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Apex 2013 Smash 64 January 11-13th, 2013 Singles Bracket is now up


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
platdrop u-air is way harder on keyboard

because advancing b-air/retreating f-air are ridic easy
Out of curiosity, would you just tap back and A at the same time while holding forward to do an advancing b-air?

For a retreating f-air would you just have to tap forward and A immediately followed by holding back?

I know nothing about keyboard fyi.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
still only 12 entrance for 64 :o lets hope we will rack em up!

Any news on the japanese player fond? lets get jousuke and red mario over here =D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2008
São Paulo - Brazil
Maybe Brazil is represented on this tournament as well

I'm really considering buying a plane ticket to attempt to this one!
in this case, I would probaly bring a couple of friends with me. (wont be Cabelo thought).

There is still a lot to see before I say it for sure but, I'll be considering every option I have!


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
still only 12 entrance for 64 :o lets hope we will rack em up!

Any news on the japanese player fond? lets get jousuke and red mario over here =D
Don't worry it will full up completely. It was the same way last year, actually there are more people registered this early than last year.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Maybe Brazil is represented on this tournament as well

I'm really considering buying a plane ticket to attempt to this one!
in this case, I would probaly bring a couple of friends with me. (wont be Cabelo thought).

There is still a lot to see before I say it for sure but, I'll be considering every option I have!
Holy **** bro DO IT

I'm pumped

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I gave an answer.

Ok 64 community here is the deal,

Apex is about growing all communities and giving back to those who we think have been nothing but supportive to us. That being said you have to understand WHY we capped 64 at 64 people. When we are dealing with thousands...not 200 people like FC or others but THOUSANDS we have to be a little more organized and professional than others. When we capped 64 last year it was because we wanted to run the event very well and , from what I was told , 64 went really well and I did not hear complaints from it.

Regardless of that sending me PMs posting in thread when we already explained 64 is capped at 64 players is not going to change our stance. We have been thinking about it very hard and we want to run it so that Smash 64 gets on the main stage and on the main stream. Having Han Solo say your community does not care about that is kinda BS cause I know many would and should. Being watched by thousands ( we had 500,000 unique people watch Apex and this year is probably going to double that ) is something that ANY community would take a chance on to be noticed by new people and old to give the community a chance at growing even if its small.

If you, as a community, really do think as he does that you do not care about anything but getting an extra 5-10 people in bracket then that, to me, shows me how small minded you think. We want to showcase all of our games and to do that some events are capped like doubles for brawl and melee and some other games ( soft caps mind you but caps none the less ). If it came to that I'd really personally would remove you from our stream schedule and you guys can do a 128 man tournament in a few hours and whether you finish on friday or not would not be my concern...but I am not like that...it's why 64 is $10 it's why we set it up to be on stream it's why we are doing all the things we can.

It is up to you. I do not mind raising a cap but I am telling you what hounding me for it does. I stated many times we will see when it caps.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
i think that's a very reasonable response

if 64 can run as smoothly as it did last year, that would be great, and getting even more of the finals on-stream would be awesome

Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
This is what I said:

"So, about that 64 cap...

You say you want to showcase 64 on the main stage. I guarantee that anyone entering the 64 tournament will care more about the number of entrants than seeing Winner's quarters (or whatever you choose) and up on the stage. "

Don't put words in my mouth, Strife.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Sorry Han I really am but that is how you came off and how I saw it.

That they would rather not be on stream vs having 5-10 more people. In the end is that what the community wants? I do not think so..I think publicity is a very important thing and would help get you guys some love for our future events.

Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
Personally, I want to play as many people as possible (in tourney and in friendlies). A cap limits that. I'm not trying to come off as spiteful.

I just don't see how something like this couldn't work:

Day 1: Pools for let's just say N entrants where N > 64. Narrow it down to 32 or 48 or 64 or whatever.
Day 2: Bracket plays out to top 8 or 16
Day 3: Top 8 or 16 plays

I guess it depends on how much of 64 you want to show on the stream. If it's the whole bracket, then I guess a cap at 64 people makes it easier. If it's just top 8 or top 16, then why wouldn't the above work?

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I want to finish 64 on Friday. The rest of the weekend was for friendlies.

Either way as much as you try to make sense of it to yourself. We made our decision. When it hits the cap we will go from there.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I gave an answer.

Ok 64 community here is the deal,

Apex is about growing all communities and giving back to those who we think have been nothing but supportive to us. That being said you have to understand WHY we capped 64 at 64 people. When we are dealing with thousands...not 200 people like FC or others but THOUSANDS we have to be a little more organized and professional than others. When we capped 64 last year it was because we wanted to run the event very well and , from what I was told , 64 went really well and I did not hear complaints from it.

