1 were you happy with what you paid for and do you feel you got value for money?
2 would you donate again? why/why not?
3 what would you add or remove from donations, or change with how things were done for SS?
I feel I got my $150 value in the form of Lucky and Armada's actual presence at the event, moreso than by the donation rewards. Playing with Lucky before the tournament and talking to Armada as well as watching their performance and impact on the tournament really enhanced the tournament for me and was already worth the $150 for me.
I would donate again based on players, for example I think Chillin would be a homie and I would also be able to improve a lot from talking with him and playing against him. I want to commit
extra dollar to this as incentive to get Chillin.
I still want to donate if the community chooses someone else because I know any extra funds go back into the community anyway and I want the quality of the tournament and community to continue to improve.
The half an hour 1on1 time with a player of your choice didn't seem that great to me; it made people inaccessible for a period and it was less communal. A bit awkward, even. The donators only meets were hype, and if everyone could just jump on against Armada and Lucky the whole time and ask questions whenever it would be better. I chilled with Armada and Lucky outside of the tournament/meet and in terms of learning it happened at those points.
Try to exclude anything that inhibits others from getting value out of the guests (apart from the donator meet imo)
Housing and teams incentive is a reasonable reward as well
You could add material incentives to the donation like posters (either BAM materials that they are selling or we can get people to make our own promotional materials for free)