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Best and Worst Representative Pokemon of each Generation


Apr 13, 2008
What Pokemon do you guys feel best represent each generation? Try and think of the Pokemon that simply personifies the world in which they debut in; the Pokemon that feels the most balanced and belonging to only that world. My choices are as follows:

1st Generation: Meowth

I selected this Pokemon because it's taking the basic idea of the common cat, and transforming it into a normal-type Pokemon. This generation defined what Pokemon were, and this was more than just a cat, it was a slightly anthropomorphic feline, distorted in features, and ever-recognizable as the cartoonish, mischievous creature that it is. Pikachu would have been my choice, but because it was made popular in part to the anime, it would simply have been another of those "really clever Pokemon". Plus, Clefairy was the original mascot before they scrapped it for Pikachu. Despite it taking the simple concept of a mouse and giving it elemental powers (which can be seen as the prime aspect of Pokemon), so can be said about Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, and I say it's impossible to choose between the three of those.

2nd Generation: Togepi

One of the first 2nd Gen Pokemon unveiled, and for good reason. The second generation was the first time that NEW Pokemon were introduced to the series, so a Pokemon hatching from an egg was incredibly suitable as an introductory creature, and so I feel it resembles this generation the best, as it paved the way for more generations to come.

3rd Generation: Tropius

I've spoken with several before about this, including our beloved zrky, and we've all instantly identified Tropius as the best representative Pokemon of the 3rd generation. Because Hoenn is such a tropical world full of many, many new Pokemon (reflective of the freshness of Kanto in the 1st Gen), Tropius perfectly personifies the world of this generation, reflecting the dinosaur-like legendaries featured in the games, the many new normal Pokemon, and the lush environments.

4th Gen: Lucario

Yeah, go figure. This was the toughest to identify, as the 4th Gen lacked so much character. However, I found characteristic refuge in this Pokemon, as it is designed to resemble that of humans, given its form. Plus, the blues and the "padded" visage reflect the cold atmosphere that Sinnoh poses in the 4th generation games.

So, what are your big four?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
1st Generation: Charizard.

EVERYBODY knows what a Charizard looks like. You only had to play the game for 15 seconds before you heard it's signature cry at the title screen. It's the Pokemon that everyone knows, aside from the obvious ones.

2nd Generation: Red Gyarados

I know it's not a 2nd Generation Pokemon, but I can't think of a Pokemon that the whole game was revolved around MORE than Red Gyarados and Team Rocket's Plan for Evolving all the Karps in the lake. The whole game just took a turning point from happy-go-lucky adventure to serious criminal syndicate hunter.

3rd Generation: Wailmer

Despite the tropical climate of Hoenn, there was also a very vast, expansive ocean. The one Pokemon that I always identify with this huge ocean is Wailmer. Wailmer is used to open the Regi Cave, Wailmer can be found everywhere, and you spend alot of time in the water in the 3rd Generation.

4th Generation: Buizel

Everything about Buizel screams "Mascot". It's a cute little buoy seal, who can argue with that? Plus, it's not one of those Pokemon you run into CONSTANTLY, so it's fun to see every now and then. It represents what I always wanted the 4th Generation Pokemon to look like.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
This seems like a good idea Spire.

First Generation: Charizard

Basically for the same reason as MK made. It also helps that he has also appeared on the cover for other First Gen notable games. (Pokemon Stadium 1 & Fire Red).

Second Generation: The Baby Pokemon

This means Magby, Pichu, Togepi, Elekid and others like them. The introduction of eggs is one of if not THE biggest addition to the Pokemon franchise. Also, egg Pokemon can get moves that one of thier parents would'nt have is a reason to breed pokemon.

Third Generation: Wingull & Pelipper

When I put together the tropical idea and the vast ocean ideas from Spire & MK, I think of these 2 pokemon. They seem like the best choice IMO.

Fourth Generation: Snover

Snowy areas seem to be the biggest type of weather shown in DPP from traveling to Snowpeak City, the snow on Mt. Coronet and random snow patches being seen in Platinum. I chose Snover because it's not only part Ice, it's also wierd idea for a Pokemon being that most of the 4th gen are pokemon we would'nt have expected to be pokemon.

And how about we also do a worst representation for each generation Spire? I have a couple of ideas of what to pick for each generation.


