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Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
You heard wrong. Marths untipped dtilt has a 7 frame disadvantage (tipped dtilt is 14 frame disadvantage). However, it is safe because of the distance you are away and factoring human reaction timing, therefore you may have a slight advantage in frames.
Right, the thread also took that into account. It averaged human reaction time to be about 11 frames, and got positive four frames.

Do you know where/what it is?

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
You can up b oos, why wouldn't you want to? Its free damage. On the other hand you can simply shield grab after the hitbox ends and pummel/throw. Do whichever is logical at the time...if your dolphin slash is really weakened...go for the grab.
Well he usually winds up behind me, that's the annoying part, so just go for the reverse DS? Or would roll to DB be better?


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Well he usually winds up behind me, that's the annoying part, so just go for the reverse DS? Or would roll to DB be better?
Nah, just shield release and DB his way.

Reverse DS is risky unless he lags because he can spotdodge and **** your *** with sweetspot Fsmash.

Of course you should DS while he's attacking your shield, as his commitment to it will **** him.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Eh, I'm starting to think we ***** around Dolphin Slash too much. If he's at like 50 something or so percent, then perhaps, but none of Pika's aerials auto-cancel. Now, if you were me, you might tipper Dair out of shield, but if you like to play normally, then just fair out of shield, or shield drop Dancing Blade. Don't use Dolphin Slash for every little thing, and try to save it for a kill if you can.

Shield grab pummel is really good too.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Seriously, we use DS too much and overhype it (well, it's still good but really, people will just bait you and then **** your face if you do it too much), while it seems the Zelda boards just RECENTLY discovered the combo-breaking prowess of Nayru's Love.


At least Zelda's hot right?


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Tampa, Florida
Seriously, we use DS too much and overhype it (well, it's still good but really, people will just bait you and then **** your face if you do it too much), while it seems the Zelda boards just RECENTLY discovered the combo-breaking prowess of Nayru's Love.


At least Zelda's hot right?

FINALLY, someone that thinks along my terms....yes ^_^


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I Up+B out of shield whenever I know it will punish (Rob Dsmash, Pika Downsmash, Meta Tornado, any of G&Ws aerials, edge get-up attack, Snake's first f-tilt, basiclly everything that is possible to punish) . I don't worry about Up+B diminishing because, for the most part, I'd rather deal as much damage as possible and worry about getting it undiminished later. As it stands, I think it's much harder racking damage without it than with it, and here's why:

Approaching with Marth can be a gamble, being that he can be punished easily from most of his better approaches. I think Marth gets the most damage in when his opponent is off the stage (juggling/edgeguarding), and Up+B puts your opponent in that position pretty easily. In the time that you are punishing your opponent while he is off the stage, usually you'll get in enough attacks to have an only slightly diminished Up+B (if you read them correctly), and the trouble of having to deal with the diminished Up+B is relieved to some extent.

Because Up+B is the most viable kill move in Marth's arsenal (IMHO), by the time your opponent is at 100%, the first thing you'll want to do is get it undiminished, and this can be done with grab jabbing/throws, fairs, and if you're lucky enough to get it, a dancing blade, in which all of these options will undiminish the Up+B quickly and easily, leading to a swift death should your opponent hit your shield with a punishable attack.

Major edit.

Edited again for clarification.


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2008
Walnut Creek, CA
As reliable as DS is... it isn't* IMO

I haven't used it as often as I do Dtilt, DB, or shieldgrab to punish...

It's just that at too low percent, it does 13 percent (fresh), not enough to really encourage it's use at low percents. Under the situation of resetting the pressure and zone, I find it useful... even then, respacing with jab, ftilt, dtilt, or DB seems a lot more safe//reliable.

Also DS when failed or when (at low percents) has awful after-lag... which is incredibly punishable.

At edges (facing away) DS is worth the chance at 50% fresh. IMO, and 80-100 later on, depending on weight.

For me, it tends to always be fresh, since I don't trust it as a punisher, unless I know it'll kill. That's just me.



Anyone know how to get the timing down to jab off Phantasm? I think someone did it a lot in the combo vid... Is there a rote method of learning rather than just get better reaction...

as in... like Zelda's Din's Fire which I watch her animation... is there a certain animation I wait to jab?

and it seems more reliable to shield->punish or well-timed//spaced Usmash...


