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C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Wow Ichida.... I barely respected you from the get go, but now you're just trash.

LOL HAHA <3 Josh.

'cuz it's our responsibility to bring the game YOU want to play to a tourney amirite?

less bitching plz. QQ more.

if you wanted to play brawl so badly you would have actually gone through the steps to assure somebody would be bringing it.

also nobody cares that you're done melee. you aren't a big part of the community, in fact you're just attention whoring. shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch.

moreover it's easy to make it to these things from fucking sauga in a snowstorm. if you knew how to drive you'd understand. if you'd spun out on the highway like some (read: most) of us on the way to tourneys then you'd have a vague idea as to why some of us may not want to risk our necks to go.

I would like to say that I would like to thank most of you who came yesterday. Despite the DANGEROUS weather conditions, we had a decent turn out and had some fun. On the other hand, there were a couple of individuals that took away some of the enjoyment (Ichida + Litrid, i'm lookin at u 2 ;)) Raven and the 4th member of your crew I have no problems with, they're cool in my eyes. You guys came 40 mins early, despite me clearly saying DON'T COME BEFORE 11 30.

I let you guys in, offer you drinks, try to be a decent host. You guys shout, swear at the top of your lungs, even with my mother there. When you 2 find out that the ppl with brawl can't come DUE TO WEATHER, you start flaming them and calling them wusses. If you are willing to put a video game before your own life, it's not other ppl who are wusses........ YOU NEED HELP!! take a break from video games for a while and learn to value your own life! After a while, you guys start to john about team attack (which is so nub I can't even stomach it) and just sit in corners and pout. Pizza time comes around, you guys are the first ones to take pizza and DIDN'T PAY. Now I have to take $40 out of my own pocket (which are empty as I stressed by the point I AM BROKE) and pay it to 4 very cool ppl that were robbed:

Afro, Metaknight, KirbyKaze & Mikey.

Even with my hospitality and catering to your guys, you stand around, ***** and complain. YOU EVEN LEFT EARLY, BARELY SAID GOODBYE AND DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANKS FOR HOSTING. If you are going to disrespect me and my mom like that, DON'T COME BACK. The other two are allowed to come by all means, but if they don't, i'm sorry to see you guys go. Good luck in brawl. Ichida + Litrid, don't plan on coming back to these biweeklies.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada

I got back into the community so easily LOL a natural fit I would say. so much fun.

C 3: Thanks for the fest, it really was a good time. I don't know how you will solve the money situation diplomatically after the previous posts gl with that. Also wtf at 3/4 of my HP gone from a super, I kept getting hit by wakeup supers LOL

Kaze: haha you beat azen's marth that is true strength of the mind, body and soul. I'm glad my Mewtwo gave a good fight against your Sheik. thanks for letting me crash at your place it was awesome watching Monster Rancher episodes at 3 in the morning lmfao

Marco: I still need to see your house man Team Big Mac @ Tim Hortons for 3rd place hahaha old school players. NEVER FORGET LONGCHU.

Europhoria: Your Marth is too buff he keeps doing 70% combos on my characters ;_; LOL at least pink samus is mine =) playing randoms was funny as hell for me too bad I was too tired to laugh much then X_X

Ambrose: always got the skills to beat the snowstorms you're an inspiration. Your jigglypuff gimping on my fox's terrible DI was so annoying LOL

unknown: great to see the progression of a Mario player into Fox hahaha you're a beastly anchor, taking 8 before you die. it's great you remembered a washed up vet like me we were even chatting about old school stuff. also LOL at shopp'd pictures, you gotta put a bit more effort into it then increase hair size and different picture format XDDD

I hope I didn't miss anyone I can remember a lot of and if I don't mention you it's either because I'm messed up in the head (not the butt) right now or because I didn't get to know you. GGs to all. btw my favourite part of the smashing itself was when people were challenging my Mewtwo and I kept losing but it was still fun =)



Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
LOL HAHA <3 Josh.