We hit the potjack
Feb 11, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Best Representation:
1st Generation: Pikachu
Let's face it, for most of us, the first gen was NOT competitive. It was about catching a lot pokemon, and fighting MissingNo. to get infinite rare candies. This was the flagship pokemon from the show, so it wins.

2nd Generation: Scizor/Steelix
Hold items blew my mind. More so than baby pokemon, which were still a pretty big change. These two guys actually evolved by holding items, and they evolved into a completely new type!

3rd Generation: Kyogre
There were oceans everywhere, and you had to spend a lot of time navigating them. Legendary pokemon from the water seems natural.

4th Generation: Arceus
They pretty much told us they ran out of ideas by making a GOD pokemon, who supposedly created them all. Where else could he belong, and more troubling, where do they go from here?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
1st Generation: Mew

I guess all I really have to say is "Gotta Catch 'Em All". It was the original slogan for the games, and to me, first gen was the only one to truly grasp this slogan. Because of this I decided to choose a Pokemon that fit this slogan best. Mew was the first and only Pokemon in first gen to not be naturally included in the games, and it was emphasized as such in the manga as well by being the main Pokemon that Team Rocket was after, and by being a recurring theme throughout the first volumes. In the manga they called it illusive, rare, and mysterious, and claimed that no one had ever caught it, and few had even seen it. Plus, there was a craze when it was introduced to be part of the game, and had everyone attempting to obtain it by any means necessary, even if it meant restarting their save file to do so (truck rumor, anyone?). As no other Pokemon had ever caused such a catching frenzy, I was forced to choose Mew for this one.

2nd Generation: Misdreavus

As Togepi represents the introduction of new Pokemon, Misdreavus represents another concept that was introduced into the series: time. When someone thinks ghost, they think death, and when one thinks death, they think of the passing of time. Misdreavus is the only ghost type introduced in 2nd gen. Along with this, Misdreavus' personality fits decently well with the idea of light and darkness, and the passing of the day. It loves to play, like a light-hearted child (morning/day), but the way it does so is in a very mischievous and cruel way (night). Togepi may still win for best representative, but I felt like being different. :)

3rd Generation: Absol

I always felt as though 3rd gen was the gen where they tried to put a lot of emphasis on the story, and they did so by introducing a more dramatic plot that revolved around a major disaster that was about to take place. As such, I chose the disaster Pokemon, because it only seemed fitting.

4th Generation: Arceus

Like Spire said, 4th gen lacked anything of much personality, so instead I'll just take the one thing that sort of bugged me about the game and use that: there were more legendaries than I have fingers. And Arceus is basically the legendary of legendaries, so he wins the title of most representative 4th gen Pokemon for me. Plus, his presence caused that whole deity controversy or whatever it is over whether Mew or Arceus is the true creator of Pokemon, and Mew is my 1st gen representative, so the mix seems appropriate from that aspect.

Also, I second the worst representative thing. I have some ideas for that as well. :)


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
1st Gen
Gotta catch em' all was the slogan, and this pokemon here required traviling on your part, having this pokemon showed your dedication to the game

2nd Gen
The second generation introduced baby pokemon and more ways to evolve other than by leveling up, like friendliness and day/night factor. So pichu represents frendliness and a baby pokemon at the same time

3rd Gen
Part of the type mixes such as fire/fight, it repsents that pokemon are still kicking a$$ with the rather large time gap between G/S/C and R/S/E, it also still keeps the hardship of; if you chooses fire as your starter, the first gym will screw you over.

4th Gen
Adding more typing varieties, drapion represents the meta game, with enhanced moves, the change of special and physical attacks and the importance of team balance


Apr 13, 2008
And how about we also do a worst representation for each generation Spire? I have a couple of ideas of what to pick for each generation.
I like this idea. Include it in your posts if you want, or post again. Whatever works :)

And nice choices and reasons guys. I'm glad this caught on.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I like this idea. Include it in your posts if you want, or post again. Whatever works :)
Thanks for liking it Spire. Here are my worst picks.

First Generation: Zubat

Whenever I played any of the games that occur in Kanto, I think I ran into Zubat more than any other pokemon. You find them in caves, possibly in grass, and Team Rocket grunts always have them. Just the amount of them appearing in this gen makes them the worst.

Second Generation: Qwilfish OR Dunsparse

They just seem to be the most useless pokemon made during that generation. Baby pokemon had importance due to eggs, Steelix and Scizor introduced hold items and the steel type, and Houndour introduced the dark type. All the other pokemon in the 2nd gen just seemed to have more importance than these 2 for improving the pokemon series.