Regardless of that sending me PMs posting in thread when we already explained 64 is capped at 64 players is not going to change our stance. We have been thinking about it very hard and we want to run it so that Smash 64 gets on the main stage and on the main stream. Having Han Solo say your community does not care about that is kinda BS cause I know many would and should. Being watched by thousands ( we had 500,000 unique people watch Apex and this year is probably going to double that ) is something that ANY community would take a chance on to be noticed by new people and old to give the community a chance at growing even if its small.

If you, as a community, really do think as he does that you do not care about anything but getting an extra 5-10 people in bracket then that, to me, shows me how small minded you think. We want to showcase all of our games and to do that some events are capped like doubles for brawl and melee and some other games ( soft caps mind you but caps none the less ). If it came to that I'd really personally would remove you from our stream schedule and you guys can do a 128 man tournament in a few hours and whether you finish on friday or not would not be my concern...but I am not like that...it's why 64 is $10 it's why we set it up to be on stream it's why we are doing all the things we can.

It is up to you. I do not mind raising a cap but I am telling you what hounding me for it does. I stated many times we will see when it caps.
I WOULD say this is reasonable except for the part where it seems like you implied you'd remove 64 from streams etc out of spite because a few people have been sending PMs complaining. Maybe I misinterpreted that.

On the other hand I think it's safe to say that Alex Strife knows more about what's feasible at this tournament than anyone else.

Also, as someone who isn't going to the event I'd rather have it on the stream of course.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
it's not that I would remove it from teh stream it was more of if there is no cap and too many ppl enter we might not have TIME to put it on the stream. We have a very strict schedule.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I am not going to be mad but I also feel I am sticking my neck out for people and they do not realize how much work I am putting into this.

I hope you guys realize I never had an issue with you guys it is more of what I can do vs what I cannot do.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Few things I wish to point out

1. Other then the teams events we are the only ones with a cap ?

2. We hit cap last year and hand to turn away players and some players had to be refunded due to the cap. Some of them I'm sure would of loved to play.

3. We ran fine last year with the help of Nintendude, chain-ace, & hamburglar and if the cap did grow im sure they could handle it.

4. Apex is the biggiest event I have ever seen for smash 64 in USA and it can only grow or get bigger if there is no cap or a higher cap and it would nice to get records being made with 64 having the most players to play in a big event in USA and that event could be Apex but that wont happen if it has a cap.
And think of it this way the more players who come just for 64 the more money Apex will make of the event fee.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
the way we set up the schedule...im sorry to say but 64 would not be able to get on stream if we take off the cap. On top of that I have to consider who should get more room...Melee/Brawl which can both reach 400 .... or smash 64 that would...AT MOST reach 70-80...I have to be realistic...maybe you did not read but I have stated it before and I feel that you guys should understand that...if I need to explain every little reason I will do so but my stance will not change...you can email us, pm us, and fb us everyday but we will think about the cap removal only and IF the cap is reached and the demand is high. even then the stream schedule is something we HAVE to consider. I do not like not having a big game not get time on the stream and I do not want to compromise that...and if you guys want to do that I, honestly, would be very upset at that.

I guess you guys don't know, maybe don't care, but my goal is not to run a tournament...anyone can do that...my goal with Apex is to further the community...OCremix and Screwattack are bringing people to help us get noticed by casual viewers...we have Namco coming to take a look at our community and how we ACT. I have to make sure everything is ran well to make sure they come back in the coming years...again that is something you guys have to know about what I am doing. I do not have unlimited Space and sponsors have booths and there are other things...do not force me into a situation where I have to make a decision...just take what you have...have your people register...if we cap we will go from there.

I would think you guys would care about the Stage/Stream more but it does not seem so :(


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
can't you just stream finals or something?

stream would rock mainly for the exposure the game will get, but if not i'm fine with recording and uploading to youtube.

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ironically, I'd prefer it if the cap were raised even if that means no stage/stream. Even if only 5-10 extra people joined. Reasons being...

...to grow a community using a tourney, one has to follow the following principles:
#1) Prioritize your most dedicated customers gamers best.
(do not undermine people who actually bothered to sign up for the sake of trying, most likely failing, to get the interest of too many general gamers)
#2) Prize money RULZ.
When games get lots of registered players, you get a bigger pot, and the games with the biggest pots are the most popular. More players = more pot money ---(which leads to)---> more future players and more pot money etc. etc.

More dedicated players + more prize money > a bunch of non ssb64 players watching a couple of ssb64 matches only to never touch the game afterwards.

Brawl and melee was staged/streamed at Impulse -- watching it didn't entice me at all to want to play more brawl and melee. I'm enticed to play brawl and melee cuz there's more prize money but that's about it.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I think I answered all these questions.

I do not know if I explained the stream time is very strict and little things like this can and may end up making this go longer than expected.

You can say that but ... I think I mentioned I had 10,000 people watching last year at one time and this year we will have double thanks to Screwattack and OCremix helping us out. You may think that people won't play but I know that with them we will get exposure from casuals that may help give us more love compared to FGC.

