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Bad Idea Mafia 4! Game Over, Scum Wins!

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I was refuting your point, clearly.
But you did no such thing. You said that egocentric people like me are the reason it failed. I said that I'm not the only one who won't realize they aren't scum and act on it. You changed the topic to my ego, which I appreciate, but doesn't refute my point. In fact, my point is irrefutable because it is an opinion on what will happen in the future.

I repeat, you had no reason to make that post.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
because they could potential avoid getting shot and taking a townie down with them instead of actually getting shot and taking a townie down with them. If the GF wants to shot them and kill 3 townies, we can then kill the godfather (which is a good trade imo). If a scum member fake claims Bomb, the bomb knows that person is scum and can push them for the shot or counterclaim (both are pretty much the same thing lol) and then it comes down to who you believe more (which will probably be against the original claimer). If a scum fake counterclaims, we get a scum for 3 townies (which isn't as good as I would hope, but it's better than losing two townies and not claiming bomb).
So then why should he/she wait to claim after being pressured as opposed to just claiming now ~.^?
im not. any more questions? lol, but seriously, do you think im scum? why?
Yes. You're being very iffy. I don't know who you think is scum. And I think you were trying to distance yourself from your scumbuddy Vocal by acting like you didn't know he was in the game. It was quite obvious that x1 was excusing him for whatever reason. Why would you care to know if he has confirmed or not?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
what am i being iffy about?

how is asking about vocal distancing at all, anyway? i didnt know he was in the game, i havent looked at the player list. i rarely do. this is only the second game i play with vocal, iirc, so i was excited.

i was curious about whether or not he had confirmed, nothing more, nothing less. if X


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
But you did no such thing. You said that egocentric people like me are the reason it failed. I said that I'm not the only one who won't realize they aren't scum and act on it. You changed the topic to my ego, which I appreciate, but doesn't refute my point. In fact, my point is irrefutable because it is an opinion on what will happen in the future.

I repeat, you had no reason to make that post.
What? You claimed I was leading town down oblivion or something and then I refuted, saying you were, not I.

You are the only one who is playing this way. Everyone else is in agreement. (Gova, Delvro, and Kuz haven't posted since, but I assume Kuz will side with reason. Gova idk. Delvro is probably lone as well. But everyone else is set. You're the only one posting who feels the need to go against everything.)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
if X1 said i couldnt know, i wouldnt care.

Iffy as in you were so easily convinsed that shooters weren't likely scum, even though you had already acknowledged that reasoning in your post before. Also another thing you did when Ryker was like zen what do you think of this. Need to look back though.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
oh that, i can tell you what it was. i didnt know what to do for one of his hypothetical situations.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Zen, I am going to do it. You acknowledge that and yet you persist in trying to lead town down a road that I've sabotaged. You'd think you would change directions.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
bye zen!!

dont forget to clear things up in the morning.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
because scum knowing who the bomb is with the GF around is bad. We want to deny scum as much knowledge about it as possible. If you ask me if they should claim after the GF dies, I'm going to say "it depends on the situation".

Why are you asking this Zen, it isn't getting us anywhere. The only reasons I can see for asking me this string of questions is to see if I've actually thought about the game (which shouldn't be an alignment read) or you're trying to make some point about what I said to Seph by giving me reads off what I've said which shouldn't give you any alignment reads because the things I said were straight up numbers.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Okay, I'm going to go on and shoot my **** and tell that my number 1 scum pick is Kuz.

mmmmmmmhm, explain why they don't.

Could it be the fact that I intentionally WIFOMd the possibility that I was scum twice in an attempt to make you think I was not scum?

Yeah, I bet that was it.

Nice way to skip everything I actually said and just focus on the fluff. Now tell me Swordscumder. Why have you continued to implement the stupid voting system when I myself just explained why it was dumb. If you were going to be stubborn about it, you could have at least tackled my points and tried to show me that voting was actually the best solution. Instead, you summarily dismiss my argument by focusing on the unimportant sentences and try to make it seem as if you are scum hunting. Sound about right?

