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Brawl+ (Competitive Hacks): Codes, Videos, and Discussion (THREAD OUT OF DATE)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
It's not really the combos that go up. You just die so much easier. All the momentum canceling stuff you do to not die doesn't work anymore, and juggling is too easy. Once people get into the air you can read them too easily.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
I did. Maybe I'm just not used to dieing so early in brawl. I guess that's the whole point of the hacks. Don't mind me.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
I still like 15%... combos are heavy but DI can help shorten/end them, and even with a heavy combo system it isn't close to 64, so its trading off combos mainly.
Which, imo, is fun.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
I'm even starting to think that 10% is too high. Just from a throw you can pretty much combo anyone to the edge and gimp them. I played my friend's Ike with C Falcon and down throw to dash attack to up tilt and then follow up off the stage is like guarenteed 0- death gimp ko. Maybe he just has bad DI.
Marth is EXTREMELY gay. Meta Knight is obviously broken. Snake didn't seem that bad. Didn't really play anybody else.
Okay now you just trippin. lol

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Some are saying the added hitstun is making combos too easy and in extreme cases adding simply executed 0-death combos. That means the game will still be easy to play well, and now WAYYY too easy... :dizzy:

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
I still think the people saying its too easy havent been playing against players with good DI.

I might want it toned down from what many people are playing on right now after there is shieldstun. The problem is the system is still pretty broken and we are trying to combat defense with more offense when we should have been trying to fix the defensive issues.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Some are saying the added hitstun is making combos too easy and in extreme cases adding simply executed 0-death combos. That means the game will still be easy to play well, and now WAYYY too easy... :dizzy:
Well, I feel someone who thinks you can 0-death combo with easy at 10% hitstun is playing against CPUS or ppl who always DI into the combo lol (no offense to the guy)
I still think the people saying its too easy havent been playing against players with good DI.

I might want it toned down from what many people are playing on right now after there is shieldstun. The problem is the system is still pretty broken and we are trying to combat defense with more offense when we should have been trying to fix the defensive issues.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2006
ya shield stun is awesome and all but i want to talk about ledges, i know it has been discussed before but my 2 cents. I don't think the magnet snap really needs to go i think the only thing that needs to go is the upwards auto snap with this it won't hurt anyones recovery at all but this will also make the game actually have a edge game and people will(oh no) have to time their up b's to actually get on the edge and not on the stage. I think this would be one of the best things ever.. also the people who think the ledge game needs to stay the way it is are most def on crack.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2006
oh ya that too my bad.

also adding this i know its known that ddds chain grab doesn't work anymore but it is the way it should be now its all about tech chasing correctly.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008

This was on the opening post for the Brawl+ support thread except nobody ever reads the opening post. I was asked to repost it everywhere to have it get some attention. It can be used as a makeshift friendfinder if you are looking for brawl+ matches.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
ya shield stun is awesome and all but i want to talk about ledges, i know it has been discussed before but my 2 cents. I don't think the magnet snap really needs to go i think the only thing that needs to go is the upwards auto snap with this it won't hurt anyones recovery at all but this will also make the game actually have a edge game and people will(oh no) have to time their up b's to actually get on the edge and not on the stage. I think this would be one of the best things ever.. also the people who think the ledge game needs to stay the way it is are most def on crack.
Umm that is the auto snap we are talking about. We not making so you have to be on top of the ledge to grab it. So no worries.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2008
ya shield stun is awesome and all but i want to talk about ledges, i know it has been discussed before but my 2 cents. I don't think the magnet snap really needs to go i think the only thing that needs to go is the upwards auto snap with this it won't hurt anyones recovery at all but this will also make the game actually have a edge game and people will(oh no) have to time their up b's to actually get on the edge and not on the stage. I think this would be one of the best things ever.. also the people who think the ledge game needs to stay the way it is are most def on crack.

I agree with lagless edge but you would have to do more modding if you wanted to take out edge snapping so it didn’t screw over characters like the spacies to much.

Posted this a few pages back

I agree edge snapping makes the game more shallow. Taking edge snapping away will make MK for example actually have to position there self for a s-loop instead of pressing UP+B at will and grabbing edge

Edit: You would have to be careful tho, that it didn't buff characters like snake and dedede.. and nerf characters like fox and falco. If there was to be a no edge snapping hack, they would also need to put the old melee walls/edges back in on stages like FD. Imagine on FD trying to recover with firefox and you are underneath the edge, in brawl you just aim at the ledge and in grabs, you can’t aim back towards the stage because you will get stuck on that dam wall below the ledge. But if there was no edge snapping it wouldn’t grab you would just fly past it and fall to your death if you had to aim up and outwards away from the stage that is.

Putting the old smooth slippery melee walls back in you could just aim back towards the stage and slide up the wall and over the edge landing back on the stage. Just like in melee when characters like marth falco and fox did their up-b while underneath the ledge on FD, they slid up the wall, they didn’t get stuck on the gay part underneath the ledge lol

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Putting the old smooth slippery melee walls back in you could just aim back towards the stage and slide up the wall and over the edge landing back on the stage. Just like in melee when characters like marth falco and fox did their up-b while underneath the ledge on FD, they slid up the wall, they didn’t get stuck on the gay part underneath the ledge lol

Smooth Criminal


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2008
Zelda has to deal with FD, why shouldn't the spacies?
I said Characters 'like' spacies. Meaning the ones that get stuck. I was just using the spacees as example because when I play fox half the recoveries are pointing away from the stage and aimed at the ledge so i can grab on. I"m just saying the characters i know I’m sure other characters have a hell of a time with that restarted wall lol.

