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Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Lol awsome picture thanks for sharing XD.

Um because he is? Lol. Well there's "brotherly-love". And another reason is because he's created by Japanese people :).

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
So I dont know if anyone knows this but if

like you are marth and you d throw Falco you chain throw him to around 20% and then after that follow up with a tipper at around low 20's and get an auto tipper to end him at around 53%.

Get at me. It's a chain throw with dthrow just like on Fox. It does not work with Wolf. Just Falco and Fox. Arcane told me about this.

I'm not kidding...Falco and Dedede are the most overrated characters in Brawl.

Being drunnkk is too good.

I'm not kidding aobut that chain throw though, try it.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Because they're metagame and tourney performance has decreased/slowed? Not cause they're overrated.

And Marth talk dude, we're better then them.

And a reread your post, you were on topic, and yes we know about it.

Thunder Of Zeus

*Rumble Rumble*
Jan 3, 2009
Mt. Olympus
^Yeah? Then why did they both go down in the current tier list? :)
They went down because of the changes in the Metagame. This does not, however, mean that they are overrated. Marth may have a chaingrab on Falco and Fox, but guess what? Falco has a chaingrab on far more than two characters; Falco's chaingrab chains well into his dair, unlike Marth's. Falco has two meteor smashes, is lightning fast, has a projectile, can trip and reflect projectiles with the same, very useful, move, has decent recovery and has a very easy, very powerful dair spike. These are just specific examples, however. There are many more reasons why Falco is an amazing character.
Dedede is heavy and has great recovery, as well. His spacing is insane- you know what? Why am I telling you this? It's a waste of my valuable time.
They aren't. PM me about it, I'm not risking another infraction from Virg.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Lol funny question... XD


LOL Nice picture XD


Well that's cus the picture is fan made. I was talking more about things established by Nintendo. I don't know if I'm sounding confusing, but I probably am. . .


Smash Cadet
Jun 9, 2008
Ok so, I've been seeing alot of this "grabs refresh your moves" business.
Would someone shine some light on the subject for me? or, direct me to a thread that explains it cause, I don't know if that means refreshes damage, or knock back, or both.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
When moves stale it decreases knockback and damage, so you refresh the moves that staled by using other moves. Does that answer your question?

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
They went down because of the changes in the Metagame. This does not, however, mean that they are overrated. Marth may have a chaingrab on Falco and Fox, but guess what? Falco has a chaingrab on far more than two characters; Falco's chaingrab chains well into his dair, unlike Marth's. Falco has two meteor smashes, is lightning fast, has a projectile, can trip and reflect projectiles with the same, very useful, move, has decent recovery and has a very easy, very powerful dair spike. These are just specific examples, however. There are many more reasons why Falco is an amazing character.
Dedede is heavy and has great recovery, as well. His spacing is insane- you know what? Why am I telling you this? It's a waste of my valuable time.
They aren't. PM me about it, I'm not risking another infraction from Virg.
Yes, it does mean a character is overrated because it means that we've overlooked a characters true potential.

Tier Lists are nothing but character rankings based on how good the cast does against everyone. So, lets say Falco was the fourth best in the game and then was brought down to lets say seventh...that would mean we overlooked that characters attributes and he is in fact worse than we initially thought. Thus, it means he was overrated because tier lists are a ranking system. You've been infracted numerous times for a reason. Have a nice day.


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2009
I always wanted to improve my technique with Marth and smiled when I saw this thread.

Anyway, for the great Marth players, would it be better to focus on air, tilts smashes or specials for Marth?

since now, I've been focusing on accuracy with his Airs, especially his Bair and Fair. But I wanted to know what the other important aspects of Marth's moveset are

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Ok guys, let's please not argue about Tire Lists in here. They really tire me out and most people do not understand what they are, what it means to be "official", and many other basic things.


About the overrating thing... yes you are right in that sense. However, Tire lists are only a list of rankings for the CURRENT metagame, not what they are as their "best", whatever someone may interpret that might be. So therefore they were not overrated.