I raised entry from 5 to 10 per person. I think people forget or do not read that I said "After we Cap if there is a huge demand we will revisit this issue" I do not know how many other ways to say that one sentence. We will see when we get there...is that easier? I want to make sure everyone understands that...am I saying it wrong or people really cannot read itt?

edit : I have said many times that my goal is to further the community. In the end whether I have 3241243 people or 1 it is about how I present it to sponsors and the overall experience. I guess this was not implied the few times I have stated it? I want to have a great attendence but I have a lot to think about and Caps were put on certain games/events.


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
I like what alex is doing here.

Remember that exposure to 64's competitive community is important. I think it's fair what Alex is addressing for the 64 cap, potential to get it removed if needed be.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 29, 2012
Alex, what would have to change in order for you to change your mind and raise the cap?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I'd rather have a bigger tournament than have finals streamed. I'm pretty sure most people who are going feel the same (whether ballin' and AA do is irrelevant). Keep in mind that it's not necessarily "5-10 people" we're talking about here. considering how easily apex capped out last year, it could very well be more, especially considering the hype generated by the possible presence of japan/brazil/peru

That said, the $10 entry fee should do something towards making sure that more dedicated players have room to enter.

If you're feeling attacked or persecuted, Strife, you shouldn't, everybody loves you. I still think that it would be a bad thing for the community (the good of which we're all working towards here) if good 64 players were unable to participate in this tournament because of an unnecessary cap. A presence on the big stream would be nice, but knitephox or whoever can always set up a smaller one for 64, and big tournaments are a lot more important than 15 minutes of exposure to the 4 people watching the stream who haven't already seen isai vids on youtube.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I'd rather have a bigger tournament than have finals streamed. I'm pretty sure most people who are going feel the same (whether ballin' and AA do is irrelevant).
I don't understand. Is it irrelevant because we aren't going? The tournament is relevant more than just the people who are going to it - it's relevant the entire community.

Keep in mind that it's not necessarily "5-10 people" we're talking about here. considering how easily apex capped out last year, it could very well be more, especially considering the hype generated by the possible presence of japan/brazil/peru

That said, the $10 entry fee should do something towards making sure that more dedicated players have room to enter.

If you're feeling attacked or persecuted, Strife, you shouldn't, everybody loves you. I still think that it would be a bad thing for the community (the good of which we're all working towards here) if good 64 players were unable to participate in this tournament because of an unnecessary cap. A presence on the big stream would be nice, but knitephox or whoever can always set up a smaller one for 64, and big tournaments are a lot more important than 15 minutes of exposure to the 4 people watching the stream who haven't already seen isai vids on youtube.
4 people is probably off by several orders of magnitude if Alex's numbers cited earlier are correct ...

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I'd rather have it on stream whether I end up going or not (inb4 "you're not going"). Alex Strife made reasonable points to why he isn't necessarily removing the cap.

But if both removing cap and having it streamed is possible of course that is best

At least prioritize for out-of-country/state players who want to enter, Strife? It would be a shame if say, the Brazilians were locked out by the cap.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I don't understand. Is it irrelevant because we aren't going? The tournament is relevant more than just the people who are going to it - it's relevant the entire community.
Yeah, I mean, naturally you wanna see the finals as they're happening. It's gonna be hype. But IMO the primary concern should be making the tourney good for the people there, not for you spectators, no matter how much we love you.

4 people is probably off by several orders of magnitude if Alex's numbers cited earlier are correct ...
It's hard to get excited about the prospect of people seeing a high-level 64 match because everyone who would tune in to a stream like this has seen them before, even totally random people who you meet on the street, and even when they do see one for the first time it rarely compels them to hop onto kaillera the next day. Do you really think that even 10,000 viewers would net us new players? The youtube videos are gonna have tens of thousands of views anyways. Now, giving someone like that a chance to enter a real 64 tournament and play with real 64 players is something else entirely. That I can get behind, and that's what the priority should be.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
I agree with battlecow 1000%. But evaluating the cap when it hits 64 is a fair answer. My only concern is that this approach might keep some of our foreign brothers from being able to enter, which would be a shame.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
yeah it seems like it can be changed if needed so whatever

anyway battlecow i'd rather get exposure to 10k people than 10 people. i think watching uber high level matches will have an effect. I know that I become more interested in all sorts of games when I watch super high level play (for anything - speedruns, fighting games, sports, etc).


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
stream >>>> cap

Can't think of any of the walk-ons from Apex last year that are now part of the 64 community. It would be much better if the later rounds were streamed, and maybe plug somewhere during the stream about how 64 can be played online with an emulator. I think one of the biggest problems is that a lot of people don't know that its possible (at least no one that I meet irl). Plus you just win in the numbers game.

Alex is being super fair here regardless of what side you're on. If we don't meet the cap until a week before, then we probably don't deserve to increase the cap anyway, not to mention it doesn't give them enough time to adjust to a cap increase. People need to sign up earlier this year.
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