Third Generation: N/A

Will provide a pokemon later.

Fourth Generation: The Unwanted Evolutions

By this I mean Pokemon like Rhyperior, Lickliky and others. These just seemed to be horrible ideas from Nintendo. Rhydon didn't need an evolution (a hold and trade item for Rhyhorn would've been better), Lickitung should have a baby form before an evolution. Some pokemon I were okay with an evolution (Froslass and Yanmega) but I think the design of them should've been different. As I'm on this topic, where were the new pokemon we actually wanted. (Baby Kangaskhan)


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2008
Worst representation

1st GEN
N/A This was the first gen and had the whole gotta catch them all every poke had some importance

2nd GEN

Now its practically useless and forgotten

3rd GEN

GOD I HATE THIS THING ruined all wild catches just kept on popping up annoyingly

4th GEN

Same as XACE


Apr 13, 2008

1st Generation: Jynx
Jynx is just utterly bizarre, and to this day, may hold the title of the strangest Pokemon. It's not a Pokemon to me whatsoever, and is definitely the black sheep of the family. If I could, I'd list Jynx under all four generations.

2nd Generation: Qwilfish or Dunsparce
If it hadn't been for Bulbapedia, I would have completely forgotten that they existed. Seriously, I remember when I actually saw them on the National Dex list and thought, "holy mackerel, these were Pokemon?" They do not seem to fit into Johto at all, having absolutely nothing to do with the world whatsoever. Qwilfish can at least call the ocean its home, but Dunsparce... yeah, it's the absolute worst.

3rd Generation: Volbeat and Illumise
It was only a few months ago that I rediscovered these Pokemon thanks to Bulbapedia, and was 100% surprised that they debuted in the 3rd Gen. In my opinion, they belong in the 2nd Gen, because they would fit in that world so much more. These Pokemon do not fit into Hoenn at all.

4th Generation: Chatot
Don't get me wrong, I think this Pokemon is a fantastic idea, but it does not belong in the 4h Gen. I see it as a great member of the 3rd Gen (again with going back one generation), as its appearance and concept fit in well with the colorful world of Hoenn so much more than the cold Sinnoh. Way to go Nintendo. The reason why I didn't choose all of the evolutions is because 4th Gen is supposed to be parallel to the 2nd Gen, and while the 2nd Gen introduced the pre-evolutions, 4th introduced the post-evolutions. In that right, they are very fitting, but are nevertheless distasteful.

Also, I agree that Snover is the best representative for 4th Gen. I almost put him, but I couldn't get Lucario out of my head.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
@ Spire: Didn't double battles start in 3rd gen? Or was it 2nd?

I say that because if it was 3rd gen, that's proably why they were in.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Oh, this is a cool thread. Not really a best list, but more of a mix between best and worse. I don't feel like typing that much. :embarrass

1st Gen, Kanto: Pikachu

This guy is literally the mascot of Pokemon. What do most people think if when they hear Pokemon? Pikachu. (
or Charizard
) This little guy is irresistible to young'uns everywhere, and has quite possibly been one of the most successful marketing strategies that Nintendo has ever come up with. The second I got to 'Representative' in the title, this is the Pokemon I thought of. You have to admit he plagues most of our childhood memories, from him introducing his section on the anime (Pikachu's Jukebox) to being Ash's most trustworthy little buddy. He will always have a place in my memory as the representation of Pokemon.

Symbiotic of Pokemon as a series~

2nd Gen, Johto: Pichu

Pichu, not only because he is Pikachu's pre-evolved form, but the concept of Pokemon eggs was a revolutionary aspect of the game. I don't think many people ever dreamed of baby versions of Pokemon ever coming into existence, but yet they did. A lot of the baby Pokemon are pretty hard to get, like Magby, Smoochum, Pichu, Elekid, Tyrogue, and Hitmontop. They presented a new challenge to the games, breeding Pokemon to have some control over their stats, which, really changed the metagame I imagine, since now you have to breed your Pokemon to get perfect stats etc. I just chose Pichu because he is probably one of the more notable babies, he even had a little show: Pichu and Pichu.