I would like to say that I would like to thank most of you who came yesterday. Despite the DANGEROUS weather conditions, we had a decent turn out and had some fun. On the other hand, there were a couple of individuals that took away some of the enjoyment (Ichida + Litrid, i'm lookin at u 2 ;)) Raven and the 4th member of your crew I have no problems with, they're cool in my eyes. You guys came 40 mins early, despite me clearly saying DON'T COME BEFORE 11 30.

I let you guys in, offer you drinks, try to be a decent host. You guys shout, swear at the top of your lungs, even with my mother there. When you 2 find out that the ppl with brawl can't come DUE TO WEATHER, you start flaming them and calling them wusses. If you are willing to put a video game before your own life, it's not other ppl who are wusses........ YOU NEED HELP!! take a break from video games for a while and learn to value your own life! After a while, you guys start to john about team attack (which is so nub I can't even stomach it) and just sit in corners and pout. Pizza time comes around, you guys are the first ones to take pizza and DIDN'T PAY. Now I have to take $40 out of my own pocket (which are empty as I stressed by the point I AM BROKE) and pay it to 4 very cool ppl that were robbed:

Afro, Metaknight, KirbyKaze & Mikey.

Even with my hospitality and catering to your guys, you stand around, ***** and complain. YOU EVEN LEFT EARLY, BARELY SAID GOODBYE AND DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANKS FOR HOSTING. If you are going to disrespect me and my mom like that, DON'T COME BACK. The other two are allowed to come by all means, but if they don't, i'm sorry to see you guys go. Good luck in brawl. Ichida + Litrid, don't plan on coming back to these biweeklies.
Charles I respect you for being able to put up with that, as for the new idiots who came early and being complete *******es.... You guys really have to take some time out, learn to read, and then read the rules for the smashfests. Seriously if you ever want to be respected or even allowed to enter/go to these you have to respect the rules.

Vote for them to pay charles back?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Snowstorms suck >_>

Ambrose: Your driving through the snowstorm is always good >_> Your car needs a tire (lol tier) upgrade though. Glad you're finally back into the community. Next time we're gonna take 1st in teams. We'll practice up to own everyone.

Ryan: Sorry about crews >_> Somehow I manage to get phantom hits at the worst time. Someone has to stop you from winning teams.

David: You certainly rode his "shine spikes" to victory. But in fairness stop saying you suck in singles and especially teams because you don't >_> Stop scaring new players with gay sex.

Anthony: I'll need to actually learn Samus and get my Pink colour back. >_> Glad to see you're re-entering the community. Your characters are epic. I'm glad I'm getting more people to Marth ditto. Add me on msn:

Marco: Thanks for covering my food cost =D I paid for it with 2nd place doubles >_>

Afro Chris: Thanks for recording and the epic matches. Lol falcon ken combo. Glad to see you're still playing and with a shiny new afro.

Mikey: =D You're finally coming out to these. Welcome to the friendliest, gayest smash community. Your Ganon has gotten so much better.

Charles: (You think I'd forget you honey?) Thank you so much for hosting. I LOVE you for this. This time went pretty well despite the losers and the weather. Next time should run a lot smoother. I'll try to help organize the food and crap so there won't be anymore crap like yesterday. Your Luigi was epic in crews against Afro Chris. (Go Sheik Go?)

Ichida's Crew: How about next time when there are tournament matches going on that you're not participating in you not yell and scream about how melee sucks and is gay behind us? If you think Brawl will be different, it probably won't be. You're still going to get owned.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
I'd just like to say to everyone who was going to bring Brawl and didn't:


Hell on earth wouldn't keep ME from gaming, so I'm not gonna let some crappy hailstorm stop me from playing Brawl, which we didn't get, which made the entire day (for me) a bust. All of you who let the weather stop you from coming - you just fail so god**** epicly. XD

Oh, and I still fail to acertain the right word that will properly illustrate how ****ing DONE I am with Melee.

Ah well. It may have been a bust, but today was still fun.

I guess. :p
lol look at it this way, by not showing up we kept your hope alive. i hope you learned your lesson and get your act together for the next event. this is a forgiving community (haha i would know sigh) so just make sure it doesnt happen again. i think for the people who are saying you will suck at brawl really mean that a lot of techniques used in melee are carried over to brawl...so if you don't have a good grasp of melee gameplay you won't do so well in brawl


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
I've been hearing alot of things about how stupid Ichida was and currently I'm not sure we should allow him back for a few biweeklies.



Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
I think you guys should calm down for a bit, maybe he hasnt even read you're comments, maybe he was joking >.> before you guys start flaming, you should wait until you guys hear what he has to say about it


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Toronto, Canada
well i have no idea what happened yesterday because i wasn't there but from the looks of it ichida was being very disrespectful to charles, his home, family and everyone else who was there as well as people who didnt show up, and i think he owes an apology, but ultimately it is completely up to charles whether ichida is allowed back,
and respect +100 to you charles for putting up with that nonsense =]

Deleted member

You guys are being ********. It was funny at first but now you guys are going a little too far.

Of course he should be allowed back. We've had people in the community do much worse.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2008
North York, Ontario
well i have to say i'm GLAD i didnt bring my wii(even tho i really wanted to) to the biweekly cause of this ichida's attitude toward us that didnt make it.... i would of came if i didnt have to wait in the cold for 30-45min for ONE bus during a snow storms and transfer and wait another 30-45min for ANOTHER bus to get to the house. i would also like to say..not all of us put gaming as first priority its somthing we do for fun..i think you need to chill out and show some respect to others instead of bashing those who you dont know :)

edit: sucks i didnt get to play against you pr3y but in a couple of week or online i'll be sure to get in some games in with you or show up at some of the event :) (maybe not next next week, best friend's Bday party)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
*@ work post*

See how bad things turn out when sauga doesnt come out to these?

lol Ichida that was epic fail. I would like to let you know that, that you are now officially the least liked one in the community XD. tis a pity i couldnt make it. i would have enjoyed ****** you in Brawl :)

I'm willing to bet he isn't coming back for a very long time. I find it funny how Adnan was right about him XD.

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You guys are being ********. It was funny at first but now you guys are going a little too far.

Of course he should be allowed back. We've had people in the community do much worse.
Please explain what you consider worse than having your family disrespected?

I doubt that was his initial intention, but when a parent is present (especially one that isn't your own) you watch your mouth and show respect. Considering this happened before AND after I stressed for ppl to watch their language (not to mention the 0 tolerance policy I mentioned in the initial post) I feel my actions are a bit harsh, but justified. I prefer to stop problems asap, especially since I have to pay ppl with money that I don't have and will take me a while to get.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2008
Drake. So it's your name at the base of this very tall flame. Figures. At least I'm not wondering anymore.

My most sincere apologies. My, really, how positively stupid of me; I should have known how inexcusable of a crime it is to be frustrated about being lied to because of some snow. <.<

Since you've all been so kind and understanding, I'll level with you. There was no other objective in my mind that entire Saturday but to play Brawl. That's all. I never had an interest in playing Melee; I only stuck around because my friends were enjoying themselves, so for their sake I tolerated getting my *** kicked time and time again. Don't say it, I will openly admit it. I suck at Melee. I know it. And that's one key reason I have been looking forward to Brawl. But unlike my friends, I don't enjoy spending my Saturday playing a game I consistently lose at. So, despite the sudden correlation between gamers who import and those who fear busses, winter coats, hoods, and the like, I now have Brawl. So don't worry about me showing up to spoil all your wavedashing fun in the future. I've got an international multitude of my own to play with. I'm sure you'll all have more fun now that I'll leave you alone. *unsubscribes*


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
And this excuses your rude behaviour and failure to pay for your share of the pizza how? How about your insensitivity towards those who wanted to come but couldn't without significant risk?

You weren't lied to. The people who wanted to bring Brawl were sincerely apologetic, and yet all you can do is moan and complain about how Brawl isn't there and how Melee sucks. If you cared so much about getting Brawl why didn't you have a Japanese version of the game in the first place, or were you only looking to mooch off other people? Not to mention swearing at the top of your lungs. Tournament host sets some ground rules, follow them. Pizza wasn't free, you pitch in to pay for it, yet you don't. C 3 has to go through all this stress about the weather, people unable to show, being host, and you don't even thank him for the trouble.

