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At Smash's Gate - The Doom Marine/Doomguy/Doom Slayer Thread


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
I wonder if the Doomguy Nendoroid could feature his classic face (Either a straight up sprite being used or it being drawn in an anime art style) or a lot of other weapons besides the Crucible (He is after all, the father of the first person shooter genre).
I'm also reminded of Nendoroid Generation, a PSP game starring some characters like Saber from Fate and Reimu as Nendoroids.

Also, there's this cool thing i found
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I also saw a screenshot of an old Resident Evil-based Doom project and now i'm thinking of all those fangames and projects based on Doom but in different genres.
Specially the many 2D/sidescroller/platformer stuff.


Jun 16, 2014
this expansion sure expects you to have beaten the base game beforehand, some of the encounters have some pretty nutty enemy combinations, and this was just on the first stage! Somehow, I had more trouble with the first marauder of the stage than with the combo of 2 that appear nearby the end


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2015
What I like:
  • I love having enemies encounters designed for a fully equipped Slayer, fights make me feel like I'm getting the most out of my tool kit now.
  • I'm glade the whole Samuel Hayden and the Seraphim being the same person thing can be put to rest, It was driving me a little crazy how some people on Youtube where in denial on that.
  • The Maykr Slayer armor is sick.
  • New environments are gorgeous.
  • Sharks
What I don't like:
  • Spirits are just as annoying as I feared they be. The beam makes you a sitting duck and I can't damage it with other weapons to make the death bar fill faster, at least two times I ran out of ammo while your trying to zap the stupid thing, and sometimes I end hitting other enemies by accident with the beam when I'm trying to kill it.
  • That cube fight in the swamp is the worst boss in the new series.
  • Don't care for that heavy fog section in the swamp. Never liked impairing my vision as a level gimmick.
  • Not sure if The Dark Lord being Doomguy is stupid yet or not, going to need that explained to me in Part 2
Other thoughts:
  • The double Marauder fight didn't give me that much trouble, unlike that buff totem Marauder fight, where I couldn't hit the ******* for the life of me.
  • I'm glad to see the Angle Maykrs as an enemy now, but their headshot weakness makes them die as quickly as a Cacodemon in fights, I don't necessarily dislike that they are this easy to kill (considering all the other **** being thrown at you), I just find it strange.
  • Still waiting for them to tell me who the Wretch is.
  • Diving suit is a weird new addition, might was well made the water in level one toxic rather then having Doomguy run out of breath in one second.
  • Also weird that the Invisible Whiplash does not get a bio.
Overall had a lot of fun even if some parts frustrated me. Looking forward to more.


Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
First DLC expansion is out even before the Switch version has a release date announced. Ain’t that crazy.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
The Blood Makyrs are more annoying than the Marauder ever was. Didn't mind the Spirits though; microwave beaming I just saw as going Ghostbusters on them.

But yeah, the end fight on Blood Swamp I would agree was the worst boss/trial in the series. Otherwise that level and the others were great. The ending tho...


Jun 16, 2014
I only found the blood maykrs a royal pain in the final boss tbh. Agreed on the swamp boss too, I absolutely hated that fight. I also kinda found the last slayer gate to be a breeze compared to everything the campaign threw at me by that point.
a bit disappointed there were no new weapons, mods or anything outside of the rather underwhelming support runes, but maybe part 2 can change that whenever it drops. Also man that unnaccesible buff totem fight against the marauder was just mean, the dudes vulnerability window becomes too short lived with the speed buff. Wasn't too big on the final boss last segment, too chaotic for such an awkwardly shaped room/SPOILER]
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2015
Here's a video showing the glory kills for the Blood Maykrs. I only ever got the front air and chainsaw ones on my playthrough. Shame that instant killing them with a headshot is so much easier then trying to stagger them, because those front and back kills are pretty cool.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Huh. It's just for me, the sticky bombs from regular shotgun didn't work too well in putting the Blood Makyrs in stunned state like the tutorial said. Don't know if I was doing it wrong or something, but the most reliable way of killing them for me was headshotting them when their "armor" is down while they're in midair. Problem is taking the time to line up and do that leaves you open/vulnerable to other enemies, like when you microwave beam the spirits as pointed out.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm not sure if I'm rusty (I haven't played the game since August), but even on Hurt Me Plenty/Normal, I'm finding the DLC to be quite tough. It probably doesn't help that we no longer have the Crucible - it makes sense, given what happened at the end of the base game, but that was my go-to method for dealing with Tyrants.

