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Castlevania Mafia - Game Over! Mafia and Traitor win!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I need to hear from EP, but whatever happens I Xastrn is the play, EP's post is just gonna determine how long EP lives for


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
SOLID arrived late, but his first post reeked of opportunism almost as much as Xastrn. What was wrong with DH wanting to mason an active player that could help him understand what was going on? If anything, since Swiss was the nucleus of the movement against him, DH's suggestion of masoning Swiss would have been the most reasonable course of action possible. SOLID painted it as trying to slink away from the center of attention by just agreeing with anything that didn't damage him. How could DH have done that?
You make it seem like all of us knew that DH was town yesterDay. All of what you said makes sense now, but only because you know things that I and the rest of the players didn't know at the time. Yeah, letting DH mason someone would be smart, but if DH were scum (which I believed he was) then scum gets an extra kill, so I was fine with lynching him. You make it seem like you've never had an incorrect D1 read.

...what? WHAT? Based on the knowledge had at the time, since he COULD prove his innocence via his power (or condemn a fellow scummate when he claims they successfully masoned and a cop/tracker/watcher proves that it was a lie), why in the WORLD would we NOT have let him go on to Night?
Because we'd like to keep someone else alive? If DH was scum and we didn't kill him, the chance of the person lynched being scum was quite small, and then we end up killing off an extra townie. I'd rather not take the chance if the person claims and I think that person is scum.

His opportunism continues to this very Day when he said that "all signs point to [Swiss] as scum". How? They had the same pool of information to draw from.
Nice job not mentioning the rest of that post, trying to peg me based on the first sentence of a post and disregarding the second half. Good town tactics man.

If you would have read the remainder of the post you would have seen that while signs did point to Swiss, I didn't think he was scum. I FoS'ed him and said he looked scummy, but I never thought he was cold hard scum.

And yet, SOLID speaks as though he knew for certain that smargaret was the actual target ("smarg NK"), as compared to the chumpblocker. He claimed that he didn't realize, but I don't believe him. Why didn't he correct his mistake when X1 brought it up?
I didn't say I didn't realize what a bodyguard was, I said I forgot the role.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I don't like his methods of trying to peg me, they don't seem especially townie. I find him a little scummy. Not scum though at this point.

Swiss what's your stance on Cello so far? You've mentioned him a few times but I didn't see a stance yet unless I missed something.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
hey guys, confirming replacement. gonna reread real quick, but i HAVE


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
been keeping up with the game. dont know why that just posted halfway through


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I'm about to go out for the rest of the day, but Swiss, you're town because you're scum too often. Until I see you flip town in a game, I'll assume that you're town until a LyLo situation. It's the same attitude I took to you in Oddworld. There are other little bits that indicate that to me as well, but I'll go into that later.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
havent started my reread yet, but i do just want to say, i dont like that, cello.

roles are assigned randomly. being scum a lot doesnt increase your chance of being town. and to assume he's town all the way through to a LyLo? nothx.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I came here to finish catching up on all the posts since i've last posted but I don't have as much time to read and post as I thought, X1 ill respond to ur q's tomorrow (sunday) sorry weekend/sat night halloween johns, lol.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
still havent started my reread. i had a lot to do yesterday and today.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Day 2 - Votecount #4


Swiss [3] - BSL, EdreesesPieces, InferiorityComplex
BSL [3] - X1-12, Swiss, Zen

Not Voting: Ryker, SOLID, Airgemini.

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch!

DEADLINE: Thursday, 4th November!


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
So what are we waiting for again here?

Air needs more content.

Incom what else did you want to ask me/other people? I'm sure that wasn't it all.

X1 is Cello scum?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
So what are we waiting for again here?

Air needs more content.

Incom what else did you want to ask me/other people? I'm sure that wasn't it all.

X1 is Cello scum?
waiting for you to stop skimming the bits where I talked about Cello

Also waiting on EP to tell me what he thinks about this post, specifically the last line

Just saying "meta doesn't apply to me" doesn't make it true. I know you'd LIKE it to be true, but sorry, it's not true.

Your meta as far as I've been able to follow is that you are rather verbose and clever as town, but that you don't resort to "Overswarmisms" like using leetspeek and "y u so bad 'ere" type language unless you are scum.

Speaking of which, that sentence suggests that you know I'm town here (as only scum COULD know).


