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Attention Florida Peeps

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Yes, you aren't educated at the matter at hand. Sure, you an Lionel an Dguy and maybe a few others strongly believe that Darin is the better Luigi...

But me and probably most of FL agree that I have the stronger Luigi.
Our play styles differ, an Darin knows how much I respect him. But just wait and listen, and you will hear FL speak...
I like that "probably" thrown in there... hahaha. you're a funny guy, Polmex. I'm listening.

Darin himself told me he plays against you all the time so talk to him on behalf of that.
we've played maybe 4 times on wifi...and at one smash fest. We don't play that much at all..

I wasn't going to respond like this, but saying you "highly doubt ever will be" is absolutely disrespectful.
Maybe I crossed the line calling you ignorant, but that sir is just flat out disrespect.

Who the **** are you to say that? Your entitled to your own **** opinion, and I guess I respect it. But you can kiss my *** for all I care.

Well, honestly, I don't respect you. I think you're a mediocre player who runs his mouth a lot and thinks he's quite a bit better than he actually is. So if I sound disrespectful...it's because I am.

Im not going to post further because this has gotten so stupid.
that's cool. All I did was argue with you calling yourself the best, and you started running your mouth about it. That shows obvious immaturity and cockiness that i can't really reconcile. If you don't want to respond to this, then please don't. I am just calling you out on saying that...using quite a bit of assumption to "prove" it. You're not that good. get over it.

And Dguy you saying "So and so isn't the best character main in the state just because they are your friend"

Oh really...

Why would we post just on our own personal bias?
Most are smart here and post on results and actual experience, unlike some,
Oh, just like you.
um...yeah...DGuy is arguing based on experience and results... what exactly have you accomplished that's worth two cents?

If you didn't know Monk is the better Mario, and its been proven. Just because you haven't seen him or been around then its not my fault.
When has this exactly been "proven"?
Don't get me wrong. i think monk is a great guy. I have nothing against him. I posted an opinion, and you called me uneducated...that doesn't exactly fly well. again, what has Monk done, exactly, to "prove" that he's a better Mario?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
isnt polmex saying that monk is the best mario the exact same thing as dguy/fenrir saying angrylobster is the best mario? which is, saying hes the best cause hes your friend? just thought i'd point that out.

If monk went to tourneys, id think he would place as well if not higher than angry lobster. And tourney placings..whens the last time angrylobster WENT to a tourney. At least monk goes to tourneys near him

Ive watched both angry and monk, and from those alone i personally think monk is the better mario player. Thats my opinion, and its not based on friendship cause i dont know monk nor angrylobster outside of seeing them at a tourney. Its based on who i think looks like the best player.

but not like it matters anyway. being the best of a certain character in your state isnt gonna pay for your tourney entries. thats why i dont care who you all think is the best diddy, because me and lee help each other out so we eventually make moneyz. speaking of which, where has lee been? =(


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Darin is very modest, but he's better than you.

Why would we post just on our own personal bias?
Most are smart here and post on results and actual experience, unlike some,
Most of you guys are smart? HAHA. 90% of the people with 2008 join dates in florida are some of the dumbest and most ignorant people I have ever seen. Why would you guys post on personal bias? See the previous text.

Oh, just like you.
Please don't compare myself to you guys.

If you didn't know Monk is the better Mario, and its been proven. Just because you haven't seen him or been around then its not my fault.
It's been proven? Tell me when this happened, because neither myself nor AL were at some "Let's find out if Monk is better than AL or not contest". How many tourneys has Monk even placed "well" in? Name some good people he has beaten. They aren't even in the same league. AL's accomplishments are far and away better than Monk's, I guarantee it.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
isnt polmex saying that monk is the best mario the exact same thing as dguy/fenrir saying angrylobster is the best mario? which is, saying hes the best cause hes your friend? just thought i'd point that out.
Angry Lobster is my crewmate, but it has nothing to do with this discussion. Angry Lobster places better and beats better people than Monk does. Please excuse Matt for missing ONE tournament.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
When I played Col Bol in the second gigs for brawl thats exactly what me and Galuda thought lol.

Btw whoever is the best Toon Link they really aren't significantly better than the rest at least from what I see in placings so far, and it doesn't matter anyways, what matters is the best of all of the people in the state! Honestly theres only like 3 Toon Link mains that go to tournaments lol I don't think theres that much pride in being the best out of like 3 players that use that one character, now someone who is better than like who knows how many brawl players are in FL, now thats something to talk about.

Just my opinion.
And GMM wins the thread by being the only one that isn't ********. A great accomplishment? Not really, but at least he isn't ********.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central


GodMeowMix is atleast the sexiest mother fuker to ever play TL an who will ever play TL cuz no one can match that much sexy.


Oh now here it is JOHNNY!, here it is!!!

EVERY1 listen now

Im going to tell Mr. Fenrir pretty much honestly that, wow, where do i start.
Oh i wont preach, no i wont.

"Well, honestly, I don't respect you. I think you're a mediocre player who runs his mouth a lot and thinks he's quite a bit better than he actually is. So if I sound disrespectful...it's because I am."

"that's cool. All I did was argue with you calling yourself the best, and you started running your mouth about it. That shows obvious immaturity and cockiness that i can't really reconcile. If you don't want to respond to this, then please don't. I am just calling you out on saying that...using quite a bit of assumption to "prove" it. You're not that good. get over it."

Ok, let me say this.

It seems clear that you
Must BLOW so much **** because you lost to me, a MEDIOCRE ****ing player, aint that right, Mr. Fenrir.

Of all the people you could have lost to, you, my gay friend, lost to me.

Im sorry I offended you, but, from now on I want you to know this.

