This post supremely pisses me off. What is this, the 1970s?
Women are less likely to become the best in a competitive video game because women are much less likely to even show up at a tournament to begin with, not because of anything else.
For example;
Say there are 20 people in a tournament of equal skill in which there are 10 girls. The chances of a girl winning the tournament are 10/20 or 1/2. Therefore that would be balanced. However, let's take a scenario where there are 20 people in a tournament of equal skill in which there is only one girl - the chances of that girl winning are reduced to 1/20. The second scenario is more representative of the general competitive smash population (if it's not closer to 1/50 or 1/100). Hence it
looks like women are worse at smash and competitive gaming but the fact of the matter is is that they have to be VERY GOOD (we're talking about winning tournaments constantly) to stand out and say "hey, girls can play too!" And if they lose
once everyone goes "Well, it's cause she's a girl, and girls can't be as good as guys." (Let's ignore the fact that she had beaten 30 guys prior to her first loss)
It's unfair, and reminds me of sexism 40 years ago when it came to jobs. Same thing happened; make
one mistake and "Oh, women can't do *insert masculine job here.*"
If SephirothKen lost to a girl, no one would say "Oh, it's cause he's a guy" or "Guys can't be that good at Smash compared to girls," would we?