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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Bair AC frames - Auto cancel: <6 21>
What I think that means is if you land on the frames before 6 and frames after 21, you will do your normal landing animation and have the lag will be just like you jumped and landed
Falcon's fastest possible short hop airtime is 20, so a Bair done on the first possible frame means you have to wait 1 frame after the soonest possible fastfall to input your fastfall

Functionally it means if you do a Bair as soon as you leave the ground and fastfall ASAP you'll probably autocancel it <_< haha


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I'm assuming most people use c-stick.

But hey, fun fact: If you SH with x/y then smash up on the control stick (while in the start up 5 frames of your jump, you WON'T double jump). Then you simply press a. Makes doing instant rising uairs a walk in the park.

It's me Q

Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2012
Bair AC frames - Auto cancel: <6 21>
What I think that means is if you land on the frames before 6 and frames after 21, you will do your normal landing animation and have the lag will be just like you jumped and landed
Falcon's fastest possible short hop airtime is 20, so a Bair done on the first possible frame means you have to wait 1 frame after the soonest possible fastfall to input your fastfall

Functionally it means if you do a Bair as soon as you leave the ground and fastfall ASAP you'll probably autocancel it <_< haha
I meant all aerials but ty.

Can someone clarify if that's what <6 21> means? Seems more likely that if you land during an aerial within those frames it will auto cancel not either side of the numbers but what do I know!


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I mean look at the frame data, the point of my post was to give an example that you could then apply to the other ones <_<

And it's certainly not in between those numbers ... that just doesn't make sense, it's in the middle of the Bair
Before 6 I think refers to the weird platform thing where you land on the platform because your hitbox changes when you jump and you land before the 6th frame of the move ... or maybe I'm just BSing

But it's definitely not in between


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
Bair auto-cancels if you just start it less than 6 frames before you land. Don't know why you would want to, it's not useful in any way, but it can be done.

And yes, Wenbobular is correct: bair auto-cancels if you land BEFORE frame 6 or AFTER frame 21, NOT in between. The same goes for any other aerial except that they typically have different boundary frames.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
i use....

c-stick for falling uairs
z for rising, auto-canceled uairs

if i'm pinwheeling the opponent (shffl uair -> shffl uair -> shffl uair), i usually use c-stick

if i'm doing a uair DIRECTLY into another aerial (without landing in-between), then i'll use Z or A for the first uair (depending on what my subconscious mind deems more comfortable) and anything for the second aerial (depending on what's most comfortable to me at the time)


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2012
I'm having a very hard time vs shiek. I own spacies and everyone else, but for some reason shiek is giving me a really hard time. Her play style counters my neutral game. Any advice?


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
I'm having a very hard time vs shiek. I own spacies and everyone else, but for some reason shiek is giving me a really hard time. Her play style counters my neutral game. Any advice?
My advice: Post a video or something so we can see what your issues are. It's really hard to give specific and useful advice when we don't know what aspects of the MU you have problems with or your general strengths/weaknesses as a player.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2012
This vid isn't me but the play style is similar. With a few tweaks, I like to moonwalk a lot (a lot of the time I do it over a wavedash), I like to fish for Dairs, I'm more aggressive, Nair is my main approach unless i'm trying for a kill (knee), my wavedash usage is primarily for shffl setups and dash-dancing positioning, I like side-b for knee kill setups (this is my preferred choice when tech-chasing)


EDIT: my Uair game isn't that good


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2009
Uair is the move of choice against Sheik and most floaties, and stomp is especially punishable by Sheik, so don't use it very much. Raptor boost is also not going to be that good, unless you are ****ing up his grab spacing with it.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
if you actually post a video of yourself i will critique it next day.

i think watching your own videos helps a LOT too.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
If you nair someone but they're out of a good grab range, are there any other good ways to follow up or keep the pressure on them?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
If you nair someone but they're out of a good grab range, are there any other good ways to follow up or keep the pressure on them?
Im going to assume you mean for your opponent to be at a low percent. You could either throw a gentleman and hope that hits or a tomahawk to grab.



Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
How can you Nair someone and they're out of grab range
If they didn't CC it just run up and grab them
If they did CC it then either dashdance around, possibly do immediate jump and space outside of immediate attack range and catch them shielding or something

If they're good enough to CC dashdance or grab then you should rethink Nairing at them and instead try stomp or runup grab


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
okay, being more specific after giving some more thought to what i'm trying to say

i just hit fox with the very tip of nair at low %, he didn't shield. maybe it's my imagination, but i think fox has time even without cc to get out a shine/spotdodge/etc. am i just being stupid and can i just grab him? or should i try to get out delayed knee if he tries anything? and would this be any different playing against a falco?


