I played a really good Zelda & Sheik in standard Brawl the other day (he specialized in Sheik but was competent with Zelda), and it reminded me of a few things.
1. Sheik is seriously good. Other than her ridiculous kill move problems, she's just all around a great character. Stuff that works against the entire rest of the cast doesn't work against her because her attack speed is just so high.
2. It's really hard to avoid kill moves against a good Zelda. She just has too many options (which are even more myriad in Bbrawl). The strategy of "use mostly Sheik, switch to Zelda for kills" is very legitimate. This is standard Brawl I'm talking about; it works even against Mr. Game & Watch who generally completely destroys Zelda.
3. Switching is fairly realistic, and by the way it's faster than ever in the next version of Bbrawl. Expect a lot more flexibility than you're used to in switching (this applies to PT as well).
I'm going to just come out and claim that Ness wasn't really a bad character in standard Brawl. His grab release problems were horrible, but that put him in the same boat as Donkey Kong and Fox. At heart, he was a high tier character. He had silly abuses that held him back. I doubt his Meta Knight matchup was even as bad as 65-35 in standard Brawl (probably more like 60-40); just watch some of FOW's matchups, and you see just how good Ness really is. Here's the first FOW matchup I pulled up, against a matchup in standard Brawl that is probably Ness's worst non-cg matchup.
FOW (Ness) vs DSF (Snake) [Smashville]
FOW uses way too much Pk Fire (nearly a full stock worth of the damage he takes is a result of poorly conceived Pk Fire uses), but otherwise, you see the point. DSF is no scrub; this is not low level play. Ness is solid mostly because of his really good aerial game and great set of grabs and throws. I know Ness is solid, and my decisions on Ness are completely informed by the fact that he is actually a pretty decent character. The funniest thing is that Ness is underrated in literally every smash game ever made, probably including the assorted hacks. I probably can't change public perception, but I can at least make the game the right way.
I think Lucas is being undersold in Bbrawl as well though perhaps he's not as widely misunderstood of a character as Ness (I really think most of the smash community has some bizarre bias against the EarthBound characters, like most people want them to be bad or something). Lucas has one of the best "boxing" games in the entire cast in Bbrawl; you can't act like that doesn't mean something. Lucas has a ridiculously amazing recovery (don't use Pk Thunder). Lucas's fsmash is just an amazing move on so many levels that is very practical to just land cold, and some recent play against Lucas has really solidified my confidence in this claim. This is old ground though.
A2ZOMG is literally the only person I've ever seen look at Bbrawl and conclude Ike is bad. I'm quite convinced Ike is a very solid character in Bbrawl; just take a look at his amazing qualities. He has the best jab in the game that was pretty much the reason by itself Ike is midish in standard Brawl. Ike has the best range out of the entire cast bar none; if your strategy against Ike is spacing anything, he wins by just spacing forward aerial. The new Quick Draw is an amazingly versatile move that really addresses most of Ike's weaknesses very well; Ike's real problem in the past was mobility (way moreso than safety), and Quick Draw lets Ike put a threat in distant places radically easier than he could before (and also changes his recovery from "pretty bad" to "solid"). There's no way Ike's matchup with Meta Knight is particularly bad; the only Ike matchups that are remotely worrying to me are Olimar and Ice Climbers because of their inherently good stationary defensive games. Someone like Meta Knight just isn't built to punish Ike's remaining weaknesses.
Ganondorf is old ground too, but he's being really undersold and underrated as well.
Also, I'll probably try to throw a few more things in and put out a fairly early build possibly tonight but maybe as late as Saturday, for the purpose of making sure the porting has been clean so far and to see if anyone sees anything particularly noteworthy in some changes I've put in so far. That Mushroomy Kingdom discovery kinda derailed me, to say the least; that's why it's not ready now to be honest.