i couldn't decide if i wanted to keep it to only 64 as a smash game (thereby having you and komo on the list for 64 only) but i either forgot or was too lazy. so the criteria is: if you're signed up for 64 only OR only planning on playing 64, you get the asterisk. so sk's mistaken melee entry is nullified, but someone who's playing both street fighter and 64 wouldn't get it.
well ideally with chain ace/nintendude handling brackets they'll try to spread the regions out so there's greater diversity. i've always liked that about chain ace's tourneys. unfortunately with as many people as this it's somewhat inevitable that people who play often are going to meet in bracket.
also are the adapters all good? are they xbox compatible, lagless, easier to transport, require a small folding table like for tv dinners, that sort of thing?
also please let me know about the boomfan situation