Yo, I just go wrecked
. Hanky Panky's peach is no joke (he lives walking distance).
My marth wasn't touching him. I don't ever want to CC anything ever again.
Any MU tips? Not CC'ing is obvious but I need more specific things.
I stole a game or two with sheik but I'm looking for marth help.
I added more dtilt to my game and had some good improvement in the neutral game.
How does one go about approaching peach with Marth?
How does one deal with turnips, is it being preemptive with more aggressive spacing?
I find approaching her on your terms to be very difficult.
What are some good options that give you follow ups on peach?
Any general good DI options against peach combos?
Any general sheik stuff is also appreciated.
I had a lot more success with sheik, I understand sheik vs peach fairly well.