Oh i see good point :).

And Tennet is right, they look at both matchups and also how well each character places in a tourny (which gives them clues at how vailablea certain character is or how much of a threat it poses, or other things).

@ xDavid

Either you remembered the wording wrong, or you read incorrect info. I'm not sure what it is you read, but I'll just give some basic info that should clear things up :).

Let's say you want to chaingrab. If you keep chaingrabbing but do not pummel at all, your grab range AND throw power will both decrease due to Stale Moves. So, if you want to(or need to) grab easier, you may want to fit in some pummels between grabs, even if it is only 1 pummel. A pummel counts as a attack so it refreshes the grab range and throw knockback/dmg (and refreshes any other move you have been using too of course).

But from what you said, about how grabs refresh your moves, it's cause the grab counts as an attack. The only time it does not count as an attack is when you don't pummel or don't throw. So, grabbing and pummeling and/or throwing will refresh some of your stale moves :)

Hope this helped.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Tier Lists aren't all Match ups or else marth would be like #2
I honestly think Marth is third or fourth best. Either that...or Diddy Kong.

His only BAD match ups are Meta Knight, ROB, (This match up is NOT EVEN) and Snake.

He goes even w Donkey Kong, Wolf, and Wario (IMO)

Everyone else he has an advantage on and hes generally good on all neutrals. He destroys Kirby, Falco, GAW, Diddy Kong, Olimar, and Pikachu. He also destroys the rest of the cast with ease.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
MK Marth and GW have the best matchups.
Snake's match ups aren't all finished but he should be up there too.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2008
Fort Myers, FL
@P. O. F.

I dont think Marth goes even with Wario:

Marth's F-Tilt and Fair destroy Wario's SH approaches, and if you space right you should be able to easily avoid his F-Smash. The only thing you'd have to worry about is his U-Air. And Marth's grab release--> U-Smash will net you some easy kills.

But this is probably the wrong thread to discuss this in.....



Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
I always wanted to improve my technique with Marth and smiled when I saw this thread.

Anyway, for the great Marth players, would it be better to focus on air, tilts smashes or specials for Marth?

since now, I've been focusing on accuracy with his Airs, especially his Bair and Fair. But I wanted to know what the other important aspects of Marth's moveset are
It depends on A LOT of factors. This includes match-up, situation (ground vs ground, ground vs air, air vs air, etc.) and more.

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
Lol funny question... XD


LOL Nice picture XD


Well that's cus the picture is fan made. I was talking more about things established by Nintendo. I don't know if I'm sounding confusing, but I probably am. . .

Lmfao. you mean ChaosKnight, not chaosmarth xD

and oh.my.GOD. Marth does NOT lose to rob. I believe that match-up is in marth's favor 60-40 or 55-45 I played NL's rob in tourny a week ago. If it wasn't because I choked and got nervous I swear I would have wrecked ****.(note that i still brought him to high percent last stock each game) Maybe it's because I wreck rob's for a living but I do think marth wins that match-up. Maybe you just play it wrong.

Oh and a smart d3 would be a smart marth, because the d3 would know not to fish for grabs

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I fail to see how he runs even/ slightly loses to D3 but has a "bad" match-up against ROB 0.o
All of ROBS move has an extremely long duration, hes not as big as a target, he has more KO ability against Marth, hes faster, harder to gimp or edge guard, all of his tilts beat out marths, and he can gimp Marth easier.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Lmfao. you mean ChaosKnight, not chaosmarth xD

and oh.my.GOD. Marth does NOT lose to rob. I believe that match-up is in marth's favor 60-40 or 55-45 I played NL's rob in tourny a week ago. If it wasn't because I choked and got nervous I swear I would have wrecked ****.(note that i still brought him to high percent last stock each game) Maybe it's because I wreck rob's for a living but I do think marth wins that match-up. Maybe you just play it wrong.

