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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
You can sometimes regrab after a knee if they DI bad ... getting in a free knee is pretty good

I prefer stomp to call sidesteps though

Deleted member

apex round trip for 193 sweet deal

might opt out of going to rom5 however


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
S2J- who did you book with to get it that cheap?

I was going to use Southwest, but they don't fly out of my local airport. So... looking through kayack, cheapest I could find was 474 bucks. Ouch...



Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I think he meant he was hoping to play you at ROM
Unless he's actually not going to Apex


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
PEACH HALP, GAIZ! (Damn, I really just suck against all floaties ^_^' )

I feel like I have a decent understanding of this MU, but I just can't manage to convert it into actual wins. My understanding of the MU:

:pokeball: Dash-dance camp her. Bait her into missing, then punish with stomps or grabs or anything else that can't be CC'd.
:great: Don't let her pull turnips. Camp her, but stay close enough that she can't camp you.
:ultra: In general, recover high to have more options when coming down.
:masterball: Once you control her with grabs, combo the **** out of her with uair and nair. Dthrow at low/high %'s, uthrow at mid %'s will lead into combos or finishers.

Unfortunately, I don't have any footage of the Peach that is giving me problems, but is all of this right? Is there something in the above points that I shouldn't be doing? Am I missing anything crucial? Thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2009
Hey Slox, I saw a video of you from big house. It was pretty sexy, but I think you could work on your neutral game and when you choose to approach out of your dash dances.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
@Ferrish: That's pretty much the matchup in a nutshell. Camping bairs is pretty good against her also.

What in the matchup is giving you trouble?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
yeah ferrish you got most of it, some random **** i usually remember when playing peach: dont approach, downthrow nair at low percents is awesome, and if they are ccing alot try not to gentleman too much. that gif magus had for peach vs falcon awhile back had some good stuff too.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
@Ferrish: That's pretty much the matchup in a nutshell. Camping bairs is pretty good against her also.

What in the matchup is giving you trouble?
I get grabbed and dsmashed too often 8\ I guess I just lack the patience or experience to implement my MU knowledge properly.

Probably the first two points are what I struggle most with. I tend to give up too much of the stage while I'm trying to zone with dashdances. I'm ok at baiting stuff but less than ok at punishing when they take the bait. That's probably just me being mediocre and slow, but whatever.

I dunno, I usually beat the player (Falco main, Peach second) in question and I think the general consensus is that I'm the better player, but last Friday he ****ed me up pretty bad with his Peach. I didn't even think I was playing bad that day, my techchases and combos against his/other Falcos were pretty on point. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't approaching the MU totally wrong. Thanks for the help, guys.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
Double-post ftw!!

I just uploaded my latest tourney matches, in particular one vs. a Sheik here.

I'm actually starting to enjoy the Sheik MU despite getting royally ****ed over in this particular match. Obviously, I know my two biggest mistakes (the first being striking to FoD in game 1, and the second being going back to FoD in game 2 -.- No clue what I was thinking), and my tech skill was absolute balls after 4hrs of sleep and a 5hr drive, but aside from that, am I playing the MU any better? Which is to say, am I playing correctly in any way, shape, or form?

Also, I rolled over and died for GG7's Falco here by apparently deciding that platforms are just a nuisance and are not helpful in the MU, and played what my gf says is my most intense tourney match ever here vs. a Fox. In terms of giving me feedback, you can just ignore my match with GG7, I don't think I've ever played the Falco MU so wrong before or since. I feel like I have a good grasp on the Fox MU and do well against Foxes in general, but if some generous soul feels like evaluating my most intense tourney match ever then feedback is def welcome.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
@Fox match

The Fox reminds me of a bad version of the Lovage that got charge shotted by HugS while wavelanding on platforms like a moron

Neither of you seem to really be trying to hit each other a lot of the time (he's doing random wavelands, you're throwing out aerials all over the place)

You could work on general execution because it's kinda bad at the moment (JC your grabs for starters, be faster, etc)
But don't forget to also work on like ... actually trying to hit them
And figuring out how to get hits
Because it looks like you're just flailing around waiting for him to run into something
Learning how to use your dashdance to get grabs would be a start


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
@Fox match

The Fox reminds me of a bad version of the Lovage that got charge shotted by HugS while wavelanding on platforms like a moron

Neither of you seem to really be trying to hit each other a lot of the time (he's doing random wavelands, you're throwing out aerials all over the place)

You could work on general execution because it's kinda bad at the moment (JC your grabs for starters, be faster, etc)
But don't forget to also work on like ... actually trying to hit them
And figuring out how to get hits
Because it looks like you're just flailing around waiting for him to run into something
Learning how to use your dashdance to get grabs would be a start
Yeah, I was playing really bad that day. For comparison, here's me vs. Wobbles's Fox three days later (when I got enough sleep and didn't have to drive 300mi): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFTD-a-MiKs
Getting my *** handed to me, but not making all those mistakes.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Example of an aerial that has 0 chance of hitting him

Example of randomly running away

I know these are friendlies but try to get avoid doing things that make actual 0 sense ... things like that make me think you're just pressing buttons sometimes without real regard of what your opponent is doing

*probably guilty of everything I'm saying, but whatever*


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
guilty once in a while is ok, but your statement is true..there is a lot of irrational movement and poorly spaced aerials throughout the first 2 matches. need to focus a lot more on placement of your moves and not swinging without purpose

Deleted member

Double-post ftw!!

