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Bad Idea Mafia 4! Game Over, Scum Wins!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Cbot, why am I your top scum pick?
On top of my earlier point (which I found your response to kind of shoddy in all honesty) and what others have said, you're not really affecting this game. You're being flimsy, making easy points and asking simple questions and especially not sharing enough information. Zen said earlier that he didn't know who you thought was scum. Even now you have yet to make that clear. Name someone in this game that you don't like based on a substantial read.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Indeed. You're already moving up to townie for me though. You just make it so obvious. Though iir you were obv town when you were scum as well eh?

Hmmm mm mmm. Well how about this. We vote for scummy #1. Then we vote for scummy #2. Then we vote for who shoots and who gets shot ^O^.
I was really quiet in the newbie game, I think a lot of people found me town just because each Day we had one or two scummy people who drew a lot of the attention of town.

Right now I don't care which is lynch target/shooter, but my top scum picks are Luxor and BSL.

BSL has more posts than Luxor, but both have been almost silent about their scum picks. Luxor provided his thoughts early on when there was a discussion about mechanics, but seemed to follow public opinion and I haven't seen many strong stances from him in general, but especially about players.

BSL on the other hand has posted quite a bit but with so little content. And even after Zen and Clown called him out for not being vocal about his scum picks I'm still not seeing any scum picks or even scum-hunting from him.

Swords has had some good posts and some bad posts, really a null read on him. I saw at least Delvro bring up the possibility of Summoner as scum but I haven't found his answers particularly scummy.

@Delvro, could you explain at least one post that makes you think Summoner is scummy?

The fook? I go to sleep and I wake up to like, 100+ post. Jeez you guys are freaking nocturnal or something.
Speaking for myself, yes to being nocturnal :p.

Okay, I'm going to go on and shoot my **** and tell that my number 1 scum pick is Kuz.

Here, Kuz takes an unneccessarily rough position against me. All I did my previous post was call him out for two lines in his post that bugged me. Instead of asking for clarification as to why I called him out, he immediatly jumped to the other side of the fence, accusing me of being scum. Note how he leaves no room for me to be protrayed positively. He accuses me of focusing on fluff, but even if I did respond to every single part of his post, I would still be classified as "stubborn."

In short, my post did not call for such a response.

A bit more of the same from above.

Kuz seems to be trying to garner support here, but in the wrong way. It's kinda hard to explain, but something feels scummy about the whole "oh, well, we might disagree, but at least you're doing it better than scummy player x over there!" thing that Kuz pulls here. It's like he's trying to make me a common enemy between him and Luxor.

Most of this post is just an analysis. However, what bugs me about is how Kuz asks others if they noticed me doing a fake anaylsis. If he thinks I've been doing a fake anaylsis, then he should point it out himself. He shouldn't just subtly poke at this subject to see if it's okay to go after (which I kind of see him doing here).

So yeah, in summary, I feel Kuz is the scummiest person right now because he has came into this game being unnecessarily antagonistic. His play also feels off in the sense that he's trying to garner support but in the wrong ways ("you're play is better than his play," and "has anyone else noticed him doing this?").


Zen, forgive me if I missed it but what leads you to the conclusion that Gova is scummy? How have you've differentiated that this is scum Gova and not just stubborn town Gova? Summoner already asked Seph this question, but I want your response to it.

July, some have said to you this game that you're obv. town, but if you ask me you're playing a pretty "backseat" game so far. Tell me, what are you're thoughts on (and this is a semi-random pick) Ryker?

Off to my tourny now.
I'm not sold on Kuz scum, and I don't think the examples you pull out here are inherently scummy, but more you are looking for scummy intent behind them. I would really like to see more from Kuz though.

@Kuz, feeling on Delvro and Zen so far?

Also, not quite sure what you mean by "backseat". I'm not posting as much as others but I'm on Spring Break so until that's done (tomorrow unfortunately), I shall be reading and catching up at night THEN asking and answering questions and such.

As for Ryker, he is one of the people I have a town read on, as well as Clown and Seph. He's been active, very openly providing his opinions and asking questions, all good things.

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
Ryker, I've seen you play vigilante roles in mafia games before. So do you mind if I politely make a request of you? Please don't shoot anyone. Ever.
I want to sig this.

And I won't shoot if I don't think I need to shoot.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2009
Frame data threads o.0
I go skiing for ONE DAY and I come back to all of this. Remind me not to have a life lol.

