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C4 Galore! - MWC: East Event #2- April 11th, Springfield, OH - Results Thread


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
Wario is one of my best secondaries but my ROB is too practiced for me to be competitive with anyone else right now. Maybe next tiem against an MK I can't beat...


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
stfu you have no idea what this is even really about, you weren't even posting at the time. it's not like we arn't the back alley of this place anyway thanks to that **** and his ******** "leaders of the community". if you don't like it, ignore it.
I tend to lurk the forums instead of posting. I usually just post in tournaments and tournament results because that's mostly what I care about. I was shunned from the sonic forums once for even implying that the forums are the "back alley" of smashboards. It's not OS's fault the sonic forums are looked down upon. Also, calling the leaders "********" is just plain wrong.

Have you even met any of them? I've met TONS of moderators and they're all great players and great people. SCOTU told me things about the game I couldn't even find on the forums unless I searched for hours. ANKOKU showed me some of the most crazy epic videos full of amazing techs I'd never even heard of. Samurai Panda has the craziest setups for C4 placement I've ever seen.

Also, what did any of these leaders do to make the sonic character discussion forums so bad? They said your character is bad, so what. Get over it and go to tournaments and prove them wrong. I've gone to over 25 tournaments now and when people tell me my character is bad I just smile and challenge them to a MM. If I win, I'm usually humble and if I lose I shake their hand and tell em GG's.

I've done so much work to get sonic some actual respect and I don't like it when all that hard work gets thrown away because the community my character happens to fall in does some immature things from time to time.

You're not helping your character by doing this, you're hurting him. I'm done discussing this. If you wish to further discuss this send me a PM or xat or something.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
That and your character is awful.
wow, people are aaactually standing up for you for ****ing once, telling this guy off and your sitting here taunting and edging him on?

Why do you guys defend OS when he's acting like a ****ing little **** head. Seriously, if he wants to act like this, he deserves everything he has coming to him. ****.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
I tend to lurk the forums instead of posting. I usually just post in tournaments and tournament results because that's mostly what I care about. I was shunned from the sonic forums once for even implying that the forums are the "back alley" of smashboards. It's not OS's fault the sonic forums are looked down upon. Also, calling the leaders "********" is just plain wrong.

Have you even met any of them? I've met TONS of moderators and they're all great players and great people. SCOTU told me things about the game I couldn't even find on the forums unless I searched for hours. ANKOKU showed me some of the most crazy epic videos full of amazing techs I'd never even heard of. Samurai Panda has the craziest setups for C4 placement I've ever seen.

Also, what did any of these leaders do to make the sonic character discussion forums so bad? They said your character is bad, so what. Get over it and go to tournaments and prove them wrong. I've gone to over 25 tournaments now and when people tell me my character is bad I just smile and challenge them to a MM. If I win, I'm usually humble and if I lose I shake their hand and tell em GG's.

I've done so much work to get sonic some actual respect and I don't like it when all that hard work gets thrown away because the community my character happens to fall in does some immature things from time to time.

You're not helping your character by doing this, you're hurting him. I'm done discussing this. If you wish to further discuss this send me a PM or xat or something.
ITT...the classiest sonic there is :)


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Central Ohio
I tend to lurk the forums instead of posting. I usually just post in tournaments and tournament results because that's mostly what I care about. I was shunned from the sonic forums once for even implying that the forums are the "back alley" of smashboards. It's not OS's fault the sonic forums are looked down upon. Also, calling the leaders "********" is just plain wrong.

Have you even met any of them? I've met TONS of moderators and they're all great players and great people. SCOTU told me things about the game I couldn't even find on the forums unless I searched for hours. ANKOKU showed me some of the most crazy epic videos full of amazing techs I'd never even heard of. Samurai Panda has the craziest setups for C4 placement I've ever seen.

Also, what did any of these leaders do to make the sonic character discussion forums so bad? They said your character is bad, so what. Get over it and go to tournaments and prove them wrong. I've gone to over 25 tournaments now and when people tell me my character is bad I just smile and challenge them to a MM. If I win, I'm usually humble and if I lose I shake their hand and tell em GG's.

I've done so much work to get sonic some actual respect and I don't like it when all that hard work gets thrown away because the community my character happens to fall in does some immature things from time to time.

You're not helping your character by doing this, you're hurting him. I'm done discussing this. If you wish to further discuss this send me a PM or xat or something.
*starts a slow clap*

ITT...the classiest sonic there is :)
Cigar smoking classy.

wow, people are aaactually standing up for you for ****ing once, telling this guy off and your sitting here taunting and edging him on?

Why do you guys defend OS when he's acting like a ****ing little **** head. Seriously, if he wants to act like this, he deserves everything he has coming to him. ****.
Perhaps because he sees the irony in it?

