ZXV - I appreciate you looking for some games with me Sunday morning. Probably the most I've ever played you, was good to put the fear of Game and Watch into your heart

Unfortunate about Spud turning into SSJ4 and wrecking that bracket. I hope that we can have nice potentially-unmelee-related talks at some point again; I still remember that night we talked about music. I remember it better than the tournament coz I have no idea which one it was although it might have been the one I got DQ'd from for going to get KFC. Hope you had a really great time at BAM7 despite an unfair bracket placing. Did you play any internationals?
Quetz - Out of all the games to lose it had to be those 3

It's good that you've chose to improve on the Melee game and you are way better than since ZEAL, but you need to watch some vids or something to be ready for players having more options in their kit because I think you can be a little slow to adapt / a bit repetitive as my only criticism. Still, a very sexy Peach, and a very nice dude. I'm very glad you were able to come chill at HoC.
Jnuts - Nice to meet you and good games, did some pretty nice tech and combos in our money match, hope it continues to come along nicely! Very nice dude
DonB - I think your week with the internationals was very different to everyone elses. Good on you for laying off the drink as it came up to the tournament but the tourney was just way too stacked. Your pool was doable though hope you felt you at least put in a good effort. You made some classic "lol Miles" decisions that week but in classic Miles fashion you also kept it together in the end. Good stuff
Cailan - Falco is the truth, and you're better than you give yourself credit for. But you'll only see results if you commit.
alex19 - Very nice dude; I can see you're essential for peace-keeping in the Funday crew sometimes. I appreciate the GnW ditto, it's unfortunate that we didn't finish it (score tied at 2-2...) I'd be keen to start from game 1 and try again someday. And **** anyone giving you **** about losing to Spud coz he's hella legit and brought a fire that was punching above his weight on that day. Enter more USA tournaments and wreck **** up pleeeeease!!
robsta - Amazing to see you, your voice and posture is super different from how I remember it. Like I said, I hope you come to more events. Would love to even play some 64 sometime, my Yoshi is legit
atticus - Sorry for not being in a good headspace in teams. At least we can take away that victory against Hugs and Joey; we were way more co-operative at MyB than at BAM7. Grats on your Project M win with Mojo though, out of all the places to make $200 lol. You got a relatively easy bracket in Melee top 32 but winning is good all the same so grats. We need to re-work our team infrastructure, perhaps you should take an authoritative role and I will follow your lead. It's something to work on, and I think I'm trying too hard to make you play like Tak instead of welcoming a new team strategy and synergy.
mytus - I felt the vibe of disrespect towards my GnW at the start of our friendlies. Glad to turn you around

