1. manuel said "Of "coarse" Roby would take the opportunity to remind us just how
impervious he is to feeling, being detached as he is from all issues of meaning. How stoic!" -->
BAD, DONT SAY THIS STUFF TO ROBY. thats offensive stuff, callin out somebody is impervious to feeling and detached from issues of meaning? then callin him a stoic, what the **** man?
2. NATHAN said "
And all you do is play smash and... Seriously, what
the **** do you even do besides games?" -->
3. ROB COYLE SAID "Damn Roby, where did you develop your personality?
A Car crash?
Remember when I didn't play smash for two years and beat you first round in tournament.
Good times." --->
this aint funny. truth is, u secretly practice with adam, eric and manli, weekly at davids house.

u got a good amount of training and warmup before that tourny u beat roby in. dont bull ****, i aint having none of it