You know what? Pick up brawl, go get some friend codes, and play wifi all day. That way, when you're swearing at the top of your lungs like an inconsiderate *******, we don't have to hear it.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2008
And this excuses your rude behaviour and failure to pay for your share of the pizza how?
I don't know what you're talking about. I paid Charles my share as soon as I got to his place, which was long before anyone else did. Ask him yourself. As for "rudeness," the "rudest" I got was complaining about how terrible I am at Melee. At least I held back my criticisms on being left out to dry Brawl-wise for the board rather than just flipping out and leaving right away.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Cry more.


Edit: Your "apology" is laden with sarcasm and selfishness. We are not here to bring YOU a platter for you to dine on. We are not your servants; getting angry at us for not showing up only displays your pathetic way of thinking. Not only that, now that you've gotten brawl you've decided to leave? To think, you didn't care for meeting any of us or socializing at all. You were only there for was to use us for your entertainment, and now you're running away. You have a lot of growing up to do.

And what makes you think that you'd be any better at Brawl if you did poorly with Melee? Don't expect to become a good player without putting any work in at all in regards to both games. These high hopes for Brawl that you have are nothing but pipe dreams that leads to your selfish way of thinking.

Most people in this community are exceptionally kind; they put others before themselves treat each other with some amount of respect. We are all really appreciative for that. Disrespecting others for what games they enjoy, their choices for personal safety, or any other inappropriate reason is unacceptable. If you don't realize that, then don't come back.

Deleted member

Please explain what you consider worse than having your family disrespected?

I doubt that was his initial intention, but when a parent is present (especially one that isn't your own) you watch your mouth and show respect. Considering this happened before AND after I stressed for ppl to watch their language (not to mention the 0 tolerance policy I mentioned in the initial post) I feel my actions are a bit harsh, but justified. I prefer to stop problems asap, especially since I have to pay ppl with money that I don't have and will take me a while to get.
Ok. I really don't care to be honest. After Ichida's last post it's clear he doesn't care either so whatever.

I was simply saying what you are saying. Sure, the actions are justified, but they're a little harsh.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
Cry more.


Edit: Your "apology" is laden with sarcasm and selfishness. We are not here to bring YOU a platter for you to dine on. We are not your servants; getting angry at us for not showing up only displays your pathetic way of thinking. Not only that, now that you've gotten brawl you've decided to leave? To think, you didn't care for meeting any of us or socializing at all. You were only there for was to use us for your entertainment, and now you're running away. You have a lot of growing up to do.

And what makes you think that you'd be any better at Brawl if you did poorly with Melee? Don't expect to become a good player without putting any work in at all in regards to both games. These high hopes for Brawl that you have are nothing but pipe dreams that leads to your selfish way of thinking.

Most people in this community are exceptionally kind; they put others before themselves treat each other with some amount of respect. We are all really appreciative for that. Disrespecting others for what games they enjoy, their choices for personal safety, or any other inappropriate reason is unacceptable. If you don't realize that, then don't come back.
JOSH =D <3


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Ok. I really don't care to be honest. After Ichida's last post it's clear he doesn't care either so whatever.

I was simply saying what you are saying. Sure, the actions are justified, but they're a little harsh.
My biggest problem with him is that he called the people who couldn't make it wusses. That is pure selfishness, god forbid he was unable to play brawl one day early because the people who were going to bring brawl didn't want to risk their lives in whiteout conditions. I was outside at 12:00 Noon (coinciding with reasonable arrival times) walking through the ridiculous conditions, I could barely see anything in front of me. Of course driving through that would be hell. To be honest I'm surprised Ambrose was even able to come out as early as he did.

All in all, he has no respect for this community. That's the issue. He can hold his own biweeklies for whatever players he can get, but I certainly don't think C 3 is being harsh at all, at least in the short term.

Even if he gave a real apology or tried to clear up the issues with C 3 (i.e. MONEY), it would be way better than his *unsubscribe*-sarcasm-boo-hoo no brawl POS post.

and yeah I'm not really directing this post at you delorted I'm just saying what I feel on the issue.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
me gets the feeling he did the whole *unsubscribe* deal to make us feel bad about his douche-baggery, in hopes that we will forget about it and forgive him for being a complete *******.

this one is out to you Ichida, try driving in conditions like this for smash, see how you would come out if you spin out. once you do THEN come back to us

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This is getting old real fast............ Jake, Nate, do u guys plan coming to these biweeklies? from now on i'm making a list of ppl who are coming each time, so I can make pools and whatnot early.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
lol, without internet for a day, this is what I miss.