Sybiotic of new, interesting features~

3rd Gen, Hoenn: Regice, Regirock, Registeel

The idea of three legendary Pokemon plus one or more extra, less important ones was a pretty big theme throughout the history of the games. However, in the third generation of Pokemon, this was really expanded and you begin to see the obsession that Nintendo started to realize among gamers: teh legendaries are teh coolz. In the previous games, you have Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. The side legendaries are Mew and Mewtwo. Then, you have Ho-oh and Lugia, plus Suicune, Entei, Raikou, and Celebi. There are more in the 2nd gen, but then it really becomes apparent when you get to the third gen that legendaries are getting waaay out of hand. This is also symbolic of Nintendo's scheme to rake in as much money as possible. :laugh: "Hey, Pokemon Amber is going to have 30 legendaries!"

Symbiotic of excessive legendaries~

4th Gen, Sinnoh:Lickilicky

Oh dear, where do I start and stop with arguing about the destruction of the perfect 1st gen Pokemon? I guess I'll start here and just continue until I want to stop. The 4th gen brought a lot with it. Anything from the Poketch to about 50 legendaries + 50 alternate forms for all the legendaries is a really big part of this generation, but I feel as though the reckless destruction of our precious first generation Pokemon is really, really bad. The evolutions of great and unique Pokemon like Tangela and Lickitung is just a disgrace, and really points out the start of what I think is the downfall of classic Pokemon. Unnecessary evolutions run rampant in this game, and there is no shortage of embarrassment I feel whenever I see a kid talking about how cool they are. Magneton did NOT need an evolution. Either did Yanma, Magmar, and Electabuzz. I just hate watching the series start tripping on itself, but oh well.

Symbiotic of destruction of a well built foundation~


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I got this...

4 best

GEn I: Blasoise. He's a friggin turtle with cannons on his back. Pure awesomeness incarnate.

Gen II: Typhlosion. Mostly because I want one in 4th gen because it can learn cool moves.

Gen III: Mudkip.

Gen IV: SKorupi. THe cutest pokemon in existance.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
1st Gen: Charizard

I'm pretty sure that 98 out of 100 kids who grew up in the Pokemon Generation can identify Charizard. Aside from being everyone's starter of choice in RBY/FrLg, Charizard also had one of the coolest character designs of the 1st gen. He symbolizes the original, simple design of Pokemon, being not much more than an orange dragon with a flame-tipped tail.

1st edition holographic Charizard ftw!

2nd Gen: Umbreon and Espeon

Day and night.

Their cool, calm appearance also symbolizes the 2nd gen's generally calm, cool sprites and locations.

3rd Gen: Metagross

Some of us who are stuck in the past saw the 3rd gen as an ugly, ugly generation with way too many legendaries. I, however, saw it as a game with a vast landscape, unique character design, and most of all a deep metagame. To me, Metagross shows that. How many usable sets did this guy have? Metagross was a beast in 3rd gen competitive battling.

4th Gen: Garchomp

First off, let me apologize on behalf of Gamefreak for taking some of the crappy Pokemon of the 1st gen and making them ACTUALLY USABLE.

Also, let me say that Lickilicky is cuter, cooler, and generally more awsome than Lickitung, Rhyperior is cool, Tangrowth is amazing, and the I'd take Yanmega over Yanma any day.

Anyhow Garchomp represents the serious, offensive nature that the 4th gen brought with it to the competitive scene.

Also, Pokemon games aren't fun. Pokemon battling, however, is.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
1st gen: Alakazam

Incredibly unbalanced and impossible to beat without cheating. Just like the first gen!

2nd gen: Tyranitar

Really epic, but takes a really long time to obtain. In addition to taking a long time, the second gen introduced new pokemon types, namely the dark and steel types. Unfortunately, it didn't introduce a dark/steel type pokemon.

3rd gen: Absol

Lots of high attack power awesome looking pokemon, all of which are let down by their speed and defence power. Possibly the best looking set of pokemon of any gen, but also the least useful new pokemon of any gen.

4th gen: Magmortar

I wanted to say Lucario, but he is the exception this gen, not the norm. This gen has more incredibly powerful and useful new pokemon evolutions than any previous gen, all of them very, very ugly. By far the ugliest gen yet, as well as the most useful for building a team from.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Best and Worst

1st Generation Best:
Seriously, you did NOT play 1st generation without playing as and using Mewtwo excessively. It just wasn't done. But, the cake goes to Mew. If you played the first generation games, you knew how hard it was to get mew, which made you want it even more. How awesome would it be to have a pokemon that could learn every move? Personally, they should have kept the event pokemon to a maximum of one or two, and legendaries to a maximum of 2 ubers.