If I actually believed in voting, I would be voting you right now.
Here, Kuz takes an unneccessarily rough position against me. All I did my previous post was call him out for two lines in his post that bugged me. Instead of asking for clarification as to why I called him out, he immediatly jumped to the other side of the fence, accusing me of being scum. Note how he leaves no room for me to be protrayed positively. He accuses me of focusing on fluff, but even if I did respond to every single part of his post, I would still be classified as "stubborn."

In short, my post did not call for such a response.

Because, if you had actually read anything I just wrote, QUICKSHOOTING LOSES THE GAME FOR TOWN. Just letting you know, I plan to be the one *****ing about the system until you yourself can convince me otherwise.

As if this post was not apparent enough that all his analysis is full of air and circular conclusions.
A bit more of the same from above.

Thats cute. At least you tried to attack my logic in some way, better than scumdancer over there.

Call me back when you can convince everyone to avidly keep up with the votecount and can successfully police everyone into not lulling behind on said votecount. All it takes is a few people to become lazy with the system and the whole things falls apart and it gives people an excuse to seem pro-town by tallying votecounts. We don't need fake contribution like that.

I am surprised. Your actual post made more sense, why tl;dr it into something full of bull? If, at this moment, I said "oh hey, luxor you're right, I will start using the votecount" I would be cooperating and you would still call me scum because I went against one of my convictions. On the other hand, if I don't cooperate I will be called anti-town for not going with the popular option that is incorrectly perceived by many as the correct option.
Kuz seems to be trying to garner support here, but in the wrong way. It's kinda hard to explain, but something feels scummy about the whole "oh, well, we might disagree, but at least you're doing it better than scummy player x over there!" thing that Kuz pulls here. It's like he's trying to make me a common enemy between him and Luxor.

All it takes it three people for the system to not work.

"But Kuz, then we can just quickshoot the three people who are not cooperating"

Three townie deaths equal an endgame if we're all town. Not saying that me gova and delvro are all town though, just saying the mechanics behind it are thus. Or maybe I am saying they are all town. Yeah, probably that.

Scummies shooting scummies is an amazing strategy. If we know someone is obvtown and he shoots, then we just learn he is more obvtown while finding out the alignment of the other person who died. If a scummy shoots a scummy, we find out both of their alignement more or less (as the shooter either shoots, or claims a pr; or is the scum gf is we are unlucky.)

Anyone else notice swords using the same fake analysis over and over again? And Gova actually phrased in quite nicely (I was suprised). Quickshooting is not scummy, as it gives you like a 8:1 ratio that you're town, but its anti-town in that fact that it messes up games.
Most of this post is just an analysis. However, what bugs me about is how Kuz asks others if they noticed me doing a fake anaylsis. If he thinks I've been doing a fake anaylsis, then he should point it out himself. He shouldn't just subtly poke at this subject to see if it's okay to go after (which I kind of see him doing here).

So yeah, in summary, I feel Kuz is the scummiest person right now because he has came into this game being unnecessarily antagonistic. His play also feels off in the sense that he's trying to garner support but in the wrong ways ("you're play is better than his play," and "has anyone else noticed him doing this?").


Zen, forgive me if I missed it but what leads you to the conclusion that Gova is scummy? How have you've differentiated that this is scum Gova and not just stubborn town Gova? Summoner already asked Seph this question, but I want your response to it.

July, some have said to you this game that you're obv. town, but if you ask me you're playing a pretty "backseat" game so far. Tell me, what are you're thoughts on (and this is a semi-random pick) Ryker?

Off to my tourny now.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Reading through, missed a LOT of stuff while I was sleeping. Will probably post as I continue.

FYI, **** you guys. I'll quickshoot my scumspect if you try and shoot Gova or Kuz with what you have so far.
Dude, Zen is the only one talking about them being scum so far. And do you seriously think the entire scumteam is going to push for the same idea so hard?

Ryker should probably not be shot if he goes against the lynch. It's just an ******* tell and he's most likely not scum if he's able to shoot. At the very least we should not quickshoot. Seph, that's just as anti-town as what Ryker would do.