Oh and a smart d3 would be a smart marth, because the d3 would know not to fish for grabs

Agreed. Marth does not lose to ROB. Matchup is at the least, 50:50. It should be, like Chaosmarth said, 60:40 or 55:45.

All of ROBS move has an extremely long duration,
hes not as big as a target,
he has more KO ability against Marth,
hes faster,
harder to gimp or edge guard,
all of his tilts beat out marths,
and he can gimp Marth easier.
1) Yes, that is true, but however that long duration causes him to be open to any attacks from Marth, or gives Marth a valuable position against ROB on the stage.
2) Wait what? Marth is smaller than ROB. Also, many of ROB's ground moves require him to lean forward or upwards or such. These cause him to be closer to Marth, allowing Marth to punish with a fair overhead or such.
3) I guess so.
4) Usually yes, but not always. Marth does have some benefits. For example, ROB can float around for a long time, but if he's tryng to grab onto the ledge, it's much slower than Marth's Up B, and gives Marth time to edgeguard him. If ROB uses an aerial to defend himself from an edgeguarding Marth, you can DI away, then DI back in for a fair or bair or such. . . even a counter (theologically).
5) Not too sure about this one. Rob's ftilt has more range than Marth's, but his utilt does not necessarily beat Marth's. His dtilt, i'm not sure about, but either has the same or a little more range than Marth's.
But then again, describe "beat". Does this mean if each attack were to hit eachother at exactly the same moment? Or does it mean who will get hit if you initiate the attack at the right moment? Or does it simply just mean how effective they are?
And even if his tilts do beat Marth, you can't really compare it like that. In the air, you can compare aerials with aerials because there aren't any other attacks to use (well you can use B-moves, but these are usually not used for close range aerialc ombat). So for tilts, you're on the ground, and you have to compare ground moves with ground moves. And, if you do that, I'd have to say Marth's ground game "beats" Rob's. Still need to know how to use "beat" here though XD.
6) Same as 4).

So yea matchup I'd have to say is 50:50 at the extreme minumum.

And I'd only use the word "destroy" for ratios like 80:20, which would be like Shiek vs Ganon XD.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
Miramar, FL.
All of ROBS move has an extremely long duration, hes not as big as a target, he has more KO ability against Marth, hes faster, harder to gimp or edge guard, all of his tilts beat out marths, and he can gimp Marth easier.

All of ROBS move has an extremely long duration,

That is only nair and bair which are both slowish.

hes not as big as a target,

Rob isn't small.

he has more KO ability against Marth

Only usmash has great ko ability and it's hitbox is terrible everythin else doesn't kill that well or is used too much in the match up to be a realiable killer.

hes faster

Marth moves faster in the air, and moves faster on land... as far as attack speed goes marth has faster attacks in the air but im not sure about rob's frame data on ground attacks.

harder to gimp or edge guard

all of his tilts beat out marths, and he can gimp Marth easier
Only ftilt beats out marths tilts and marth is a character that people take advantage of when recovering.

So where exactly did you get your facts from....?


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2009
Ok... im new here and as my user says im trying to learn abouth marth combos etc.
Is there a thread where someone tells the names of all the attacks for example: DolphinSlash is B+/\?
Is there a thrad to explain that thing about the frames Iasa etc :S tks...


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Thank you C.box, I was about to just facepalm myself answering him. Marth outspeeds and beats ROB on the ground and in the air. He can gimp us easier, yes, but his recovery is not too great either.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player

Agreed. Marth does not lose to ROB. Matchup is at the least, 50:50. It should be, like Chaosmarth said, 60:40 or 55:45.

