curious the effect they have on the game!

Has anyone played with the mii characters much? Mii Gunner seems fun to use to me, but they are definitely the characters I'm the least familiar with.

All in all, I'm just happy that Diddy is still good and excited to see how different the Wii U physics are... or if they are pretty much the same! This game is so fun.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2014
I never said these characters were top tier, but were among the best in the game. Diddy Kong cannot edgeguard as effectively as the big four can, but can rack up some serious combos super quickly. Sonic really doesn't match up well against any of the big four except, possibly Rosalina, and that's only when customs are involved; however, Sonic's focus is mainly a combination of trickery, bluffs, and in-your-face-style of fighting, and as such has some incredibly diverse ways in which you can play him. His unpredictability (especially since his custom specials can definitely take some people by surprise), and he even possesses some edge guarding capabilities.

Of all the characters in the game, a good Sonic player would have the best poker face in the game essentially. But it's much more than that, because good Sonic players make the opponents figure out how they play, and change up their tactics on the fly to keep the opponent guessing. Granted, this applies to everybody in some way, but Sonic does it better than just about anybody. Characters like the big four and Diddy Kong have their primary functions in place, but Sonic can do just about everything except camp. It helps that it isn't so easy to tell apart his side or down specials from one another based on face value, though as for customs, it's usually best to save those to take your opponent by surprise since he is generally at his best with his default moveset.

However, Sonic is at a disadvantage against the big four except for Rosalina (and maybe Sheik). Greninja can neutralize Sonic's air game and push him off the stage with Hydro Pump. Zero Suit Samus, meanwhile, can get away easily in the air and can set up combos with her paralyzer; Sheik might be an even matchup, but even her custom specials can neutralize Sonic better than most characters in general. Rosalina can stop a default Sonic, though custom moves can essentially turn the tide for Sonic and at the very least, even the odds.

Outside of that, the only blatantly poor matchup I can think of for Sonic is Little Mac, and that's because Little Mac has heavy armor in his neutral, and super armor in so many of his others; Sonic, meanwhile, cannot help but get close to him in order to attack. Characters with some sort of counter can also potentially stop Sonic, though that may require some ridiculous timing, in which case, only Lucario and Shulk have those sorts of benefits against him (and even in the latter's case, he can't spam it, either; it gets harder to pull off with each successive use).

Overall, if I were to make a top ten list of best characters right now, it would probably look something like this:

1. :4sheik:
2. :rosalina:
3. :4greninja:
4. :4zss:
5. :4diddy:
6. :4yoshi:
7. :4littlemac: (everybody ranked above him can kick his rear, though he has favorable matchups against most others anyways)
8. :4sonic:
9. :4lucario:

Honorable Mentions: :4duckhunt::4ness::4peach::4rob::4villager:

Again, only the top four would be Top Tier in my eyes; everyone else here is looking to be the most viable in the competitive scene with perhaps five or so others thrown in for good measure.
I wasn't arguing with you, lol

Only flaw I can find with Ganon is one he's always had: pressure. Sure he can deal with it more easily now, but that's not saying much. If a character has a decent projectile, Ganon has trouble. Not unwinnable, but harder.
I agree. Ganon is better in this game in general, but he's still slow and has bad aerial mobility. That is to say, I don't think he's the worst, and if he is, it's not by much. He can certainly win matches, but he has to work for them.

Has anyone figured out a reliable counter for her? Characters with super armor like bowser maybe? After my jiggs encounter I'm happily adding her as a reliable secondary... I'm hoping she won't become OP when top players figure out how to master her.
She has a few iffy troubles against some characters like Yoshi or Little Mac because of his super armor, and because she's so tall. Her only unwinnable matchup is probably Greninja, which it'd be 40:60 in Greninja's favor. If anything, all her other matchups are even and she wins most of them. She's just incredibly powerful all-around.
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Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Rosalina is a good everything counter. Has anyone figured out a reliable counter for her? Characters with super armor like bowser maybe?
I don't feel particularly afraid of her as Yoshi, I'd certainly rather fight her than Sheik or Mac. I think mobility and the ability to come in at an angle helps. Yoshi's eggs go right over Luma and pop Rosalina in her (huge) head. She's also one of the floatiest characters in the game, which means she's very vulnerable to dying off the top of the stage, and all of Yoshi's KO potential is vertical.


Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
I feel I could deal with Rosaluma better if my Shulks spacing was better, but admittedly it isn't. Her dash crazy range, Shulk has some crazy range... but who was spacing. Retreating F-airs and N-airs are a bloody pain with a FF.
That and her D-Smash is fast, wtf. Surprised to hear jigglypuff struggling giving puffs fantastic air speed plus the back-air of peace.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2014
I don't feel particularly afraid of her as Yoshi, I'd certainly rather fight her than Sheik or Mac. I think mobility and the ability to come in at an angle helps. Yoshi's eggs go right over Luma and pop Rosalina in her (huge) head. She's also one of the floatiest characters in the game, which means she's very vulnerable to dying off the top of the stage, and all of Yoshi's KO potential is vertical.
Hmm okay. I can see how coming in at an angle would help. I've always liked Yoshi as a character and I'm glad he finally got the buffs he deserves. Been thinking about experimenting a bit more with him, haven't used him that much yet.

Surprised to hear jigglypuff struggling giving puffs fantastic air speed plus the back-air of peace.
I think Jiggs might be a sleeper! Her air speed and floatyness lets her wait just out of reach of pretty much every characters range, then she can float in and punish with pretty much any option she has in the air.
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Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2014
Jigglypuff is amazing, honestly, but she's so annoying to use with the 3DS. She demands a C-stick tbh.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Jiggs seems pretty good this time around, and she would seem to benefit from the c-stick a lot. Rest seems to have more invincibility frames on it now and shieldstun/shield knockback changes across the board help her a lot.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Rosalina's only iffy match-up is Zero Suit Samus right now. Because of Neutral B and Down B more than anything.

At first, I though Yoshi would be trouble, when I faced a really good one yesterday who wrecked me, but after two or three matches, I figured the match-up out and went on to win tons of matches against him (if anyone named Carl was playing as a Black Yoshi against a Rosalina named "Aaron" for a good number of matches yesterday, that was me).

I don't get why people think Greninja is trouble for her. Sheik is the better ninja against Rosalina if you ask me, and even she is more than manageable.

And Little Mac is a cakewalk for me now with Rosalina. One might win the odd time because of the KO Punch (after TAKING tons of damage, mind you - still think he's the training wheels character right now), but the super armour is not much of a problem for Rosalina, especially since you can always be opportunistic if you want to. Rosalina is one of the best for pushing people off stage, and Mac is the absolute worst at getting back from this, so there's that too.
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