You know... I'm going to stick with MW2 multiplayer. I've been loyal to IW for quite some time and they knew ahead of time what they were getting themselves in to with One Man Army, Commando, and things like that. It's not so much their fault for putting these things in the game as it is the communitys fault for abusing it. Unlimited ammo is part of One Man Army. You sacrifice a secondary weapon and have to wait to change, that's a fair tradeoff since you can do absolutely nothing. I'll get the typical retort, I'm sure. Somebody will give examples, hate on the multiplayer, and talk about how a future game will hold them over.
I defend this game because no one else will. There seems to be so much hate for what we all used to love. I found a way to make this game fun. Michael Myers, sniper lobbies, Danger Close. I find camo a fun thing to work toward. I went from 180 to 237 in one night for my Uzi. It was frustrating and I hated my opponents so much because of what they would do to win. I've come to realize that Skidrow and Terminal, while fun maps for many gametypes, should not be on the Domination map list. I must have quit fifteen matches tonight because of how campy it actually was.
Ah well, **** it, my post was rather worthless.
I'm not leaving MW2's multiplayer either. I just feel that with OMA, Danger Close, and all the explosives available, and bad objective maps, that Objective gametypes are kind of ruined. I can't stand the lack of respawn delay in most objective gametypes. How are you supposed to cap a point if they can spawn and just throw a grenade and boom, you die? I've cleared out entire areas and began trying to capture a point one time, only to see some Hail Mary Frag drop from the sky and blow me up. Demolition is the worst, since it's nigh impossible to plant or defuse if the other team decides to just continuously throw their explosives toward the bomb site. Headquarters has similar problems when trying to capture the HQ. To be honest, the only objective modes I think about touching are Capture the Flag, Sabotage, and Search and Destroy, because they have respawn delays, making it feasible to accomplish the objective. Even then, some maps for these gametypes, mainly Sabotage and Search, are terrible for the game type. Terminal has way too many choke points to be able to move freely. Rundown has a similar problem. What I wish IW would do, is release a map pack dedicated to Objective modes. Balanced flag/bomb sites, not too many choke points, enough options where it's possible to get around. Hell, I'd love it if they brought back War for WaW. That was the best game type ever.
This game has such a high potential to be fun. I've played private matches with my friends, and they're fun because you can trust your friends to not be ***** and pull all the dumb crap that happens in matchmaking. When we play Mike Meyers or Sniper lobbies, they're fun because none of us are out to Noob tube galore each other. Hell, I've gotten a bunch of my friends to do Snipers only, Headshots only before, and it was really fun. The amount of dancing everyone was doing was insane.
Anyways, to fix this whole Artillery Grenade Launcher thing, all IW has to do is make it so the grenades become ineffective after a certain distance. I mean seriously, you never see people making legit shots like that. Also, the community cannot fix this. So many people that play this game are so stupid and clueless, that you'd have to be blessed to have them get their head on straight and stop dying to the GL. I was lucky to have someone on my team switch to a Cold Blooded class when the enemy was using the Care Package glitch back when it was still around.
As for the recording of the 10th prestige lobby invites, I should definitely try that. I have a capture card myself. =]