@Zen: The issue with voting is that everyone kind of has to be on board. Gova made a (surprisingly logical) post explaining how if everybody BUT X, Y, and Z votes, then X, Y, and Z get an *almost* free pass to avoiding hard stances, unless it's deliberately forced out of them. My scummy flip-flop came from reading that post and then noting that there are a few players who pretty much won't ever vote. I'm just not sure it will work without cooperation among the town- I feel Ryker/Gova/Kuz are scummy for being so hostile to the idea, or even the idea of merely experimenting with it. I don't really feel like they're putting town first.

Will post after church when I have all day to kill.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Delvro, glad to see you are town. I hope you remain town ^_^.

Delvro why Summoner & Luxor? And what are your thoughts on July & bsl?

As for the vote counts, July/Seph/Luxor are going to take care of it. All you have to do is vote ^o^
I don't think you should have gotten an alignment read from what I said Zen, what I said wouldn't have changed for either alignment. I'm not answering your question because it could be used in speculation about my role.
Now this is interesting. Tell me Summoner, are you putting thought into anything you say? This post right here is balogna (Just got done watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs so food seems to be on my mind O_O).

You're not answering if you had thoughts about if bomb should claim before I asked you because it could used for speculation about your role?? For one, not really. By this I assume you are saying that the bomb would have thought about it, but a regular townie wouldn't have? This is not the case at all. So far it has been brought up and commented on by at least 4 people, and I would think I'm not the only one who actually thinks about how we can best win this game. It even shows in BIM3 that both townies, bombs, and scum had all shown consideration towards this. So for you to refuse to answer for the so called reason of it possibly outing you as bomb or townie is ridiculous. Second of all, this statement in itself causes more speculation than you answering the question would have ever done! This would be like someone saying "I don't want to talk out loud because I don't want people to know if I have a voice or not!" By saying the statement they are in fact revealing that they can speak and thus have a voice. Based on what you are attempting to prevent with this (speculation of your role), you are, in the very process creating it.

Now then what reasons would you do this for? Let's go through each of the possible roles you could be to find out.

1. Bomb. No bomb would ever say this if it was truly their belief that they should remain hidden. If they did, they would be as stupid as the kid who speaks out that he doesn't want people to know if he has a voice or not. Since there is no such person in existance as this kid, except for maybe Bunny from Powerpuff girls episode #45, you are not the bomb. No one is that stupid. Therefore, we can scratch that off.

2. Cop. Cop bringing attention to himself for no reason? No. Scratch that off.

3. Townie. This would be the most likely out of the town-aligned roles. But what reason would a townie have for hiding that he is townie? Townies need to be up front in this game. Trying to keep whether they are they can shoot or not would be ridiculously anti-town. That would screw with the biggest advantage we have over scum. Finding out who can't shoot is our most sure chance of outing scum. So for a townie to be shady over whether they can shoot or not is anti-logical/anti-BIM/anti-town. I'll leave it to the possibility that you are anti-logical so I wont fully discount it, but I think the fourth option is more likely.

4. Scum. We know that the bomb himself would never say such a thing as it simply brings attention that he could be bomb! Who would want the attention of being a bomb? Who would benefit from such speculation?

That's right, scum ^_^. As we know, two scum cannot shoot. So what's going to happen if one of them are found out not to be able to shoot? By then, they are screwed. Their only chance is to claim cop/bomb, get the real/Counter Claimer killed and spare them a day. So obviously it is the best interest of these two scummies to avoid being chosen to shoot as best as they can. And that's where your comment comes in to play.

Summoner: Hey I may be a bomb guys, I don't wan't scum to know.
Town Member: (Summoner might be bomb. I better not vote for him to shoot so that he isn't exposed :o)

Scum making a comment like this would wifoms town into keeping him off the shooting block. And if they are chosen to shoot/be shot they can claim bomb and be leik c i leik thats y i did nt wnt to anser tht cwestun erlier. Then town will shoot the counter claimer instead ^_^.

So let's sum this up. You are Not the bomb and Not cop. Which leaves two options for your role: Town with a lack of thinking capacity & Scum (Non-Godfather).

So what do we do to determine which of the two you are? Have you shoot of course n_n!


Shooter: Summoner
Shootee: Gova

July what happened to the vote counting :O???


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I go skiing for ONE DAY and I come back to all of this. Remind me not to have a life lol.

