If you play just play passive aggressive, his nades are really no problem just perfect shield them its pretty easy imo. counter his dsmash mind, and be very wary for the mine, especially when it randomly explodes if he doesnt set it off
full hop fair is your friend. also
approach with fair he shields it, you dj away.
if he is ever off stage you know he will not be below you, bc he will up b right after you hit him with somthing (if it knocks him off stage)
when he is recovering with his up b, use ur up b when your feet are parallel with his, you will hit him and his cypher will hit you (which means you wont have ur falling animation) and can follow up from there, sometimes it will take ur up b sometimes it doesnt its weird,
be gay, planking against snake isnt hard you can up b any over his explosives and ur invicibility frames with take care of it. and if snake decides to be stupid and go after you while u are off stage im sure you know what do do from there. if you do spike him off the stage but close to the stage be ready to tech the cypher.
whatch out for snakes A to ftilt it deals a ******** amount of dmg.
the only time you should be using fsmash is for the kill, not to punish.
the reason, fsmash will push him to far out if its not tippered and you wont be able to finish him off.
use db > > V then chase
at 0 percent fthrow dair
it may have to be a full hop. do whatever u have to to land this if u can.
this is much harder then other characters bc he is so heavy, the timing is later then others.
and you have to edge guard the **** out of him. but just get down there and up b him against the stage and look for the c4 recovery.
you shouldnt have to worry about being killed with ftilt too much you shouldnt be put it that situation and if you are he should have to hit you all the way across the stage.
utilt, this is the big problem. he can kill you around 120 i think anywhere on the stage. so after 100 percent you should be playing extremely safe.
if u need more PM me.