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Best and Worst Representative Pokemon of each Generation


Apr 13, 2008
Japan: Red/Green/Blue
USA & Europe: Red/Blue

Red and Blue got the most recognition. Besides, everyone likes Charizard and Blastoise more than Venusaur.

I just got a great idea for a Pokemon hack..


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Japan: Red/Green/Blue
USA & Europe: Red/Blue

Red and Blue got the most recognition. Besides, everyone likes Charizard and Blastoise more than Venusaur.

I just got a great idea for a Pokemon hack..
gfdgsfdgfdsgsfdg Nu

JP: Red/Green, then Blue came out, then Yellow was a LITERAL special edition game
US: Red/Blue, then Yellow came out as the "Blue" here, not really a special edition like it was in JP, even though it was marketed as such.

I didn't think people in the PC could mess this up.


Apr 13, 2008
gfdgsfdgfdsgsfdg Nu

JP: Red/Green, then Blue came out, then Yellow was a LITERAL special edition game
US: Red/Blue, then Yellow came out as the "Blue" here, not really a special edition like it was in JP, even though it was marketed as such.

I didn't think people in the PC could mess this up.
I know how that worked. It's the mere fact that Green did not come out here at all. We're not arguing the differences in the actual games, simply the impact of the boxart. Charizard and Blastoise were the most widely publicized before Pikachu came along in the anime and consequently, Yellow Version.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Exactly. As Spire stated, we know how it worked, but we're discussing the iconization of each Pokemon, not which edition was more iconic.



Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
I'm offended by the 'Zubat is the worst representative of gen 1'. Really, Zubat? You think there's someone who's played Pokemon at least once out there who doesn't remember Zubat? Plus, he looks awesome. He's this bat that flies around blind and drinks the life of your Pokemon. Then he evolves and becomes nightmare fuel.

Also, I must be the only person in the world that likes the aesthetics of most of the 'new gen 1s' judging by this thread. :(

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Zubat's not necessarily the worst, I just found it to be the most annoying.

Also, Pete, those other posts are from way back.



Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
Best representation

1st gen: Charizard
It's really close between Charizard and Blastoise (Venasaur is just a stupid walking jungle....thing) but Charizard gets the nod for being fire type. We all know fire is cooler than water (even though Blastoise have mother ****ing cannons that shoot water balls of doom on his shoulders). He's a dragon-like creature with a fire tail. Charizard is also the reason more copies of Red sold than Blue (Fire lizard with wings or Turtle with Cannons). He's just ******ery at it's finest.

2nd Gen: Skarmory
It's honostly really hard to pick best representation after 1st gen. 2nd gen doesn't have memorable starters (they're by far the worst starter trio out of any generation). It also has the least pokes of any generation (100). Lastly, a good portion of the pokes have some relationship with 1st gen pokes (18-19 of them, milktank is questionable). So I'm going with Skarmory. It's just epic when you meet one. It's rare and it's the Main steel type in the game. Tyranitar just appeared to late in the game to really make an impact even though he's pretty bad ***. Skarmory is just an awesome looking poke that happens to be a great competitive poke (best physical wall in the game still). He just cries of awesomeness.

3rd Gen: Swampert
He's just awesome. 3rd gen is competiting with 4th gen for best starters but 3rd gen takes the cake on looks. Mudkip is this adorable little thing that just happens to evolve into a bad ***. He's quite possibly the best starter there is and everyone knows it. He has virtually no bad stats (speed is low but that's okay when he's really good everywhere else) and a great typing to boot. Looking awesome just helps his cause. Blaziken could've taken this spot but Swampert is just so much more...bad ***.

4th Gen: Lucario
He is the most notable pokemon from 4th gen. Creativity is lacking this generation but Lucario definitely isn't lacking there. He's got a unique typing and he's a fighting type with a higher special attack than attack. He also has a movie based around him and a move named after his...stuff (Aura sphere). He's a great pokemon and everyone wants to use him. The starters could've been put here but their just not the same as Lucario, not even close.

