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Important Carefully Ask PPMD about the Tiara Guy

Andy Lawliet

Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2012
Anybody know how I could wear in my Controller?
I used my old controller today and i could do pivots 9 out of 10 times i tried.
Using my normal controller I can only do it 2-3 times out of 10

Any advice?



Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
... play a lot?

If you want to speed things up I guess you could do some intense Fox tech skill practice sessions, but it shouldn't take that long anyway.

Andy Lawliet

Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2012
Im using this controller since 2010 and it didnt change. I also Play Fox but that doesn't help me much with pivots


Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Depends on how much time you have. You could just unplug and do dash dance motions on the control stick while watching TV or something

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I guess in one way at least you are right..marth mains can adapt by choosing to adopt a secondary...it's just annoying because if your opponent has a secondary (floaty spacie being the best combination now) then, you are now forced to adopt a secondary to survive. I guess in terms of balance i can adjust, and the rule set is their prerogative of course and I don't fault them for it, but if they choose to adopt a rule set that many people disagree with then they have to accept that some of the people who would normally show up will not. I agree with leffen's statements in the thread; i would not risk flying all the way over to play in that ruleset if I were a marth, falcon, or even really sheik main..though sheik suffers less than the other two i would think.

Also, for those people that do not have good secondaries already, they had better hurry up and learn. Getting a secondary to adequate levels given the many matchups in this game is no simple task.

I guess in that sense, I'm not that annoyed at the ruleset, I just prefer rule sets that do not force multiple character usage. Honestly I have less reason to complain than most, my fox is already at the same level roughly as my marth; i just don't like playing him.

also i think what pissed me off the most is that people in the FC thread basically said you're a ****ing moron if you don't go to FC because you dno't like the ruleset. I mean what the hell? if you disagree with something, should you support it wholeheartedly???
Marths can also adapt by becoming adept at CP stages. For example, I'd imagine juggling floaties is pretty easy on MC except for the really big part(s) but then you can camp those out if you want to.

What is wrong with having a secondary though, just wondering? The counterpick system becomes more intricate and interesting, and different strategies and intimidation tactics can be used both in and out of the game now.

People only need to learn a secondary for a couple matchups(peach and puff for MC and BS and spacies for RC and....I forget what else was there for them lol). It's hardly THAT drastic.

i play a high tier character because i don't want to be forced to switch off due to stupid ****. i think marth can handle every matchup in the game on the six neutrals (pokemon stadium is a neutral at heart), and that's why i play him.

zelda, on the other hand, is NOT able to adequately handle a bunch the matchups in the game regardless of stage, so that's why i would never touch her with a 20 foot pole.

that being said, i would not like these stages even if i DID play a character that benefited from them like fox or peach. i'm playing a fighting game because i love micro-intensive player-vs-player action. i'm comfortable with the six neutrals because they follow a standard format and have an "acceptable" (mostly subjective) amount of variation. if i wanted the stage to be an even bigger factor in my matches, i'd just quit smash and play league of legends or starcraft or something.
It's still player vs player, but you have to be mindful of how the other player is using different stage layouts and effects now. You can spin it either way your preferences go. If you get upset with a ruleset then you'll just hold yourself back more in it.

I suggest forgetting how you(as in Marths) think you "feel" about each stage and re-examining them for Marth and see what he can exploit on them in general and vs each character before writing them off so quickly. Just seeing the stage and flipping out isn't a productive way to think.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
PP, have you somehow forgotten how marth recovers? no amount of juggling can make up for mute city..ever....counterpicking is the only decent option against floaties... i honestly can only see marth vs falco as doable there.. even marth vs sheik, where the sheik has to recover on stage, doesn't even things out cause marth doesn't have good horizontal recovery while sheik will have to be hit off a bazillion times and she might get to a part of the stage with ground..marth will just die after two hits tops.

edit: by two hits i mean sequences, she will regrab you and then **** you again each time you are forced on stage. I mean i guess you could try eating the track, but back in the day my roommate used jiggs to edgeguard me pretty easily as i was bouncing on it. and any decent sheik should be able to aim that massive bair to hit you off stage and kill you if you're trying to delay on the track.

flipping out may not be productive, but learning a secondary is a million times better strategy than trying to play marth on mute.

also, it's not like we're flipping out suddenly some of us have played on these stages for hours. I probably have clocked in around 300 hrs on green greens (though it's not in the list), and 200 hours each on corneria and mute city. The only stage that i'm actually curious about its effects is Mushroom kingdom because i don't have any real experience with the stage. As i remember it was banned for invuln tactics that abused the ledges on that stage, but I don't really remember the details. I really don't see how invuln could be that much of a problem


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
as none of this is really that important or relevant, I'd rather throw out a question that i'm actually curious about. jiggs players (by which i mean mahone) often use upairs to hit the opponent onto the platform or interrupt their tech timing and force them to tech at another time (moreover they can't tech if they were just trying to tech). this section of my game with marth is rather weak as i tend to go for guaranteed stuff in teh air.

Does anyone have favored places to interrupt a combo and toss their opponent on the ground. obviously we can all use weak upair to interrupt a spacies fall just like jiggs..but i feel like there ought to be more options..like fairing right before they hit the ground or something. I dunno, is this valid with marth or just a dumb idea? anyone have much success with tech interruptions instead of comboing?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2010
So i was practicing powershielding today and noticed that most times when i powershield I immediately jump.....Originally I thought this was because I was crouching to PS and releasing donw made me jump.....However it happens even when I PS out of like DDing or just standing there....It's really annoying and messes up my chances to follow up....Anyone have an idea why this is happening?


