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& Brawl+: The Montréal Weekly Poutine Thread...With More Sauce!


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Your ROB is pretty good Agora, you shouldn't really use your projectiles against Falco though(You ate pretty much all your projectiles against Kirt). It's better to approach falco and fight him in close combat or just throw him off edge and gimp him which is so easy with ROB lol.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Yeah, it was probably my first time facing a serious Falco with my ROB, I was pretty slow to catch on that he was on the ball when it came to reflecting my stuff.

I definitely gotta work on my gimp game as well, I let his illusion through way too often.

And Holy's a ROB player, can he give good tips to a Falco? ;P
If anything, I thought your Illusions were quickly getting easy to read, built up decent damage on you by baiting them.

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
Yeah, it was probably my first time facing a serious Falco with my ROB, I was pretty slow to catch on that he was on the ball when it came to reflecting my stuff.

I definitely gotta work on my gimp game as well, I let his illusion through way too often.

And Holy's a ROB player, can he give good tips to a Falco? ;P
If anything, I thought your Illusions were quickly getting easy to read, built up decent damage on you by baiting them.
I know, my phantasm kinda needs improvement, but I do try and mix it up with firebird every now and then since it has a slower output then phantasm and is usualy good for mindgames. Also, it does a lot more shield pressure then phantasm does. Oh well, i think the best thing i need to practice recovery wise is to short hop back onto the stage with double lasers or reverse-laser-reverse movement.

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
There's many a things that can explain that. Amongst other things, he's the best Rob we have (no offense Agora) and we none of us ever get to play a Rob of that level, so when faced with one like that (who's especially defensive), it throws people off.

Another important thing might be that we are just so used to playing each other and Thad is like someone who's pattern we're not so sure about. I think the fact that we play each other all the time like this can be a good thing, but it can also help stagnate play.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Meh, **** happens. No sense in getting worked up over nothing.

On another note, Kage what realm do you play on?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I only see one problem as of right now with weeklies. You guys are mostly playing to play or to get better individually. You are not really helping each other outs/going back to the theory parts/playing to learn. You simply play each other in the hope of getting out as the top player, which is counterproductive if your not actually learning from your mistakes. This may not apply to everyone, but thats what i got from the stream.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Well, I wanna learn Melee, but instead of helping me people just **** 4 stock me all dai and I dont improve at all lulz.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Same kind of attitude goes for brawl, you guys dont need to JV 4 stock each other to not learn, as long as nobody wants to help the others out it wont happen.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Well, I wanna learn Melee, but instead of helping me people just **** 4 stock me all dai and I dont improve at all lulz.
stop getting dsmash'd by peach

lesson 1 done

There's many a things that can explain that. Amongst other things, he's the best Rob we have (no offense Agora) and we none of us ever get to play a Rob of that level, so when faced with one like that (who's especially defensive), it throws people off.

Another important thing might be that we are just so used to playing each other and Thad is like someone who's pattern we're not so sure about. I think the fact that we play each other all the time like this can be a good thing, but it can also help stagnate play.
Thad wins because, everyone at the weeklies just plays each other.
When you throw something new into the mix, chaos is born. That chaos is Thad.
No one camps and is as defensive as Thad. You are all tooo used to each other.
So when he camprapes you, you don't know what to do.
I guess the reason i stopped going so much was because i wasn't getting better as
fast as i wanted to. I just researched more and practiced.
Like i spend all of my work shifts reading things on swf, watching vids and replays.
I then test them on my wii at work or in matches with l2w.
I'm not saying people at the weeklies don't practice outside of the weeklies or read/analyze match ups. (not to boast) but i think i have the most knowledge of MUS and overall brawl knowledge, simply because of the time I've spent reading.
Everything chet knows, is because of me.
Chet learned to fight MK because of me. We practiced and he learned mks weaknesses. We don't care about winning when we practice, we just want to know what works and how to best apply it.
Rather then study ats, everyone should be studying MUS. I preform 0 ats with my chars. Once you learn how to fight a character with yours, you can practice this at the weeklies. You should beat people more often, then they will learn to fight you and everyone levels up.
It might be hard, but when at the weeklies try sitting on a set up with someone, turning off all stocks and put on infinite time and just practice. Stop caring about who wins, and focus more on getting better.
The weeklies have become more commercial with the stream and the tourneys (and different kinds one tourneys held ( I.E iron man). )
IMO, there should be a break from tourneys and people should focus on practicing more.
:::Elef never goes to the weeklies and he could probably beat all of you =/
he sits in his dirty basement, hungry, and just practices brawl.
i learned to gimp yoshi and i was devouring him.
he just started going snake more.
when i was away in phili attending cot4, elef was practicing some things with yoshi
and when i came back he used his new tactics and the matches were closer and he was taking matches off me.
and all he did was think up some ideas, read the boards and apply his ideas.
he knows how to punish mk now, and he uses this to his advantage.
every char has a weakness, it just needs to be exploited
the same way chet and elef are exploiting mk and other chars.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
good stuff

QFT, practicing in your basement works too XD . Im not saying you guys are not improving, but you guys definitly play for the wrong reasons imo. I could actually sum up how to get better.