1st Generation Worst: Rattata
I don't know about you, but I'm not sure why this was even a pokemon.

2nd Generation Best: Ampharos
It's cool, and it was actually useful and unique, in my opinion.

2nd Generation Worst:Aipom
I totally forgot this was a pokemon until Generation 4 came in with Ambipom.

Deleted member






Apr 13, 2008
I'm definitely feeling the Skarmory mang. That's one of those that you just never forget. When you first see it, your gameboy turns off in amazement.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
nojohns pl0x
Well, unfortunetly for me...

I Didn't have a mewtwo...but I Did have an ALakazam on my team.

I Could never beat any of my friends Mewtwo...

THough my ALakazam did beat everyone else on their team.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
Well, I'm not sure if I can do which pokemon represents which gen, but I can say why some pokemon are popular as they are.

Pikachu- Anime, enough said really. Not to mention that Pikachu is the pokemon mascot as well.

Mewtwo- He was famous due to the 1st movie, and being one of the first 'evil' and sadistic pokemon, or os I think. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Lucario- More so from the hype then anything, but then it was the first pokemon to use the power of aura, which is starting to catch on in fantasy.

Gardevoir- Now, Gardevoir is interesting. For a pokemon, Gardevoir has one of the biggest fan bases thats not Pikachu, but some of the people are there for only one thing, looks. (And you can guess what I mean by that.) Gardevoir is also popular due to the big role she has in many many spin-offs.

Can't remember no. 5, Pretty sure its either Mew, Ho-oh, Darkrai, or Gallade.

As for Sprie's analysis of why each listed pokemon fits their gen, its very accurate. Only one I'd like to say is that Snover should replace Lucario, since Sinnoh is more snowy.

If I had to do a gen list, I suppose I'd go with this...

1st gen- Porygon or Meowth.

2nd gen- Ho-oh (Ancient Japan)

3rd gen- (I would LOVE to say Gardevoir, but I can't...) Wingull

4th gen- Snover


Smash Rookie
Mar 2, 2010

1st Generation: Pikachu

This is by far the most influential and the utmost standing point of what even started it all. The star of it's show, the main character of it's game at that time (Pokemon Yellow), let alone ALL those cards (Promo's and whatnot) and blimps in the parades and just everything! No Pokemon has ever made a bigger impact on the world of Pokemon than Pikachu has. There's just no contest as far as who best represents the 1st generation!

2nd Generation: Suicune

Suicune is probably the best pick here to my belief. Major star appearance in the movie "Celebi: Voice of the Forest". And on top of that, Suicune is pursued by Eusine in Crystal, HeartGold, and Soulsilver. And in the anime, you see Eusine also chasing down that eluding Suicune. And not only that, but in the Anime, Prof. Oak speaks of Suicune as a sole Pokemon of it's type (Never noting Entei and Raikou).

3rd Generation: Rayquaza

Come on haha. Who doesn't know of this guy? The one who comes in to stop the conflicting waves of sun and storm. The one who screams in the sky to calm the clash of land and water. The one who says that the sky is master of the 3. Actually probably behind Pikachu was one of the most merchandised Pokemon up to this point. Rayquaza first made it's franchise appearance in the Ruby and Sapphire games, and became the animation of the Emerald title. He's also made his appearance in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and became a boss in Super Smash Bros Brawl. I think even Subway had something to do with promoting Rayquaza. Something about frisbees or something like that, can't rightly remember. But yeah, if there was a Pokemon that has had the biggest impact minus Pikachu, I'd have to vote for Rayquaza.

4th Generation: Lucario

It's been considered to be the "Bruce Lee" of Pokemon, and we all know who Bruce Lee is! Just as we all know who Lucario is. And besides that fact, after it's appearances in "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" and as a character in Super Smash Brawl, this is by far the most recognized Pokemon of the 4th Generation. Not much else to say about that.


1st Generation: Jynx

Like... Wtf? I believe it is the missing link to tie human evolution from Pokemon! We are all Pokemon at heart!

2nd Generation: Porygon 2

Way to be creative with the name. Couldn't have done it better myself

3rd Generation: Luvdisc

I'm gonna have to strongly agree with before posts... WTF is this thing?