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
As reliable as DS is... it isn't* IMO

I haven't used it as often as I do Dtilt, DB, or shieldgrab to punish...

It's just that at too low percent, it does 13 percent (fresh), not enough to really encourage it's use at low percents. Under the situation of resetting the pressure and zone, I find it useful... even then, respacing with jab, ftilt, dtilt, or DB seems a lot more safe//reliable.

Also DS when failed or when (at low percents) has awful after-lag... which is incredibly punishable.

At edges (facing away) DS is worth the chance at 50% fresh. IMO, and 80-100 later on, depending on weight.

For me, it tends to always be fresh, since I don't trust it as a punisher, unless I know it'll kill. That's just me.
I wasn't saying you should Up+B whenever you feel like it, but when you're shielding and your opponent hits your shield, most of the time you'll only be able to punish their attack by Up+B'ing immediately afterwords (if they are spacing correctly.) Hypothetically, if your opponent uses an attack and you can punish them without having to Up+B, then by all means do so.

Also, using Up+B puts your opponent in the air, and who rules the air? Even if Up+B does a measly 13%, it can lead to a lot more if you play your cards right.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Unfortunately I don't have a human opponent available for testing, but if someone could find out each and every way to punish Falco/Fox's phantasm, I would be very happy.

As far as jabbing Falco's Phantasm, it's just a matter of timing it correctly. If part of Marth's jab hitbox is where Falco's Phantasm is going to be, then it will connect and it will hit Falco (I would think, anyway.)

Edit: Is it possible for Marth to hit Falco with counter while Falco is recovering with Phantasm, be it whether Falco is aiming for the ledge or trying to land on the stage?


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2008
Walnut Creek, CA
What is wrong with my DI...

Sometimes I am able to live to ridiculous amounts like 200% and sometimes with the same move only to 110%

I know I must account for decay... but, simple question if I'm DIing correctly.

I smash my control stick towards the stage and downward. I mash my C-stick. (am I suppose to hold it? or continue mashing it?)

Am I suppose to initiate the DI as I get hit, or after? And am I suppose to mash C-stick, as I'm getting hit too?

DI answers. Thanks.


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2008
Walnut Creek, CA
What does the general consensus think the more reliable//efficient method of Marth's metagame. I see aggression all over the place on the video thread. Top players seem to trend to aggression, yet I have not really seen a huge change about on-paper discussions//theories


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Las Vegas
Unfortunately I don't have a human opponent available for testing, but if someone could find out each and every way to punish Falco/Fox's phantasm, I would be very happy.

As far as jabbing Falco's Phantasm, it's just a matter of timing it correctly. If part of Marth's jab hitbox is where Falco's Phantasm is going to be, then it will connect and it will hit Falco (I would think, anyway.)

Edit: Is it possible for Marth to hit Falco with counter while Falco is recovering with Phantasm, be it whether Falco is aiming for the ledge or trying to land on the stage?
I've tried countering SK92's phantasm, and he just goes right through me as I go through the counter attack. So I believe that will be a No, unless you are spaced far enough for the end of the phantasm to hit i guess.. =/


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I've tried countering SK92's phantasm, and he just goes right through me as I go through the counter attack. So I believe that will be a No, unless you are spaced far enough for the end of the phantasm to hit i guess.. =/
I figured as much. I guess the only way to stop it is if there is a hitbox located where Falco's Phantasm will connect. No easy way out of that, I guess it really is a matter of getting the timing down.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Why do so many black people play Marth?! I'm black too, so my question isn't racist haha!
So im not the only one lol, im black aswell.

A lot of the best smashers out right now are black, D1, NL, SK92, NEO, etc. etc.

Oh, and all of Falco's phantasm hits, I think you mean the final point where it ends is where you can punish with a jab. Any other time if you space and time correctly, you can tip a Dair.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
Eh, I'm starting to think we ***** around Dolphin Slash too much. If he's at like 50 something or so percent, then perhaps, but none of Pika's aerials auto-cancel. Now, if you were me, you might tipper Dair out of shield, but if you like to play normally, then just fair out of shield, or shield drop Dancing Blade. Don't use Dolphin Slash for every little thing, and try to save it for a kill if you can.

