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BC Melee Rankings: Late Fall 2012


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
too bad i can sh quadruple fair with marth now.
let's all battle with our new techniques


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Sion for 6th easily. Maybe 4th or 5th. Roby for 6th or 7th. Me for 9th or something terrible like that ^__^

Either way, panelists get this thing updated please. It's terribly out of date XD


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
How has Sion been doing in the past few tournaments? Sorry, I haven't gone, and I haven't had time to be on these boards in forever.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2009
Surrey, BC
1. Tonyslow
2. Diakonos/Manli/Manuel/firexemblemxpryde/ THE SPANISH CONQUISTADOR
3. Blunted_Smoker420
4. Sion/Cowear/Hitsugaya
5. Evan Rodriguez/Ryab/Johnsugaya
6. Evan Sion Rodriguez/Ryan/ That SF player
7. Patooty/Roby
8. Patootiep/ $pace Falc.... EXTREME
9. xXx-FakeNoob-xXx
10. Whoever (Rock, paper, scissors for it)

Sion use to choke on giant Bulgarian sausages, but it seems like now he's getting more confident and getting to be more consistent with his game play. To me, it seems as if he's able to reflect upon his mistakes and see what he's doing wrong, instead of just rushing in with reckless aggression, which everyone accuses him of doing lol.

He's been beating people who have given him trouble in the past. It might have been a spur of the moment kind of thing, but if he can continue beating them, that should be something to reflect upon when deciding rankings.

He's a smart player (I said it first), always thinking ahead to see what he can do. Why do you think he's able to go combo crazy like he does? Deserves to be moved up I think. And if 4th seems a little outrageous, 5th should definitely be a possibility, cause 6th is almost already under his wings (****ing Falco)

As for top 3, it doesn't really seem to change much. Both Eric and Manuel seem to choke on dicks when they're playing against him. He'll probably continue to be first, unless Eric or Manuel decide otherwise lol.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
1. Tonyslow
2. Diakonos/Manli/Manuel/firexemblemxpryde/ THE SPANISH CONQUISTADOR
3. Blunted_Smoker420
4. Sion/Cowear/Hitsugaya
5. Evan Rodriguez/Ryab/Johnsugaya
6. Evan Sion Rodriguez/Ryan/ That SF player
7. Patooty/Roby
8. Patootiep/ $pace Falc.... EXTREME
9. xXx-FakeNoob-xXx
10. Whoever (Rock, paper, scissors for it)

Sion use to choke on giant Bulgarian sausages, but it seems like now he's getting more confident and getting to be more consistent with his game play. To me, it seems as if he's able to reflect upon his mistakes and see what he's doing wrong, instead of just rushing in with reckless aggression, which everyone accuses him of doing lol.

He's been beating people who have given him trouble in the past. It might have been a spur of the moment kind of thing, but if he can continue beating them, that should be something to reflect upon when deciding rankings.

He's a smart player (I said it first), always thinking ahead to see what he can do. Why do you think he's able to go combo crazy like he does? Deserves to be moved up I think. And if 4th seems a little outrageous, 5th should definitely be a possibility, cause 6th is almost already under his wings (****ing Falco)

As for top 3, it doesn't really seem to change much. Both Eric and Manuel seem to choke on dicks when they're playing against him. He'll probably continue to be first, unless Eric or Manuel decide otherwise lol.
Good ****. Yah, I made a post not too long ago about sion being better than Ryan, John, Tiep, Roby, Tim, and myself. People thought it was outrageous at the time but I know what's up. Sion is... "THE ONE"


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I love how things hype up after such a hyped thing. :)

I'm stepping in to **** on **** again LOL

Apparently it hasn't occured to people that Tony, John, Tiep, Tim and Ryan all did ****ING GOOD last time they played other players of their calibur. The last time they showed how well they could play was NOT this last tourney. They weren't even there. (Even at this tourney, Eric wasn't playing well from first thing in the morning and Manuel seemed to take a long while to finally get his groove/no johns though they just usually do better as far as I've seen, obviously)
Roby and Sion in turn showed that they are ****ING GOOD by the way they performed very well, as well it was a great chance for them to do so and they took that opportunity.