I might have to change my perks - I can't recall if there's a perk that will rarely let chainsawed enemies drop BFG ammo, but if that is in this game, I'm going to equip it because as far as I can tell, the first area has no BFG ammo whatsoever.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2015
Huh. It's just for me, the sticky bombs from regular shotgun didn't work too well in putting the Blood Makyrs in stunned state like the tutorial said. Don't know if I was doing it wrong or something, but the most reliable way of killing them for me was headshotting them when their "armor" is down while they're in midair. Problem is taking the time to line up and do that leaves you open/vulnerable to other enemies, like when you microwave beam the spirits as pointed out.
Try quick sniping with the precision bolt.

Instead of trying to line up a shot, point your crosshair at them, then quickley pull up your scope and shot immediately. The aim assist should help you make your mark. This is a much easier way to get headshots in this game.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
I don't expect a reveal in the TGA, but i do wonder about the next DLC for Eternal, because i thought TAG1 was hinted in like May or July (Might be wrong).
Or something else still Eternal related.
So far, i'm hearing good stuff about TAG but haven't really touched it yet.
I do know someone managed to trivialize the double Marauder encounter.
I think they also finally released the Maykr and Cultist skins and i just remember that 2016 had a lot of interesting cosmetics for its multiplayer, specially the demonic and Cultist themed ones.
Like a lot of interesting assets in there.
The Doog easter egg makes me wonder if Korone will at some point visit the world of Doom wads and eventually play Japanese Community Project.

Speaking of other stuff to bring up:
I just remembered Faraz Parsa's Doom comics where Doomguy's helmet was brown for some reason, someone on r/Doom making collectable toy variants of Doom characters (I think their name was anothergr8m8?), there was a Doom 3 mod based off Quake named Shambler's Castle (I think) and apparently, there's a simulated 4chan soccer championship on Pro Evolution Soccer some people made, where boards have their own teams and stadiums: I bring this up because Doomguy is a member of the /vr/ team and most of his iterations are even packed with Doom comic references (There's videos of that stuff too).

Someone brought Eternal's Spirit in GZDoom.
This cool looking custom enemy.
Cool fan animation based on Doom.
And the unofficial Doom 3 Arachnotron.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2018
My review of the Doom TAG Music - in Twitter Thread form:

There are more Tweets after this first one.


Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
At this point I suspect the reason why the port is taking so long is because it’ll be a Switch Pro launch title. They may get it running on the normal switch but they’ll encourage us to purchase it on the Switch Pro because it’ll run better on it.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
I just downloaded the very first Doom game on the Switch. Game is actually pretty fun. I just need to get use to the stages since you have to find all these keys but overall, I'm really liking it. It holds up pretty well today.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
How many more partnered directs are we gonna go without Eternal on Switch being shown? Jeebus.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
At least give some estimated release window, footage of how the game on Switch looks so far, or something, when we’ve already had the first main DLC and still no more word on the port. This is indefensible, don’t give me that Miyamoto quote bull**** right now.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
Something i thought of is if a new enemy in part 2 could have a more abstract/less humanoid form.
Like something to follow after the Cacodemons and Pain Elementals, like another "floating head".
Could have some weird creative mechanics and animations, even if glory kills could be a problem.
In case the Switch port takes way too long, i almost expect a version that has most content post-release like a special edition.
Also, does anyone remember in interviews when they talk about comic book pages as codex art?