Worst Representation:

1st Gen: Farfetch'd
He has gotten almost every possible shaft you could think of. He is a horrible competitive pokemon (too weak for any gameplay while being too strong for little cup) with horrible stats and a bland typing. He's bad *** with his stick though but something must have happened where he gets no love from nintendo and game freak. No first gen pokemon is forgettable (a lot of your friends could name all of them after just 1 review) but he's been so un-loved, it brings a tear to my eye.

2nd Gen: Dunsparce
He's just dopey looking. He's not appealing to most people. Almost everyone forgets he's even a pokemon (I've done it). No one wants to use this thing, he's just ugly. I almost put Meganium here but she's a starter (the worst one and most forgettable starter though) but Dunsparce is even less loved. Bland typing, nothing that makes him stand out outside of his ugliness. He's just...bad.

3rd Gen: Luvdisc
You probably saw this one coming. I absolutely hate this thing. IT'S A ****ING HEART SHAPE FISH THING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!! It's so dumb to even look at. I wish this thing was never designed. "It's supposed to show the good in people's hearts". I Don't Care. It's stupid, horrible design makes me want to strangle every Game Freak member into asking why they ever created such a thing. Dear god, I can't even believe I'm typing about it.

4th Gen: Lumineon
It's just a fish. Nothing special, it's pretty much the equivalent to Seaking. Normal water type, nothing to set it apart from others. It's just...bland. Almost put Kricketune here as that thing is just dumb but this is just...so bland that no one would know it's even a pokemon if you showed them. Finneon is cooler than this thing (probably the best cry ever) but Lumineon is just...boring.



Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
**** Mood4Food, you just reminded me Dunsparce was a pokemon. You know in how long I haven't seen or heard one of these? **** it was a long time.

I just remembered, back when I was 5 and I had Silver, I swear I could remember being obsessed with capturing a Dunsparce. Every time it appeared in cave and I couldn't capture it just made me keep thinking it was the strongest pokemon in existence....... Hey!!! You think lots of things when youre five!


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball
Dunceparce is my fouth favorite pokemon >:O
Hes a flying snake with a drill for a tail.So what if its eyes are closed and has a giant head. That sounds pretty bad@$$ to me! An evo to this thing would be beast!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2009
SoCal (805)
Best Representatives

1st Gen: Mew
There are more iconic and more powerful from this time, but I think that Mew takes it. It set the precedence for event legends and has always been able to learn any teachable move along with being, according to canon, the originator of all pokemon.

2nd Gen: Tyranitar
This Gen was difficult to decide upon. Tyranitar brings two of the biggest addition to the games at once: new dark type and weather. I wish that there was one that could have represented more of the additions (steel type, time of day, hold items, breeding/baby pokemon), but the most is two.

3rd Gen: Swampert
This guy was also difficult to decide upon. The deciding factor was that a solo run of the story is possible (barring the seventh gym) with JUST this line (some may opt for an HM slave, but if I remember correctly it is not needed).

4th Gen: Lucario
I wanted to not use a pokemon that was made so well known by the anime, but he fits better than any other. He's a great representation of one who can take advantage of the physical/special split introduced in this gen with a decent movepool and stats, yet isn't too similar to past pokemon (Infernape is just too much like Blaziken)

Worst Representatives

1st Gen: Magikarp
This little fish is just too annoying in that it's a pain to raise and can barely fight for itself. The fact that it evolves into such a great pokemon should work in its favor, but no other is quite as useless.

2nd Gen: Dunsparce
I don't think I need to explain this. If you really care, just read some of the previous posts that share the same view on this pokemon.

3rd Gen: Luvdisc
See Dunsparce above.

4th Gen: Rhyperior
This choice isn't based on the fact that I don't like him or the other new evos of older pokemon (I actually like most of them), but on the fact that some were not needed. Like the saying goes: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Just thought I'd share my opinions as well.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I'm not going off of what's the most annoying or badly designed, but just what's the most/least forgettable.