Just like the last time Manuel and Eric were playing very well, they were ****ING GOOD.

Just like the last time the missing 5 showed they were ****ING GOOD when they last played and performed well.

Yes them peeps did ****ing good, but those 5 who WERE NOT there did ****ing good too last time they played.

If you're going to shift your perception and take something away from Ryan, Tim, John or Tiep even when all 4 of them either did very well against or beat players such as Sion, Roby, Manuel or Eric in the same situation not too long before, then there's something wrong with the PR direction already.

Roby and Sion could easily move up plenty, but those missing 5 can't easily be moved down unless you're not looking at it from all sides.

Give them a chance to show up if you're that hyped, Sion and Roby showed up, If Roby, Sion, Manuel, Eric and the rest of BC show up to something and all get bumped up, you're bumping people down on INNACTIVITY!

Innactivity from one showing where someone else showed up shouldn't be a reason to knock them off. Ryan, Tiep, Tony, Tim and John all did great last time they played.

Last things I knew about the missing 5

1) Tiep winning significantly over Sion at a tourney (but losing to Ryan in a crew battle)
2) Tim winning a majority over Sion/Roby/Adam at a smashfest (but losing to Eric)
3) Ryan winning significantly over Eric in a crew battle (but losing to Roby at a tourney)
2) John winning over Roby/Adam at a tourney
5) Tony winning a tournament.

Tony and John got 2nd in doubles.
Tiep and Ryan got 1st in doubles.
John had no sleep at the tourney, working all night and coming straight there. (High Tier John right there, and still did well)
Tim is partially innactive and lives in Victoria. (Most significant John known to smash, and still does well when he visits Van)

I knew all that from either seeing it myself, hearing it from multiple sources that were part of it or screaming SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOD to the smash gods to gather the amazingness.

Those 5 ****.
Sion, Manuel, Roby and Eric ****.


On that note, I agree with Eric. With 1 adjustment.

1=2 : Sion=Roby
3 : Jugfingers
4=100=***s : Everyone Else

Sexy PR is Sexy.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2007
i donno about tiep and ryan but they would prove it at the next tourney. theres also the thing where john plays a DIFFERENT peach than everyone else in bc. his peach and shiek would give eric so much trouble, make tony go fox instead of falco. john is pretty good considering he doesn't play at all, i think he should still be top 3 atm.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
i donno about tiep and ryan but they would prove it at the next tourney. theres also the thing where john plays a DIFFERENT peach than everyone else in bc. his peach and shiek would give eric so much trouble, make tony go fox instead of falco. john is pretty good considering he doesn't play at all, i think he should still be top 3 atm.
John MM $10 best outta 5!


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I'm going to try and get on the pr.

James I'm free next saturday, I mkight be able to get up to kelowna so get something big going okay?
Sounds good.

Next weekend is probably my last weekend in Okanagan so we'll def have something.
Kaelen, Ben, Tim all confirmed. Probably my house but ionno yet.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
My PR list

1. Dieslow
2. Diakonos
3. Blunted_Object10
4. Sion
5. Roby
6. Hitsugaya
7. Cowear
8. Patooty
9. Daltsy
10. Noobking

It's hard to understand, but I put the less active players (Hitsugaya, Cowear, Patooty) below Sion and Roby because well... they haven't been to any tournaments for a while... I dunno about my last 2 choices.. although I know Daltsy is better then Noobking :p


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
1. Dieslow
2. Diakonos
3. Blunted_Object10
4. Sion
5. Roby
6. Hitsugaya
7. Cowear
8. Patooty
9. Daltsy
10. Noobking

It's hard to understand, but I put the less active players (Hitsugaya, Cowear, Patooty) below Sion and Roby because well... they haven't been to any tournaments for a while... I dunno about my last 2 choices.. although I know Daltsy is better then Noobking :p
I know I'm better than most of the people on that list. However, since I have little to nothing to back that up, I will concurr with your list.... for the most part.

Wtf Adam, I thought you were higher than that.. lol.

Edit: It's time to unleash potential and become 1st! ... I mean that's what I did =)
Yah well, unlike quebec, we have more than 4 or 5 good players ;)
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