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Attention Florida Peeps


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Bradenton, Florida
Anyone have a list of the best people in Florida for each character? I don't know, I'm just really curious. Delete/Lock this thread if it is unnessescary


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Obviously you missed their TL ditto set at Gigabits (;
Obviously you dont realize that Friendlies mean nothing.

When Lio or w/e the hell does good in singles or doubles at a tourney tell me.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
hahaha are we seriously arguing over a toon link main? I mean, sure, people who work for it should get their fame, but this thread is already heated over a character that only a couple people play?

this thread is going to fail... : /


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
dammit fenrir don't u realize

this whole "toon link" issue is simply a metaphor for the personal struggles people face in tournaments. the thrill of fame and fortune is wat drives most, so they put it all on the line, everyone has a "toon link" in them which simply represents their desires to be sucessful in all aspects of life, but which manifests itself in the form of an 8 year old fairy boy

so there


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
dammit fenrir don't u realize

this whole "toon link" issue is simply a metaphor for the personal struggles people face in tournaments. the thrill of fame and fortune is wat drives most, so they put it all on the line, everyone has a "toon link" in them which simply represents their desires to be sucessful in all aspects of life, but which manifests itself in the form of an 8 year old fairy boy

so there
I agree Completely.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
dammit fenrir don't u realize

this whole "toon link" issue is simply a metaphor for the personal struggles people face in tournaments. the thrill of fame and fortune is wat drives most, so they put it all on the line, everyone has a "toon link" in them which simply represents their desires to be sucessful in all aspects of life, but which manifests itself in the form of an 8 year old fairy boy

so there

Lio is really hungry for success... but hiesha camp mo'.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Obviously you dont realize that Friendlies mean nothing.

When Lio or w/e the hell does good in singles or doubles at a tourney tell me.
****, man... didn't mean to start anything. Gigabits was his first tournament in a while so he hasn't had a lot of time to prove himself, but yeah he's "hungry for success"


Apr 25, 2008
afro= best snake no argument

diddy on the other hand is debatable between gdx and advent

Col Bol

Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2006
Casselberry, FL
It's obvious that Im the best TL :D

but regarding the actual topic... I can make a list of people I know that play each character at least decently:

Bowser: ? (Galuuda maybe? >.>)
Capt. Falcon: ?
Diddy Kong: GDX, underscore
Donkey Kong: Linguini, MK18
Falco: TommyG
Fox: Dr. Barban20 P.H.D. (Garbanzo), Fenrir
Ganon: Zoro, Hunter
ICs: Galuuda, Rice
Ike: TedBoosley, Green Mario
Jigglypuff: Carey(sp?), Chaz
King Dedede: Seibrik, Hungrybox, Colbol, CO18
Kirby: SheerMadness, Hiroshi, Loto, Seibrik
Link: Zoro
Lucario: Dguy, Finch
Lucas: Galeon, action b@stard
Luigi: Polmex23
Mario: Angry Lobster, Walnut, Monk
Marth: HRNut, Chaz, QDVS, Skrach
Metaknight: GINGERR (Best), Rx-, GMoney, HRNut, AfroThundah, Bonesaw, petey, pretty much everyone ;)
Mr. Game & Watch: xYz, GDX, 8Bit?
Ness: Masky
Olimar: Fearless, Icekid, HRNut, smash your mom
Peach: Marin, Kyon, Kei-Kei?, Dop
Pikachu: ESAM, QDVS, Kyon
Pit: Danny (cdoc)
Pokemon Trainer: Riot, Vericz
ROB: Icekid, XoFF, Frames, Chckn
Samus: Rohins (come back ;_; E/>)
Sheik: xYz
Snake: AfroThundah, Lambchops, HRNut, Dr. Barban20 P.H.D., QDVS, 8Bit
Sonic: Dark Sonic, Skrach
Toon Link: Hunter, GodMeowMix, Zoro, Uuaa
Wario: Abe, Gmoney
Wolf: Equi
Yoshi: E52, Gindler
Zelda: Otru, HRNut
ZSS: Nick.Riddle, TheLaw

Sorry if I left anyone out I was just going through my head real fast for each one to give him a general idea



Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
Obviously you dont realize that Friendlies mean nothing.

When Lio or w/e the hell does good in singles or doubles at a tourney tell me.

Don't bag on lio man, he's a sick toon link, and gigs was only his 2nd tournament, imo hes a nasty toon link. I'm not being biased and saying hes the best, considering i've only seen like 3 toon links play

EDIT: WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I STILL PLAY BOWSER...**** that was like 3 gigs ago. BTW Colbol i hate you for knocking me out in 2 gigs now...***hole rofl, <3 THANKS FOR GIVING ME PROPS ON MY BOWSER BACK IN 93' THOUGH.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
GodMeowMix inspired me to start play toon link again. I've figured out his* weaknesses and I think I can work around them to make him good.

*Toon Link, not GMM


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
THE GodMeowMix is the only TLink main that I like (as a player and a person). He doesn't ***** about his character like every other TLink main I've met. The kid has so much heart! I hope he starts going to more tournaments.

lol @ people taking Colbol's list as gospel or something

edit: Who was that guy with you that thought I was black, Masky? That **** was hilarious! :lick:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Obviously you missed their TL ditto set at Gigabits (;
I hope you're referring to the guy that Hunter played to TEACH him how to do some TL stuff better, because Hunter is easily the best TL in state.

