Well, depends on how old you are. I'm 20, so I consider the 90s my real generation. The first decade of my life had a much more positive impact on my life than the second decade did, mainly because the first felt so much more American-centric, culturized, and innovative. This past decade began with 9/11 and a huge leap in computer and internet technology, so now I'm talking with people all over the country and world. Add a lot of relationships with girls in the mix and you've got one emotional rollercoaster of a decade. When it comes to music, I relate so much more with the 70s and 80s, 90s being the last decade that really strikes a chord with me. This past decade sucked in every form of media sans Christopher Nolan's Batman films. It was also the decade that killed Star Wars.
Man, ****in' 90s. Batman galore, Pokémon galore, Cartoon Network galore, Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy galore (oh yeah, this past decade also managed to kill Final Fantasy), just all kinds of awesome.