About midway through Page 6 now.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009

Seph, bsl, and Clown. Ensure that Ryker is shot tomorrow if he is to shoot me. And then continue with the plan.
I will not quickshoot under any circumstances. I probably also won't end up shooting Ryker, but why are you worried about him shooting you? He said literally a couple posts up that he felt better shooting Luxor or Dancer.

Almost done. Onto Page 8!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Sworddancer, most of that case doesn't really point out anything scummy about Kuz. I sarcastically agree with what Ryker sarcastically said about your summation, and a lot of it just looks like OMGUS.

Rephrase that.

Also, give me your scum picks.
Every one of them started out the game agreeing with and pushing for the idea. Luxor has lightened up about it recently.

For scum picks I still don't like BSL. We need to hear way more from Kirbyo. Delvro too. But especially Kirbyo.

You said BSL could go. Would you replace one of your Luxor-Sword-Zen scumteam with him?

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
Sworddancer, most of that case doesn't really point out anything scummy about Kuz. I sarcastically agree with what Ryker sarcastically said about your summation, and a lot of it just looks like OMGUS.

Every one of them started out the game agreeing with and pushing for the idea. Luxor has lightened up about it recently.

For scum picks I still don't like BSL. We need to hear way more from Kirbyo. Delvro too. But especially Kirbyo.

You said BSL could go. Would you replace one of your Luxor-Sword-Zen scumteam with him?

Maybe one of them. Ask me again later, okay?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
because scum knowing who the bomb is with the GF around is bad. We want to deny scum as much knowledge about it as possible. If you ask me if they should claim after the GF dies, I'm going to say "it depends on the situation".

Why are you asking this Zen, it isn't getting us anywhere.The only reasons I can see for asking me this string of questions is to see if I've actually thought about the game (which shouldn't be an alignment read) or you're trying to make some point about what I said to Seph by giving me reads off what I've said which shouldn't give you any alignment reads because the things I said were straight up numbers.
This is aboutg the third time you've stated something as getting us no where. Quit attempting to shut people down. That's what really get's us no where. As for why I asked, I was curious about your thought process. And yes, it is indication of your alignment.

Your answer is wrong btw. There's only one reason why bomb shouldn't claim, and that's not it.

btw was this your reasoning before I asked you? Or did you not think about it until I did ask you?

Okay, I'm going to go on and shoot my ****
What does this mean?
Zen, forgive me if I missed it but what leads you to the conclusion that Gova is scummy? How have you've differentiated that this is scum Gova and not just stubborn town Gova? Summoner already asked Seph this question, but I want your response to it.
July, some have said to you this game that you're obv. town, but if you ask me you're playing a pretty "backseat" game so far. Tell me, what are you're thoughts on (and this is a semi-random pick) Ryker?
Semi-Random? Can you explain?

I will not quickshoot under any circumstances.
Reread my #169. Unless we establish this rule, we can never create a stable system. The quickshooter must be shot within 24 hours while they are in cool down.
I probably also won't end up shooting Ryker, but why are you worried about him shooting you? He said literally a couple posts up that he felt better shooting Luxor or Dancer.
The post above said he reckons he would shoot me then or something. Is that not what that means? I have difficulty understanding half of what Ryker implies.

Anyways. Who would you say is scum, if you had to choose right now?

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
**** your stable system, just be right about your scum picks and act decisively when the time comes to act. I mean, if you have any confidence, then simply convince me that you're right and I'll pull the trigger if need be. They won't be shooting anyone if they aren't godfather and I feel that I can distinguish between godfather and disgruntled town, so I WELCOME that shot. That means you simply have to convince town shooters that you're right so they don't usurp you. Do you think you are good enough to do that Zen?

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
Good enough for me.

BSL or Sworddancer today.