1st: Pikachu: The anime and yellow version. Self-explanatory.
2nd: Celebi: That one Pokemon that you could never get.
3rd: Rayquaza: One of the first Pokemon that pops into someone's head when they think of third gen.
4th: Lucario: He was in the first 4th gen movie and he was highly advertised.
Common: They're used in promotions and stuff.

1st: Farfetch'd: I hardly remember encountering it.
2nd: Stantler: Whatever.
3rd: Luvdisc: Wut is this i dont even
4th: Mime Jr.: This was a Pokemon?
Common: Almost no one cares or hears about them at all.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I'd assume that's what he means by "hardly remembering encountering it"?

I would think Dunsparce was / is more easily forgotten than Stantler is though.


Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Didn't Misty have a Corsola in the anime? (I only watched up to near the end of Johto, so I don't really remember)

But by far it's unfortunate that Gen. II has had the most "forgettables." Mainly Dunsparce, Corsola, Stantler, and even...okay yeah I'm out. But that's still quite a lot.

Edit: Qwilfish?



Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
That was a Pokemon? Stop making stuff up! :p

It seems like second generation had a lot of second-rate Pokemon. Who knows how well-received it would have been if it weren't for the new mechanics being introduced.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Since everyone is doing it and I'll probably be inactive due to sig construction, here is my 2 cents.

1st gen: I can't decide. Between Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charizard, or Mewtwo. And no that is not just because they are all playable in one SSB or the other...
2nd Gen: Suicune by far. Like yellow and Pikachu, crystal was built around chasing after suicune. While I never played the game, it certainly has to be one of the main pokes.
3rd Gen: Swampert. Pretty much what everyone else has said and, since I cannot think of a better choice...
4th gen: Lucario. Again, not because he's a smash character but because of the lore that the developers (and not to mention what the anime) has created for him; a master of an ancient power, able to talk telepathically, and not to mention being one of the best pokes coming out of the gen.

1st gen: Farfetch'd. Need I say more
2nd gen: Dunsparse. The forgotten and, if that's how the developers want to pose him, then I dub it the unforgiven pokemon.
3rd gen: Relicanth. Props for using Celicanth as a reference, boo for making it a bland poke. Well at least luvdisk made it on a gym team...
4th gen: Lumineon. Another mundane fish pokemon? Thanks, but I'd rather be training a magikarp. At least that has some use. Rare candies, anyone?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Didn't Misty have a Corsola in the anime? (I only watched up to near the end of Johto, so I don't really remember)

But by far it's unfortunate that Gen. II has had the most "forgettables." Mainly Dunsparce, Corsola, Stantler, and even...okay yeah I'm out. But that's still quite a lot.

Edit: Qwilfish?

You left out Sentret. Even though furret is ******, Sentret is extremely forgettable, has too much of a weird design (hell I didn't even know what the hell he was when I was 5, I just thought he was some target pokemon because of his design...) and his color pallette gets more annoying with each passing gen. The **** colors get so light I can't even look at him anymore... thank god they're fixing that in HG/SS or else I would just capture it to later kill it by throwing it in the water so it never gets encountered again!!!


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Best: Terakion

Unova shifted the metagame drastically. The old ideal of stall being dead, while far from the truth, is a good summary of the new generation. Terakion learns both Swords Dance and Rock Polish, two amazing stat-boosting moves, mirroring the new Shell Break and Butterfly Dance. Terakion learns Sacred Sword, the opposite of Psycho Shock, giving physical and special sweepers the opportunity to go mixed without needing a good special or physical attack stat.

Also, looks ****ing badass

Worst: Kenhorou

Ugh. I could have picked Maggyo for being Maggyo. I could have picked that cool whip guy for being just dumb. But Kenhorou takes the cake. He has no redeeming factors. The generation would be better off without him. I'll stick with my Pidgeot, Fearow, Swellow, and Noctowl.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
You left out Sentret. Even though furret is ******, Sentret is extremely forgettable, has too much of a weird design (hell I didn't even know what the hell he was when I was 5, I just thought he was some target pokemon because of his design...) and his color pallette gets more annoying with each passing gen. The **** colors get so light I can't even look at him anymore... thank god they're fixing that in HG/SS or else I would just capture it to later kill it by throwing it in the water so it never gets encountered again!!!
Looking back at this, damn this was one *********** post >_>

And nah, Terakion doesn't capture Gen V well enough imo. I'd have to say something like both Zeckrom and Reshiram due to the fact that they capture the actual nature of the gen so well.