Smash is all about knowing situations and having a counter to these, and creating new type of situations. To do this, you need to

A) learn new techniques
B) learn new ways of using old techniques
C) learn a new matchup
D) learn to spot mistakes and adapt to them.

A) is easy and you guys mostly dont even check out the boards for new stuff.

B), that can come from the boards or if your creative enough you can spend a few hours to find a few new uses to techniques.

C) happens in 2 stages, most of you people from what i saw just play until you know the matchup without really thinking about it. When i heard someone on the commentating say: gaw bairs is hard to DI or shield, both me and cor3y(guy from my school im training) thought that you guys were awfully wrong because we found obvious counters to it. This is because we went back to the theory boards(as in thinking instead of just playing) to try and find a few ways around it.

D) This is were you guys are mostly wrong when you claim to have gotten really good at first sight, you guys think that by playing over and over the same person, you are able to read everyone better even though you cant exactly pinpoints there mistakes. Smash is all about situations, situations can often come from patterns of mistakes your opponent do, and alot of players have comon mistake. You need to be able to pinpoint those mistakes on first sight and be able to say it in word(that means being able to be right about it, if you say someone always roll right but rolls left alot, then your not thinking in the right way, theres a reason he seems to roll right alot, but its probably not what your thinking). This also means being able to spot your own mistakes and work on them in 1 single matches. If you guys told each other your mistakes, youd probably improve much faster. But if you guys keep playing each other, think that you can read better but dont know exactly how, then its only you getting really used to 1 style of play, which ends up with <<insert random newcomer(ala stef)>> to beat you all.

Edit: Dont forget not to abuse of ATs as zaf said. ATs give you new options, not a whole new game. And dont give out all your new attacks in the first stock of the first match always, learn to know how much you need to show. ATs dont make a character. Same goes for new ways of using a technique, if it becomes overused then people will predict it

Double edit: This may not apply to everyone and feel free to accept or reject this constructive criticism. As the proverb says, wear the hat if it fits you.

Triple edit: remember not to let your pride get in the way. When people give advice, dont reject them asap. Think about it and see if it would work better for you to do what they told you. If you let it get in the way, then you may pass by a chance to get better!


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
I already knew Brawl was all about the matchups, but I have more fun learning the matchups firsthand than through theory. ):


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
I wanna be the very best
Like noone ever was
To beat them is my real test
To outplay them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each player to understand
The power that's inside

It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, you're my best challenge
In a world we must conquer
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta beat 'em all!

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I already knew Brawl was all about the matchups, but I have more fun learning the matchups firsthand than through theory. ):
Its not all about matchups, they are just bigger changes than in melee. And frankly imo its a good thing that brawl as so much more chars that are viable in tourneys. Dont get the matchup imposed on you, learn to impose it even if its in theory a bad matchup for you.

EDIT: Bento, that was awesome XD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
I agree to all of this, really.
My problem is learning from my matches and reading my oponents.
It's like whenever I play, my brain turns off.

Next Weekly: Infinite stock tournament.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
-We pay to play;
-We don't have enough TVs for everyone to play 1v1s;
-We almost always have some kind of event/tournament that prevents us from reaching out of the box and testing new things. In other words, we always end up noticing our mistakes after its too late and are rarely given the chance to correct/work on them until next week... At which point you might have forgotten about whatever resolution you had.
-nobody will buy my ps3 :[

I know I've learned more by watching vids and that one week I got to play CPUs with C'let's wii than I prolly ever did @ weeklies. Limited assets is the main reason for that imo. Mtl needs more clet fests and non-secret fests.

We know something you don't know
And if we don't share then we don't grow
J5 ftw


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
<3 Bentobox ^^

But on a more serious note, I agree. getting demolished by Stef every tournament, so far hasn't helped me improve at all. I learned more in ten minutes playing Steb and Phen, than I did in the past two weeklies I attended.
Pit is gay!
Edit: Not quite as epic as the previous post Bento, but you,re on the right track... I'm in favor of tourney-free weeklies for a while, at least.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
Montreal, Canada
I think we should play 30 stock matches that have 3 mins time limit instead of tournies. have fun and explore your chars. this would be more calm and the two players could take turns attacking each, while the other tries to escape, which lets you know the usefullness of your "combos". also, we would discover more tactics that are unique to the stages played!

time and stock limit can vary.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
well, Joel asked which match we wanted to see and I didn't want to watch Falco camping vs ROB camping.... Again.
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