Anyway, another one of those "interesting" topics with variety and spoiled to make it smaller (And because of potential spoilers).
Tyrant and modern SMM in D2.
Hellrazer themed Mancubus.
This impressive tube thing in a GZDoom map.
Doom in Sonic Mania.
This cool floating cube in Doom.
Some cool textures being used on a map.
Some other mappack.
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Decino made a video explaining Doom cheat codes.
Decino and DBThanatos also released their playthroughs of TAG part 1.
Something from DrPySpy.
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Has anyone heard of Hedon?
Unique looking area.
Cool fanart.
Cool looking gun.
Someone exploring a very interesting area in TAG so spoilers for that one.
For those that are interested in Strife.
Crossover fanart.
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Not sure if this is in fact Hugo Martin himself but.
Oh and Zero Master also made a video about the DLC.
I also saw a recent Realm667 item that converts armor into health and it kinda reminded me of how armor works in the new games.
I also kept thinking about that area in TAG where you find the life spheres and those weird rock things with black "eyes".
I wonder if someone's going to make a classic Doom texture set based off Urdak.
I also realize that Hectic in 64 may be the only time that game had both UAC and Hell related assets in the same level.
I also thought FreeDoom could be an example of the versatility within classic Doom art style and how the replacement assets work.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2018
At this point I suspect the reason why the port is taking so long is because it’ll be a Switch Pro launch title. They may get it running on the normal switch but they’ll encourage us to purchase it on the Switch Pro because it’ll run better on it.
That, and/or

A: They're planning to release the Switch (Pro) version alongside the other next-gen consoles.

B: They're planning to release the Switch (Pro) version once both parts of TAG have also released, sort of as a complete edition.

C: Any combination of the above 3.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
That, and/or

A: They're planning to release the Switch (Pro) version alongside the other next-gen consoles.

B: They're planning to release the Switch (Pro) version once both parts of TAG have also released, sort of as a complete edition.

C: Any combination of the above 3.
Or D: It's cancelled.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
I don't think it's cancelled.
It will probably just take much longer time, since even Invasion is delayed for a better time.
I feel like with the difficulties going on, i wonder if it was intended for the Spirit to even be based off an existing design.
That and the two new enemies don't have collectable toys.
Also, some say if you look closely in the loading screen for the ARC carrier, you may find a mouse cursor.
I'm sure it'll be patched at some point.

Anyway, now that i have an excuse to share random stuff i found:
This entire thread has a great history with sprites but i thought some would be interested in this Eternal prop in classic Doom.
Some old MP mod based around jumping and a Jumping Flash based map.
This mod showcasing channell and a video they made about Shrine 2, i still remember when it was so small, they used to have some weird echo effect with the sounds in earlier videos.
Official art of the fictional comic book and album covers.
Wolfenstein mod thing.
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Did i ever post this boss thing?
More of the same thing.
More map stuff.
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Maybe this is enough map stuff for now.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
One year since that leak, really?
Anyway, now i sort of got an excuse to share some stuff, even if i have to shrink it under a spoiler tab.

Maybe have to use literal links instead of media stuff because there's a limit.
Decino made a video explaining the Spirit demon (He also made a video about his 100,00 subs milestone and it's kinda funny).
Cool looking fleshy cave.
TTLand concept art.
A comic based on a very old meme.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Halloween is over but.
Map stuff.
Heretic stuff.
It's Quake stuff but.
More Halloween stuff.
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D64 stuff.
Jazz Jackrabbit
Light stuff.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Demon design stuff.
Impressive trick involving reflective projectiles on walls.
Gun animation.
Guncaster stuff.
More map stuff.
Map stuff.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Map stuff.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Cool E3M3 music remaster.
GZ PT remake.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Showcase of new GZDoom feature involving rotating graphics on HUD/UI.
Hexen stuff.
Quake stuff.
This is for a TC being made, i think.
Map stuff.
Funny Halloween video.
Not so legit speedrun.
Someone's fanart.
Speaking of funny videos.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
It seems Doom Eternal is now backwards compatible at launch for next gen consoles.
And there could be some sort of next gen uprages.
Still no news about the Switch port, but maybe that's for next year.

As of making this post i didn't use the media function because of my available time and the fact there's a limit for media content, so sorry for using basic links but i hope most of the written text ends up being faithfull to what the sources even show up.