@Zen: The issue with voting is that everyone kind of has to be on board. Gova made a (surprisingly logical) post explaining how if everybody BUT X, Y, and Z votes, then X, Y, and Z get an *almost* free pass to avoiding hard stances, unless it's deliberately forced out of them. My scummy flip-flop came from reading that post and then noting that there are a few players who pretty much won't ever vote. I'm just not sure it will work without cooperation among the town- I feel Ryker/Gova/Kuz are scummy for being so hostile to the idea, or even the idea of merely experimenting with it. I don't really feel like they're putting town first.

Will post after church when I have all day to kill.
This is not true at all. There are only three people who are not voting (Ryker, Kuz, and Gova). Everyone else is for it. Pushing for the reads of three people isn't difficult. And obviously anyone who doesn't give reads at all are just being scummy. It's not like we have to force it out of them ~o^.

Them not voting simply limits their influence on who dies. Anyone who wants say into what goes on will place their vote. It's simple.

Your logic of us having to force reads out of them doesn't make any sense at all for why we shouldn't vote. The system is placed for two reasons: to determine who shoots/gets shot and for reads. Your focus is on the read part. Using your reasoning, if we don't have a vote system, then we will have to "force" reads from EVERYONE instead of just 3. So that reason really makes no sense.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

Shooter: Summoner
Shootee: Gova

July what happened to the vote counting :O???
I don't believe that anyone else has voted since we decided on this method for the votecount (as in me/Seph/Luxor handling it). People have voiced their opinion and scum picks but not in the form of "Vote:[name]". If anyone wants me to add their votes to the list they should please do so using the above formatting so there is no ambiguity about if you are voting or not.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I couldn't figure out how to make a table so this was the best way I could figure this out for now.

Votecount (8/14 for majority)
red- voted as lynch target
orange- voted as shooter
Green- voted without preference

Gova (1)- Zen
Sephiroths Masamune()-
SummonerAU (1)- Zen
-Vocal-() -


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Now this is interesting. Tell me Summoner, are you putting thought into anything you say? This post right here is balogna (Just got done watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs so food seems to be on my mind O_O).

You're not answering if you had thoughts about if bomb should claim before I asked you because it could used for speculation about your role?? For one, not really. By this I assume you are saying that the bomb would have thought about it, but a regular townie wouldn't have? This is not the case at all. So far it has been brought up and commented on by at least 4 people, and I would think I'm not the only one who actually thinks about how we can best win this game. It even shows in BIM3 that both townies, bombs, and scum had all shown consideration towards this. So for you to refuse to answer for the so called reason of it possibly outing you as bomb or townie is ridiculous. Second of all, this statement in itself causes more speculation than you answering the question would have ever done! This would be like someone saying "I don't want to talk out loud because I don't want people to know if I have a voice or not!" By saying the statement they are in fact revealing that they can speak and thus have a voice. Based on what you are attempting to prevent with this (speculation of your role), you are, in the very process creating it.
1) Agreed that Summoner saying, that he can't say anything is really inferring that he has an opinion on it but is choosing not to say, in his own words "it could be used in speculation about (his) role", but that itself leads to speculation anyways.

2) Agreed that everyone probably has thought about it at least a bit, either before or after it was actually brought up in discussion. Town bomb is a role that has a huge impact on this game. Town bomb obviously needs to think about his strategy. Town should be thinking about how to deal with there being town-aligned and scum-aligned non-shooting roles at least. Scum has a huge incentive to discover the bomb and get him lynched.

1. Bomb. No bomb would ever say this if it was truly their belief that they should remain hidden. If they did, they would be as stupid as the kid who speaks out that he doesn't want people to know if he has a voice or not. Since there is no such person in existance as this kid, except for maybe Bunny from Powerpuff girls episode #45, you are not the bomb. No one is that stupid. Therefore, we can scratch that off.

2. Cop. Cop bringing attention to himself for no reason? No. Scratch that off.
Agreed that it is really really unlikely that Summoner has a town power role.