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2010
Lawrenceville, GA
i thought that too but even if im doing nothing afterwards sometimes
Well there are only 3 reason's you'd be jumping out after a PS. 1) Pressing X or Y, 2) Hitting up on the joystick (possible sign of a bad controller if you aren't doing it?) or 3) pressing up on the c-stick (another possible sign of a bad controller if you aren't doing it.)

What I suggest is to have someone else PS with your controller a few times to see what happens, or use a different controller and PS a few times to see what happens.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
cool avatar and that is one of the few matchups i have near zero knowledge in, so hopefully someone else will post some thoughts. I just camp and fair missiles...also marth can block samus from getting back on stage pretty easily when she's at the ledge.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
What are some things that I should look out for in a Marth VS Samus matchup?
Samus wants you to do something before she does something. She does not pressure well because she doesn't punish shielding well. Be extremely patient. Don't get baited. Swat her out of the air whenever possible because she's very easy to hit once she's up there. Watch out for bomb tricks and again just be patient and don't get baited. Also, jab missiles.

Try to get her to dash attack your shield which you then grab or reverse up B to punish. If she goes for a grab sidestep that and punish.

Be extra super duper patient when she is offstage you can't actually edgeguard her unless she messes up and she'd love for you to do something stupid so she can get an opening on you. Just keep stage control and win in 8 minutse.


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2009
Austin, TX
Samuses love to crouch cancel also so don't throw out poorly spaced aerials when she is grounded unless you want to get launched by a dtilt or dsmash.



Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
What are some things that I should look out for in a Marth VS Samus matchup?
Down smash. And anything that leads into it. WD back > down smash. Sidestep > down smash. Crouch > down smash. Heck, even jab > down smash. Samus loves her down smash.

Combo break efforts. Samus loves to throw out random nairs and crap to try and break your combos if they're not guaranteed (and a lot of them won't be). So beware of things like fast fall nairs and her mashing A, trying to shake you. She also likes bombs, and DJing into bombs.

She wants to dash attack, tilt, or whatever to you whenever you're not spaced and airborne. If you haven't gotten hit for a while, a lot Samus players in general might try to force hits with dash attacks and crap.
Aug 6, 2008
I was thinking about marth and edgeguarding advantages from the platform rather than from the stage. I'd guess its a worse position to take. Spacies can get onstage with invincibility into shield and Marth cannot really do much on shield from a platform after an attack.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
as none of this is really that important or relevant, I'd rather throw out a question that i'm actually curious about. jiggs players (by which i mean mahone) often use upairs to hit the opponent onto the platform or interrupt their tech timing and force them to tech at another time (moreover they can't tech if they were just trying to tech). this section of my game with marth is rather weak as i tend to go for guaranteed stuff in teh air.

Does anyone have favored places to interrupt a combo and toss their opponent on the ground. obviously we can all use weak upair to interrupt a spacies fall just like jiggs..but i feel like there ought to be more options..like fairing right before they hit the ground or something. I dunno, is this valid with marth or just a dumb idea? anyone have much success with tech interruptions instead of comboing?
Dtilts on FF'ers at mid percents is a thing I do occasionally. That and sometimes not continuing a combo but running/WD'ing/jumping forward like I will to get a better hit and just letting them drop before getting whatever hit I want. It's decent and all I remember atm. I don't think it's ever really necessary but kinda fun.

I was thinking about marth and edgeguarding advantages from the platform rather than from the stage. I'd guess its a worse position to take. Spacies can get onstage with invincibility into shield and Marth cannot really do much on shield from a platform after an attack.
It's great vs floaties sometimes because you can go farther out/cover higher spots. Vs spacies it can be okay if you space far enough back on the platform to cover most of their options with a fall through Fair. I don't think I'd use it vs spacies but maybe it could be good on Dreamland since the platform is so big and the spacies can't really get onto it without side B iirc(less options to cover).


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
yeah thanks for the inspiration pp. It's actually very vrey much worth it as setting up a tipper instantly on a missed tech is a lot easier than comboing to a tip..and nontipped fsmashes don't end combos very well.

I definitely think it has potential, but it may be a few months before I manage to integrate it into my game. My marth has too many other gaping flaws I need to work on as well.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2012
Fresno, CA
Prepare yourselves for what may be the dumbest question ever: Lately, whenever I autocancel a nair, l-cancel any aerial, or just on those frames when you can cancel your landing animation with an attack, I cannot uptilt. It's like the game reads that my control stick is "up" and I get a stupid upsmash. What is going on?
I say "lately" because this wasn't the case a week ago, though resetting my controller did nothing. As of now, I shall assume I'm getting worse...


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
try tilting up during the lag from your attack and just tapping A to u-tult
The reason for this is smash attacks happen when you press a direction and A at the same time...
it would also help if you didn't mash up as hard too. The feel you get for your controller is HUGE
Aug 6, 2008
Any sort of uses at all of SH Fair -> Nair or SH Fair -> Dair over short hop double fair or fair to uair? I thought perhaps they might poke better since they hit so much lower than fair or uair.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Any sort of uses at all of SH Fair -> Nair or SH Fair -> Dair over short hop double fair or fair to uair? I thought perhaps they might poke better since they hit so much lower than fair or uair.
I didn't even know Dair came out in time.....yeah if it does it'd be great on shields and for poking haha.

Fair to Nair is only good at looking cool/your opponent happens to get popped up from Fair and is right in front of you/you want to use a different move for stun on a shield besides Fair to mess them up. It's good once in a while I'd say.
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