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I'll sum it up for ya baby

he#'s prolly town

he might be indy

there's no way I'll ever be able to tell

I'll risk it


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Incom what else did you want to ask me/other people? I'm sure that wasn't it all.
You just kind of randomly said "Incom is town" without backing it up. Since nothing in Mafia is completely illogical, I was wondering exactly what you saw as town when a number of others (EP, Cello, X1, maybe more I missed) think I'm scummy. Especially when, IMO at least, my D1 play was far worse than my D2 play.

As for waiting, we're waiting for EP to answer X1's question and for BSL to try to salvage his player slot.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@InCom: X1 has a guilty investigation on Xastrn/BSL.

Vote BSL

I don't know why I didn't understand what was said the first time I read it, but I get it now.

X1, if you are going to breadcrumb that obviously, you might as well just fully claim, target and role. I understand why you wanted to get EP's reactions, but it's unnecessary and possibly counterproductive at this point, since he likely understood your breadcrumbs and just killed you anyway. If you weren't going to claim, then we'd have lost your investigation data. If you were, and you were just trying to determine whether or not you wanted to investigate him, then any smart scum would kill you. Also, Swiss clearly understood what you meant, and you intentionally transmitted it to him. Either you trust him, or you've gone insane. ToNight, investigate SOLID.

X1 is town, without doubt. Zen and Air are town, without certainty but close enough. Swiss will join them when BSL's scum flip occurs, given Xastrn's attempts against him this Day.

A few more bits about SOLID. In his response to Zen, he made sure to let us know that he never actually voted for DH, despite his clear desire to get rid of him. Why bother to do that at all, except to make himself look better? Referring back to my mentioning he was being opportunistic, he's said repeatedly that DH was "scummy", that scummy behavior is scummy behavior regardless of newbiness, and yet he has not deigned to inform us as to what that behavior was. Why HE thought DH was scummy. He rode town's roller coaster. You'll also notice that Xastrn tried to indirectly protect SOLID by saying that scum were probably both on the wagon.

SOLID said:
Yeah, letting DH mason someone would be smart, but if DH were scum (which I believed he was) then scum gets an extra kill, so I was fine with lynching him...If DH was scum and we didn't kill him, the chance of the person lynched being scum was quite small, and then we end up killing off an extra townie. I'd rather not take the chance if the person claims and I think that person is scum.
Do you lynch uncountered claimed cops that you think are scummy too? The primary benefit of our lynches for D1 is the information that we CHOOSE to get. Mafia NK information is innately tainted due to the fact that we are receiving it from our ENEMIES. There were only four possible ends to letting DH survive. He'd die from the Night Kill, which would have PREVENTED a mafia NK since we wouldn't have wasted a lynch on DH. Let's use you as an example. Say we planned to lynch you on D2. Had we lynched you on D1, then DH dies from the NK if he's town (or else he's confirmed town), and we still have smargaret, unconfirmed, but smargaret is still better than you. We wouldn't have had to suffer through an N2 NK to get your flip, or whoever we chose. Situation #2, he masons because mafia is ******** and doesn't kill him. By this point, Mafia should realize they can't afford to let them live. If a cop exists, a likely prospect in most situations and something Mafia cannot know for certain, then investigating EITHER one of them results in a double clear. Situation #3, he dies from mismason. He's dead and out of our hair. It's what I wanted from Mentos in Werewolves. It doesn't mean anything in terms of his target's alignment due to framing potential (unless mafia were REALLY stupid and NKed someone else, proving DH's target is scum). Sitchiation #4, he's mafia. There are two branches here: He doesn't claim to mason anyone, in which case we have our D2 lynch. Or, he claims to mason an ally. Equally stupid, since a cop investigation would equal a double guilty. The worst possible scenario would have been NKing DH's target, if that target didn't have protection. The BEST scenario would be if that target DID have protection.

SOLID said:
Any thoughts on Smarg NK, anyone? Seems like scum just went after a pro-town player.
You posited that smargaret was a strong player, and that was why you thought scum killed her. Why? Combing over her grand total of six posts, we see that she initially disliked Swiss's play for meta reasons, then went on to hate on Swiss for rolefishing and taking control. She mildly admonished InCom, and asked him why he was worried about hammering. She had a light noobtown read on DH. Then, all of a sudden, in post #207, she reverses everything. Her negative attitude toward Swiss was in abeyance due to DH's "scumminess", something on which she was WRONG, and she was satisfied with InCom's response. While she did not have a chance to state it, or simply did not, she would have been satisfied with Air's response.

