Send me a message and I'll give you an invite. GT: UndeadDonut
Rules copy and pasted from this video:
Gametype: Hardcore TDM with reflexive/no friendly fire, no killstreaks, free spectating (for if you die early and get bored), and one life. 10 minute time limit.
Map: Estate
Classes/Teams: The anti bond team (Spetsnaz). They must stay in the house. Their objective is to kill Bond. They must use the following class:
Primary: Vector or MP5K no attachment
Secondary: Magnum no attachment
Steady Aim
No equipment/Special grenade as they can't use them.
(TF141) This is Bond. There is only one. His objective is to take out all the anti bonds using any method possible.
Primary- Any silenced sniper rifle.
Secondary- USP/M9 silenced
Throwing Knife, Smoke Grenade
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro
- The anti bond team must stay in the estate at all times
- The anti bond team can not use equipment or special grenades
- Bond must wait for every antibond to get in the house before he can move.
- If James fails to get a kill within the first 4 minutes of the game, the host ends the game and they move on.
- James IS allowed in the estate.
- A rotation of players works best for selecting who will be James next.
The game is actually incredibly fun, and not very one sided if the player playing as Bond is smart. Have fun.
Credit to Rathalos for the private match idea.