Never assume it will be easy and never stop believing in your opponents ability; just make sure you believe in yourself to overcome it. Good luck improving I hope to see more for you, but it can be hard to maintain an ideal mentality for improving if you are the best in your state; so stay focussed. TY for being at max's, it was a beautiful conversation.
Juci - Ok man. You can main Luigi now, it's pretty good.
Chillin - I hope you don't feel like you've lost your identity to the memes. Everything you touch becomes memes. It's a blessing and a curse. I'm super glad you were one of the dudes that came down from USA, you were hilarious and you were at home at House of Chills. I appreciate the friendlies heaps, by far the international I played the most games with across the week.
Macky - You are still a huge choker. Even against me in friendlies I think one big thing you are missing is the heart/fire to feel like you
deserve the win rather than thinking "oh my god I
could win!" This is probably due to bad proportions of labbing vs. playing people better than you. This is why our bootcamp plan could be so huge. At the end of the day if you're putting in the hours playing and thinking about Melee you will become the best because no-one in VIC is racing ahead at the same speed. You will overtake and lap people, OR you'll force the rest of us to step it up. Both are very good for the future of Victorian Melee.
Nice victory on Blackshadow too, shame I didn't see it.
Noied - Glad you could make it max's for some friendlies and cones. Was a nice night, hope the rest of the weekend was awesome for you too.
SD - I don't get to play you much and because of your predicament you don't get to play other top players in friendlies much either. I'd appreciate being able to try my best to play, learn and win against you but everyone just calls me lame and refuses to play me in friendlies when I do well except Dekar. I'm pretty tentative on the idea of coming to Gippsland because I don't want to travel 3 hours just to get called "lame" for the way I play. I'd complain about it being demotivating except through my experiences playing Brawl my mindset developed to embrace and be motivated by the hate/complaints. But it'd be cool if we could talk about in game theory and facts a bit more and help each other with ideas when we play since you are probably my best asset (other than myself) for taking the game as far as I want to.
fyi this is unrelated to our tourney set. I feel it was a good set except game one was a bit by me. Games 2 and 3 I got greedy thinking I needed to make the most of your mistakes when if I just played solid calculated melee I would've left myself less vulnerable. It was a good set but not taking a game on stream is pretty disappointing.
Earl - Unfortunate you had to vs. V. Had you two been on other sides of the bracket in Winners I reckon you'd have ended up playing each other in Grand Finals. Hope your finding the Melee to be coming along nicely too, let me know when you're looking for meets and I'll let you know if there's stuff that you could come to, 'specially now since it's holidays.
Snoc - The Best. Big ups for helping with Smash4 and goddamn you were looking ****ing trashed on friday. Come to more HoC and get more good 8)
Karu - GG's! It's pretty cool that someone who has been around as long as you managed to put in some good improvement between last year Shadowloo and BAM this year. I thought you quit Falco and was super happy to see you pull it out (and better than ever!) because I think it's way better than your other characters. Unfortunate about getting nerves on the big stage though; getting good at melee is a very big part of winning a melee tournament but there are a lot of other mental skills that you must develop. I hope you choose to keep competing because I do hope to play you again!
Hugs - Thanks for the games, I was unable to even take one game :O You taught me a lot in a short period of time by being very articulate. It helps to have someone talk to you seriously about basic fundamentals, to really help understand just how important the tiniest bit of positioning can be to give you good options and follow ups. Also you totally had that set against Joey. That situation was so tricky, would've been hard to expect him to fall off the platform out of shield the way he did.
You really seem to be on an improving streak atm and it'll be really cool to see what you do in the upcoming tournaments. Good luck man!
Also I'm delighted that Jared and I could welcome you to Australia by beating you in doubles
MGK - I'm really sorry that crews didn't end up happening. It was a pretty bad idea in the first place to try and organise something official because of the factor of time. I didn't really expect something to happen tbh so yeah bad luck.
Sumeet - Nice guy.
Cunchy - Your Falcon is godlike. Please start to dominate in Sydney because you have the best neutral game I've ever seen on an Australian Falcon. Very scary player, unfortunate you had to be knocked out by another NSW player but I hope you're happy with your run at BAM7.
Haikal - good drunk games in the hotel, idk when you rocked up at max's but good games then too. We only played while intoxicated the whole weekend lol