How could she have been seen as a strong player except by scum, and even then, only if her reads of InCom-town, Swiss-town and Air-town were correct? If any one of those players were scum, why wouldn't they have kept her alive since they could rely on her support? Heck, we know InCom is town, so that portion of her assessment must have been correct. And YOU knew it. That's why you said she was a strong player. Even if we allow for kamikaze-scum-Swiss, why would he have killed smargaret when he knew he would be lynched the following Day? Killing Zen would have been the better play, since his partner or partners would then be able to kill Ryker/me and smargaret as non-entities in the game and leave a less tangible trail.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
EBWOP: Remove the section at the end about knowing that InCom is town. I originally thought that was what X1 was breadcrumbing and forgot to correct that section. Still, SOLID position could only be substantiated by information unavailable to us at the time.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Xas is scum
EP is scum

Xas made a post which matches pretty much 100% his play style in villains where he recently flipped scum

Ep is in that game and he had no problem with the post (I was just double checking he absolutely thought it was OK)

@Cello, actually trust me for once on this one, I know what I'm doing, we should stop talking about this. You know I'm town so just have a little faith. Stop talking about my role or anything

Lynch Dastrn toDay though still


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.

What do you think of this post? specifically the last line.
I don't really see a problem with that post. I agree that Swiss' language in the post Xas was referring to makes it kind of seem like Swiss knew Das was town. When I scumhunt I look for tells that indicate someone already knows peoples alignments and jumps at small things to come to that conclusion they already know. So I agree with Xas point there. I don't find Xas' posts scummy and I don't understand why you guys do at all! The guy was just telling it like it is in that post.

Cello, I see ur kind of stubborn as usual. Don't know Cello's scum meta but so far you are playing just like Oddworld. Sticking with ur gut/reads, very stubborn, but that puts a lot of pressure on scum, so I'll go with it. I don't like your reasoning for a town Swiss at all though. Agree with BSL that being scum a lot in prev games doesn't miraculously increase chances of being town in future games.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
A few more bits about SOLID. In his response to Zen, he made sure to let us know that he never actually voted for DH, despite his clear desire to get rid of him. Why bother to do that at all, except to make himself look better? Referring back to my mentioning he was being opportunistic, he's said repeatedly that DH was "scummy", that scummy behavior is scummy behavior regardless of newbiness, and yet he has not deigned to inform us as to what that behavior was. Why HE thought DH was scummy. He rode town's roller coaster. You'll also notice that Xastrn tried to indirectly protect SOLID by saying that scum were probably both on the wagon.
I explained my position on DH.

Do you lynch uncountered claimed cops that you think are scummy too?
There is a cop or some variation of a cop in almost every game that I've ever seen or played. Aside from wacky DR games, masons certainly do not appear as often as cops. Different situation completely.

The primary benefit of our lynches for D1 is the information that we CHOOSE to get. Mafia NK information is innately tainted due to the fact that we are receiving it from our ENEMIES. There were only four possible ends to letting DH survive. He'd die from the Night Kill, which would have PREVENTED a mafia NK since we wouldn't have wasted a lynch on DH. Let's use you as an example. Say we planned to lynch you on D2. Had we lynched you on D1, then DH dies from the NK if he's town (or else he's confirmed town), and we still have smargaret, unconfirmed, but smargaret is still better than you. We wouldn't have had to suffer through an N2 NK to get your flip, or whoever we chose. Situation #2, he masons because mafia is ******** and doesn't kill him. By this point, Mafia should realize they can't afford to let them live. If a cop exists, a likely prospect in most situations and something Mafia cannot know for certain, then investigating EITHER one of them results in a double clear. Situation #3, he dies from mismason. He's dead and out of our hair. It's what I wanted from Mentos in Werewolves. It doesn't mean anything in terms of his target's alignment due to framing potential (unless mafia were REALLY stupid and NKed someone else, proving DH's target is scum). Sitchiation #4, he's mafia. There are two branches here: He doesn't claim to mason anyone, in which case we have our D2 lynch. Or, he claims to mason an ally. Equally stupid, since a cop investigation would equal a double guilty. The worst possible scenario would have been NKing DH's target, if that target didn't have protection. The BEST scenario would be if that target DID have protection.
Great, what's your point?

You posited that smargaret was a strong player, and that was why you thought scum killed her. Why?
I've already said that I forgot that she was bodyguard. My mindstate and the time of that post was just me trying to come up with an explanation, as I was puzzled as to why smarg would be killed off. It didn't make much sense to me either. I know I have no way to prove this, but that goes both ways.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Solid that was not even close to a decent responce. Why are you playing like you don't care? You're just brushing things off like you're not even trying. Both the town and scum play I've seen from you, you are at least involved. And you have still yet to actually contribute something without being called upon.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I care, I just don't see a point in reposting things that I've already posted. If Cello would like to ask me a question or something of that nature, I'd be more than happy to respond.