I just uploaded my latest tourney matches, in particular one vs. a Sheik here.

I'm actually starting to enjoy the Sheik MU despite getting royally ****ed over in this particular match. Obviously, I know my two biggest mistakes (the first being striking to FoD in game 1, and the second being going back to FoD in game 2 -.- No clue what I was thinking), and my tech skill was absolute balls after 4hrs of sleep and a 5hr drive, but aside from that, am I playing the MU any better? Which is to say, am I playing correctly in any way, shape, or form?

Also, I rolled over and died for GG7's Falco here by apparently deciding that platforms are just a nuisance and are not helpful in the MU, and played what my gf says is my most intense tourney match ever here vs. a Fox. In terms of giving me feedback, you can just ignore my match with GG7, I don't think I've ever played the Falco MU so wrong before or since. I feel like I have a good grasp on the Fox MU and do well against Foxes in general, but if some generous soul feels like evaluating my most intense tourney match ever then feedback is def welcome.
Use falcon video thread pl0x

less johning more saying what you could have done, more what you THINK you struggle against and how u struggle to beat it (THIS IS WHERE ADVICE COMES IN), what you shoulda/ think you shouldve done so people can better grasp what u need help with. and how would average d00d know if u got better, post a COMPARISON match since most people only know u from getting owned by wobbles

literally no real smasher is in tip top shape in tourney play


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
Use falcon video thread pl0x
-.-' I forgot that thing even existed ...

And Tai will never, ever, ever put in the description to that video that I was helping my gf with her homework. It's a little harder to play when you have to simultaneously mentally solve a SOLDE before your gf solves it on paper and wants to compare answers. That is the only time he has ever JV-5'd me, recorded or otherwise, before or since.

(^ pent-up anger from all the **** I've been getting over that video)

EDIT: Never mind, I know I'll never get any good at Melee because I don't prioritize it enough. My life in general has been proving to me that I can't put enough time into Melee for me to actually improve without giving up something else. Ignore my last few posts, I'll just get advice from the people around me and only lurk SWF. Sorry for wasting y'all's time giving me advice.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
I think this is the part where s2j tells you to stop being emo

Come on brah, don't worry so much about it. They're all cool with giving you advice, you just gotta sit back listen a bit, and let what they say roll around in your head for a few days before you give a response if you have one. You're not being chewed or being a terrible person or anything.

Please continue posting here, you're one of the most active members around these parts and it's always cool to have discussions around here. Besides, I dun wanna be the only 2011 poster in here ;-;

EDIT: Wen you ****ing ninja


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Yeah Ferrish hang in there bro. Im pretty confident with the sheik MU if you want a few tips...
If you get a hit, try to find a way to be aggresive as you can be, you need to convert a high % of hits into kills since she will on you. This may require alot of speed that you may or may not have access to but it can also be done with some neat spacing. It is REALLY important to DI you r aerials away from CCs and grabs, try and be aware of when and where to di them.
Another good thing i find about sheik is that if they feel pressured they will try and intercept your next step of pressure with something - try letting them wiff a few things and then come in with a punish. Be careful if they decide to wavedash instead of throwing out something to intercept you though.
Just a few tips and not very organised but try take them in :)

Edit: Oh yeah a tip for edgegaurding - if the sheik is forced to up B to recover, take the ledge and press towards just before she explodes; if she goes to the stage you will have the time to grab her, if she goes to the ledge you will have hogged it and she dies.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
I'm not being emo, people! Sorry if I came off that way, I was just in a rush on account of needing to answer the doorbell for the Smashfest I held at my place tonight.

I have lots of good players nearby in AZ. I literally got all y'all's advice tonight in person as well as practice time because of that. So I don't really need to frustrate y'all or get frustrated by y'all. Also, I've known for a while that this is going to be my last year playing Melee--not because I'm being emo, but because I'm getting engaged!

EDIT: Ok, wow, I guess I really did come off as emo. Sorry.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Wow I had no idea that fiancee was the word for an engaged female ... at first I was like why are you mentioning gay people =_=

Deleted member


u guys are ****ing ghey

not only that but I suck at melee now! need to practice up before apeX
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