Finx - Hope you had a great weekend homie, sounds like you did some chillin' with interstate peeps so that's good. Hope you feel like you played well or learned something and cheers for the support vs. Spup!
Pandepic - Good to see you again man.
Fudge - Who is Blood and why did you lose to him? Don't throw away your smash prowess for WoW it's not worth it man!
Qx - Nice to meet you dude! Unfortunate to be playing a bit rusty just before a big tournament but I'm sure you had a good time all the same. I hope to play with you often while you are in Melbourne!
Forte - Thanks for your support! Really rough what happened to you in pools I feel pretty bad about that.
I'm glad Lucky and Mango got to catch up with their favorite boy though, of course the storyteller would really hit it off with the internationals.
Russ - You are a fried unit.
Haydino - get rekt by afropony ahaha. Didn't see you around much, I hope you stayed to witness the hype that went down.
Tommy - Thanks for destroying that Korean BBQ place with us. You are the moses who parts the shadows of the street to lead his people to great places to go past midnight in the city
RJ - You're a beautiful individual, thanks for the friendlies. It's still so hard for me to take games off you, I wish I could play against Peach more often. Grats on beating Karu, that's a good win! Hope we can spend some time together at Town & Sydney
AussieRob - Great to finally meet/play you! Shame it was on an NTSC setup otherwise we could've done the Money Match too, but I guess we'll do it another time. GG's, it's unfortunate you couldn't play Skeletom in bracket because Nick is an asshole/really good at Melee.
Moxie - The posters and shirts came out good dude! I'm not one for fangirling players too much but they look ****ing beautiful I'll probably be down for a 5 gods shirt! Pools were hard but I hope you feel good with your performance. Too many players show good potential and then kinda lose the drive. I hope somewhere in you, you wanna keep getting better
Wibbles - I remember playing you at ZEAL and you've definitely come a long way by adding legitimate tech to your game. Don't get greedy and play solid technical melee with good movement and I reckon you'd win an ACT tournament. I'm really keen to play you again.
S2J - You act like Death Grips sounds. Wish I could play you more, grats on 4 stocking Chillin' tho.
Jamwa - son you have failed me
Gords - Your Zelda was hella tight at ZEAL, and it still is. Glad I could work up my Game and Watch to be at the same level, hope you enjoyed the games as much as I did. I look forward to playing your Zelda again at Town and Sydney. Work on your sheik for tournament, but don't neglect that wicked Zelda!
Jbirds - This is the most I ever talked to you, so it was good to kinda meet you properly. Grats on making bracket, we need to play each other at some point though; we haven't played since ACL. That DK ditto still needs to happen btw! I believe you can do it
Beans - Shoutouts to Jamwa for giving you ez brackets in PM and Melee lol. Still a long way to go before making bracket at an event of this calibre, but iirc you're leaving Australia soon? Hope you keep playing Melee no matter where you go, gl with everything. Also, GG's in friendlies hope the advice helps somewhat.
Dreadtech - I feel like I should almost write nothing because you did too much for me (and everyone this weekend). Thanks so much for driving myself and others around whilst simultaneously stressing about running everything and keeping tabs on everything. Thanks for the hotel shout it made the weekend so much easier for me and really let me get way more time in with all the homies I usually miss out on hanging with. Thanks for doing heaps the community and I apologise profusely for Joey giving you even more responsibility lmao. I'm bad at relating to people who prioritise TO'ing and other things over getting better at the game, but good luck I just hope you're fulfilled. I hope that you reach a point where you are truly satisfied with your ability in the game. Apply more of your own theory to things, don't take everything I say as law because I feel like you take what I say as too definite giving you a one dimensional understanding. Gather insight from all sources and discuss as well
Lucky - I'm very glad I won that one friendly. We only played a few games but I needed that win! You're always such a homie it was worthwhile getting breakfast with you/alex/hugs on the Friday. Wish myself (and others) could spend more time with you guys over this week but I don't regret funding you guys to have a holiday in Australia at all because you're all great dudes and I hope you had a sick time.
Grats on your performance in Bracket, would've been hella cool if you beat leffen but you put up a damn good fight and looked good doing it too.
Max/Hardpelicn - Cheers for letting the Perth dudes crash your pad on Sunday. I was really hoping to chill with the Perth dudes at some point and you made it happen at your place so thanks for that. I appreciate you hosting us in general too, and I apologise for my sloppy Yoshi's game. I still haven't got a SNES controller and functional practice setup going but once it starts the grind won't stop! We'll have tight races one day. Thanks heaps for everything you do on the stream as well, Smash uploads in Australia have never been so good. Good save with the DK face on Luke as well
Spud - The dude that I beat in a money match

