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Arizona Melee PR (10/?/10 Update)


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
2 weeks unless Xander has to do some big project with school. Oh wait...Or maybe he won't be able to get time off work? Hmm...Maybe he has to go out of state to visit family!

Yeah, 2 weeks.

I'm trash talking because that's what Kyle did and it seems to be working for him. Go Peach!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
oh ****! mad people in here are so tight right now! this is ****ing awesome! lol and okami is actually pretty good at **** talking *impressed* but first silly kyle youre a ***** you can go eat a ****, and 2nd okami youre a campyass mother****er too so stfu, third spencer youre a ***** for johning so much and fourth xander your link sucks almost as much **** as your falco and fox. hee hee :) oh two weeks before you get ***** by xanders piece of **** link! hahahaha! hmmmm uhhhhh tai youre a *****! you only beat me cause you used gay *** marth! he takes no skill! i can throw out fairs all day too and camp the ledge trying to get a gimp! ha!

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
uhhhhh tai youre a *****! you only beat me cause you used gay *** marth! he takes no skill! i can throw out fairs all day too and camp the ledge trying to get a gimp! ha!
wasn't game 3 a fox ditto

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Maybe it balances it out that I started 2 years later than you.
Xander also didn't start getting good until around the same time as you so.....just sayin.

I mean I've been TRYING to play competitively since 2005 but most the time no one wants to come play me and I have jack **** for ways to get places. Not to mention not having **** for money either lol. And so really I didn't start getting good until like January 2009 and real quick I was already around the level of Forrest/Xander(top 5 in Tucson). Just shows me how good I COULD be today, but hey I don't say **** about it.

And now, now that I'm just as out of the way and have no one to play just as when I was in 8th grade....well, what's the need to play competitively now? :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
man you guys complain about not being able to play people!? try not playing anyone close to your level for a year! and tim didnt even play me when i was in az! lol but things are pretty good for smash here! im getting lots of practice! ive been ****** those lv. 9 ganons all day!


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
In raw terms of improvement, you and Silly Kyle have me beat hands down. It takes me far longer to improve as much as you two have in the span of a year, but remember that it's only been relatively recent since Kyle's surpassed me. I wouldn't be surprised if Okami got better than me in the next few months, but at this point of time, I'm still better, and I'm going to enjoy proving it.

The inverse is that even though SK is still a better player than me, I still have a better understanding of the game. I still have a lot of fun helping the guy improve his peach, even though hes obnoxious as ****.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
So my friend En1xputed has just started getting into the competitive scene and I think he's got a lot of potential. He will probably make top ten soon.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
So my friend En1xputed has just started getting into the competitive scene and I think he's got a lot of potential. He will probably make top ten soon.
I've heard of that guy before, but I've never gotten the chance to play him. Top 10?? Doesn't he play Ganon!? I'm not even gonna doubt his skill after seeing Angel's Yoshi lol. Nobody knows what these new guys are capable of.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Yea he's a Ganon main. He was taking some games off of Tai the other day (Tai put up some vids) so if he can hang with Tai he's top ten material.

Another AZ player representing the mid and low tiers. So good.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
lol all this arguing reminds me of why i never come on the boards anymore. i still love you all though

big shout out for jonny being the funniest poster of all time.

rob vs. xander, big hype I can't wait. i think xander will win however it's possible rob may take it if he's on his game and xander isn't. but once it's said and done, i don't want to hear any johns.

as far as these rankings, i agree however I will add that kyle/tai and rob/xander could go either way. and i guess me/jackie too since he still ***** me but i have a better tournament record (partly since i've entered more tournaments but i don't think jackie has taken sets off of tony jeff light or wobbles).

also i think that sean should be ranked 0 at this point since i think it's safe to agree that sean has ultimately been the king of AZ smash and now has other obligations to keep up with so he should safely be able to 'retire' (as in not bother improving/staying ahead of everyone but still playing the game with us) as the best player in AZ of all time.

spencer mvc3 is gonna ****! DANTEEEEEEEEE! i'll definitely play with you

oh and add a fox next to okami's name.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
Laveen, Arizona
Yea he's a Ganon main. He was taking some games off of Tai the other day (Tai put up some vids) so if he can hang with Tai he's top ten material.

Another AZ player representing the mid and low tiers. So good.
Dang, someone is takeing my ganon away from me, i just started and i didnt even have a chance lol.

Btw having a smash fest on friday, That means brawl and melee. Any melee players in the tempe area come on over it will be fun! but we would need a couple of melee setups, we only have one here, but remember we have plenty of tvs.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
lol all this arguing reminds me of why i never come on the boards anymore. i still love you all though
.........ummmm to be honest Chris I hate when you guys come in and say this ^. It sounds to me like you just want recognition or something but that's my opinion. But either way I think it's silly. Everyone in the world argues, you can't expect everyone to just stop. But still, look at it from Xander's point of view. Xander has beaten Okami in tourney, but he hasn't been put above him on the rankings. Xander has openly challenged Okami to a MM, but Okami has denied them all. He has stated his opinion and he hasn't been acknowledged by anyone. Of course he'd be frustrated about this. What do you expect him to do? What would you do if you feel you deserve that spot? In all honesty I think Xander deserves that spot. :)


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
I don't really consider Xander challenging my Falco to a MM legit. In fact, if anything, the only time he's been clear about MM my main is now, IIRC. Btw, Joey. Keep in mind Xander hasn't beaten anyone above me.



Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I also challenged you to a fox ditto mm several times which you declined. I also challenged your sheik to a mm which you declined, and stated several times that you just don't want to play me.

It's bull****, really. You act as though you're somehow better than me, yet you won't even attempt to prove it. You don't even deserve to be on the PR.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
I also challenged you to a fox ditto mm several times which you declined. I also challenged your sheik to a mm which you declined, and stated several times that you just don't want to play me.

It's bull****, really. You act as though you're somehow better than me, yet you won't even attempt to prove it. You don't even deserve to be on the PR.
I don't mean to say this to take sides, but this is...kinda true.

I remember at the tournament where Okami "beat" Axe, before he had to play Axe in Winners he was figuring out where he'd go in Losers and that he'd play Tag, beat him, and then Xander would have been next.

And I remember all three of us looking at that and then Okami going "Nohoo, I don't wanna fight youuuu" something along those lines.

Hey I never want to play Xander cuz he's basically my main training partner, but I did it anyways. Deal with it, don't try to avoid things, don't try to make deals with your friends if you do so that you don't have to play people. Just play people, it's that simple.
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