Shield grab pummel is really good too.
theres a few matchups I'm very cautious with using this... DK being one of them, his smashes scare the crap out of me and i dont want DS to be the reason i get hit by one of his smashes. i mostly just shieldgrab or shield drop to DB to punish the ape. but that's just me and i hate getting ko'd at some stupid %.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
When playing as Marth, when is the best time to add throws and grabs into the mix, because I'm never sure how to get a good opening to grab my opponent?


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
When playing as Marth, when is the best time to add throws and grabs into the mix, because I'm never sure how to get a good opening to grab my opponent?

I like grabbing people at 0% to get his f throw or d throw to fsmash or stuter step fsmash combos. but really don't be overzealous with the 0% grab go for it if the oppurtunity presents itself. Also grab/pummel is really really nice for refreshign your moves for kills at over 100% and will get you atleast 2-3 pummels on opponents who can break the grab really fast.

also I like to dthrow my opponent of the ledge to edge guard.

Last but not least if i can't kill someone by normal means I'll grab them and U-throw for the kill (i killed bengal liked this in a marth ditto lol.) this starts working on puff at about 120% and i think i managed to kill bengals marth at like... 160%. Just something to toss out there.

edit - mis read question

shield grabbing on block is nice to do if you dont feel like DSing or DBing, DB is better to refreshing moves for the most part though, also I"ve been playing with pivot grabing some at opponents runnning at me. sometimes I'll SHAD then grab as they are shielding, and i mix this up with other sh approaches like a weaving in out fair. Hope that answers the question. - also dash to shield cancel to grab. never to a dash grab... it sucks

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
So im not the only one lol, im black aswell.

A lot of the best smashers out right now are black, D1, NL, SK92, NEO, etc. etc.

Oh, and all of Falco's phantasm hits, I think you mean the final point where it ends is where you can punish with a jab. Any other time if you space and time correctly, you can tip a Dair.
Dude, EVERY pro Marth is black lol Inui used to be the only white one, but now he's maining MK. And NinjaLink had a really nerdy white guy personality when I met and played him haha.

Alright, I'll try just simple Shield Drop to Dancing Blade.

When playing as Marth, when is the best time to add throws and grabs into the mix, because I'm never sure how to get a good opening to grab my opponent?
You should always try grabbing. Pummelling is imperative to Marth's game, as a few pummls and a DB and that fair you've been spamming is now a viable kill move.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
I've recently observed that grabs have become the 'universal punisher' in the Brawl universe. With the shield being so strong in Brawl, grabbing is a reliable way to get around that, and when players see an opening, usually this will be deal with by a grab, since it can be executed out of a dash, and is generally far more reliable than a dash attack, while not every character has a commonly used Fair or punishing special like Marth does. However, in instances like you described (Marth's Dolphin Slash hits your shield) you are correct in saying that SMASHING is a better option, especially because Usmashes are generally the least used, and can be executed out of a dash. Often times, the opponent doesn't know how much free time they have, and use the universal frame 6 (or so) grab. This is because people don't spend the proper time learning their opponent. The best way to do this is to play the other characters. Being able to feel how soon you can act really shows you where the lag is. Watching your opponent isn't as reliable.You really could punish Marth's Dolphin Slash with a Usmash almost 95% of the time, and if you ask anyone in my crew, I have encouraged this greatly, and they all have MUCH more success doing this than any other options (it also kills Marth's low platform shenigans: land vs. drop through.)

tl;dr version: learn how much lag your opponent has by giving their characters a spin. Then determine the correct method of punishment, instead of the standard grab.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Thank you for that.
I usually forget to pummel when I grab, and usually throw off the stage to follow up with a d-air or f-air.

I'll try adding some grabs into my game then, as it looks like I'll benefit from them well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
I don't know how to exactly phrase this question. But Basically this is what happend. My mixup is getting better yea forum people...But what I have been doing with marth lately is simply watching what people do looking for patterns and try to dodge and hit accordingly. like one of my friends was constantly just owning me. Anyway I am starting to get really really defensive. I still do alot of Fairing >.> but I am mixing it up with double fair's shff and singular fairs. Haha and the additional empty SHFF. I noticed my game play started to improve by mistake when my controller broke and my forward smash was not working all the times I pressed it and people where getting tricked because they were conditioned. Lol thats a mind game right there pressing the c-stick and they hear it and shield. (thankfully it was not mine just one I was playing with). Anyway My friends kirby just ***** me so hard some how its like the mallet and FAir somehow have the same range. He spams grabs so much with kirby it just is frustrating and the kick hurts alot. So I was getting like two stocked. Now before I get flamed I need you guys to hear me out. I selected metakngiht and played him I was winning or it was comming close down to the last life. He complains that I do the same exact thing I do with Marth with metaknight but marth was getting two stocked. He says I replace dancing blades with metaknights forward tilt and just try to space. However my thing is if I am doing the exact same thing how am I not doing equally as well.