Edit: and yeah battle field is the ****


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Crowley/Fort Worth, TX
I can't wait for the shield stun codes. I'm sure many people agree that power shielding and shielding itself in their current state are unbelievably good. Along with raising ledge grabbing, powershielding is the only thing that still tremendously hurts the offensive game.

For my 2 cents, I think that having powershielding slide half distance of a normal shield instead of the full length would be something interesting worth testing. If it still proves to be too good, at least Powershielding still reduces lag and prevents shield decay.

And btw, if going downwards being a requirement is the only difference in the way that Melee reads ledge grabbing and the way Brawl does, then that should be an easy fix right? Also, if that is the only requirement, I don't think that it would hurt tether recoveries. The only bug I could foresee is that your character can't grab the ledge while rising from a jump.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2008
I mean, Zelda already has a problem with FD without any sort of hacks. So does Sheik. I really don't think you'd be nerfing them too much if they couldn't auto-sweetspot.
Yeah, well that’s brawl for you lol. I was saying it would nerf spacies and other characters with their problem witch i don't really know since i don't play many others. I know diddy might have a problem if he can't edge snap. I can just see him flying past ledge with his barrels xD.

The main thing I’m worried about is it making lower tier characters weaker and higher ones stronger. The only real way to tell is to get the hack running.

We should call hacked brawl “Brawl Pro” lol


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Does hitstun effect chaingrabs..........They should make a hack to where you can get out of chain grabs but make it were it takes skill to get out idk if its possible.

And I not all the way for the no auto sweetspot because some chars would get *****...Just because it was in melee does not mean it was right.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
It does seem that the lower tiered characters gain more from ledgesnapping than the better off characters. I'm against the no ledgesnapping idea because of that. I would like to see some changes to the edgegame but I think it would be getter just to shorter the stall time when you grab onto the ledge.

I might be possible to put in a singular edgesnap. Where after you grab the ledge once you won't snap to it again until you either land on the stage or get hit. When this is combined with less edge lag it should lead to more difficult though some more effective edgeguarding.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Idk I see pros and cons I guess the best way to see is to try it...................and make a choice. To go back a few pages later about the histun I played my lil bros luigi and I played as link my main. There are crazy combos you can get caught in if you dont DI but its not like 0 to death zomg ****.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Does hitstun effect chaingrabs..........They should make a hack to where you can get out of chain grabs but make it were it takes skill to get out idk if its possible.

And I not all the way for the no auto sweetspot because some chars would get *****...Just because it was in melee does not mean it was right.
It does seem that the lower tiered characters gain more from ledgesnapping than the better off characters. I'm against the no ledgesnapping idea because of that. I would like to see some changes to the edgegame but I think it would be getter just to shorter the stall time when you grab onto the ledge.

I might be possible to put in a singular edgesnap. Where after you grab the ledge once you won't snap to it again until you either land on the stage or get hit. When this is combined with less edge lag it should lead to more difficult though some more effective edgeguarding.
What are you guys talking about?

@Finn-Melee did not have auto sweetspotting. Is that what you are saying?

@Giza-How would no auto sweetspotting hurt lower tiered characters? Its not like they need an extra height boost to grab the edge with this code. No auto sweet spotting means "no grabbing the ledge while you ascend." You will still have the ledge snap.....just not on the way up, only on the way down.

This is probably the biggest reasons why anyone can get back to the stage from anywhere without trying


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I kno it was not in melee sorry if I was confusing, I like brawls system.
Np...but you like how ppl can recovery from practically anywhere without thinking? I dont think ppl should be able to recover from anywhere all the time. I think that the defender should have more options to defend the ledge to prevent this instead of giving up and waiting on the stage watching them recover...


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I agree with u there, but Im still a little iffy we just have to test it and see if it works

:D I got some epic brawl + vids Ill show u guyz when I upload them....Zamus is broken with haxorz...jk If you DI properly you can get out of strings.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Yup. Cant wait for the codes. MK cant plank as effectively since he will always get stuck under FD :p Well actually...you can test no auto sweet spotting. Force yourself and your friend to always hold down on the way up from recovering. Warning: Its going to be weird as well as getting used too...


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
I have my fingers crossed for the auto-sweetspot fix.

Also my internet is screwed right now I'm posting from a remote location on my DS.
Where you starting to miss me kupo?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
Warner Robins, GA
Hey my Brawl disk started acting funny yesterday. My FD music suddenly changed to something from a Subspace stage (and I wasnt using music mods) and Luigi's Mansion actually crashed (we even turned off the hacks and this continued to happen). I looked at my disk and there was a wavy ring around somewhere towards the middle between the edge and center of the the disk (laser burn or something?). I was just pointing this out because I don't know if the hacking could be responsible for it, just giving a heads up.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Hey my Brawl disk started acting funny yesterday. My FD music suddenly changed to something from a Subspace stage (and I wasnt using music mods) and Luigi's Mansion actually crashed (we even turned off the hacks and this continued to happen). I looked at my disk and there was a wavy ring around somewhere towards the middle between the edge and center of the the disk (laser burn or something?). I was just pointing this out because I don't know if the hacking could be responsible for it, just giving a heads up.
Hacking has nothing to do with the disc as using codes does nothing to the disk, it only uses up the Wii's RAM. It might be your disc drive acting up and it sounds like the My Music stuff might be messed up. I'd recommend using the My Music reset codes for the stages that are having problems (here if that doesn't work just download the first attachment from this topic here). Do note that if you use ANY character modifiers (including Independent PT) this can cause My Music corruption for some reason.

The new code though that spunit made that allows you to play as Giga & co. by pressing R on the designated character doesn't have these issues and neither do the codes that PW made for PT that makes him have no fatigue or force switch on death.
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