In response to your comment about my contributions, I really don't have much to say while it seems as though Swiss and X1 are just posting random crap as of late. "o i c u" "o u so funny." I have nothing to say to any of that.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@EP: As of Xastrn's post #327, there was virtually no suspicion on Xastrn at all. Yes, X1 voted for him, but at the time it looked as though it was added to provide pressure to respond to his question. That vote was largely ignored by the town, and by Xastrn himself, in my opinion. Assume for a moment that Xastrn and Swiss are on the same scum team. It would be unreasonable to assume that Swiss could weather the storm and make it all the way to endgame. And yet, in the aforementioned #327 and the string of posts that culminated to it, Swiss got the better position. Xastrn's "argument" was that Swiss was being "sassy". And that was basically it. His later "point" of interpreting Swiss saying "You were great in Oddworld as town...y u so bad 'ere?" to mean that Swiss "knew he was town here (as only scum COULD know)" is nothing short of ridiculous. Why would the scum team distance in such a way as to make the person who SURVIVES look stupid and ineffective? That just makes it look set up. What has occurred makes much more sense if you believe that Xastrn was simply trying to capitalize on Swiss's mistake, and get a one-two townie lynch that allows him to hide amongst the "majority" that wanted to lynch DH. That, if nothing else, is why you should believe that Swiss is town after we lynch Xastrn, sorry, I mean BSL (but we'll really be lynching Xastrn).

There is a cop or some variation of a cop in almost every game that I've ever seen or played. Aside from wacky DR games, masons certainly do not appear as often as cops. Different situation completely.

Great, what's your point?
My point was to show that your position on DH was ridiculous.

The fact that you believe, and more importantly, believed, that there was a cop in THIS game is all the more reason that your position is unreasonable. You were the only person who tried to absolve yourself of any responsibility concerning the wagon against DH when you MADE SURE that we remembered that you didn't vote for him. The fact of the matter is that you supported it in every way other than that. That's scummy.

Concerning the possible scenarios that would play out with DH remaining alive, I have shown that it was objectively a sounder play to let him live into Night. Could you not realize that was the case? How is your position reasonable?

SOLID said:
I've already said that I forgot that she was bodyguard. My mindstate and the time of that post was just me trying to come up with an explanation, as I was puzzled as to why smarg would be killed off. It didn't make much sense to me either. I know I have no way to prove this, but that goes both ways.
Her role has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my point, and not ONCE did I mention it in that paragraph. She could have been Dirty Sexy Queen Magikarp Thunderthighs of the Magical World of Zanzabar Mountain, and it wouldn't have affected scum's choice to NK her. After all, scum couldn't have any knowledge of her role, so how COULD it have been the reason for her death?

YOU CHOSE to say, "Seems like scum just went after a pro-town player." You didn't say something like, "Do you think scum killed smargaret because she was right about Air/Swiss/InCom?" or something like that. You said that smargaret was a pro-town player. That thought occurred to you without any provocation from any other player. Why did you believe that she was? What EXACTLY did she say or do that makes YOU think that? I showed from her posts that she was back and forth on her beliefs. Where was her pro-towniness that you posited?

Consider another similar situation. I've stated my belief that X1 is a cop. What would you think of me if I suddenly couldn't provide ANY reasoning for why I believe that to be the case? Would that be suspicious or not?

SOLID said:
I really don't have much to say while it seems as though Swiss and X1 are just posting random crap as of late. "o i c u" "o u so funny." I have nothing to say to any of that.
X1 said:
I din't wanna reveal mah abilitays, but y'all should leave dah investigatin' to me yah?

hope you got that good sir.
This doesn't look like a Cop breadcrumb to you? Why do you think X1 has EXCLUSIVELY voted for Xastrn this Day? Why do you think he's consistently said that NO ONE other than Xastrn is the play for toDay, InCom included, who X1 has SAID he believes is scummy?

This seems like information important enough to form an opinion on. Do you think he truly is a Cop? If not, tell us why. Heck, if you DON'T think that he's truly a Cop AND that there is a Cop in the game, then from your perspective, having a Cop counterclaim nets us scum. That's a good thing, isn't it? Or do you not even realize that?

Unvote BSL

Here, feel free to vote for BSL so you'll be on a scumbag's lynch. If you don't want to, explain why. There are TONS of issues that you have yet to comment on.
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