Though then you'd also have to make Kyogre and Groudon represent gen III, though imo there's still much better pokemon that represent the region more like Tropius or something >_>


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
Savannah, Georgia
For those who think Farfetch'd needs an evolution, here's a good read.

As for mine

1st: Charizard

One of the favorites of most people, and probably the most well known final evolution starter. Pikachu's the icon for Pokemon overall, so Charizard gets it done as the mighty dragon-like beast Pokemon.


Hard to pick. Marill, the blue pikachu; Togepi, the egg icon; Red Gyarados, the shiny icon; Pichu, the OTHER egg icon; Suicune, the one that got its own version; Wobbuffet, the living punchbag; even the legendaries make a good rep.

I'll just pick Lugia for being my version of choice.

3rd: Shedninja

Another hard one to pick here. Much of Gen 3 I don't honestly remember too much about. But Shedninja stands out, not only for the abnormal way of capturing one, but its equally odd stats, while showing off just how determining abilities can be. One of the most known for being a completely strange Pokemon.

4th: Lucario

My personal favorite is Gallade, but Lucario came first. He pretty much got the whole poster icon for a good 2 years before it even came out in NA. He's been used as others for 4th gen by critics and fanatics, so he's pretty well fit as a representative.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories

1st gen: Charizard - A simple variation on the salamander: it really defined what Pokemon was at that time - a way for kids to collect and pit animals against each other while having fun. One of the coolest Pokemon off the bat, and one almost everyone had at some point. It was more common to have a lv100 Charizard than not to have one.

2nd gen: Suicune - Aside from being the mascot of Crystal, Suicune was an absurdly good stall Pokemon starting here, and it only gets better. I'm tempted to say Curselax, but meh.

3rd gen: Regice - Anyone who played 200 will know what it's like to have a Regice switch in on you. Honestly, I can't say much more, given I was involved in competitive RSE before I even completed the game :\

4th gen: Lucario - as much as I dislike him personally, Lucario is the icon of 4th gen - flashy and cool-looking with some minor innovation (typing). It even has a competitive role that defined the metagame shift from 3rd to 4th gen.


1st gen: Jynx - it looks nothing like an animal and was the source of enormous controversy surrounding Pokemon. The only good Jynx is the base TCG card lol

2nd gen: Remoraid - lol whats remoraid...even the developers disliked it to the point where they made it a hanger-on to Mantine and completely redesigned it when it evolved...

3rd gen: Chimecho - in the original games he was the last in the dex. Seriously. Was the head developer's wife intent on having a wind chime Pokemon or something? The best thing about it is its ability.

4th gen: Mothim - Hey look, another useless bug/flying type that nobody'll use or remember...Magnezone almost got it for being a UFO...


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
my votes

1. Tauros
2. Heracross
3. Aggron
4. Rampardos
5. Shanderaa

I picked these because not only are they cool but they really give off an exclusive vibe to the generations.

1. Drowzee
2. Ariados
3. Surskit
4. Mothim/Purugly/Giratina. Ugly generation :p
5. The guys on the clouds.

These are mostly based on aesthetics.

Ryu Shimazu

Smash Master
Nov 5, 2009

1) Charizard
2) Tyranitar
3) Deoxys
4) Arceus


1) Goldeen
2) Quilfish
3) Luvdisc
4) Crap Evos of past Pokemons


Apr 13, 2008
I think we can agree that Charizard is the best Gen I rep. Let's go ahead and solidify that. Absol/Tropius are perfect reps of Gen III.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2010
1st: Magneton-

When I saw this pokemon, I loved it. He is also the first fully evolved steel type. The concept of 3 pokemon uniting to battle was great. Gen IV took this concept and made it better with the introduction of Magnezone. When I play though a pokemon game, I look for a magnemite, he is very useful and has great typing.