Huge props for your performance on Sunday, on that day you wanted (and deserved) the win more than anyone. It's great to see you bring such strong mental fire to the stage despite never performing at such an event previously. You seized the day and not a lot of players have the heart to do such a thing. Being really ****ing good at the game also helps. You've inspired a lot of people, so thanks for that. Looking forward to playing Melee with you again and eating KFC with you again; I'm glad I could be around to welcome you to the Aussie homies in the scene

You're a homie for life now!
Congratulations on your magnificent performance at BAM7 man <3 stay humble
Blaxxon - Good seeing you around! Thanks so much for your support in my bracket matches, it means a lot! So keen for the car ride to Town and Sydney, and I'd like to play against you more to practice vs. Peach.
Tyler - Such a smart snake. Totally felt that from a mental standpoint you should've beat Mojo but you lost on mechanics/fundamentals. Good luck in the future with your PM Snake because it's godlike so you're one of the few people I'd encourage to play PM lol
Splice - ey b0ss
Timic - You lost to chappos in classic Timic fashion. Man it'd have been hilarious if you had won. I'm glad to see you and Milton coming to lotsa events and being active coz I thought we lost you for a while there. I don't think you really ever consider it but you guys are two of my favourite people in the scene (moreso you as I know you far better but I'm happy if Milton makes you happy

) so please stick around and keep doing awesome and eccentric things
Baileeh - Good to see you dude! You're pretty good for a dude who lives in the sticks. Wish I could play you more!
Chris. T - You are literally a FalcoMaster####. Tight work against Chappos and grats on the win. Sorry to double-eliminate you tho, try to move around and be less scared in the neutral, your combo and punish game is ok but you don't dominate the space on the stage well

Keen to play you again when I come up to NSW!
Mojo - Thought you were gonna be a jerk because my first impression of you was just straight trash-talk on facebook LOL
Actually a very nice and awesome dude, I love people with stories and people who play the game their own way. I appreciate your Jigglypuff, wish I could have played you with a good mentality; I do feel confident in the MU but I hadn't been tested for a long time, so I was kinda only getting warmed up in our set. Keen for jiggs dittos and discussion at some point, I'm really looking forward to hanging out with you again and playing even more friendlies and more talking. Good **** working the crowd with that DK too, you could've won that game against Chillin'... wouldn't that have been something
Swebe - Sorry I didn't get time to play you, sounds like all the TAS dudes had a real sick time with Lucky and all that, so I'm glad. Hope to see you around again sometime and chill out for a bit longer perhaps
Chappos - You've actually come along pretty nicely with Fox. I hope you guys can appreciate how many good Melee players we actually have and how much strain the extra internationals put on the top 32 bracket making it super ****ing hard to get out of pools. I hope you can appreciate it but also be motivated by it, because you didn't get completely bopped you definitely showed you've learned a few things. I get the feel with you (and some other Perth dudes) that you've worked out nice weird options (never seen so many high angled UpB's in my life) but don't have a super solid bag of mixups for when you start getting read and called out - and therefore put under pressure. Hope you're still planning on proving yourself in Melee on East Coast soil at some point.
Also, people don't feel super keen to give too much respect just because you're good at PM, because evidently it's very different from Melee and not a total reflection of how good you are in Melee. But that said I have a lot of respect for how you've actually approached getting good at PM, I think your options/flowcharts that you have in your head are super tight and your understanding of the game is solid. Legitimate kudos to PM players like you and Tyler for being very smart.
Thanks for coming to Max's (Hardpelicn) too, and I hope the Melbourne dinner we took you to beforehand was up to par too.
Spup - You bring out the best in me. I was honestly backing you to be highest placing Australian if you beat me. I kinda ****ed up by not being ready to realise that outcome in your honour afterwards and playing like a ***** against SD.
Your Smansion video is ****ing scary to watch, way to release it just before the major to put fear in the hearts of many. I can't wait to have a friendly sesh with you at some point so that we can properly elaborate on all the things each of us have learnt since the last time we met (the last time we properly got games in was MW2 and I was playing like ass tbh). We play two very different styles so to consolidate information and skill between us would be great I think.
Hope BAM7 was still very good to you other than what was probably a disappointing loss.
I hope you can bop SD and all the Peaches for me and win a tournament someday (but you're gonna have to be on the other side of the bracket from me I think

