When do you like to Fair waveland vs floaties to Fsmash? I'd be so afraid to whiff on either of those characters I don't know when I'd even want to try it. <.<yeah i agree with m2k; you can just l cancel and dash away..no need for the waveland..i like fair waveland vs jiggs and floaties occasionally to waveland to a new spacing and fsmash instantly...but I'm not 100% consistent with the waveland.
mango styles nonstop so i don't think that is a good judge..what was he covering with fair waveland that he couldn't do with a dash back. obviously the ability to fsmash/ftilt/do ground moves if they move towards him. So in that sense I guess it's ok..though with marth's grabgame you don't need it that often. maybe we should try to see if we can bait moves out and reactively fsmash (why i like it vs floaties)..but other than that usually a grab is as good as a ground move from marth in most matchups.
"SH WL dash back grab? What have you been able to get with that? I never even thought about that lol I'm curious."
pp, you need to watch more of m2k's old vids. there is a reason people don't just come up to the ledge point blank against him.
waveland on fox feels dumb and boxed out at the ledge, either fsmash pushing them off onto the ledge or just run up grab...how broken is that.
i should play around with nairing on vs jiggs sometime...i think i rarely do it cause mahone just spaces me out...I try to mix it up with DJ waveland down though..but since jiggs is in the air, maybe just double jump and land near the edge and fair if they come in is better..since unlike fox she can't come in quite as fast
i'm still not sure what the big deal is with shield stopped fair. you shield.. Everyone keeps trying to act as if shield stopped fair is any different than telling someone to just approach with shield. last i checked i've been able to fair out of shield for 2 years, and have been approaching with shield just as long. Not sure what all the hype is about to be honest. I do think I need to play around with it vs sheik as her dash attack is pretty scary on the ground.
also i don't have a sing videoa nd haven't tested it, so feel free to test it. I have played around with seeing max distance sing grab while trying out jiggs..and i am pretty sure it's out of dair range..however, that max distance one is dangerous as hell..i don't think jiggs will start doing that..the people i see try for sing cancel ledgegrab do it very close to the ledge where they could be spiked.
Can you give me an example in an old video? Or at least explain to me what kind of things he stopped with that trick? I've watched some old M2K and didn't see that I think.
The range is still worth testing on sing grab, and eventually I could find a range that gets a free punish if they try to keep a safe spacing or do whatever as well. Marth's edgeguards on Puff are tight and should be exploited so much more than they are imo. Puffs get everything TOO easily right now.
Just outside of Bair range. That range is the safest because Puff can't touch you then unless she wants to run into your sword lol. Eventually she's gotta run away or risk touching it as it comes out anyway.I like the Jiggs talk. I have been seriously struggling with the matchup lately and would love to entertain any and all ideas haha.
PP what is your ideal spacing against Puff in the neutral game? I know it's always changing because of how Marth has to be DD/WDing to adjust spacing and Puff is going to be floating around, but I was wondering what you thought the ideal spacing is. I have some of my own thoughts but I want to know what you think first lol.
I don't stay in that range long at all btw.
Yo Puff's Fair OOS is mad good. I dunno why more Puffs don't do that. All about shooting buttfeet at people now.i want to talk about this one. ZOMG Puff's fair out of shield reaches tooo far. Just saying, i only want to comment on the spacing to give puff on the ground. my favorite spacing is like 1.5 X how much i would give a fox to be out of range of bair out of shield. puff has really good mobility. obviously moving inside this range to bait the puff is fine, but just don't try to dashdance too close. Most people who aren't familiar with the matchup underrate her aerial mobility.
also, i'm not really whining about puff's spacing...once she lands in this matchup she's at a disadvantage unless you are very close to the edge and can't get enough space to get out of range.
on a side note: M2k likes fair into retreating nair..and i love it too..but isn't it just strictly speaking slower at coming out than fair? despite that everyone i've met seems to like it more than retreating fair. I think it's cause CC is less of an issue, but also it's cause nair is easy to AC. WHy can't people just rising retreating fair AC run away...but they miss the fastfall timing and stuff like that..
I guess another possible reason is nair has more stuff right? so since retreating moves can't combo properly.. you want to have as much stun as possible so you get frame advantage and pressure afterwards
also this line by PP keeps confusing me:
That "hands hit by Puff Bair" thing should never happen because you should only swing on the outside of Puff's range to be safe or try to challenge her landing if you're closer. Swinging and guessing is dumb and of course gets you *****.
When i swing I'm either in range in which case it is impossible to miss, or the jiggs hit me by approaching with an aerial before i swung. I'm wondering if maybe you are talking about rising fair just out of range so the jiggs runs into it. I haven't tried that, it seems easier to just dodge if you think they are coming in...throwing out a move in their path sounds like a peach strat
The thing about Puff's aerial mobility is it is attached to some crappy jumps first of all. More importantly, people only like going backwards with that character for the most part so they lose out on the going forward mixup that is hard to react to. That character plays at the perfect pace to lull someone into following her rhythm, and she just decides to run away with it instead of trick them into wondering when she will attack. I don't understand.
Nair also comes out at a great angle and is stronger than Fair I think? I don't know how to AC Fair and I'm not even sure how safe or laggy that is. Good idea though I keep thinking about it and never implement it. Maybe I'll do it now haha.
If Puff comes in then dodge/DD Nair. If she spaces then swing.
Tricks and creativity are good, but if you don't also build your foundation first(and foremost) then the tricks are pretty useless.I asked about fair-waveland just to see what other people did with it. I've been wanting to experiment with it. Specifically I want to get a grab by the ledge and do uthrow -> reverse SH fair -> waveland off dair. :D
I asked about shieldstop fadeaway fair cause it just goes soooooooo far back. It just blows my mind every time I do it. OMG now I just thought about trying dash back shield stop bair (drifting towards them).
I think I focus way too much on tricks instead of getting good first.![]()
That said, I doubt I'd think about stuff like shield stopped aerials if people like you(and Leffen iirc) didn't suggest them. It takes all kinds to make the world go round haha.