If me an you attend the same tourney one day, I will not speak to you. I will not look at or acknowledge you and may GOD ****ING BLESS YOU IM Not paired against you in singles in doubles because i will beat your ****ing ***

Dont believe me , well go **** yourself and PRAY TO god that we dont have to meet cuz you crossed that lil line that seperates me from ripping out your ****ing heart.

Your a ****ing disgrace, basically crying about you losing. This is what it is, an Your to ****ing ignorant, immature and stupid to realize that is why you , have a pre determined disrespect towards me WHILE I GAVE YOU UPMOST RESPECT AN PROPS. Go stab yourself in the ****ing crotch your 2 faced *****


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
I'm not even going to get into this "discussion"...

I know who is who, but I'd rather not have to argue my points...

Man, reading this after coming home from class makes me want to shut off my computer...

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
You're a funny one. This is quite entertaining.

I was wondering when you'd respond with "I beat you"... well congratulations. you won a 7-3 match. : ) I'm so proud of you.

Fyi, darin 2 stocked my Fox in basically all but one match at my recent fest... so there you go. Your huge point here...completely gone.

I will CP against Darin. I could have against you, but I didn't want to...

: )

That's not me crying. you beat my Fox. congratulations, my excitable acquaintance. congratulations.

If I honestly made you that mad on the forums. I must be better than I thought. : )
I mean honestly...you're self-conscious enough so that one person says you're not as good as you think you are...and you lose it? hahaha. good one.
You call me immature, but I'm not the one typing in a large font going crazy over somebody not agreeing with you. So...yeah, I think I made my point.

If you don't want to talk to me...cool. I really don't like hearing you run your mouth anyway. If you don't want to look at me...that's cool too. I'm not that much to look at, and I don't yearn for other guy's gazes anyway.

And if we get put into brackets...we get put into brackets. I'm not worried. Here's a tip, I'll probably go Fox again so you can have a chance to win your 7-3 match again...and then run your mouth about it. good luck to you. : )

good day


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
sometimes things just get too intense.
realize that it's a game that's played competitively.
any game that gets competitive can lead to having a huge ego.

if someone loses, they lose.
the point is if you win, that's what you aimed for.
aiming to lose is flat out ********.

i really think that taking it to a physical level is purely crap and stooping down to a level in which no one should be.

unless you mm'd someone and they didn't give you your money for it.

other than that, reduce the arguing. :(
it's making me... /suicide.

RESPAWN IN 5...4...3...2...1...


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
The hahahahaha was put in before the whole post so it brings a sarcastic feel to it, but, u didnt catch that.
Ugh, yea.

I aint really pissed, your just stupid an you think your smart. Im glad of your confidence on being smart. I dont remember running my mouth about the match, but I know your mad about it.

Like i said, were not going to be put into the same brackets, cuz i am serious about the *** kicking part. I hope you know Ninjitsu or somthin, youll need it next gigs.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
aye flatsoda get a ride up here man for this sat, HULk green baby hulk green xD
i'll try to scrap up some money, i'm short of it.

but i'm willing to sell some of my game boys, maybe my rare ones.
i do have 15+ game boys lol.

and i'd need a team partner, et cetera.
a ride.

fffffffff, but if i miss out go to PnT 10/4

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
The hahahahaha was put in before the whole post so it brings a sarcastic feel to it, but, u didnt catch that.
Ugh, yea.

I aint really pissed, your just stupid an you think your smart. Im glad of your confidence on being smart. I dont remember running my mouth about the match, but I know your mad about it.

Like i said, were not going to be put into the same brackets, cuz i am serious about the *** kicking part. I hope you know Ninjitsu or somthin, youll need it next gigs.
I'm mad about it? actually, I don't really care. see...tournaments are just tournaments...I go to hang out with people. how I actually do doesn't really matter to me. I got the most mad at hungrybox for running his mouth about things he doesn't know. I didn't get mad at a match. Add to that the fact that i got my money back from teams winnings...and I was sitting happy.

At the end of the day, it's a video game...

I also never said I'm smart. but thanks for the compliment. : )

and you can threaten me all you want. : ) whatever makes you feel good about yourself. have fun.

I'm done for now...this has gotten kinda boring. Thanks for the entertainment, though.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
I think I have the best G&W, now that I have a Wii to practice on. xYz's Gdubs is ballin' too. Izzy and Chicken are good too. I haven't seen GDX' latey though.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Im really scared of Zergum if hes big an black...

Where i played football most of my team was black, an yet even though i had the pleasure of beating them in Madden, there was a couple that would always run my *** over or handle me. Juju, Johnny, Dre, Orhian, or Mandrake....**** they hit hard xD.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I think I have the best G&W, now that I have a Wii to practice on. xYz's Gdubs is ballin' too. Izzy and Chicken are good too. I haven't seen GDX' latey though.
i didnt play GW from like june until gigs, and it somehow got better. I think i got rid of my bad habits by not playing him for so long or something.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Reminds me of the time someone left a meatloaf in a toilet... and I think you know what I mean by meatloaf... by which, that's how big it was...


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
at gigs, polmex said he was dropping kids off at the pool...i should've remembered he was mexican and that he has a ****load of kids. That toilet was stuffed

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
it doesn't matter who has the best whatever, we should all just be getting ready for FAST 2 so we can say we have the best smashers in the nation next year, everyone is good in their own regard, playstyles differ and are more effective against certain characters...start placing high and then we'll say who has the best who as far as i know the only best are afro: snake, Seibrik & Hbox: D3, Danny: pit, and Chaz: marth garbanzo & fenrir: Fox, so lets focus on making each other better not, just saying that you're the best with one character and you never get a chance to teach others that play that character techniques and tricks that would improve their game, help each other out and lets try to be modest
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