Bu$ - You are a sicko, thanks for being so ready to have me and Nick over and heaps of other dudes crash your house. It was ****ing sick times at HoC that week and renewed my faith. Can't wait to come HoC tomorrow and have another sick ****ing time playing games with homies omfg yes HoC 4eva
Glad you didn't ***** out of some money matches btw I honestly think it's a mental hurdle that limits you. Not being afraid to lose is really good to see, and it looks like you and dutch had some falcon feels together too. You could really start to turn it up with the game soon, I look forward to it.
Nicks - Didn't see you much but grats on 2nd in WiiU doubles, hope it wasn't a disappointing loss. You're a baller.
Joey - Yo what thanks for the shirt, I'm honored. I have a messy brain but I'm stabilising into a good routine at the moment so I should be able to deliver on that stream content sooooooon. Thanks heaps for doing so much, working so hard and being so under pressure the whole week and then still being chill about how noisy were at Max's and going to sleep at home. That says huge things to me and I really appreciate it, I don't know where people decide to do things so selflessly for the community and set things up for the future so well. I don't know where these people and their angelic qualities come from but you are one of these people and for that I am thankful. Sorry we have borderline fallen out of friendship recently, we need to go get dumplings together soon to raise the friendship points back up so that we're in the clear.
Hobs - I like you, you're a good bloke.
Phrase - A man is content with his life. He wakes up, eats, socialises and crafts artistic goods, and he is content. One day it hits him. What if there's more to life than being content? The only life he has ever known is in the village, so to find more than contentedness, he must see more of the world than just the village. He heads down the gully near the village, and finds himself in a bamboo forest. In his travels, he comes across and bathes in a beautiful spring of pure water. But he is not satisfied. He climbs tall trees that grab at the sky, and surveys the bamboo landscape below. But he is not satisfied. And then he finds it. A sword, lying in a clearing in the forest. He swings the cold metallic blade through the air a single time. A second time. With vigour, he unleashes a flurry of swipes, not stopping until the sinew of his arm burns. The intricacy of the vessel has his mind racing. There is so much possibility!
Day in day out he sets to work, practising his technique, timing and spacing. He theorises on conservation of movement, and how much effective force he can generate with different swings of the blade. Ultimately, he has become passionate.
But as the days go by, he realises he needs to get back home. He is tired, and frustrated at feeling unable to improve because of it. He starts to head towards the village. And he gets lost. Dark thoughts emerge in his mind and he cannot help but think the worst. He starts to curse the sword, curse his passion! He is unable to think straight and the obvious answers to his problem escape his reach. In berserk anger, he swings the sword, felling a small tree.
And then realisation burst out, in all directions within his mind.
It's so simple to escape out of the woods!
You're a great guy Woodley! Much greater than this metaphor!
Hughie - You're not good where do you get off talking **** to me after I just 4 stocked you with GnW lol sit down respect your elders
Sebby - DUDE you nearly beat Karu omg I would've loved for you to take that. You gave him a run for all the holes in his game and played better than I've seen you tbh. You did not play scared (until the last two games which had some pretty low quality melee happening I gotta admit). Very good! Please play a bit more and stop being bad so you can actually win tho

I really loved getting pizza with you and Toshi it was super chill <3 <3 <3 and tasted ****ing delicious
Toshi - The pizza was amazing I'm really happy I could go with you and Seb because you guys were super chill <3
MC - You're a nice dude, GG's in the MM. Keen to take you up on a rematch anytime