3. Townie. This would be the most likely out of the town-aligned roles. But what reason would a townie have for hiding that he is townie? Townies need to be up front in this game. Trying to keep whether they are they can shoot or not would be ridiculously anti-town. That would screw with the biggest advantage we have over scum. Finding out who can't shoot is our most sure chance of outing scum. So for a townie to be shady over whether they can shoot or not is anti-logical/anti-BIM/anti-town. I'll leave it to the possibility that you are anti-logical so I wont fully discount it, but I think the fourth option is more likely.
I think this is more of an option than I get the feeling you do, because going along with the fact that he is probably not a town power role, I don't think he is the scum godfather because once again he just drew unnecessary attention to himself. But thats why I'm actually pretty impressed with the idea of having Summoner as shooter because if he can shoot, then he is much more likely to be town than scum godfather.

Tbh Summoner is not one of the top two scum picks I have toDay, but he's very much in the fuzzy area of people who have posted but are still quite null, and I would be fine with him as shooter but not lynch target. BSL and Luxor are still my top scum picks, so I would really like

Shootee: BSL

I want to see Luxor's post tomorrow, as right now I think him and Summoner are both good options for shooter. Need sleep, then I will think about shooter more.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Votecount (8/14 for majority)
red- voted as lynch target
orange- voted as shooter
Green- voted without preference

Gova (1)- Zen
Sephiroths Masamune()-
SummonerAU (1)- Zen
-Vocal-() -


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Yeah, you're right. wtf was I thinking. I blame a late night and posting within an hour of waking up. Idea was to keep it ambiguous so that I might take a NK or a maf cop investigation.

And your thoughts on what I just made on Summoner?
what's up with this? I've been invisible since I started playing mafia, so you couldn't have been posting like you'd seen me in the online viewers list, did you think I wouldn't address a post like that?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
That was @ July.

And omg what am I supposed to say to that o_O;

I was expecting for some sort of rebutal. lol

Unvote Summoner

Vote bsl shooter


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
No but seriously Gova stop reading games you're not even in and post. Why do people join games if they aren't going to participate?


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Whoops forgot bolding. Don't think it'd be necessary since the system isn't even official but just in case:

Vote BSL


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Oh, hey guys.

Is delv not against voting? I could've sworn he said he was.

Delv, gova, ryker and kuz are possible scum since theyre against the votingc, but I doubt all 3 are there. Too bog of a connection. Obviously delv shouldn't be there if he isn't against the voting.

And zen brings up a nice point about summoner. It's plausible.

And Luxor for backing down on voting support for whatever pseudomajority/plurality are for. It's kind of like my response to ryker's hypothetical situation where I didn't know what to do. I understand thatmine wasn't a good response, but IMO this is much worse.

Zen, this please.

Why does everyone keep ignoring me?


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
No preference. That's why I voted in green, it's the color July is using for those votes.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I felt that Summoner didn't really give any insights early game, except for a quick comment about Sworddancer, he usually asked questions of others more than he offered his own insights.


Yeah, you're right. wtf was I thinking. I blame a late night and posting within an hour of waking up. Idea was to keep it ambiguous so that I might take a NK or a maf cop investigation.
I'm going to assume that this is a claim. If this is correct, then I would have preferred that you waited until you were forced by the town to shoot someone.

I think July is town. I haven't really noticed much from BSL's posts, but his later posts seem a little off. After SUmmoner's latest post, I would rather BSL tried to shoot instead of Summoner.

I would like to see Kuz's thoughts on the situation.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2009
Frame data threads o.0
because scum knowing who the bomb is with the GF around is bad. We want to deny scum as much knowledge about it as possible. If you ask me if they should claim after the GF dies, I'm going to say "it depends on the situation".

Why are you asking this Zen, it isn't getting us anywhere. The only reasons I can see for asking me this string of questions is to see if I've actually thought about the game (which shouldn't be an alignment read) or you're trying to make some point about what I said to Seph by giving me reads off what I've said which shouldn't give you any alignment reads because the things I said were straight up numbers.
First thing wrong here is that bombs should never claim (it's too easy for skum to say "hai guyz i'm a bomb don't shoot me k?", I believe), but the second part is more interesting. Personally I'm not a fan of how he brings up the idea that Zen is trying to get an alignment read- to me he seems rather paranoid about the idea, seeing things that aren't there.

(For you viewers at home thinking the comments I make on other posts focus on the strangest things, I blame high school English classes and learning how to analyze writers' style and whatnot)

Kuz is scummy
I'm definitely intrigued by Kuz's play as well. Every game I've seen him in, he starts out energetic and jovial-seeming. Then again I've seen him in a couple of games and one of the times he was all smiley he was scum, but even so.

I felt that Summoner didn't really give any insights early game, except for a quick comment about Sworddancer, he usually asked questions of others more than he offered his own insights.