4th Generation: All those previous generation evolutions

Sorry Nintendo, but the world wasn't ready for you to evolve everything from the first generation. If ya looked to evolve those, shoulda done it a long time ago. But whatever floats your boat ;)


Apr 13, 2008
Hey, welcome to Smashboards, Bodolicious!

Just for future reference, we don't exactly smile upon bumping old threads, but you posted well, so I'm not going to hold anything against you. Enjoy your stay :080:


Smash Rookie
Mar 2, 2010
Hey, welcome to Smashboards, Bodolicious!

Just for future reference, we don't exactly smile upon bumping old threads, but you posted well, so I'm not going to hold anything against you. Enjoy your stay :080:

Oh snapz, my apologies. Was googling around and found this discussion and thought I would put in my 2 cents. But I didn't realize the dates of the previous posts. I'll pay attention next time and input my thoughts into a topic a little more up-to-date ;)

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Im replying to a year old thread cus everyone who answered was stupid when they posted >_>

Anyone who isn't putting Rattata or Pidgey for gen 1 is a filthy communist. They are always, ALWAYS, the first pokemon you caught. Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, they may have been the first pokemon you received but no one ever forgets the first pokemon they ever legitimately caught for themselves.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Of course, following that logic would mean:

1st Gen. - Rattata

2nd Gen. - Sentret / Hoothoot

3rd Gen. - Zigzagoon (Although I agree with this one)

4th Gen. - Bidoof.

Oh noes. Bidoof.


Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
No, because by second gen your first catch has come and gone. But pokemon is defined by "Gotta catch em all" so in that sense the first catch you make is the most important.

Also apparently you're like me, you only start playing through G/S/C when it's night and Pidgey doesn't exist >_>


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
You know, there are new Pokemon players out there that started in Gens 3 and 4, right?


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
To this day, Starmie has always been a top-tier Pokémon. An excellent movepool combined with great stats.

WTF? Steel-type Pokemon?

Luvdisc represents relatively crappy games and also represents Heart Scales. Heart Scales are a necessity for any competitive Wi-fi player without Pokésav.

Scizor / Azelf:
Third gen Scizor is NOT the same as fourth gen Scizor. At all. Scizor re-defined the metagame when he obtained Bullet Punch. Pokemon like Alakazam were ignored and pushed to UU, while Pokemon like Gengar were forced to adapt. In addition, Scizor's U-Turn and Pursuit plays mindgames with his opponents while hitting like a truck.
Azelf is one of the most leads in the game, and represents the offensive-oriented metagame with moves like Stealth Rock and Explosion.

Yep, competitive.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009

Gen 1


Even though I hate that little rat lookin thing so deeply, you have to admit that when you think pokemon red/blue/yellow you automatically think of pikachu...


Though not officially a real pokemon, it is the most known and most exploited glitch pokemon of gen 1.


Is involved in glitches and is the series's first event pokemon. He and Celebi are basically the mascots of all event pokemon.

Gen 2


He is basically the mascot pokemon of all the shinies, a new feature introduced in gen 2. He is also influential in teh story's storyline so that's a plus.


I think we can say that it is the most known event pokemon right next to Mew. He and Mew are the basically the mascots for event pokemon.

Gen 3

Kyogre/Groudon: The whole storyline revolves around them.

Incense pokemon: They are after all teh first ones to march in with incenses. Even though it is stupid, it would pave the way for future pokemon to be hatched by incense.

Gen 4:


Ah yes, teh God pokemon. He is amongst the most hated pokemon for that reason. People have heavily debated his existence ever since the first two primitive pokemon appeared ^^.


The best HM slave in all of the generations. Stupid name and fail sprites make it even better XD

Gen 5


Even though it and Zorua are the only known pokemon uptil now, it still counts. Awesome appearance and fail prevo makes it awezome-o.


Gen 1

Zubat/Tentacool/Magikarp: Most known as the most annoying pokemon in existence.

Gen 2

Dunsparce and Qwilfish: This generation's rejects

Gen 3

Feebas: This generation's rejects

Gen 4

Unnecessary pokemon evolutions: This means YOU LICKYLICKY!!!

I hope I broke no rules by replying


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
pikachu is not the icon of gen 1, blastoise and charizard are

pikachu only became an icon when the anime hit (remember, game came before anime)
hence why pokemon yellow came out cause the anime was a huge hit
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