Hope you feel good with how you played at BAM, afaik this is your first time out of state for Melee? Good stuff!
Devil - Always good to see anyone from the JINXED crew. Gotta hang out with ya's again sometime, keep me (and tak!) posted!
Saucy - Dude thanks for being very generous! I wish I could've swagged a bit more in the Ganon dittos but I had to spam **** like a noob if I wanted to hit those Utilts ahahaha. Hope you had fun anyway and I'd LOVE to help you work on your falco any time, so just ask for games or tips anytime!
Flatfeet - Nice to meet you!
Unreon - Wah you actually bopped my Falco in doubles at some points. I didn't treat you with enough respect; you're still a very good player! Super nice dude also, so it was great to talk to you here and there. Good luck with your Link!
Syke - You looked so stoked to get bopped by the Internationals, was awesome just getting ***** by S2J together at the smashlab (dunno if you drank too much to remember lol you were pretty gone!)
I respect that you wanted to just chill and play this tourney, so I hope you had a gr8 time
Zorsy - Aye, you and Wibbles are the two people that have improved the most since I last played them but I played you more recently than him so you get BONUS POINTS GRATS ON THE SICK YOSHI CUZ
You put up a decent fight in the set too, need more mixups and risky tricks to try and turn on the pressure but unfortunately Yoshi can die very easy to getting called out on that. Great parries tho. Was cool hanging out with ya at various times throughout the week, pls come to my house and jam next time you are down I have a fisher price tier keyboard you can use
Redact - I'm glad you beat Quetz, I was worried Peach might still haunt you but you pulled through safe and sound. I'm super sorry you had to play Quetz in losers of PM top 32; there's a number of reasons that happened but ultimately I still blame myself for not being faster and smarter to be able to fix it without ****ing other stuff up.
Also wanted to give you shoutouts for everythin' ever; you've really done a lot for me and made my time in the smash scene something excellent. I've been part of great serious talks with you at many of the meets in history that have ever happened with alcohol, like Tak12 and more recently Miles' meet with the internationals. Meets in your granny flat when you lived with your sister, helping me develop my Falco in the early days and intentional or not giving me **** brackets and not putting me on the PR ages ago when I was playing Puff/early Falco (which ultimately was a relatively kind introduction to the unforgiving environment of Melee and helped with me) have all helped me become a better player and person. I mean, thanks for what you've done organising tournaments in the past and getting the Internationals around this time, but thanks also for what you've done for me. I am thankful.
Dom - Congrats on flogging Russell he is a **** scrub ey? Hope you're keen to keep improving and bop even more nerds in future.
Bullywog - I never realised that Bullywog = Macky's friend until this tourney. Nice to see you around supporting your boy, hope the event was good for ya.
DD - Slow but steady development! Would've loved to see you knock out Flow Rats. First Max now Flow Rats you're coming so close to the clutch big-name wins. You gotta hit up more IRL meets and leave your house sometimes if ya wanna keep on that grind! My Puff is also learning atm so I can pass some things on to you maybe, hit me up!
Birdies - Pretty decent puff. I'd like to play you in some puff dittoes next time we vs. I really love puff players so I want to have lots and lots of friendlies with you. Grats on making it into bracket, you're a good player.
hyes - I hope you're not too disappointed in how teams turned out for you with Mango/S2J. Like I said at the dinner, you pay for them to come over but you can't control how they are once they are here. I hope you feel you got your moneys worth through the overall event, at the event of the day having them play amazing melee on Australian soil was a big aspect of what made this event great. I hope your time with S2J also gave you the perspective that at the end of the day these guys are all just dudes who play video games too.
Oli - I think that you're insane to travel as far as you did by car, only the night before. I hope it was worth it for you, in the experience of being there. Sorry if you were unable to play the best Melee that you are capable of on the day (and sorry for not recognising you

G$ - We didn't end up playing any games! Next time. You're a unique unit, thanks for existing.
GTR - Nice person
Noxus - It seems like losing to Raindanceman was that kick in the ass you needed to stop being a funny guy and start to take some of the Melee grind more seriously. Good players are needed to make a scene thrive and put itself on the map and without a strong intermediate playerbase, that will disappear. Lets bring back the Noxus that 3 stocked Redact, and rested dave a bunch of times. Hit me up for some games next HoC let's do eet
Corpsecreate - Grats on your PM performance! Also I appreciate that you realised how damn easy your Melee pool turned out to be, but grats on making bracket 1st seed anyway; Oli started to choke and you ran with it all the way to the bank, so grats on that victory. It's cool how we kinda of communicate now in short exchanges each tournament since we don't really know each other since neither of us play Brawl anymore, but we still remember those days
Skeletom - Hope you had a great weekend! Doesn't look like your brought your A-game or your competitive fire to this tournament but I feel that was almost accepted by you? So I hope everything else about the event was awesome for you. A shame you didn't get to house S2J but AussieRob is a pretty cool guy himself
PCG - Good to see you! So glad you're back in Melbourne. Let's see in what areas you've improved since being in Sydney!
Chef - You're a very chill dude, just by being in the hotel room on the saturday night you made the vibe more relaxed for everyone.
Azri - Grats on running back Sundowns in losers bracket. It looked pretty convincing in winners but Marth ditto's gonna Marth ditto and everything came up Milhouse for you. Also **** it I'm challenging you to a Big Blue rematch my GnW owns your booty for life I'm not letting it end here
Sundowns - As I said to Chappos I hope you can appreciate the difficulty of this tournament for Melee. You should be at least somewhat satisfied with making it as close as you did to the bracket. Losing to RCJay was a bit of an upset but you seemed to be having a chill time regardless. Glad you made use of the facilities and downed many beers at the CQ