1) Yes, that is true, but however that long duration causes him to be open to any attacks from Marth, or gives Marth a valuable position against ROB on the stage.
2) Wait what? Marth is smaller than ROB. Also, many of ROB's ground moves require him to lean forward or upwards or such. These cause him to be closer to Marth, allowing Marth to punish with a fair overhead or such.
3) I guess so.
4) Usually yes, but not always. Marth does have some benefits. For example, ROB can float around for a long time, but if he's tryng to grab onto the ledge, it's much slower than Marth's Up B, and gives Marth time to edgeguard him. If ROB uses an aerial to defend himself from an edgeguarding Marth, you can DI away, then DI back in for a fair or bair or such. . . even a counter (theologically).
5) Not too sure about this one. Rob's ftilt has more range than Marth's, but his utilt does not necessarily beat Marth's. His dtilt, i'm not sure about, but either has the same or a little more range than Marth's.
But then again, describe "beat". Does this mean if each attack were to hit eachother at exactly the same moment? Or does it mean who will get hit if you initiate the attack at the right moment? Or does it simply just mean how effective they are?
And even if his tilts do beat Marth, you can't really compare it like that. In the air, you can compare aerials with aerials because there aren't any other attacks to use (well you can use B-moves, but these are usually not used for close range aerialc ombat). So for tilts, you're on the ground, and you have to compare ground moves with ground moves. And, if you do that, I'd have to say Marth's ground game "beats" Rob's. Still need to know how to use "beat" here though XD.
6) Same as 4).

So yea matchup I'd have to say is 50:50 at the extreme minumum.

And I'd only use the word "destroy" for ratios like 80:20, which would be like Shiek vs Ganon XD.
All of ROBS move has an extremely long duration,

That is only nair and bair which are both slowish.

hes not as big as a target,

Rob isn't small.

he has more KO ability against Marth

Only usmash has great ko ability and it's hitbox is terrible everythin else doesn't kill that well or is used too much in the match up to be a realiable killer.

hes faster

Marth moves faster in the air, and moves faster on land... as far as attack speed goes marth has faster attacks in the air but im not sure about rob's frame data on ground attacks.

harder to gimp or edge guard

all of his tilts beat out marths, and he can gimp Marth easier
Only ftilt beats out marths tilts and marth is a character that people take advantage of when recovering.

So where exactly did you get your facts from....?
I was comparing Rob and Dedede. Not ROB and Marth.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Oh... lol that makes a lot moar sense.

I always wanted to improve my technique with Marth and smiled when I saw this thread.

Anyway, for the great Marth players, would it be better to focus on air, tilts smashes or specials for Marth?

since now, I've been focusing on accuracy with his Airs, especially his Bair and Fair. But I wanted to know what the other important aspects of Marth's moveset are
Marth uses a good mix of attacks, but I would say it would be good to practice his aerials more, simply because usually when a Marth punishes, it can often lead to a KO, and most of these punishers will be caused by aerial attacks, like running forward and SH Fair. It's important to get a good idea of where the tippers are for all of his aerials (except may be Dair, which is almost never used). After that, practice his Dancing Blade, another very important move. After that, practice his Dolphin Slash (Out of Shield), because it is a good punisher.

Also practice all of his tilts, because all of them are very very useful. If looking at a select few moves to use, it would be Fair, Dancing Blade, and Dtilt.

His smashes, I'd have to say, are the least important. Usually utilt is a better choice than usmash because it's faster and such... the only time usmash beats utilt by a lot is if you're going to punish the enemy or techchase or something with a charged usmash. His fsmash is very good, but should be reserved and not staled because it is a very good killer. However, the starting lag and ending lag allows time for you to be punished, so dtilt, fair, and dancing blade are better options than fsmash. Down smash isn't used too well because of the ending lag if you miss, and can again be replaced by fair, dtilt, or dancing blade. You can even replace your dsmash with a utilt if you want to punish a roll or such.

All of Marth's moves are useful (except may be his dash attack...XD), so he performs well with aerials, tilts, smashes, and specials.

Hope this helps :).


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Hello Marth Boards. I was going over combos in Training Mode and for some reason, when I tried to Footstool -> Dair, it didn't work. I have that technique really down usually, but I couldn't do it for some reason. I tried it on different characters, and some were easier than others....

Any reason possibly that would make this happen?
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