Smash Champion
I know it doesn't show that they're fully scoped in on the killcam. That's was pretty obvious though, or at least I thought that most people knew that. For the record, I was saying that I can't even ADS an AR by the time I've been quickscoped, not that they don't even scope in to kill me, but that's irrelevant.I'm not disagreeing with you that getting sniped is usually annoying, but how does it turn out when you snipe?
If it is so easy, why not do it?
If it is so overpowered, than why not use it?
You use the FAMAS, which is hands down the best assault rifle, and you use the best class and the best kill streaks. I don't get why you'd hate on sniping.
Also, a fun fact, the people are probably completely scoping in, but it doesn't show up on killcam.
I don't really snipe, but whenever I do, it's still crazy easy. I don't quickscope because I'm not 12 years old. I don't **** myself whenever I shoot somebody with a sniper in a video game after doing 500 spins. It's just not fun to me and it's inconsistent.
Before people scream about me saying it's inconsistent and tell me, "Well if it's so inconsistent, why u arguin den?!/1!." When you play against someone who weighs about as much as a fully grown elephant that sits around his house all day playing MW2 and does nothing but quickscope and is consistent, it's annoying.
Basically, I'm trying to say that in a sense, it's too easy in this game particularly. Being able to ADS that quickly and have no sort of idle sway is stupid, whether everyone can quickscope or not. Just because some people are terrible and miss 9/10 shots doesn't mean it can't be OP. Black ops got it just right.
I'm also not seeing why ARs are brought up, as my frustration is from snipers. I don't care what AR I get killed by. I love getting killed by them, actually, because it means somebody actually shot me fairly most of the time instead of tubing me. All the ARs are good anyways. I've used the famas forever, but I still have more luck with the ACR and Tar a lot of the time.
Last thing. Who says I use the best killstreaks? I never put anything on but UAV, CUAV, pred. Even in black ops I never used anything above that, go check. I use that setup religiously, so yeah, not sure where that came from. I don't use high killstreaks because I like to play CoD how it used to be played without anything but 3 5 7. Mowing people down with a noob gunner or calling in a pavelow that gets all the kills for me shows absolutely nothing in terms of skill.