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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
Confuse him with dash-dances, wavedashes, platform dashes, wavelands, shield drops, moonwalks, sticky walks, auto-cancelled aerials, ledge-canceled aerials, and any other trick you can think of (preferably involving platforms, but depends on your style and their style). DO NOT get stuck in your shield and DO NOT stop moving! The second he whiffs or stops moving for any other reason, get in a low uair or bair or nair. Make him want to shield, and when he does, try to read his roll or spotdodge pattern and grab him. DO NOT get shieldgrabbed! Techchase and regrab him until you figure out his teching patterns, and then start going for harder punishes. When you get him offstage, MAKE SURE he does not make it back. Rinse and repeat. Just used this strategy in a close tourney set with a campy Fox, 1:15 per stock, no joke, but I won the set.

(Now watch my super-long post get shut down by someone better than me ^_^')

Deleted member

yeah course

come to socal regional d00d (if u can), no question its guna be legit with PP and west coast out of staters coming


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
damn looks like a great time, wish i could go:(

I cant wait to see the vids!


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2012
New York, NY
So a general question here.

I've been practicing C. Falcon for around an hour a day for about two weeks. The problem I'm having in matches is approaches and KOs. I'm usually playing against Doc and Falco, and both of them stuff my approaches with pills and lasers. I'm also finding it hard to KO with anything other than knee which is very predictable and I can't seem to get a good combo into it. What should I do differently? (I know I'm spamming down smash WAY too much when I shouldnt be using it all, it's a really bad habit)

Example matches: http://www.twitch.tv/nyusmash/b/334267208sh

Any advice would be really appreciated!

Deleted member

overall u need to practice/play more u are too slow

2nd u should treat doc like a mid-tier and n-air a lot more than what ur doing right now (stomp approach usually not good), but u have to be careful not to get stuffed by up-tilt


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2012
New York, NY
overall u need to practice/play more u are too slow

2nd u should treat doc like a mid-tier and n-air a lot more than what ur doing right now (stomp approach usually not good), but u have to be careful not to get stuffed by up-tilt
Alright, thanks. After a nair hits (second hit), what should I follow up with usually?


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
Alright, thanks. After a nair hits (second hit), what should I follow up with usually?
Heavily depends on damage/what he does when he gets hit. Generally speaking, when I get a nair off on Doc, I'll either run away, look for another fast hit (nair, bair, uair) then run away, or go for a grab. Obviously, there comes a time where you can and should follow up with stomps or knees, but in general you can just look for a spot where his pills don't reach very easily (plats) and zone him from there.

But from what I can see in your videos, I agree with s2j: What you really ought to be working on is mobility. Get down your dashdancing, SHFFLs, wavedashes, platform shenanigans, and JC-grabs, and you'll be doing a lot better.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2011
So a general question here.

I've been practicing C. Falcon for around an hour a day for about two weeks. The problem I'm having in matches is approaches and KOs. I'm usually playing against Doc and Falco, and both of them stuff my approaches with pills and lasers. I'm also finding it hard to KO with anything other than knee which is very predictable and I can't seem to get a good combo into it. What should I do differently? (I know I'm spamming down smash WAY too much when I shouldnt be using it all, it's a really bad habit)

Example matches: http://www.twitch.tv/nyusmash/b/334267208sh

Any advice would be really appreciated!
i made a huge paragraph but it was pretty much work on techskill.

u should be able to get hits on this guy fairly easily (just watched the doc stuff) because he usually approaches with pills/aerials and lands super close to so if u shield the hits or wd away u should be able to get punishes. but u can't get the punishes unless ur fast enough to actually execute them so work on TECHSKILL.

also u always roll in toward the stage/get up attack and when u tech its always in place or in toward the stage.

try attending local tourneys and playing friendlies vs people who have been palying for a while. it will be a good experience and show u the kind of control that u should have of ur character.

i think what helped me the most when i was starting out was loading up a level 1/level 4 CPU and just trying as hard as i could to combo them super hard while moving as quickly as possible.

here is an example of wat ur CPU practice should end up looking like (not me, just something i found):
if u don't like practicing that way, u can also do something like this to work on purely platforming/movement:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCJtcj1Lov4&feature=plcp (from 0:00-1:30)


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
Any general tips vs. IC's? I noticed that platforms help tremendously, but I could use a little bit more help in approaching without getting grabbed.

Especially on FD or any situation with flat surface, I know it's just bad, but I wanna know if there's anything I can do to make it less bad.



Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
lol, watched that video before i played
thanks ferrish, because of your sacrifice, I avoided getting jv5-stocked by IC's =]


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
I'm so glad my sacrifice and humiliation wasn't in vain!

Although, according to GEM, I still retain my man-points because I was helping my gf with homework during that set, and Popo wasn't helping his at all ^_^

(Yeah, I know they're siblings, just think of it as GEM's mistake rather than mine.)

Deleted member

lol, watched that video before i played
thanks ferrish, because of your sacrifice, I avoided getting jv5-stocked by IC's =]
falcon vs icies is more a test of mechanics IMO:

if you can KNEE, STOMP icies without getting punished your chances of winning go up a lot

each knee/ stomp on shield makes shield poke on one or both of them much more likely with each subsequent knee

side-Bing the front of their shield --> GOOD
side-B back of shield --> BAD (ur gunna get (double) b-air'd)

Once their shield is *****/ it sets up easy comboing. Icies are very easy to combo, they have generic floaty comboability without the ability to stuff aerials unlike the better floaties

and their recovery is pretty bad, but treat nana as an invincible projectile(?) and wait for her to land and/or hit popo when he subsequently recovers as well during up-B

for side-b, you can be a lame ashole and just b-air them to death

so how do u approach icies? Pretty much mix-up based, and if you get jabbed I almost always buffer roll because jab --> quick grab is a fav of a lot of climbers

Also, I constantly fight close range with icies. By attempting to zone ICies I feel its tougher as opposed to constant pressure when pressure, done effectively, destroys ICies

go watch my match vs fly compared to silentspectre vs fly at rule 6. 2 different styles of fighting climbers


if you know what ur doing id say matchup is easiliy 60-40 falcon. Mistakes on your part though can make you die pretty easily, HOWEVER, good smash-DI, good grab mashout makes punishment from ICs not a 1 grab --> 1 death deal


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
thanks a lot dude, i'll remember this the next time I play against IC's
on another note, I'm at the phase in my development where I just roll way too damn much and need to stop =[

Deleted member

rolling like a noob is fine just don't do it when they want to cover it, most people are hella obvious

Deleted member

Johnny, I know what you can do for Big House. We need a stream chat moderator, especially for Day 2. IIRC you are pretty good at banning/giving timeouts to stupid stream monsters, so consider the job yours if you want it lol.
no one wants to make me mod this sux


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2006
Clinton, Mississippi
Hey guys, Havent been on in a while but the only thing i remember about the marth vs. falcon match up is d throw and get a free tech chase. any other advice? Im the marth obviously so it would be vs. falcon


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Man I got ****ed up at Big House going all Falcon round 2 haha

Kels seems pretty mediocre vs Falcon though
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