I finally feel like I can weigh in on this.
I'm lucky in the fact that my Project M main, Charizard, allows me to play in a reasonably flexible playstyle.
Recently, at a tournament I went to, I went against someone with a coach. While I wasn't happy, I decided to step up the mindgames.
During the first game, I played super defensively and hogged platforms and the edge. After the game, I heard his coach telling him about the so-called habits that I had while playing as Charizard. Namely, that I was playing "very strangely for a Charizard, but being predictable." During the second game, I stuck with the defensive game, but deliberately eliminated the "habits" from my game and introduced a "crippling flaw" in my game in the vein of "forgetting" to use FAir to follow up a combo.
His coach picked up on that, and he took the game. So, we're now 1 - 1.
Time to go balls to the wall. I went from being slightly campy and playing a punish game to balls deep offensive. There was not a part of that game where I was NOT rushing him down and as a result, I won. He did not see it coming and because his coach didn't either and assumed that playing defensively was my playstyle, he didn't even factor in the fact that I was going to go rushdown. Why would I? I had played defensively for two games and showed adaptation within a "pre-defined" playstyle. I adapted to the fact that while he had an extra pair of eyes, those eyes can also be mislead.
This brings out a good point I was making to my buddy. If there are coaches. Both combatants should be able to hear what they are saying.
It seems like an exception that the coach was within earshot of you, as at the high level tournies they whisper to avoid situations like this.
EDIT (adding more so I don't triple post like a scrub)
someone shouting from crowd != in depth analysis being whispered into your ear.
the level of elaboration between the two is quite notable. if you can't see that you're being argumentative imo.
just because something can't be enforced 100% doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
see: traffic laws. any laws. you can stop echoing the argument "can't enforce it, therefore don't implement it" it's weaksauce.
"we can't enforce a seatbelt law, so we shouldn't enact a seatbelt law"
the same goes for TOs not banning mango (sorry mango!) from GF if he breaks the rules.
"we can't expect police officers to enforce the seatbelt law equally on everyone, so even if we did enact it, people would get away with it. especially high profile people. politicians would buy themselves out of it. police officers would let celebrities get away with it"
There are always going to be people who break the rules. But you can't use them to disqualify a proposed rule.
As a community, you make rules based on good faith.
10 years ago would we have ever believed that we'd stop saying stuff like "gay" and "****" or cussing?
Cause the high profile streams all follow these rules now. You say "****" and you're kicked off commentary.
Adoption might be slow, enforcement might fail, but none of that should matter in the end. IMO.
the rules we set should be based on fairness, not on the moral integrity of those subject to it.
looking at other sports like boxing is
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_tradition as well as false analogy.
in boxing you are getting punched in the head. making mental decisions difficult.
boxers are 3d beings existing in 3d space. they cannot observe all of their opponents behaviours.
smash is on a 2d plane, you can.
boxing is just as, if not more, a test of physical strength and endurance.
steroids can help you with the "tech skill" of boxing. and they're illegal.
there are sports like tennis that don't allow coaching mid match.
so you're cherry picking when you use any sport as proof against or for coaching in smash.
even chess, as much as I like the analogy, chess has no physical or technical demands. the rules are quite simple. its 100% mental and strategy.
the opposite being track and field
an azen dash can take a stock just as easily as several good tech chases based on analyzation of player habits.
we don't let coaches do your tech skill for you. so why let them make decisions for you?
coaching != cheerleading.
saying "you got this man" isn't reason to ban someone.
if coaching is banned. than you are an idiot to push your luck and whisper that in someones ear. have a ref nearby to arbitrate whether or not it was coaching.
don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
BUT on top of all of this.
I think the gentleman rule is the way to go. and inside of that, regulated coaching.