I'm going to assume that this is a claim. If this is correct, then I would have preferred that you waited until you were forced by the town to shoot someone.

I think July is town. I haven't really noticed much from BSL's posts, but his later posts seem a little off. After SUmmoner's latest post, I would rather BSL tried to shoot instead of Summoner.

I would like to see Kuz's thoughts on the situation.
I would also like to hear what sounds off about BSL to you. Personally, though, I'm liking Summoner less as time goes on.

...There's not a lot in this post, but eh. I need to read in more detail, expect another post in like an hour.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
lotta stuff to read.

about to get on a layover to new york. will post after i finally get home.

Then again I've seen him in a couple of games and one of the times he was all smiley he was scum, but even so.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Oh wow. That's a hell of a scum tell right there.
Are you saying that I've commited a scum tell, or are you just being sarcastic about the scumtell I used?

If you're just being sarcastic, think of it this way (and this goes out to everyone who doubts my scumread on Kuz): It shows that Kuz came into this game ready for a fight, but not ready to scumhunt.

@Clown: Please don't just dismiss my attack on Kuz as simple OMGUS. Yes I know I'm attacking him after he attacked me but I'm trying to be unbiased here about it and I'm legit getting scummy vibes from Kuz early posts.

Also Clown, tell me you're thoughts on this statment:

Me said:
Kuz seems to be trying to garner support here, but in the wrong way. It's kinda hard to explain, but something feels scummy about the whole "oh, well, we might disagree, but at least you're doing it better than scummy player x over there!" thing that Kuz pulls here. It's like he's trying to make me a common enemy between him and Luxor.
Specifically, how do you feel about the part where I say" something feels scummy about the whole "oh, well, we might disagree, but at least you're doing it better than scummy player x over there!" thing that Kuz pulls here." Would you agree/disagree with that statment by itself? Why?

@Zen: In regaurds to your 306:

shoot my ****- pretty much just telling my thoughts

It was semi-random in the sense that I randomly picked out of a pool of people, but I was biased when making the pool itself (the pool was only made of active person).

@Smar: Backseat in the sense that you weren't really having your own conversations with anyone for awhile, instead you were just kind of commentating on other conversations. I saw you generally doing this in the 200-300 (maybe a litte less) range.

However, I withdraw this comment, as I see you doing that now.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
So, in an attempt to validate your scum read on me, you are dismissing everything I have done early game as looking for a fight instead of scumhunting?

Keep reachin' there broski.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2009
Frame data threads o.0
Too lazy and tired to do anything besides comment on a few quick things.

Clownbot, 16 posts. Most of them are saying something along the lines of "I don't like BSL," yet as far as I see you never provide any reasoning for why. Just something that came up during a closer reading of the thread. An explanatory post would be appreciated.

Kirbyoshi has 5 posts, zero content. He's as inactive as Vocal is at this point; at least Kuz has an excuse.

Speaking of Kuz, I'm actually going back to a null read on him. He has been aggressive and done some bizarre things ("I intentionally WIFOMd the possibility that I was scum twice in an attempt to make you think I was not scum?"), but he's given some logic too, regarding votecounts and bombs and stuff. Would dig up post numbers but meh.

@Sephiroth: Who do you think is scum at this point? I appreciate your work towards setting up votecounts bla bla etcetera, but I haven't seen you take any real stances on anyone. It's totally plausible that you're scum riding a "false activity wave," as votecount critics feared would happen. Voting may be fine and all, but I'm not going to let you slide through this game without some hard content.

Blitzcrank/SummonerAU hasn't said a whole lot of meaningful junk either.

BSL's every post is full of fluff, and I'd be cool with a 'bandwagon' on him.

July is cool and stuff.

Zen/Ryker/Sworddancer/Delvro all merit a closer reading at this point IMO.

@Clownbot/Kirbyoshi/Sephiroth/Summoner/BSL: make some hard stances and post some meaningful content

It's hard to read everybody when they're not saying anything. This isn't poker, you have to show a card or two.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
@Sword: from my POV it's probably the most valid thing about your case on him actually, I don't think it's that strong though.

