Tyrant and modern SMM in D2.
Hellrazer themed Mancubus.
Posted in r/Doom by u/Reaar • 575 points and 54 comments
This impressive tube thing in a GZDoom map.
Doom in Sonic Mania.
Sonic Hacking Contest :: The SHC2020 Contest :: DOOM in Sonic Mania :: By TheStoneBanana
This cool floating cube in Doom.
Some cool textures being used on a map.
Some other mappack.
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Decino made a video explaining Doom cheat codes.
Decino and DBThanatos also released their playthroughs of TAG part 1.
Something from DrPySpy.
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Has anyone heard of Hedon?
Unique looking area.
Cool fanart.
Cool looking gun.
Someone exploring a very interesting area in TAG so spoilers for that one.
For those that are interested in Strife.
Crossover fanart.
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Not sure if this is in fact Hugo Martin himself but.
Oh and Zero Master also made a video about the DLC.
I also saw a recent Realm667 item that converts armor into health and it kinda reminded me of how armor works in the new games.
I also kept thinking about that area in TAG where you find the life spheres and those weird rock things with black "eyes".
I wonder if someone's going to make a classic Doom texture set based off Urdak.
I also realize that Hectic in 64 may be the only time that game had both UAC and Hell related assets in the same level.
I also thought FreeDoom could be an example of the versatility within classic Doom art style and how the replacement assets work.