I never get angry at things (especially video games), but playing with a nuke on is the most infuriating thing you can do to yourself, I really need to turn it off.
i could only imagine... that's why i've never gone for nuke.
i don't even like chopper gunner anymore. last few times i used it i got a total of 3 or 4 kills with it. such bull****. lol it's funner to play with a 5/7/9 or my new favorite 5/6/7. i like it because i don't care if i die. it's just fun.
Ya, I'm starting to use the FAMAS more. I used it a ton earlier and now I'm gettin' back into it. Also, I hate to say this because I don't know if I'm going to prestige or not, but the AK-47 is def one of my fav AR's. Man, it is just... ****.
when i realized i like the ak, i was sad... lol
statistically the tar is better in every way (other than sights, but that's arguable) but the ak's recoil is only verticle. it's far easier to adjust to.
God I love the FAL, and I love even more getting told I use an Aim bot and a Mod. Makes me feel awesome. No lie.
i've been waiting and waiting for the fal this time around and i finally unlocked it and got holo sight.
now i'm iffy on it. it's really good, but i'm just not great with it. it makes famas feel like easy mode and famas doesn't require sights.
i think it was fletch who forced me to realize this, but the fal is a demanding gun.
it needs holo sight, stopping power, and greatly benefits from silencer and bling.
also does anyone have any tips for using the tar's iron sights?
it looks great, but i think something's up with it because i suck. lol