Next issue Camping. I simply just can not deal with extreme camping not only is it just infurating. Its so frustrating to play. When I play people that are not extreme campers I often can beat the person and they say I am frustrating to play because I am always retreating and attacking. But I constantly feel like I am being forced to chase and as a result I am being exploited since I guess its not the way I play anymore. Its like the skill level of a charactor increases so much when they can space equally or better than me along with camping. I always lose. For example I have another two friends that both place pit. I two stock one but always lose to the other one. but the one that I two stocks beats the one that two stocks me. Its this type of retarted stuff that kills me.

Also .. Wolfs FORWAD SMASH HAS SO MUCH RANGE sorry for the caps. I feel so baited everytime I play wolf he is just running Lazering and forward smashing me to keep distance.


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Your defensive style is hurting you. I'm not saying don't do it, but you have to learn to adapt to the situation and not be so predictable. Of course you feel baited, it's very possible to do especially against reactive defensive styles. Sounds like you lack experience, Marth generally doesn't struggle too much against camping.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
I don't know how to exactly phrase this question. But Basically this is what happend. My mixup is getting better yea forum people...But what I have been doing with marth lately is simply watching what people do looking for patterns and try to dodge and hit accordingly. like one of my friends was constantly just owning me. Anyway I am starting to get really really defensive. I still do alot of Fairing >.> but I am mixing it up with double fair's shff and singular fairs. Haha and the additional empty SHFF. I noticed my game play started to improve by mistake when my controller broke and my forward smash was not working all the times I pressed it and people where getting tricked because they were conditioned. Lol thats a mind game right there pressing the c-stick and they hear it and shield. (thankfully it was not mine just one I was playing with). Anyway My friends kirby just ***** me so hard some how its like the mallet and FAir somehow have the same range. He spams grabs so much with kirby it just is frustrating and the kick hurts alot. So I was getting like two stocked. Now before I get flamed I need you guys to hear me out. I selected metakngiht and played him I was winning or it was comming close down to the last life. He complains that I do the same exact thing I do with Marth with metaknight but marth was getting two stocked. He says I replace dancing blades with metaknights forward tilt and just try to space. However my thing is if I am doing the exact same thing how am I not doing equally as well.

Next issue Camping. I simply just can not deal with extreme camping not only is it just infurating. Its so frustrating to play. When I play people that are not extreme campers I often can beat the person and they say I am frustrating to play because I am always retreating and attacking. But I constantly feel like I am being forced to chase and as a result I am being exploited since I guess its not the way I play anymore. Its like the skill level of a charactor increases so much when they can space equally or better than me along with camping. I always lose. For example I have another two friends that both place pit. I two stock one but always lose to the other one. but the one that I two stocks beats the one that two stocks me. Its this type of retarted stuff that kills me.

Also .. Wolfs FORWAD SMASH HAS SO MUCH RANGE sorry for the caps. I feel so baited everytime I play wolf he is just running Lazering and forward smashing me to keep distance.
alright let me take a shot at this. as far as your kirby problems go, yes the grab are very annoying, the best i can tell you to do is try to di away from the kirby after you get tossed up, sometimes i can counter and the kirby doesnt follow up on my lag (mindgame i guess since kirby will hit your counter hit box just you wont hit him back. of course any smart kirby will exploit that.) if a kirby SH aerial towards you your best bet is to Ftilt with good spacing it will almost always knock the kirby out of his fair, bair or what not. the mallet itself is just a result of poor spacing on your part, its range isnt that great so if you keep your distance (i know this is said way too much here but its the truth) you hould be fine on the mallet - this also goes without saying and thats try not to get under kirby too much.

