Saturday 9am-12midnight
10:30am - Pools Sm4sh, PM and Melee
2pm - Doubles Sm4sh and PM to completion
4pm - Melee doubles to completion
7pm - Crews/exhibitions
10:30am - Brackets for Sm4sh and PM to top 4
2:30pm - Melee brackets (Pro and Amatuer) to top 8/amatuer to completion
5pm - Sm4sh and PM top 4
6:30pm - Melee singles Top 8 on main stage
As to why ***** boi isnt attending
This was due to:
*a major communication breakdown between myself and the other tournament organisers. (Doesnt use facebook or go on smashboards... gg)
*V being unable to attend this event, so I'm having trouble promoting this as a major (yup 1 person not attending 1 event... cant call it a major soz gaiz)
*first place in SM4SH won't even be guaranteed to win back their entry fee at the current rate of entrants (35×10 = less than 60)
*for the price im not interested in running a two stock event with no guarantee I can run pools to add player value (pools always guaranteed on top of crews and exhibitions)
The real reason? He wanted to change rules and add events(quads...dafuq) and wasnt allowed to so he had a cry and went away.
Even if sm4sh flops this tourney will be hype as ***. Dekar, S.D, Cao, Syke, Skeletom, AussieRob, Smokingpuppy rematch against Splice/Redact, Vic v Qld crews.... lets gooooooo