Going to a smashfest. Probably will be gone till whenever I wake up from my coma on Sunday.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Activity level (& content level):

1.) th3kuzinator =]
2.) Kirbyoshi =]
3.) Gova =]
4.) Zen
5.) Clownbot =]
6.) Ryker
7.) BSL =]
8.) Luxor =]
9.) Sephiroths Masamune =]
10.) SummonerAU =]
11.) Delvro =]
12.) -Vocal- =]
13.) Sworddancer =]
14.) July =]

Grouped ( no particular order)

4.) Zen
6.) Ryker
7.) BSL =]
9.) Sephiroths Masamune =]
13.) Sworddancer =]
14.) July =]
5.) Clownbot =]
10.) SummonerAU =]
1.) th3kuzinator =]
3.) Gova =]
8.) Luxor =]
2.) Kirbyoshi =]
11.) Delvro =]
12.) -Vocal- =]

Delvro should not be allowed to slide by this game as he had in Celebrity. Gova shouldn't be allowed to go through his inactivity spurts either. Inactives seriously need to pressured and die this game. We can't afford inactivity this game at all.

I would laugh if the three in the red were scum. But that can't be since Gova isn't in there.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Reread my #169. Unless we establish this rule, we can never create a stable system. The quickshooter must be shot within 24 hours while they are in cool down. The post above said he reckons he would shoot me then or something. Is that not what that means? I have difficulty understanding half of what Ryker implies.

Anyways. Who would you say is scum, if you had to choose right now?
What, do you want me to put together a team? Top scum pick right now is probs BSL. Kuz is still null as well as Kirbyo and Delvro. I don't feel as bad about Sword as it seems others are but I'm not a fan of his last post.

A lot of people are leaning town to me right now. I think that's a good thing. I hope it is.

Zen, are you going to say what you think is the only reason Bomb shouldn't claim? I don't see a problem with Summoner's response, I think it pretty much fits with what Sword said about why the bomb shouldn't claim when he answered my question about it.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Oh wow, I forgot Vocal was still in this and thought he was replaced lol. Yeah, we def. need to hear more from him.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
What, do you want me to put together a team? Top scum pick right now is probs BSL. Kuz is still null as well as Kirbyo and Delvro. I don't feel as bad about Sword as it seems others are but I'm not a fan of his last post.

A lot of people are leaning town to me right now. I think that's a good thing. I hope it is.

Zen, are you going to say what you think is the only reason Bomb shouldn't claim? I don't see a problem with Summoner's response, I think it pretty much fits with what Sword said about why the bomb shouldn't claim when he answered my question about it.
What didn't you like about his latest response?

Swords' response is the common answer. Nothing bad about it. It's just the wrong reasoning. Scum likely doesn't know either, so I'd rather not say. It's not a big deal though and I will share if it becomes an issue which it shouldn't. There's no advantage about it, only to scum if they know or not.

Oh wow, I forgot Vocal was still in this and thought he was replaced lol. Yeah, we def. need to hear more from him.
He's V/LA


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Also, what is your activity level list based on? Number of posts? The ranking of some people on there has me kind of puzzled.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Mainly it was BSL's high ranking, initially (then I found out he has the 4th-highest post count in the game which kind of surprises me in itself). There's also Luxor being in the red.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Wow... I can't believe that we have 100 posts in a row talking about whether or not to quickshoot. Quickshooting. Is. Horrible...... duh (town bomb makes it even worse).

Zen, I find it annoying that you lump me in with Ryker on this topic. I specifically said that scummies should shoot scummies. That inherently means that I'm against quickshooting because every townie knows that he is town.

Also Zen. I'm not going on some kind of anti-voting charade. I simply don't feel like copy pasting a bunch of stuff every time I make a "vote". I want to give my scum suspects at least two at a time, one who will shoot and one will get shot. That would require two votes.
In general, I like the way you ruffle things around, but You're making a lot of aggressive statements toward people for things that aren't really all that scummy. Stop nitpicking.

Ryker, I've seen you play vigilante roles in mafia games before. So do you mind if I politely make a request of you? Please don't shoot anyone. Ever. It's a waste of a good read.

If I had to end the day now, I would want to see Summoner shoot Luxor. Everything they say reeks of scum. I didn't think Kuz was scummy, but Swords's post made me suspicious. Maybe Kuz could shoot Luxor instead, Either one.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I don't think you should have gotten an alignment read from what I said Zen, what I said wouldn't have changed for either alignment. I'm not answering your question because it could be used in speculation about my role.
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