If the kirby likes to grab and any kirby loves to grab his opponent especially when they are 0% try Dtilting to keep him out, if you manage to score a dtilt at low % follow it up with its IASA frames into a DB, or you can simply follow it up with another dtilt, whatever works. so anyway Ftilt his aerials and dtilt his ground game, you'll want to zone him and keep him out of your hurt box.

projectile camping - the best thing to do is keep your cool and apporach by walking, the best distance you can get on most projectile campers is just within your swords range so if they pull out a gun/bow/what not you can punish it by rushing in and grabbing, DB, or fair. you get that close by perfect shielding projectiles as they come to you, Pit's arrows can be shielded as he pulls back his bow so keep an eye on what he is doing at all times. once you get in that bows range you can absolutly tear pit up. like i said just keep your cool and think. watch your opponents characters body movement most of the time the char has an animation on their projectile which provides ample enough warning, approach with walking and perfect shielding.

Wolf, his blaster is easy to perfect shield on approach and wolves love their smashes, generally on his fsmash you want to space about a body length and a half way. if he tosses fsmash block then punish with either DB, DS or a grab either works really well, keep in mind you can do a small chaingrab on wolf at low %.

Hope this helps you. Also try not to smash so much and if you must use a smash as a punisher your best bet would be dsmash, not fsmash... but i'd rather stick with DB as my punisher.

lots of errors in my typing and sometimes the move i reccomended, i fixed it.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
I don't know how to exactly phrase this question. But Basically this is what happend. My mixup is getting better yea forum people...But what I have been doing with marth lately is simply watching what people do looking for patterns and try to dodge and hit accordingly. like one of my friends was constantly just owning me. Anyway I am starting to get really really defensive. I still do alot of Fairing >.> but I am mixing it up with double fair's shff and singular fairs. Haha and the additional empty SHFF. I noticed my game play started to improve by mistake when my controller broke and my forward smash was not working all the times I pressed it and people where getting tricked because they were conditioned. Lol thats a mind game right there pressing the c-stick and they hear it and shield. (thankfully it was not mine just one I was playing with).
lol at c-stick breaking helping your game. Just make sure you don't stop using c-sitck entirely. It's needed for retreating aerials.

Anyway My friends kirby just ***** me so hard some how its like the mallet and FAir somehow have the same range.
Hammer is really punishable. You have aerial mobility. Stay outside its range and fair between them(don't get hit by the second) >>. That or just use a grounded attack like ftilt.

He spams grabs so much with kirby it just is frustrating and the kick hurts alot.
You said that you're camping a lot so you should be able to outspace his grab most of the time. I'm guessing he's shield grabbing you a lot or something. Retreating aerials are key to Marth's game >> C-stick! Also, grabs are key to kirby's game so ya.

So I was getting like two stocked. Now before I get flamed I need you guys to hear me out. I selected metakngiht and played him I was winning or it was comming close down to the last life. He complains that I do the same exact thing I do with Marth with metaknight but marth was getting two stocked. He says I replace dancing blades with metaknights forward tilt and just try to space. However my thing is if I am doing the exact same thing how am I not doing equally as well.
Well...it's metaknight X_X
And dancing blades =/= mk's ftilt >> But still, obviously you're doing something differently, or HE'S doing something differently when you play mk.

Next issue Camping. I simply just can not deal with extreme camping not only is it just infurating. Its so frustrating to play.
Better learn it how to. Play campers and figure out how to approach. You don't always have the liberty of playing defensive.

When I play people that are not extreme campers I often can beat the person and they say I am frustrating to play because I am always retreating and attacking. But I constantly feel like I am being forced to chase and as a result I am being exploited since I guess its not the way I play anymore. Its like the skill level of a charactor increases so much when they can space equally or better than me along with camping. I always lose. For example I have another two friends that both place pit. I two stock one but always lose to the other one. but the one that I two stocks beats the one that two stocks me. Its this type of retarted stuff that kills me.
Granted there's the aspect of personal style, you shouldn't be playing everyone the exact same way. If I played a "safe player" and a "risky player" in chess, I wouldn't play them the same way. The risky player would be more willing to make trades while a safe player might not buy into the same traps I set up for the risky player. And vice versa. Adapt to the situation. In this case, learn to keep the pressure on Pit >>

Also .. Wolfs FORWAD SMASH HAS SO MUCH RANGE sorry for the caps. I feel so baited everytime I play wolf he is just running Lazering and forward smashing me to keep distance.
It's...laggy....if he's just running around lasering and fsmashing then approach, shield the fsmash since you can predict it, and punish. You can bait him into fsmash'ing and punish too ya know >>