Hope you had a nice evening/dawn on the Sunday night getting dinner and coming to Max's too, I'm glad you could make it.
Let's play some Melee next time, I think I have good advice for Marth players
Danog - Good hustle
Dekar - Ok I've already typed a ****load of shoutouts so I don't wanna get into anything too big here. Sucks you couldn't/didn't enter for whatever reason I'm not 100% sure, but it was good to see you come to enjoy the event on Sunday and talking to you on Friday was good. We need to hang out more and explore the sentiments and ideas of how you're feelin' about these things more. Also, I'm glad that you can consider me a friend. I'm very focused on improving at Melee, and it's a priority in my life right now, but I certainly see you for all the times we've shared at Tak's parties, Phil's/Jei's/My Meets and several early morning meals at numerous McDonalds all across Melbourne talking about stuff across the last 6 years, not just as another player who is my competition. tbh there's very few people I see as just competition, but you're a good friend.
Gabe - I respect the GnW

I have some ideas where you could improve, if you ever want critique on vids I'm down for it.
Shakky - Thanks for the friendly words after the tournament. I look forward to you trying to improve. Remember to look inwards on self-development instead of getting caught up on SA drama around you!
Lux - Grats on 4th in PM doubles! Just out of the money but oh well. Hard singles bracket but you did alright with that good lookin' Zelda. Nice to see you around
Summoner - You're such a homie dude! Thanks for coming to say a few words to me whenever you did. Hope you had a friggin' sweet time and I'm keen to chill with you over an extended duration sometime soon!
CubT - Hope you had a good time
Kai - We didn't get to play but at least we spent some time together on the Friday. Streaming is ****ed man I'd hate to get caught up in technical bull**** when I'm just trying to enjoy playing the vidya. I hope you enjoyed just playing and watching the vidya
Nikes - Hard work, dedication. But also resilience. You have to get back up when you're knocked down, because you're not the only one trying to be the best.
Sarah -

congrats on making bracket for Smash4

M - Good to see you, white hair really suits you! Unfortunate we don't play the same game otherwise I definitely would've asked for some friendlies. Maybe some Project M could work for us to have a few friendlies at some point?
Kira - I actually love you, you have the best demeanour in aussie smash

Getting double eliminated by V actually sucks, The same thing happened to Earl. Hope you're satisfied with your performance all the same! Say hi to Ted for me and tell him I'm sorry if he's still upset about the bias commentary from ACL last year. I look forward to playing him in Melee again and to hanging out with you properly at some point (since we didn't really see each other a lot this time)
Atyeo - I didn't realise you held a legitimate grudge against me but then again I guess we've never known each other offline so I don't really blame you for not having that ex-brawl-player-love with me. Grats on 2nd in smash4 anyway, I'm sure beating Attila felt good for you and you took the loss to V well/calmly.
Jei - You made the NSW vs VIC crew battle look mega close ahahaha what an entertainer
Satra - wtf I had no idea you were there? you sneaky fool, should've said hi earlier we could've got lunch or something
Attila - Of course you would destroy in crews. Nice talking to you throughout the event also, there were lulz had. Grats on 3rd place too; you really are stepping it up in Smash4 as I predicted. History repeats.
Allens - We nearly didn't hang out but we got a great discussion in there at the end! Perfect! Can't wait to play a Melee-focussed Allens next time we meet and hopefully hang out a bit more.
Tibs - didn't see ya there buddy but grats on the doubles win. It's disgusting how many dreams you and Attila have crushed as a doubles pair (mostly mine, repeatedly, but still)
V - You are amazing and I'm super happy for you to win! You realise that you double eliminated 3 different people? Kira, Earl and Atyeo all only dropped sets to you, you singlehandedly defeated each of them. I'm so happy that you believed in your Ness to be able to take Atyeo's Fox, I
tooooold you your Ness was godlike!!
Hope that the huge sum of money you take home makes your parents' jaws drop and then they'll let you go to more meets to play smash :D