Luxor I said why I didn't like BSL already. It's at the top of this page (40 ppp), #321.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah, you're right. wtf was I thinking. I blame a late night and posting within an hour of waking up. Idea was to keep it ambiguous so that I might take a NK or a maf cop investigation.

what's up with this? I've been invisible since I started playing mafia, so you couldn't have been posting like you'd seen me in the online viewers list, did you think I wouldn't address a post like that?
This is a really interesting response, like...Summoner is definitely not null to me but I'm still not sure what to think about him. I've asked him a couple questions about players such as BSL, and he's been pretty responsive which makes me feel a little better about him. Which leads to my next point, Luxor's post.

@Clownbot/Kirbyoshi/Sephiroth/Summoner/BSL: make some hard stances and post some meaningful content

It's hard to read everybody when they're not saying anything. This isn't poker, you have to show a card or two.
I agree that getting reads from people has been pretty hard so far. We know that Vocal is v/la and not having reads from him does hurt, but it hurts even more when we haven't heard any stances from Kirbyoshi, we've heard very little from Gova on recent developments, and it took a long time to get any stances from BSL, and I'm still waiting for some hard stances from him.

BSL, you say Gova, Delvro, Ryker, and Kuz are all possible scum, Zen's point on Summoner is plausible, and Luxor is possible, yes? Who of Gova/Delvro/Ryker/Kuz (those against voting) do you find the most scummy and why?

Gova, what do you think about the conversation that happened between Zen and Summoner about town bomb?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Delv, gova, ryker and kuz are possible scum since theyre against the votingc, but I doubt all 3 are there. Too bog of a connection. Obviously delv shouldn't be there if he isn't against the voting.
How is being against the voting scummy? Is it just being agianst the voting or is it the reactions/responses to the people who are for voting? Does having a different opinion make someone scum to you? What about people who just dismiss others opinions as wrong?

Gova, what do you think about the conversation that happened between Zen and Summoner about town bomb?
Definitely scummy on Summoners part. That part being where it didn't seem like he wanted Zen to get a read off of him based on that question. I would be ok with him dying.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Oh, hey guys.

Is delv not against voting? I could've sworn he said he was.

Delv, gova, ryker and kuz are possible scum since theyre against the votingc, but I doubt all 3 are there. Too bog of a connection. Obviously delv shouldn't be there if he isn't against the voting.

And zen brings up a nice point about summoner. It's plausible.

And Luxor for backing down on voting support for whatever pseudomajority/plurality are for. It's kind of like my response to ryker's hypothetical situation where I didn't know what to do. I understand thatmine wasn't a good response, but IMO this is much worse.

Zen, this please.

Why does everyone keep ignoring me?
Yes, you did:
i'd say quickshooting is still pretty damn scummy. if it was a 100% confirmation that shooting makes you town, then it isnt scummy. but there is a chance that a mafia member is the quickshooter.

so yeah, odds are that a shooter is town, but since it directly hurts town, no town member would do it, and therefore the quickshooter is scum.

not saying its a 100% scum tell, but more often than not, i would think a quickshooter is scum.

While you can still force stances with a vote count, why waste the time and effort keep tracking of it. My arguement is basically we can do this stuff without a vote count so lets not waste time and effort keeping track of it while yours imo is we can do this stuff with a vote count so whats the harm in adding one?

1. Townies are lazy. I'm just going to cite myself in NBC and oh guess what you too from NBC.
2. Guess what, if isn't broken don't fix it. If BIM needed a vote count there would be one. It's been played so many times that mods would have added in a vote count if it needed one.
3. BIM3 is full of vets who are way better than us at this game and they failed at it. Their mistake was that they were lazy in keeping track of it. Can you guarantee everyone will not be lazy in this game? You can't and it is bound to fail.

You aren't taking it to square 2. This is a circular arguement and nothing will be accomplished. You simply stating why we should have a vote count while I am simply stating why we should not have one. Drop this now.


Nice wifom. Quickshooting is not scummy, it is anti-town. Townies are more likely to shoot because they think they have caught scum. Scum really have no reason to shoot other than to save themselves which they can't agianst quickshots.
You acknowledge that a shooter is more likely town, but you go ahead with reasoning that quickshooters are scum anyway.
Then Gova says that they are most likely town and then you're like oh that's right and completely change your view. So basically you're scum. Are you good with shooting Gova? You're certainly making the shot today.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Luxor: What game was Kuz all smiley and was scum?

Gova: Is that really all you have to say? You're not going to respond to anything I've said against you?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Show me how I've been illogical and explain how asking you if you were godfather is buddying you or w/e term you used to describe it.
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