2nd: Heracross-
I really don't like most of Gen II, it is crawling with misfits like Pichu. Anyways, heracross is what all bug types strive to be like. My only complaint is that is attack is too low for a beetle that can lift 750x it's own weight. This guy is a great pokemon design wise, I personally think this pokemon is cooler than Scizor.

3rd: Wurmple-
Wurmple is like a Christmas present, you don't which pupa you will get from him. He truly captures the concept of surprise when you first play though RSE. If you work hard, he will evolve into a dustox or beautifly.

4th: Lucario-
I really don't know how to explain why I think he is the 4th gen rep, when I fought the fighting gym, and I fought her Lucario, I assumed that all of the later gyms would have legendaries. This is before a knew of Riolu's existence.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY

Gen1: Not to jump on the Charzaird bandwagon, but you have to admit it is one of the most recognizable pokemon next to Pikachu. Also being the best designed fire starter to date doesn't hurt. You knew when you were a kid you were itching to grind your Chameleon up to lv 36 so it could be a CHARZAIRD!!!!

Gen2: Umbreon, he represents one of the new types introduced and also the Day/Night mechanic that disappeared the next gen. Also it took into account friendship (Was that a newly introduced mechanic also?)

Gen3: Going with Relicanth, he brings in the "Ancient factor" that ties in with Kyogre and Groudon and Rayquaza. Also he can be found in the depth of the ocean which brings in the Dive HM that was newly introduced. (And not explored to its fullest potential)

Gen4: This one seems hard to me as Not much pops out as memorable in the 4th gen, you may say Lucario, but I hate him too much to care. Aside from that nothing else comes to mind.

Gen5: Although not fully explored in the Anime/Manga, I would like to say that Smugleaf/Whatever crap name Gamefreak gave him does a good job repinn' 5th gen. He face just says, "Yeah, we brought a **** ton of freaky new stuff and you are just going to have to enjoy it". Wich is what I kind of felt like, but as most here I have come to love 5th gen as much as any other gen.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I think that Pikachu is the best representation for all of them, since it's the only Pokemon that most adults seem to know.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I think that Pikachu is the best representation for all of them, since it's the only Pokemon that most adults seem to know.
That's not too valid of a statement. When we're adults, most of us would probably remember the Spears' shenanigans and Justin Bieber - doesn't quite mean they best represent our generation (although one could argue otherwise).


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
We would probably be placed in the Lady GaGa generation.

Like how my parents were part of the Madonna generation.

:pikachu: I was being sarcastic with the pika statement though. Kinda.

Deleted member

for pokemon, best:
1. Mewtwo
2. Lugia
3. Kyogre
4. Arceus

for competitive play, best:
1. Tauros
2. Blissey
3. Salamence
4. Heatran


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i'm gonna change my ideas for this


Series-Pikachu, this is a no brainer, he is the icon of the series ever since the show started. No defending against that.

1st Gen- Charizard. After you say pokemon, most people say Pikachu, then go 1 gen poke, who do they say? Most likely Charizard, he was on the cover of the more popular color of the games and he's pretty cool looking. Being one of the starters help people remember him more.

2nd Gen- Umbreon. This was tougher than gen 1 (as like the rest of the generations will be). I thought about Heracross, Skarmory, and even Blissey but then i realized EVERYONE had an Umbreon. He's awesome looking (his design is quite possibly one of the best) and he's easy to obtain. Everyone remembers Eevee cause he evolved into 3 different pokemon 1st gen and now he evovles into 2 more depending on whether it's night or day and since Umbreon looks way cooler than Espeon, everyone had him.

3rd Gen- Kyogre. I never played 3rd gen and I really don't like the games but if I had to choose one, it's Kyogre. 3rd gen was about weather changing and the rain made some stuff just awesome. This could've gone to Breloom, Gardevoir, or Swampert but Kyogre is something people know without playing this generation.