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
okay, being more specific after giving some more thought to what i'm trying to say

i just hit fox with the very tip of nair at low %, he didn't shield. maybe it's my imagination, but i think fox has time even without cc to get out a shine/spotdodge/etc. am i just being stupid and can i just grab him? or should i try to get out delayed knee if he tries anything? and would this be any different playing against a falco?
I think you're being slow

Deleted member

okay, being more specific after giving some more thought to what i'm trying to say

i just hit fox with the very tip of nair at low %, he didn't shield. maybe it's my imagination, but i think fox has time even without cc to get out a shine/spotdodge/etc. am i just being stupid and can i just grab him? or should i try to get out delayed knee if he tries anything? and would this be any different playing against a falco?
with CC: it is not guaranteed to get a grab. Opponents can react out of CC'ed n-air pretty easily, but it doesn't make a grab impossible.

without CC: even if its low percentage, the variable percentage differences matter, their normal DI after getting hit, their smash DI, whether you hit with 1st hit of nair in addition to 2nd hit and if they DI the 1st hit, etc etc etc.

80% of the time though its still a conditional grab. grabbing after hitting with tippy toe of n-air though is great if opponent is slow, shields after getting hit.

So I recommend only going for grab vs n00bs and people who for some reason shield a lot after every single hit. It's not like Falcon can hit you quickly after a tippy-toe n-air so a shield as a reaction is kinda weird, but n00bs are sometimes n00bs..


generally, at low percents if you hit with a weak damage/knockback move it shouldn't be expected for a 'guaranteed' followup such as grab vs fastfollowers ESPECIALLY if they are decent CC'ers.

But it can set up conditioning onto your opponent if they expect you to go for n-air --> grab so in response they spot dodge --> you expect them to spot dodge --> punish

or they can roll/ counter attack out of CC/ jump


tl;dr, grabbing after tippy toe n-air at low percents virtually not guaranteed, less viable in general the better ur opponent gets, regardless you running at them can cause them to do something that is punishable. Either try to punish them THERE or don't commit too hard after baby hits at low percents

AND this is all assuming u hit with tippy toe, if you hit closer conditions for a grab change, AND assuming spacey you are facing doesn't suck nuts

a move i been doing more is that when its extremely borderline if I will grab someone, skilled players tend to spotdodge since they are so convinced you are going to grab --> they punish you hard post-spotdodge, a 'safe' punish to this would simply to run-up --> shield --> shieldgrab in response to spotdodge.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
johnny give me advice vs tope
i did well in friendlies but when it came to tourney i was getting ***** (1 grab = death or almost death but this is pretty much every matchup for me now just sheik is gayer) i was missing u-throw uairs even tho i felt like i was doing them as early as possible.

Deleted member

tope is the biggest no-nonsense shiek player i've ever played against who knows his **** vs falcon

i honestly don't know the right way to play vs him except don't expect ur trix to work more than once, if at all.

Tope played like complete **** when I beat him, lucky me

So to beat him, I'd say you have to be straight up better in fundamentals. If theres some weird trick/ read that works on him you'd have to find it yourself as you play him

if you were beating him in friendlies he is either sand bagging or you get nervous/ frustrated in tourney. Nothing more to say than that


to escape I think smash Di really ****ing hard is still best way, albeit not always safe, and lately shieks have been jabbing missed tech extremely early, so maybe u should start smash-Di-ing as early as possible,

also, if possible you wanna edge-cancel d-throws of course


I will say though that Shiek is really ****ing lame sometimes. You can be outplaying somebody but if you do not capitalize enough on each read while Shiek gets a grab/ throw-off you will probably still lose, and Shiek is by far the best at edgeguarding vs falcon. Whenever Shieks suck at edgeguarding Falcon i am thankful

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
thanks s2j. there are a few small things he does that other sheiks don't like abuse her crouch and never ever miss an edgeguard. i'm gonna try to get better at edgecanceling throws and small tricks like that too.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
DIing for edgecancels is something that should in ingrained into everyone's head but I don't think people go for it enough


Smash Cadet
Sep 4, 2012
Kennesaw, GA
So I've noticed through videos that alot of good falcons can Uair instantly out of a short hop, is this just purely through speed of the fingers? or is there a different technique used?
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