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Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
San Diego
How well would DB1 work? It wouldn't be outprioritized due to it's transcendal priority. Though, the obvious short coming is its range, but it might make up for it with its speed.

I don't know, just a random thought.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
Backlashmarth-we should play online sometime?

I never do Marth dittos.....if anyone wants to play online that is near Connecticut (so lag isnt horrible) let me know.
Sure why not. Depending on what im doing, i may be able to play you sometime within the next few days. I can use a bit of experience b4 this tourney im headed to on Saturday.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2009
Umm, I'm having trouble with a camping Olimar.
All he does is run away, throw pikmins and shield grab when I approach him.
I've try F-air fast fall to Dtilt and grabs as my approach.
Any advice?


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2009
counter when his pikmin are on you

db a lot

ds out of shield a lot
First one is a horrible idea, Olimar grab range ****.
DS out a shield is a bit risky, especialy when Oli just runs away...
I guess using massive Dancing blade is the best option.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
unlike most others, Oli doesn't have grab armor, so, when he grabs start a dtilt or something of the sort and it will hit him, and he'll release you with you only taking the damage the the grab release (3%)

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Umm, I'm having trouble with a camping Olimar.
All he does is run away, throw pikmins and shield grab when I approach him.
I've try F-air fast fall to Dtilt and grabs as my approach.
Any advice?

I feel this is one of marths worst match ups. You can't camp him back......at all. I'm more annoyed at this match up than Snake or Meta Knight actually.

You need to pay attention to how many pikmin he has and when he is low....go get him. Olimars always freak out when they have 1-2 pikmin left. Get them nervous. I find that forward b with the downward ending (whatever the heck that move is called) works wonders in this match up. Also, just standing there a good distance away is a good idea too because most people will think, "LOL, time to throw pikmin at you because i have amazing range!" at this point...figure out his rhythm of throwing and as hes throwing a pikmin...run in and catch him off guard. While doing forward b need to be sure though that you do each sword swipe slowly though as opposed to fast because they can't side step the slashes...so they will shield the entire time and either

a-Mess up the timing of when to release shield and get hit (allowing for you to take the offensive.)

B-get that shield broken allowing for a free shield breaker.

When olimar goes off stage fair or nair him and then instantly grab the ledge. if you see the olimar re organizing his pikmin jump off and bair him and start to let him get a little bit scared. You absolutely **** olimar in the air as long as you space nicely and don't go too close to him...but not too far away.

Good counterpicks in this matchup for tournament-Jungle Japes, Rainbow Cruise.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
I feel this is one of marths worst match ups. You can't camp him back......at all. I'm more annoyed at this match up than Snake or Meta Knight actually.

You need to pay attention to how many pikmin he has and when he is low....go get him. Olimars always freak out when they have 1-2 pikmin left. Get them nervous. I find that forward b with the downward ending (whatever the heck that move is called) works wonders in this match up. Also, just standing there a good distance away is a good idea too because most people will think, "LOL, time to throw pikmin at you because i have amazing range!" at this point...figure out his rhythm of throwing and as hes throwing a pikmin...run in and catch him off guard. While doing forward b need to be sure though that you do each sword swipe slowly though as opposed to fast because they can't side step the slashes...so they will shield the entire time and either

a-Mess up the timing of when to release shield and get hit (allowing for you to take the offensive.)

B-get that shield broken allowing for a free shield breaker.

When olimar goes off stage fair or nair him and then instantly grab the ledge. if you see the olimar re organizing his pikmin jump off and bair him and start to let him get a little bit scared. You absolutely **** olimar in the air as long as you space nicely and don't go too close to him...but not too far away.

Good counterpicks in this matchup for tournament-Jungle Japes, Rainbow Cruise.
Dude, this is definitely NOT one of Marth's worst match-ups, its not even bad. He camping? So what? Swat that crap and rush in (well with a safe idea on how to approach). You apply the pressure on and off-stage, and you'll be more fine against the campy Olimar. Just be wary of spacing, or you will be shield grabbed.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Well, for Olimar, if you try to space mass F-airs constantly then he will get between them and **** you with a U-smash. If he shields dancing blade then you're in for a shield grab. The Olimar I get ***** by sometimes does a throw (I don't know which one) and then follows up with a dash past pivot grab -> another throw that then followed up with a U-air. I've tried a lot of things to get out but none have proved to be 100% successful, I'll just blame wi-fi delay. Sometimes he does the throw and then plucks a few pikmin out in front of me. Also, the purple pikmin completely *****.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Is there a new way to DI out of a tipped F-smash from a B-throw and F-throw? I've been seeing that people aren't getting tipped by these or not getting hit at all. Is there a proper method to DI out of the tip range out of the grab or is it bad wi-fi screwing my buffering time over?


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Please search around, this has been answered countless times.

There are certain characters that can't be hit from an fsmash after a dthrow or an fthrow unless you stutter step it. Even then, there are certain characters who can avoid it.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
I know that Ulevo used to have a list of it all including %s it works at, but, now that he has deleted all his threads, is there another list of them all?


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I guess my post wasn't specific enough. I was playing a Marth and he escaped my down throw -> F-smash at 0%. I never remembered Marth being able to escape it, but that could be my crap memory. The list of percents and characters that it doesn't work on is gone if I'm not mistaken.

or it could be wi-fi...


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Marth is despicable. I hate you guys. ***** all the characters I grow a liking for. If you can't beat em join em they say; I can't play Marth for crap either. wtf is dis. RAGE.


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
Bentobox? when you get *****, do yo people call you bent over box?

ok back on Topic

how do marth camp and play like a *****
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