4th Gen- I don't really know. There really isn't a poke this gen that sticks out as over the top popular. I guess Lucario would have to be that poke and that's only because he has a movie about him. There isn't that one guy who truly sticks out.

Worst Rep:

Series: You can't deny it, Jynx. I don't think any pokemon caused as much controversy as Jynx did. She just looks weird, caused racial problems (that forced the creators to change her color a little bit) and she's forgettable outside of those reasons. If she wasn't made as a pokemon, no one would care.

1st Gen- Farfetch'd. He's weak, practically unusable, and no one wants him. He doesn't evolve and he's a duck. Basically, if it wasn't for his stick, no one would even remember him. But I do, but I'm just about the only one.

2nd Gen- Dunsparce. No one remembers this guy. It's not that he's ugly or anything, he's just...unforgettable. He's hard to catch, doesn't evolve, and is just plain. He doesn't fit in with the generation and his typing also is pretty bland. Nothing about him sticks out. He's simply...forgettable unlike the rest of this generation.

3rd Gen- Luvdisc. Seriously, what were they thinking. I hate this poke with a passion. I will never use one for anything, never go anywhere near it. I just hate the design, it's existance. EVERYTHING. Why create a heart pokemon in the first place. Most people forget about this anyways it's so dumb.

4th Gen- Lumineon. Forgettable fish pokemon is forgettable. It's basically another seaking but more...bland. Nothing special, at least Finneon has an awesome cry, this didn't even get that. Most people would mistake this for some children's book character. It's not bad...just really forgettable.

No 5th gen stuff yet as I have yet to play the games.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Hmmm, lemme see here...

Best Representatives

Generation 1 - Charizard: Let's face it, it has been said many times, but Charizard is definitely the most popular Kanto starter to date, if only by appearances alone. The fact that it was made dominating in the anime series solidified its popularity. It looked like a dragon and can breed with and learn Dragon-type moves. On top of that, it is also one of the Dragons in Pokemon Ranger, even though it isn't Dragon-type, which gives an idea of what Nintendo thinks of Charizard. Finally, it is the only fully evolved started to be made a playable character in a Super Smash Bros. game (Brawl, in this case). Charizard's media attention is without rival among generation 1 Pokemon aside from the obligatory Pikachu, in my opinion.

Generation 2 - Suicune: This was a bit tough, but I ultimately have to go with Suicune. It is the most popular of the three beasts, and was even a mascot of Crystal. It has a bit of media attention in the anime/movies moreso than most other Gen 2 Pokemon. On top of that, it has a really cool sounding cry befitting a legendary Pokemon. I know when I saw it for the first time in-game (I didn't even know it existed, as I never owned any strategy guides, etc.), my jaw dropped in awe, as it was the first roaming legend I encountered, and I thought it looked amazing. Oddly, I mistook it for a unicorn than a dog or cat.

Generation 3 - Swampert: This was very hard, as most Pokemon in this Gen are not very great in standing out in terms of design. I could've been bias and say "Metagross", but to be realistic, I'd think Swampert had a bigger impact than any other Gen 3 Pokemon for its bulk and power. It defined the term, "bulky water" as it only had one weakness that was apparently not as easy to exploit os others. Then you have the fact that its pre-evolution, Mudkip, had its meme "you like Mudkipz?" or something along that line. Sure, there's Salamence and Metagross in their Pseudo-legend glory, and Gardevoir and its "clown car" of Rule 34 references and what-not, but overall, I'd say many people who has played Generation 3 would agree that Swampert may be the best representative of the Advanced Generation.

Generation 4 - Lucario: Sadly, there isn't much in the way of Pokemon that sticks out other than Lucario. It's the only non-legend in Gen 4 to have its own movie and has gained some media attention with merchandise and even becoming a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Other than that, there really isn't much else to say about this Pokemon.

I'll go over my list of worst representatives at a later time.
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