It's obvious that Im the best TL :D

but regarding the actual topic... I can make a list of people I know that play each character at least decently:

Bowser: ? (Galuuda maybe? >.>)
Capt. Falcon: ?
Diddy Kong: GDX, underscore
Donkey Kong: Linguini, MK18
Falco: TommyG
Fox: Dr. Barban20 P.H.D. (Garbanzo), Fenrir
Ganon: Zoro, Hunter
ICs: Galuuda, Rice
Ike: TedBoosley, Green Mario
Jigglypuff: Carey(sp?), Chaz
King Dedede: Seibrik, Hungrybox, Colbol, CO18
Kirby: SheerMadness, Hiroshi, Loto, Seibrik
Link: Zoro
Lucario: Dguy, Finch
Lucas: Galeon, action b@stard
Luigi: Polmex23
Mario: Angry Lobster, Walnut, Monk
Marth: HRNut, Chaz, QDVS, Skrach
Metaknight: Rx-, GMoney, HRNut, AfroThundah, petey, pretty much everyone ;)
Mr. Game & Watch: xYz, GDX, 8Bit?
Ness: Masky
Olimar: Fearless, Icekid, HRNut, smash your mom
Peach: Marin, Kyon, Kei-Kei?, Dop
Pikachu: ESAM, QDVS, Kyon
Pit: Danny (cdoc)
Pokemon Trainer: Riot, Vericz
ROB: Icekid, XoFF, Frames, Chckn
Samus: Rohins (come back ;_; E/>)
Sheik: xYz
Snake: AfroThundah, Lambchops, HRNut, Dr. Barban20 P.H.D., QDVS, 8Bit
Sonic: Dark Sonic, Skrach
Toon Link: Hunter, GodMeowMix, Zoro, Uuaa
Wario: Abe, Gmoney
Wolf: Equi
Yoshi: E52, Gindler
Zelda: Otru, HRNut
ZSS: Nick.Riddle, TheLaw

Sorry if I left anyone out I was just going through my head real fast for each one to give him a general idea

I'mma be up in this list soon enough.

THE GodMeowMix is the only TLink main that I like (as a player and a person). He doesn't ***** about his character like every other TLink main I've met. The kid has so much heart! I hope he starts going to more tournaments.

lol @ people getting pissed at Colbol

edit: Who was that guy with you that thought I was black, Masky? That **** was hilarious! :lick:
Hunter never *****es about TL ever, so accusation is false.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
We're probably going to host that tourney up here sometime early in November. The door fee and some other money (from food sales or whatever else the guy I'm talking to wants to do; it will be relatively cheap) will be going towards some good cause. The pot will not be ***** (and will be stuffed thanks to a lot of local noobs). So everyone should come up and feel good about themselves for doing something good for the world through Smash.
I'm serious LOL
;) This is all tentative of course...

feel how good it feels to feel


There's been an atrocity here, Colbol! How dare you forget about the great BONESAWWWW!!1 :grrr: LOL

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Ally the Canadian Snake player (who is AMAZING btw), who also happens to have pretty much the best Captain Falcon I've ever played. o_o


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2008
Gainesville, Florida (UF)
Alright for all those Liovidal007 haters :p

Ive done over 10 (possibly more) Tlink dittos with god meow mix and i beat him every single time (i mightve lost once dont remember), you can ask him yourself. Im not hating on his Tlink or anything cuz its sick as **** but still. and as for hunter, i played a set of friendlies and the first match i started toying with him and almost two stocked him and the second match i was still toying with him till he started catching up and almost beat me. Im not trying to sound cocky or arrogant at all, im just giving facts of what happened. no offence to either Tlink player, they are awesome ppl and I look forward to more Tlink dittos, theyre my favorite matchups! and please put harriettheguy as one of the best fox players :)

As for tourneys, i just choked a little bit. not too much tourney experience and soon that'll change, i promise you guys ill get farther this upcoming one! Ill definitely camp mo'!


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
The facts out of all this are that friendlies (and dittos to some extent) don't count and that THE GodMeowMix and Hunter both tied for something like 25. You got 33 (I think). I could talk about all of your brackets too, but I'm lazy. The simple explanation is that they had harder brackets than you and still placed higher. Just accept it and do better next time instead of making stupid johns, brahh~ ;)

I should've not slept in so late this Sunday, but at least I've got a morning class today soon.

edit: I just noticed that Finch put a footnote in a post that contains just two sentences... LOL!

born2english I guess


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2008
Gainesville, Florida (UF)
yea agreed

I really wasnt trying to sound arrogant, i was just giving facts that ppl here dont know.

ill be sure to do better next tourney :) either way i think Tlinks should work together rather than against eachother considering how few of us there are.

and yea ppl, dont get so pissy over this, its really not that big of a deal, we'll just see what happens next tourney. im not promising anything but my best (and to not use olimar like an idiot and stick to Tlink)


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
edit: I just noticed that Finch put a footnote in a post that contains just two sentences... LOL!

born2english I guess
If this is a rule then I don't know about it and I'm gonna personally change it when I'm a professor by telling all my students that it's ok to put footnotes anywhere you fvcking want. Want to add a footnote to the sentence "No."? Fvcking go for it!

Also you guys are ******** using toon link dittos to talk ****. I beat hunter in teams at FAST both times when it came down to just us and I'm awful. I just know the matchup and he doesn't.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol @ people thinking they're better with a character cause they won in a ditto with him. thats terrible, just terrible...

Liovidal007 = Lionel?
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