Edit: love how steel summarizes everything I said in like 4 lines


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
i know this is gonna seem absolutely stupid in the marth boards, but what is the BEST way to practice spacing if you can't play against real ppl all the time


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
Go to training mode master spacing of moves on stationary opponent, then go to vs mode (or stay in training mode) and vs a lvl 3 cpu. Don't play to win just play to space all your moves correctly in those matches.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
ok I enjoy reading what everyone says take note that it helps me in some way shape or form. I actually played some smash after my exam and I took the liberty of looking at some of the replays of me winning or losing and how my game as changed. My friend P~S ( he plays olimar) who I have an extremely hard time playing him let alone beating currently. But I remember me being able to kill him a few times sometimes even win. Looking at the replay's I understand why I use to play extremely aggressively. I would go for high rewarding but very punishable moves. I would always chase when someone was off the ledge infact that was my whole strategy. It was based on knocking the person off the stage to try to gimp them. Often killing them at low %.

But now my game is a more defensive safe playing. Lol as P~S "Don't get hit if I could deal a guarantee of 2% and not get punished for it I would do that the whole match than use riskier moves". I have this theory on gameplay.

Aggressive players Beat Campers.
Defensive players beat Aggressive Players
& Campers beat Defensive Players.

In order to be a pro marth player you must be able to adapt to the persons style and adjust accordingly like water . The reason why I find it so hard for me to beat P~S for example is because now that I play so defensively that his camping pawns me. The reason why I find it a bit easier to face and aggressive Kirby is because the game feels alot slower and I feel that I can see all the moves that he is making and I can Power shield them.

** on a side note Power Shield *****! I swear any attack you power shield is a free attack on the opponent. I would argue that power shielding is better than marth's counter and if you can power shield like people Parry in 3rd Strike (for those us multi-gamers that know about 3rd strike) you could beat anyone.

Also another note I know I ask tons of questions but please understand like the people I play with are not scrubs. I may beat alot of mario's easily but Boss's Mario is alot harder than the average Mario I have never won. I have huge problems with olimar but if its not P~S they are getting 3stocked. I thought I was bad against Diddy because I always played Deez but that significantly changed when I played someone else's diddy. The list goes on....No one I play with plays casually.

I am interested in what you guys have to say. I am also getting really happy to see it looks like the marth boards goign to be at c4. All I am saying is I hope you guys represent like you do in the technical written status :). Also this may save my marths face :D.

discuss :D


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
i know this is gonna seem absolutely stupid in the marth boards, but what is the BEST way to practice spacing if you can't play against real ppl all the time
I believe that spacing is the same concept no matter who you play with it. What I like to do is play a Level 9 (or whatever the highest level is I think its Nasty) without taking any damage what so ever. If you out space him then he won't hit you right? But people play smash 24/7 where i hang out... Smash is like a lifestyle.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
another question, are there any pros who have mastered marth's jab lock yet? im trying to practice it but idk if its been mastered by anybody or even if its worth the time


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Tampa, Florida
another question, are there any pros who have mastered marth's jab lock yet? im trying to practice it but idk if its been mastered by anybody or even if its worth the time
Forget about that stuff, its pretty useless tbh.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
** on a side note Power Shield *****! I swear any attack you power shield is a free attack on the opponent. I would argue that power shielding is better than marth's counter and if you can power shield like people Parry in 3rd Strike (for those us multi-gamers that know about 3rd strike) you could beat anyone.
It's old news that Power shield *****. And it's nice to know that we are helpful.

Nobody holds anything against you for posting so many questions, but lol imo sometimes you really do sound like a noob, no offense or anything. If you were trying to clear that up, just post a vid and we can see your skill. It's also easier to get a better understanding for what you really need help on. Can you see where I'm leading you right now?

*cough*post vid in critique thread *cough*

Hope you consider it ;)

another question, are there any pros who have mastered marth's jab lock yet? im trying to practice it but idk if its been mastered by anybody or even if its worth the time
This is critical for some characters but for Marth not really. I actually think it's impossible for Marth to do anything beyond two jabs in the jab lock without the opponent's getting out. His first jab is way to laggy compared to others that can jab lock.

For Marth you only do jab lock once to force that stand up in place getup animation to get a free hit.
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