Now.... back on topic.


Seriously I had no idea Midwest has so many talented players (and TOs). Personally my favorite thing about the Smash community is (for lack of a better word) the nurturing nature. You would never see Shoryuken forums helping out newbies like we do.

They are ****ing cutthroat, we give props where props are due.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2009
Ann Arbor
Last 2 times I played him he won 2-1. I suicided in 2 of the games I lost, and he had a decent comeback in another... Now it makes me nervous to play him cause I feel like bad **** will happen :( :grrr:

But I outplay him near every game if that makes a difference :) <3 Ding
NO comment =P, but it's true bowyer usually sd's once in the set and he usually beats me on some fked up CP he picks but last game I bring it home


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
NO comment =P, but it's true bowyer usually sd's once in the set and he usually beats me on some fked up CP he picks but last game I bring it home
pshh, I've only taken you to norfair once... and I may have lost that one :ohwell:... and like you don't take me to cruise :p


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2009
Ann Arbor
I've never taken u there, u always ban that sht =P, but u will beat me one day I can feel it,


just like if I can beat judge ==PPP


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
Springfield Ohio
Oh you don't want to know...*sinister Wario grin*
haha, if the "sinister warior grin" is anything like the face hes making in your avatar then i think i will take my chances :D

also, you might want to check the oli boards for Hilts pikmin pluck chart, it may help you decided which would be better for CP'ing against oli.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
I've never taken u there, u always ban that sht =P, but u will beat me one day I can feel it
Man, everyone in the ****ing world bans RC against me. :( Which sucks because then I have to pick JJ against Snake players and I hate JJ; I <3 RC. This is the first tourney I've actually resorted to CPing Orpheon a few times and I have to say I quite like it, though I still ended up at ROB's Mansion most often.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
hell naw son =P that is something that I won't let happen =))
Then you better hope the bracket lines you two up before I reach him... or before we line up cause I'm putting you in losers :p

I can beat Judge right now : ) I just don't want to because we're both too good looking.

So both of you suck!
Hey, we don't care how bad you can beat him. This is a matter of MK pride here.

rainbow isn't as safe of a mk stage as ppl think..
shhh don't tell anyone that.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Dingdong: yea it was pools at the last michigan midwest circuit event.

Long time ago, doesn't really count, but I'd rather have something that doesn't matter be on my side of the table than on yours hehehehehe

Also where were you for your playoff match against Kain last night? I had to advance him by no-show-dq! Ughzzz. All you had to do was send me a PM (on AiB). sigh.

Judge is still in it though (judge get that match played!)


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
ITT, you really have it all wrong, it has nothing to do with Sonic as a character, more than them just saying he is a bad character, and nothing to do with individual people. I have said 982374872364782354 times I like most of the people in back there individually.

I'll leave this thread alone, but you and most of the people here have no back story. I wouldn't say anything else before you make any more ignorant comments.

EDIT - OS you're a gump *** tricksta *****. Get at me


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
who was recording in the back by the food people? i think they got a doubles match with me and ren.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Man, everyone in the ****ing world bans RC against me. :( Which sucks because then I have to pick JJ against Snake players and I hate JJ; I <3 RC. This is the first tourney I've actually resorted to CPing Orpheon a few times and I have to say I quite like it, though I still ended up at ROB's Mansion most often.
dont you use zamus on japes


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Man, everyone in the ****ing world bans RC against me. :( Which sucks because then I have to pick JJ against Snake players and I hate JJ; I <3 RC. This is the first tourney I've actually resorted to CPing Orpheon a few times and I have to say I quite like it, though I still ended up at ROB's Mansion most often.
At least we learned that we're unstoppable on Luigi's Mansion. We beat two really good teams there, without losing a player. We beat Ally/Yes! :O

All we need to do if we ever team again is win on the neutral, and then counterpick Mansion, and we've won the set!

...I should probably not tell people this! >_>

Oh well, if they ban LM, Rainbow Cruise will do fine too. We'll just have to camp with our beeps pretty hardcore and we'll win =D

Next time, if we're playing a team that's too good on the neutral stage, I'll stand at the edge and Inhale, you knock them into me, and I'll Kirbycide gimp them :]
i disagree sir, that house is Olimars Mansion
I imagine Kirby+Olimar team would dominate there as well.


since u play diddy, I'd say more bananazers =P
This. :/


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2006
The Illinois Sticks
Nope, bad news...

Just found out that the parents were going to Columbus INDIANA not Ohio... :( so don't expect me next weekend, lol.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Snakes Mansion for sure and I will MM anyone for it! =p
You're on.

Next time we moneymatch, we should make Mansion the neutral stage for round 1.


(I don't even play this stage, but Kirby will beat Snake there...hopefully)
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