- so jake: if I'm correct (I may not be, just making sure), you're saying I did much worse (if not, lol)?

- Ichida + other dude that didn't pay for food: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I hate people that steal (especially from one of my boys and cause them trouble), I'm sure it wasn't an accident, it's happened many times before, usually to me, that's what pisses me off.

- David: Thx for teaming with me, you don't suck at teams. You pulled most of your weight. Also, lol at the flame.

- everyone in my crew: good shit. Mike, don't beat yourself up, if there was anyone to blame, it's me, I couldn't pull off the win as the anchor, so don't sweat it.

- everyone in opposing crew: Good job winning. 2 stocks, pretty close.

- Anthony: great seeing you again, it was fun chilling with you.

- Marco: Thx for the ride back to david's. Fun chilling too.

- Julian: Great seeing you too. Hope you come back.

- Afro chris: good **** as always. Get those vids up ASAP.

- Last but definately not least, CHARLES!!: Thx for hosting again. It's always great to be at your place man, and the CVS2 was pretty jokes, though I didn't play.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

ryan - i was completely ineffectual :) but that's okay. you were amazing in crews as always whereas i flopped completely and totally (first time for everything >_> actually i consider the cots2 where i lost to fogel and lost a second stock vs kage a flop but w/e). thanks for teaming with me i had fun (mostly because of the kirby/pichu team wobbling and the grab to swallowcide combo and the serious games vs the other good teams were pretty cool).

mike - you and ambrose need gayer counterpicks against bernie and ryan. great games. and i'll try to cut back the emo. but i don't think i'm that good lol >__>

ambrose - it's really good to see you back. i missed you a lot. it's not the same without you around. i haven't had ics practice in so long lol and yours haven't changed they're still really good haha. if you catch up to ryan and bernie and train with them i'm going to have to really work to stay 3rd haha >__> but really it's amazing to see you again please come out more.

bernie - good job winning the uoft thing. brawlrus is always a delicious beef substitute in burgers.

charles - thanks for hosting, you're amazing.

anthony - your mew2 is too good lol. it was really fun chilling with you hahaha. monster rancher and digimon and the robot movie was just too good.

julian - another face from the past =D and i'm really happy to see you. your marth hasn't changed a bit hahaha still combos the living hell out of me -___-

mikey - you suck. lol jks. your ganon needs to get better vs fox and falcon and falco though.

afro_chris - your real afro is very fun to pat. ^___^ come over -____- so we can play more.

Deleted member

This is getting old real fast............ Jake, Nate, do u guys plan coming to these biweeklies? from now on i'm making a list of ppl who are coming each time, so I can make pools and whatnot early.
like i said earlier, I'd consider coming if it was purely brawl. but you guys are still diggin melee and i get that, so i'll sit out until it is.

if it is, that is.

lots of is's.


dont hurry up. take your time with melee.

also ryan... freudian much? hahaha


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
for unknown522 i'll try my best to get them up i got like the worlds crapest computer and i'm trying to make a new way to play falcon since some one said he can't do it......d.b...... lol jk man, and to kirbykaze come over to my place cuz i'm to lazy to come to u XD get back to me on this


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
like i said earlier, I'd consider coming if it was purely brawl. but you guys are still diggin melee and i get that, so i'll sit out until it is.

if it is, that is.

lots of is's.


dont hurry up. take your time with melee.

also ryan... freudian much? hahaha
So I'll never get to fight your Peach in Melee again? =p


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
lol it's alright i might turn to wolf myself not sure yet, but for falcon i'm pretty sure u just spam up air, and forward and down smashs, and even once in a while throw knee in there, their not as hard to hit as most of the other guys say, maby thats just me.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Oh for **** sakes! I just rescheduled mine in order to be on the opposite weekends of yours. Grrrrr xD
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