Karl Jobst made a video about Doom speedruns on awful ports and Decino made a video explaining the damaging floors.
There's probably something from Dwars or DavidXNewton i could have mentioned.
Or Gaming Room, if anyone is familiar with that.
Oh and Decino will also play Brutal Doom because of the 100K milestone.
https://twitter.com/Bridgeburner4/status/1326340309354082310 Some funny switch textures.
https://twitter.com/inc_gec/status/1326280613171748869 These guys were working in a lot of special projects (Like reverse engineering the RPG games) but they're also bringing the cut/missing Doom 64 enemies to life.
https://twitter.com/Autism_Wanderer/status/1159761077183352832 Someone's unique fanart with a Doomguy styled brush.
https://twitter.com/benjedwards/status/1325069866957762564 Interesting trivia about how Doom was made.
https://twitter.com/Slipseer/status/1326132502981992450 It's Quake but it's a very pretty looking room.
https://twitter.com/AjWehrmann/status/1326154549485318159 Screenshots of that Jazz Jackrabbit TC.
https://twitter.com/legendbelmondo/status/1325692704051752965 Wolfenstein project and some animation of a guard gibbed by a rocket launcher.
https://twitter.com/88alice/status/1326082151612260353 An human/gijinka of the evil eye prop.
https://twitter.com/Bridgeburner4/status/1325519619751178240 Snow themed skybox.
https://twitter.com/ABrut_us/status/1325569760738893830 Doom map screenshot with some Quake/aztec like textures.
https://twitter.com/fairweatherbaah/status/1325709114769514497 Recently finished Quake mapset.
https://twitter.com/Mistress_Remi/status/1325761128518070276 Screenshot of a dark Doomsday engine-made room.
https://twitter.com/SuperUltra64/status/1325918431292628992 Treasure Tech WIP/preview of a beach/island location.
https://twitter.com/DanielWienerson/status/1325587935853383680 Voxel chaingunner.
https://twitter.com/mistyfireblu/status/1325216277200297984 More of an aztec looking mapset.
https://twitter.com/scwiba/status/1325312704618385408 Doom 64 mapset.
https://twitter.com/NoCon2000s/status/1324465410939506690 What seems to be a YTPMV based off the Doom movie from 2005, with some Doom sprites alongside it.
https://twitter.com/ActualArborix/status/1325225136690094080 Cyberdemon fused with Psyduck and i think this artist did more Pokemon/Doom fusions (Like the Gengar Cacodemon).
https://twitter.com/SuppliceGame/status/1325182206227087360 Supplice and a showcase of its skull key sprite.
https://twitter.com/ActualArborix/status/1325154825084919811 Doomguy and Gordon Freeman combined.
https://twitter.com/HECKSCAPER/status/1325135391209435137 Someone's weirdly unique Doom project with a 64 shotgun and what appears to be an enemy from the game Mars 3D, which in itself was a bootleg based off other retro FPS.
https://twitter.com/PinchySkree/status/1318804308725583881 A Doom themed Quake mapset with a truck recreated under the aesthetic.
https://twitter.com/Pillowblaster/status/1324792042594205697 Guncaster update released.
https://twitter.com/SergeJkn/status/1324097674291892224 Very detailed doorway, this is possibly in GZDoom.
https://twitter.com/Jazzmaster9/status/1324446407265198081 Ancient Egypt themed screenshots.
https://twitter.com/ChiefSmokey1/status/1324163514643193859 Screenshots of a gorey and action packed TC.

Sorry for not using the media function and not even using links for the Youtube stuff i mentioned.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Panic Button did tweet about the Switch version a few days ago, saying that they're still working on it.

I just wish we'd get a release date, or something more concrete than "you'll hear more about it eventually" every few months. Between this and Bayonetta 3, it's starting to get on my nerves.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
At this point I'm 90% certain that Panic Button and Kamiya know about the rumored "Switch Pro" revision and aren't saying a peep about their games being coincided to launch with it until Nintendo is ready to drop the news.

Here it is in color and props!
This is the most violent Nendo I've ever seen, and it's glorious.
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