While this IS CoD4, I'd like to reccomend this montage, it's beyond sexy.
This is pretty good
It also makes me wish that I could have sniped like that In MW2, but there are issues with this:
1: There is no M40A3 in MW2:
Obviously there is one in CoD4. The Springfield in WoW shares traits with it, technically being an M40. Unfortunately, there are 4 snipers in MW2, and the M40 isn't one of them and it doesn't have a replacement. And don't give me that "the Intervention is the new M40" Bull ****. The Intervention is the new R700. It sways like an R700, it has the accuracy of the R700, it has the power of the R700, and it has the same issues as the R700 (sans given an extra bullet and a clip reload). There is no M40. The Intervention would be fine and all, but it is stopping power reliant, which brings me to point 2...
2: Stopping power is a huge risk in MW2:
In CoD4, the worst you can suffer is having your position revealed by a UAV, caught in the open with an airstrike, or nailed by a wandering helicopter if it passes over and you're too exposed. Same with WoW (except replace helicopter with homicidal dogs). But in modern warfare 2, there is so much **** happening that it is incredibly difficult to stay in your perch while using stopping power. Not only do you have UAVs, airstrikes, and helicopters, but now you have to deal with:
-Thermal scopes
-Predator missiles
-stealth bombers
-chopper gunner
Essentially, stopping power wasn't nerfed directly like Lightweight, but indirectly by putting in so much **** that can kill you that cold blooded becomes much more helpful.
3: Finding the right secondary isn't easy anymore:
Again, finding the best secondary in the other two was relatively easy, either go with one of 4-5 pistols, including a power pistol. In MW2, pistols are now rivaled by MPs and shotguns. Pistols are too weak, shotguns have too short a range, and it is really difficult to find the right MP. In essence, Infinity ward overcomplicated MW2 to an astonishingly degree.
My main complaint of MW2: it's over-complicated, so full of **** ready to kill you, and there is no longer that beauty M40 we all know and love.